View Full Version : Online Pokemon Battling Archive

  1. Question about online play...
  2. Simplistic RBY Tourney...Round 4 Pairings...
  3. Seaking Sweep
  4. Craptastic CrapTV
  5. How to 6-0 Kyo K
  6. Under Used Ownage(battle Log)
  7. The Netherlands: Pokémon Battle Event is coming! Licensed by Nintendo!
  8. major pwnage!
  9. im board waiting for members on the pbs
  10. INNT Tournament
  11. What's up with NetBattle?
  12. How do you figure out a pokemon's base max stats???
  13. Gender Help
  14. Run-time error '372'
  15. a good battle i had and won
  16. my first gsbot win
  17. Ancient PBS Battle
  18. 6-0, well...almost
  19. INNT Round One Pairings
  20. Tourney Question
  21. Werican versus Celia ~ Score 3-0 ~ Bot: evilgsbot2
  22. 8eware 0f 7eh Monotype Pogeymanz Tournament (807MPT) ROUND 1
  23. Quick Question
  24. 8eware 0f 7eh Monotype Pogeymanz Tournament (807MPT) ROUND 2
  25. If there was a battle to make me laugh...
  26. Starmie > Entire Team :P (Alright just 4)
  27. RSBot Release date
  28. How long can your battle be?
  29. MLugia alternate
  30. gg
  31. people cant connect to my server
  32. i want to be a mod
  33. How do you stop "baton passers"?
  34. Would there be a way to battle online?
  35. pokemon in the RSBOT
  36. A UU pokemon
  37. RBY r0x0rz j00
  38. Ph33r Lapras, but ph33r Charizard MORE ;-;
  39. How long can a battle last?
  40. My first Steelix sweep :O
  41. Crazy Tourney, bit original too
  42. Never Battled Online Before...
  43. How hard would it be
  44. Rby Ibt
  45. Post your online team here!
  46. RSbot on its way?
  47. RSbot help
  48. RSbot
  49. Player Info
  50. The IBT is up!
  51. Something regarding RSbot
  52. Venusaur Rampage!
  53. I am a pokemon mastar at rby wtf :O
  54. RMB please
  55. RBYBot
  56. Is there something wrong with IRC?
  57. In RS BOT, How do u get pokemon into ur computer?
  58. What is RSbot?
  59. Pokemon Emrald
  60. Just Wondering...
  61. I have god luck in 1v1 metronome battles 8D
  62. Servers for Pkmn NetBattle
  63. IBT r2
  64. mIRC Server
  65. Check out Curse/Extremespeed Draggy!!
  66. Are somebody ready to battle with my pokémon!!!!!!!!
  67. Rs Bot
  68. Me vs. KK RBY IBT r2
  69. PML GSbot league
  70. IBT r3
  71. Mew gets beat LOG
  72. NetBattle Gym Leader Clan
  73. Me vs. Remnant IBT r3
  74. Metronome war!!!! :D
  75. A little help on RSbot
  76. Round # 4
  77. The Death of the Metallics(tournament)
  78. how can i see the lvl 100 stats?
  79. TMM vs Charnumber
  80. Just so ya all know, RSbot is battle-ready
  81. MLST Round 1!
  82. Round 1 MLST: GP vs. Travis(Who?)
  83. hmm.. a different kind of RBY tournament: tag team (omg wtf?)
  84. RBY 2vs2/tag tourney pairings: round 1
  85. me vs. crazybone
  86. IBT Round 4..me vs Masamune7
  87. I'm a true idiot
  88. ibt latest round pairings
  89. Questions about the BOTS.
  90. I *heart* Zangoose =)
  91. NetBattle-ELITE FOUR!
  92. Whaaa...
  93. Torment sucks, but Ninjask owns!
  94. pokecrater
  95. Ahem... Dusclops?
  96. I *heart* Blissey :)
  97. Uber vs. UnderUsed
  98. How do i get to RSbot?
  99. Beware! fish ahead!
  100. Why r teh leet bots acting so laggy?
  101. Last post very unhelpful. How do I get RSbot?
  102. NetBattle Championship!!!!
  103. rsbot
  104. This sucks
  105. 2 battlelogs
  106. Round Seven RBY IBT
  107. First real 2v2 battle
  108. R8 RBY ibt
  109. 202 h4x3d 386
  110. The Alpha and the Omega Tournament- The First and Last of its Kind
  111. Pokemirc v1.0
  112. Bug?
  113. Stupid Question
  114. :o
  115. RSbot Log, my stupidity
  116. oh the gheyness
  117. One more log... Xatu owns you
  118. WHO LOOKS BEST FINAL : Selphie vs Kongler
  119. Question (I found out how to use it but I have a few questions...)
  120. Rainbow Bright.
  121. Umm.
  122. Pokemon Battle Board on IGN
  123. Kudos to ES Linoone
  124. I can't connect :(
  125. Wanna illegal street race?
  126. Rsbot World Cup
  127. Netbattle - A huge joke?[Serious discussion]
  128. Alternate Battling
  129. Would you sign up to my Tournament?
  130. alternate battling
  131. New Sneakville tourney, please read...
  132. Sneak4: red13n vs Leroy Yoshi...Luck vs no-luck.
  133. Slacked
  134. NetBattle Ruby/Sapphire
  135. Can't beleive stalling blissey rulez
  136. Team Confirmations
  137. The IBT Round 1 Pairings!
  138. Contact Info
  139. Pogeymaz Squared Signup (Hey, this tastes like Sne... *thwack*)
  140. Round 3 IBT up
  141. Round 4 RBY IBT
  142. Does anyone remember battling me? Calm
  143. Haha! Teh biggest upset. Evar. XD
  144. i could do with some one explain some stuff to me
  145. Glalie > OzAndrew's Team (log)
  146. Playing pokemon online
  147. RBY IBT sign-up
  148. POL (Pokemon Online): Download?
  149. Anyone up for a RBY Tournament?
  150. The RPT! Round one pairings
  151. The RPT: Full results
  152. TPPCRPG.net
  153. POL: Pokemon Online
  154. Pokemon Online (POL) MMORPG
  155. Fighting Blissey
  156. Speaking of how to take on Blissey's...
  157. Mac NetBattle?
  158. Tournement
  159. [Gameboy] Get Ready For A Gameboy[WOOT]
  160. pokemon battles