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  1. Poll: Favourite Color (29 replies)
  2. [Poll] wednesday (25 replies)
  3. Poll: The kids table (4 replies)
  4. PCG Colors (21 replies)
  5. [Poll] How interested would you be in the return of ACs and CCs? (18 replies)
  6. [poll] which do you prefer.. (18 replies)
  7. Wait, you're a dude? (14 replies)
  8. Poll: Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring... (8 replies)
  9. poll: favorite comfort food (3 replies)
  10. Poll: PCG game blasts from the past... (7 replies)
  11. POLL: Cars (10 replies)
  12. Poll: Drugs (This is a mature poll and not about Pokemon) (15 replies)
  13. Poll - Eet's-a me, Maaario! (is thirteen years late) Momma miiiiaa! (4 replies)
  14. Poll : Choose my new avatar! (20 replies)
  15. Poll: Blackmail (0 replies)
  16. Poll-What kind of car do you drive/have you driven? (10 replies)
  17. Poll: How did you come up with your names? (55 replies)
  18. Pee Wee's Playhouse on Adult Swim (0 replies)
  19. Poll: Who Framed Roger Rabbit... (8 replies)
  20. eevee evolvetions (7 replies)
  21. POLL: Anyone work? (21 replies)
  22. POLL: Hail to the Chief? (13 replies)
  23. <Poll> How many friends have you seen come and go and return to TPM? (25 replies)
  24. Poll: AVAS, Black sails on the horizon! (1 replies)
  25. <poll> Whats your perfect pokemon team (0 replies)
  26. Whats your Favorite Ground Pokemon (3 replies)
  27. [Poll] XM vs Sirius Satelite Radio (2 replies)
  28. Poll: Fix it, fix it now!! (7 replies)
  29. [POLL] Favorite Month (22 replies)
  30. POLL: April Fools! (12 replies)
  31. [Poll] What is your favorite Legendary Pokemon? (10 replies)
  32. Poll: March (5 replies)
  33. Poll: Where? (27 replies)
  34. [Poll] Sleep (21 replies)
  35. Poll: What Did You Get For Christmas? (5 replies)
  36. Poll: Who is the best figure skater at the moment? (4 replies)
  37. poll: are you a courteous shopper? (16 replies)
  38. Poll: Happy turkey day (USA!) (11 replies)
  39. Poll: Revenge R' Us! (10 replies)
  40. POLL: Save the Daylight! (8 replies)
  41. POLL: Trick-Or-Treat! =D (6 replies)
  42. Poll thingy thing: the legendary beasts.... dogs or cats?? (11 replies)
  43. Tatoos? [Poll] (19 replies)
  44. [Poll] I'm Up. (50 replies)
  45. poll: self esteem (19 replies)
  46. [p] Have a happy Christmahanakwanzaka! (31 replies)
  47. [Poll] Gah, I can't think of a name... (17 replies)
  48. Poll: Which of Santa's slaves do you like Best? (12 replies)
  49. (Poll) Doesnt make sense! (9 replies)
  50. Poll: Naming Objects (16 replies)
  51. [Poll] Brain.... we have a problem... (8 replies)
  52. [p] My baloney has a first name... (7 replies)
  53. Poll ~ Loop-di-loop and pull... (16 replies)
  54. Poll: I'm lost! (17 replies)
  55. poll: Pokémon: Gotta Catch em All..., oh hell who cares :P, MTG Rules Anyway!! (17 replies)
  56. [Poll] Wait...Gray?! OMG! (19 replies)
  57. mother poll (28 replies)
  58. Poll: Your favourite X-Men character (18 replies)
  59. Poll | Cheesey (24 replies)
  60. [Poll] The white stuff (1 replies)
  61. {Poll} I wish... (9 replies)
  62. Poll: "Tick, Tack, Termination! Steal what you can and run from the nation!" (4 replies)
  63. Poll: whats in your wallet and/or purse??? (26 replies)
  64. {Poll} Hairy Maclary! (20 replies)
  65. Poll: What's your major or course? (4 replies)
  66. Poll: I Finally Got My Other Half of My Blanky Back After 19 Years!? (13 replies)
  67. Poll: Hello Mr. American Idiot! (17 replies)
  68. [Poll] Animals... Imaginative title, don't you think? (19 replies)
  69. Poll | reality tv (25 replies)
  70. Poll: Post your.... (26 replies)
  71. Poll: What's Your Nationality or Heritage? (44 replies)
  72. Poll: Nooo, my Contraptions game has been destroyed! (8 replies)
  73. Poll: You don't play GTA?! I'm never talking to you again! (11 replies)
  74. {Poll} You're stupid! (20 replies)
  75. Poll: Bring me my Weapon! (10 replies)
  76. Poll: Hey what do you know, I won something...wait a minute, where's my prize? (4 replies)
  77. [p] Wait...shouldn't it be cold in November?!? (16 replies)
  78. Timetable? (Poll) (8 replies)
  79. Poll: Everybody Hates Her, Bet she cries herself to sleep... oh so sad (23 replies)
  80. Poll: But i was only doing 75 in a 55... (14 replies)
  81. Poll/Discussion thing about- oh no to many letters (12 replies)
  82. Game: Random Poll of The Day (SM & M Approved) (5 replies)
  83. [p] Geez, No wonder I go unoticed. (21 replies)
  84. poll - who do you miss the most ? (37 replies)
  85. Poll: Abilities and moves (4 replies)
  86. A Program Poll (27 replies)
  87. [poll] If only I was somewhere else... (24 replies)
  88. [P] Fight Club (19 replies)
  89. [P] Look at me, I'm a kitty cat, I wear a bowl of peanuts for a hat (17 replies)
  90. [p] (16 replies)
  91. Poll: I can write lacrosse-sticks, can you? (7 replies)
  92. [Poll] In my mind is a secret long locked away... [Warning: A bit PG-13ish] (16 replies)
  93. [P] Is The Glass Half Empty... Or Half Full? (15 replies)
  94. [p] Sharing a drink they call loneliness... (11 replies)
  95. [P] If you could be a kitchen appliance, what would you be? (21 replies)
  96. Poll yo yo - Most Favorite/Hated School Subject (29 replies)
  97. [P] If you could be a tree, what tree would you be? (20 replies)
  98. [P] Gangster Paradise (10 replies)
  99. [P] *Buzz!* *Fzzzzt!* *BOOM!!* (14 replies)
  100. [P] Violator Vs. Alien (9 replies)
  101. [P] "Use The Force..." (15 replies)
  102. [P] "It's Morphing Time!" (8 replies)
  103. Poll: Dead man moonwalking (14 replies)
  104. Poll: Colum A or Colum B (41 replies)
  105. Poll: Fight Heros, Fight! (13 replies)
  106. Poll : Favorite Fight :o (14 replies)
  107. Poll: Uptime (15 replies)
  108. [P] "Once upon a midnight dreary..." (15 replies)
  109. Poll: Gah! I'm On Fire! (13 replies)
  110. [P] "GOD DAMN MY BONE!" (14 replies)
  111. Poll: If they HAD to make one legal... (PG-13) (20 replies)
  112. [P] "Are you pondering what I'm pondering?" (13 replies)
  113. [P] Takeshi's Castle (20 replies)
  114. [P] Angry Dad (10 replies)
  115. Poll: Chocolate (19 replies)
  116. Poll ~*~Things you would like to do someday~*~ (17 replies)
  117. [P] Ren & Stimpy Vs. Rocko (8 replies)
  118. [P] Chop Sticks. (22 replies)
  119. Poll: cheese (26 replies)
  120. Poll: toppings (26 replies)
  121. [P] "Damn headache..." (19 replies)
  122. Poll : (Richard) (32 replies)
  123. [P]Your favorite reading/movie genre (25 replies)
  124. [P] "Once you pop you can't stop" (22 replies)
  125. [POLL!] Your favorite quote from anyone, anywhere, at any time. (18 replies)
  126. poll: fdsfdsffsdfsfds (13 replies)
  127. [P] Button Or Zip? (19 replies)
  128. poll: favorite scary movie (20 replies)
  129. Poll: Bees or Wasps? (31 replies)
  130. poll: name the name of the person you currently like (3 replies)
  131. [P] Bottle or Can? (23 replies)
  132. Poll: humm,taste so good (22 replies)
  133. ~*Poll: STRESS STINKS......!!!! (20 replies)
  134. Poll: Hair Style (30 replies)
  135. Poll: Favrotie Clothing Brand (30 replies)
  136. Poll: Haha kekeke lol heehee (laughing) (19 replies)
  137. Poll : Your Boys (16 replies)
  138. Poll: Political Correctness (11 replies)
  139. [p] Empty Recycle Bin? (18 replies)
  140. [P] "There's no place like home" (14 replies)
  141. poll: more amusing (20 replies)
  142. color :Poll (23 replies)
  143. [P] Dig A Grave - Dig It Deep - Place A Statue - At My Feet (16 replies)
  144. ~Poll~ do u like 2 use net lang? (21 replies)
  145. Poll: Trivial things that make you throw a fit. (19 replies)
  146. [p] which is your favorite route (4 replies)
  147. poll: omg :( (22 replies)
  148. [p] what color text/background/font do you use on AIM? (21 replies)
  149. Poll: No voting for yourself (13 replies)
  150. poll: how do you get to school? (28 replies)
  151. ~Poll~ Wtf did you say that for? (13 replies)
  152. [p] favorite NFL franchise (12 replies)
  153. Poll: Important questions (23 replies)
  154. [p] "It's a head to head match between..." (14 replies)
  155. ~Poll~ Did that bird just breathe fire...? (18 replies)
  156. Poll: Facial Hair (19 replies)
  157. poll: favorite word (21 replies)
  158. [poll] what is your favorite current music video? (18 replies)
  159. Poll: Parents (25 replies)
  160. [p] weather ^___^ (20 replies)
  161. [P] "Why You Little!" (14 replies)
  162. Poll: Favourite waste of time (23 replies)
  163. [p] "What the **** is that on the radio now?" (30 replies)
  164. Poll : Hmmm... (30 replies)
  165. poll: favorite (old) tpm april fools joke (13 replies)
  166. [P] "So I was chatting and his head fell off" (7 replies)
  167. ~Poll~ Favourite villian! (22 replies)
  168. [P] "Evil Scarecrow..." (12 replies)
  169. poll: which do you prefer ^^; (32 replies)
  170. Poll: Laptops or PCs? (20 replies)
  171. poll: posts per page (15 replies)
  172. ~*Poll: No one is safe anymore :no: (24 replies)
  173. [P] "When Stunts Go Bad!" (14 replies)
  174. Poll: i am a working d00d (10 replies)
  175. BigBrother: EVICTIONS FINAL!!! [G][P] (67 replies)
  176. ~*Poll: EW! Disgusting X-X (18 replies)
  177. Poll : Shoe Size ;o (24 replies)
  178. [P] "The Pen Is Blue!" (20 replies)
  179. Poll: "I Can't Believe It's Not Bologna!" (5 replies)
  180. Poll: Click it, or TICKET (23 replies)
  181. Poll: The best JAY. (27 replies)
  182. [Poll] What hair color do you find most attractive on the opposite sex etc.? (33 replies)
  183. ~*Poll: LOL @ that commercial (18 replies)
  184. ~Poll~ Hanged on fonix learned me howta reed gud! (17 replies)
  185. [P] What Is Your Favorite Slushie Flavour? (15 replies)
  186. Poll: Do they know? oO (37 replies)
  187. poll: whats more annoying... (22 replies)
  188. [Poll] I'm baaaaaaack... *dunh dunh dunh* (2 replies)
  189. [P] *Wiggles Fingers* Poof (8 replies)
  190. [P] "Holy Smokes Batman! You're Totally Useless!" (28 replies)
  191. poll: MOVIES LOL (pc+++) (21 replies)
  192. poll: you havent been forgiven for your REAL sins 8) (11 replies)
  193. poll: cell phones (18 replies)
  194. [P] "A Mime Is A Terrible Thing To Waste" (12 replies)
  195. Poll :: Hospitals x_X; (21 replies)
  196. [P] "Can't Sleep, Clowns Will Eat Me" (23 replies)
  197. poll: 10 tpm questions (45 replies)
  198. Poll: Guys or Girls? (30 replies)
  199. Poll: DO you E Bay? (14 replies)
  200. [P] is that an oriental rug? (18 replies)
  201. poll: right or left (31 replies)
  202. [P]You cannot delete me with such pitifully small power! Wake up, human! Time to die. (11 replies)
  203. Poll: You've all been forgiven for your sins... (15 replies)
  204. poll: your parents names (20 replies)
  205. Poll: Best trivia/quiz game? (9 replies)
  206. ::<Poll>:: I FOUND one of those hotels!! Go East Coast! (19 replies)
  207. [P] "And just what does the puny human think it can do to me??" (18 replies)
  208. [P] "I'm Multi-Talented, I Can Talk And Piss You Off At The Same Time" (17 replies)
  209. poll: hilary duff or lindsay lohan (36 replies)
  210. [P]There is only one thing that I desire! Absolute power! Power to destroy you humans (16 replies)
  211. Poll: I turned my bag of holding inside out, and walked through the dungeon walls (20 replies)
  212. [P] "An aura of darkness. How impudent..." (26 replies)
  213. [P] favorite supermod (23 replies)
  214. [P] favorite supermod (3 replies)
  215. [P] "Dude Looks Like A Lady" (19 replies)
  216. ~Poll~ Oh my God! (24 replies)
  217. Poll: Frightened? (17 replies)
  218. [Poll] Alias.. (17 replies)
  219. [P] AVP: Alien vs. Predator (4 replies)
  220. [poll] poker (9 replies)
  221. [Poll]Crayons, Friends, and other stuff... (17 replies)
  222. POLL: Belly Burps (a very weird poll indeed) (4 replies)
  223. Poll(s): TPM & You (35 replies)
  224. Poll: Elders strike back... (9 replies)
  225. poll: favorite type of facial hair (10 replies)
  226. Poll: Thats the last time I do ANYTHING for you!! (31 replies)
  227. [Poll] : Ow My Teef Hurt (8 replies)
  228. [P] night or day (18 replies)
  229. POLL: Congratulations! (4 replies)
  230. Poll: Longest DVD Marathon (19 replies)
  231. Poll: Darth Vader's Breathing (14 replies)
  232. Poll: Snake Eyes (13 replies)
  233. Poll : Are you single? (56 replies)
  234. Poll: Shower Days (28 replies)
  235. POLL: Top 10 best... (9 replies)
  236. [Poll]Two months down the drain and now this?? (17 replies)
  237. [P] MLB, DooM³, the NHL and Breakfast :drool: (2 replies)
  238. [P] "Dude... That Rocked!" (17 replies)
  239. [P] "Damn.. That Really Does Stink!" (24 replies)
  240. [P] "So I was fighting with these swords" (20 replies)
  241. Poll/Game thing: BigBrother: EVICTIONS (30 replies)
  242. Poll: Right wing, left wing, it tastes the same to me. (15 replies)
  243. [p] hats (15 replies)
  244. Poll: Favourite song about your country (17 replies)
  245. Poll: Best insult you ever heard (15 replies)
  246. Poll: The Big Bad Legends Poll! (19 replies)
  247. [P] "Dude! Retro Cartoon DVD!" (14 replies)
  248. ~POLL~ I'm alive...I'm alive...DEAD! (11 replies)
  249. Poll: That Brazilian Cowboy Stole My Muffin! (23 replies)
  250. [p] which TPMer would make a great supermod? **CAUTION** NO SPAMMING/FIGHTING (1 replies)