- Pokemon Diamond and Pearl (debate).
- Which way would you like to see Diamond and Pearl?
- Diamond & Pearl: Nov 2005 in Japan
- New Dragon attack for Diamond/Pearl announced
- Diamond and Whatnow?
- WFG? FPD? WTF!!!
- New special/attack system... opinions
- DP in the US by Christmas?
- DP New Pre-Evo connection
- New Pokemon Overload!
- What major Pokemon do you have that'll get screwed over by the changes?
- Transfering old pokemon
- All pokemon icons revealed... Surprises and dissappointments!!
- Movelist?
- New In-Game Features (SPOILERS)
- Shiny Rate Up!
- Berry Good
- 493 Explained...?
- Wild held items!
- Advice on a Goukazaru
- An all-ice team?
- Starter Fight
- Yukimeneko - Question
- How do new abilities work? (And other questions)
- Ramuparudo Moveset
- The naming game, revived!
- Diamond vs. Pearl
- Power Swap?
- Pokemon Diamond: Impressions
- Glitches
- Can a person be more immature?
- A quick question about 3rd gen transfer
- DP Deoxys?
- About Manaphy...
- Is it true that these games sold 70 million?
- New Games
- Starter
- New Special Abilities
- The TPM Battling League - Rules, Ratings, and Standings
- The TPM Battling League - Registration
- (Unofficial) Diamond/Pearl Wi-fi Setup Guide
- Diamond and Pearl get over half a million pre-orders
- The TPM Battling League - Glossary
- Anyone got the game yet?
- The TPM Battling League: 2007-08 Standard Tournament #1 (Final Standings)
- D/P - GBA Trick; Need advice
- Australian release date: 21st June 2007
- Honey Trees
- Gobal Trade Station is very cool.
- Need a little help from a friend.
- RMT!
- Nicknames..
- Shinies!
- Dialga stats, keeper?
- DS Clock Problem
- Gold pokemon in Pearl
- Need friend, plx!
- Pokemon request thread
- Phione eggs.
- Friend Code Exchange Station
- Trading Thread
- Diamond & Pearl Rules
- Playing on an emulator
- ditto and breeding
- HM (still to come) T
- A stupid walkthrough
- GTS Weirdness
- Where do I go next?
- Pokemon Mythbusters Thread
- Catching the lake-beasties
- where to buy max revive/max ether
- Jeff! Jeff!
- What makes the difference?
- Help My Team Please
- Best GTS-deal
- what up guys
- Help Me Decide?
- What now?
- cloning glitch
- The Three New Stones...
- Theme Team - Happy Purple Warriors
- Somehow makes sense, right?
- Clans..
- The Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, Heart Gold and Soul Silver Rules
- Craziest Catch
- Random rantng on contests and berries
- Rate these Starmie IVs
- Munchlax...
- Making Poffins, the different types...
- Need help on Team building
- Berries 21-26
- How is this???
- Yo. Help me Figgur out my Dusknoir.
- The TPM Battling League: 2007-08 Standard Tournament #2 (Final Standings)
- Has there been any nintendo events yet for D/P?
- Where's my Shedinja? D:
- National Dex and Pokemons gotten?
- Question regarding Happiness values
- EV suggestions for a Lonely Hitmonlee
- Macho Brace Question
- Egg moves
- Underground Score
- Crazy Wi-Fi Discovery
- Anti OU-team..
- Safari Zone headache...
- TMs and HMs
- Help With Wi-Fi
- Ability field effects...
- GBA Insertion Pokemon Encounters
- Garchomp
- Yanmega and Abilities
- Next Stop, Lake Valor and the lake creatures
- Rate my Lickilicky
- Breeding and Everstone
- Doing up a competitive Spirtomb
- Unlockable box wallpapers
- Chateau Ghost
- List of items to be held by wild pokeys
- How to begin Team-Building.
- Isn't this just fun?
- They did WHAT to Surf!?
- After Lake legendaries, Palkia... where the hell I get the rest?
- Oh my god, you got TWINS!
- Munchlax! Aargh!
- D/P Mystery Gift
- The TPM Battling League: Tournament Director Applications
- Strange Glitch
- Refuse my entry? Why you little ....
- Pokémon Personalities
- The PokéRadar....useless junk
- Pal Park -Scoring System?
- Rate Bastiodon moveset
- Finished the E4 before local release!
- finally
- Help Wanted: Mt. Coronet
- Kadabra or haunter?!
- EV Questions
- Journal glitch?
- The TPM Battling League: Standard Tournament #3 (COMPLETE)
- Complicated EV/Stat Question
- Quick question about Cute Charm...
- Max Stats
- Quick RMT
- National Dex?
- Rate My Team
- Tips for Pokemon Super Contest?
- Help :(
- Whacked-out Pokedex clasification?
- Deserted Escape Path.....?
- EV-lowering berries question
- Underground - Help!
- Ampharos
- Arcanine
- Uh, a little help setting team?
- Potential Team
- The TPM Battling League: Standard Tournament #4 (COMPLETE)
- RM New T
- Where's the Rival?
- Milotic: Which recovery move?
- RMT; unsure about 6th member
- Finding Certain Pokemon
- Giratina, etc.
- Need a 6th member....
- battle
- any one want to battle
- Another New Team
- Help with choosing pokemon for Pearl
- So Overall...
- 2007 TPM D/P Monotype Challenge
- finding discolored pokemon [shinies]
- Poke Radar?
- A Bit of Luck
- Where is the underground?
- I'm Stuck
- Shinies and Eggs... Can it be done?!
- Rate me Team, Aaaargh..
- Hyuu! Fai's back with his Eevees! (RMT)
- Various Move Questions
- Training
- Need help finding Slowpoke
- i need help evolving my feebas
- Rate a few bits of a budding team?
- Luxray help, anyone?
- Hidden Sidequests
- Speed issue
- Can somebody help a new member with a D/P team?
- Need help with a good moveset for Honchrow and Glaceon
- The TPM Battling League: Standard Tournament #5 (COMPLETE)
- Nidoran: really damn rare or version specific?
- need help
- Has Anybody Here Heard About Toys 'R' Us's Upcoming Manaphy Giveaway?
- Breeding Beldums Question.
- So yeah..... New RMT
- Sick of Manaphy yet? I am...
- RMT Need Help on 6th Member
- Wake-Up Slap can hit my Staraptor while it flies...?
- Noob question
- >> I hate secrets
- Staraptor-movset
- Wifi Battle Challenging
- The TPM Battling League: Standard Tournament #6 (COMPLETE)
- Challenge Thread
- The TPM Battling League - Battle Reports
- A Dark Team
- Anyone Heard of the Darkrai Promotion at Toys 'R' Us?
- Evee evolution team
- Mr. Mime Help
- Pokemon DP Patch?
- Pokemon Platinum
- GTS Issue
- National Dex help
- Shaymin's Sky Forme
- Deoxys Promo
- Some help...
- My Battle Tower Team:
- D/P Team Ratings
- Quick Electrizing help please!
- GTS problem
- Level 50 Dragonite Giveaway
- Nintendo Australia Darkrai Giveaway
- Shaymin promotion in the near future? Updated December 12, 2008
- Who has earthquake?
- I.Need.A.Moveset.Please.
- Free Wellbred chimchar
- Honor The Loved Ones
- Coontank!'s Team
- I want a really cool BT team...so far i have...........
- Can someone make a team?
- Resetting the DS clock in D/P...
- Going online with a wi fi connection, need help!
- wi-fi exchange for D/P
- D/P Friend code exchange
- Luck
- The TPM Battling League: 2009 Schedule
- Slot machine guide
- The TPM Battling League 2009: Standard Tournament #1 (COMPLETE)
- Problems connecting.
- Longevity of save files?
- Favoite Legendaries and Why?
- To Magnezone or not Magnezone...that is the question.
- Shaymin! ... and Regigigas too!