View Full Version : Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, Heart Gold, Soul Silver

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  1. Pokemon Diamond and Pearl (debate).
  2. Which way would you like to see Diamond and Pearl?
  3. Diamond & Pearl: Nov 2005 in Japan
  4. New Dragon attack for Diamond/Pearl announced
  5. Diamond and Whatnow?
  6. WFG? FPD? WTF!!!
  7. New special/attack system... opinions
  8. DP in the US by Christmas?
  9. DP New Pre-Evo connection
  10. New Pokemon Overload!
  11. What major Pokemon do you have that'll get screwed over by the changes?
  12. Transfering old pokemon
  13. All pokemon icons revealed... Surprises and dissappointments!!
  14. Movelist?
  15. New In-Game Features (SPOILERS)
  16. Shiny Rate Up!
  17. Berry Good
  18. 493 Explained...?
  19. Wild held items!
  20. Advice on a Goukazaru
  21. An all-ice team?
  22. Starter Fight
  23. Yukimeneko - Question
  24. How do new abilities work? (And other questions)
  25. Ramuparudo Moveset
  26. The naming game, revived!
  27. Diamond vs. Pearl
  28. Power Swap?
  29. Pokemon Diamond: Impressions
  30. Glitches
  31. Can a person be more immature?
  32. A quick question about 3rd gen transfer
  33. DP Deoxys?
  34. About Manaphy...
  35. Is it true that these games sold 70 million?
  36. New Games
  37. Starter
  38. New Special Abilities
  39. The TPM Battling League - Rules, Ratings, and Standings
  40. The TPM Battling League - Registration
  41. (Unofficial) Diamond/Pearl Wi-fi Setup Guide
  42. RMT
  43. Diamond and Pearl get over half a million pre-orders
  44. The TPM Battling League - Glossary
  45. Anyone got the game yet?
  46. The TPM Battling League: 2007-08 Standard Tournament #1 (Final Standings)
  47. D/P - GBA Trick; Need advice
  48. Australian release date: 21st June 2007
  49. Honey Trees
  50. Gobal Trade Station is very cool.
  51. Need a little help from a friend.
  52. RMT!
  53. Nicknames..
  54. HMT
  55. Shinies!
  56. Dialga stats, keeper?
  57. DS Clock Problem
  58. Gold pokemon in Pearl
  59. Need friend, plx!
  60. Pokemon request thread
  61. Phione eggs.
  62. Friend Code Exchange Station
  63. Trading Thread
  64. Diamond & Pearl Rules
  65. Playing on an emulator
  66. ditto and breeding
  67. HM (still to come) T
  68. A stupid walkthrough
  69. GTS Weirdness
  70. Where do I go next?
  71. Pokemon Mythbusters Thread
  72. Catching the lake-beasties
  73. where to buy max revive/max ether
  74. Jeff! Jeff!
  75. What makes the difference?
  76. Help My Team Please
  77. Best GTS-deal
  78. what up guys
  79. Help Me Decide?
  80. What now?
  81. cloning glitch
  82. The Three New Stones...
  83. HMT
  84. Theme Team - Happy Purple Warriors
  85. Somehow makes sense, right?
  86. Clans..
  87. The Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, Heart Gold and Soul Silver Rules
  88. Craziest Catch
  89. RMT
  90. Random rantng on contests and berries
  91. Rate these Starmie IVs
  92. Munchlax...
  93. Making Poffins, the different types...
  94. RMT
  95. YESSSSSS!!!
  96. Need help on Team building
  97. Berries 21-26
  98. How is this???
  99. Yo. Help me Figgur out my Dusknoir.
  100. The TPM Battling League: 2007-08 Standard Tournament #2 (Final Standings)
  101. Has there been any nintendo events yet for D/P?
  102. Where's my Shedinja? D:
  103. National Dex and Pokemons gotten?
  104. HMT
  105. Question regarding Happiness values
  106. EV suggestions for a Lonely Hitmonlee
  107. Macho Brace Question
  108. Egg moves
  109. Underground Score
  110. Crazy Wi-Fi Discovery
  111. RMT
  112. Anti OU-team..
  113. Safari Zone headache...
  114. TMs and HMs
  115. Help With Wi-Fi
  116. Ability field effects...
  118. GBA Insertion Pokemon Encounters
  119. Garchomp
  120. Yanmega and Abilities
  121. Next Stop, Lake Valor and the lake creatures
  122. Rate my Lickilicky
  123. Breeding and Everstone
  124. Doing up a competitive Spirtomb
  125. Unlockable box wallpapers
  126. Chateau Ghost
  127. List of items to be held by wild pokeys
  128. How to begin Team-Building.
  129. Isn't this just fun?
  130. They did WHAT to Surf!?
  131. After Lake legendaries, Palkia... where the hell I get the rest?
  132. Oh my god, you got TWINS!
  133. Munchlax! Aargh!
  134. D/P Mystery Gift
  135. The TPM Battling League: Tournament Director Applications
  136. Strange Glitch
  137. Refuse my entry? Why you little ....
  138. Pokémon Personalities
  139. The PokéRadar....useless junk
  140. Pal Park -Scoring System?
  141. Rate Bastiodon moveset
  142. Finished the E4 before local release!
  143. finally
  144. Help Wanted: Mt. Coronet
  145. Kadabra or haunter?!
  146. EV Questions
  147. Journal glitch?
  148. The TPM Battling League: Standard Tournament #3 (COMPLETE)
  149. Complicated EV/Stat Question
  150. Quick question about Cute Charm...
  151. Max Stats
  152. Quick RMT
  153. National Dex?
  154. Rate My Team
  155. Tips for Pokemon Super Contest?
  156. Help :(
  157. Whacked-out Pokedex clasification?
  158. Deserted Escape Path.....?
  159. EV-lowering berries question
  160. Underground - Help!
  161. Ampharos
  162. Arcanine
  163. Uh, a little help setting team?
  164. Potential Team
  165. The TPM Battling League: Standard Tournament #4 (COMPLETE)
  166. RM New T
  167. Where's the Rival?
  168. Milotic: Which recovery move?
  169. RMT; unsure about 6th member
  170. Finding Certain Pokemon
  171. Giratina, etc.
  172. Need a 6th member....
  173. battle
  174. any one want to battle
  175. Another New Team
  176. Help with choosing pokemon for Pearl
  177. So Overall...
  178. 2007 TPM D/P Monotype Challenge
  179. finding discolored pokemon [shinies]
  180. Poke Radar?
  181. A Bit of Luck
  182. Where is the underground?
  183. I'm Stuck
  184. Shinies and Eggs... Can it be done?!
  185. Rate me Team, Aaaargh..
  186. Hyuu! Fai's back with his Eevees! (RMT)
  187. Various Move Questions
  188. Training
  189. Need help finding Slowpoke
  190. i need help evolving my feebas
  191. Rate a few bits of a budding team?
  192. Luxray help, anyone?
  193. Hidden Sidequests
  194. Speed issue
  195. Can somebody help a new member with a D/P team?
  196. Need help with a good moveset for Honchrow and Glaceon
  197. The TPM Battling League: Standard Tournament #5 (COMPLETE)
  198. Nidoran: really damn rare or version specific?
  199. need help
  200. Has Anybody Here Heard About Toys 'R' Us's Upcoming Manaphy Giveaway?
  201. Breeding Beldums Question.
  202. So yeah..... New RMT
  203. Sick of Manaphy yet? I am...
  204. RMT Need Help on 6th Member
  205. Wake-Up Slap can hit my Staraptor while it flies...?
  206. Noob question
  207. >> I hate secrets
  208. Staraptor-movset
  209. Wifi Battle Challenging
  210. The TPM Battling League: Standard Tournament #6 (COMPLETE)
  211. Challenge Thread
  212. The TPM Battling League - Battle Reports
  213. A Dark Team
  214. Anyone Heard of the Darkrai Promotion at Toys 'R' Us?
  215. Evee evolution team
  216. Mr. Mime Help
  217. Pokemon DP Patch?
  218. Pokemon Platinum
  219. GTS Issue
  220. National Dex help
  221. Shaymin's Sky Forme
  222. Deoxys Promo
  223. Some help...
  224. My Battle Tower Team:
  225. D/P Team Ratings
  226. Quick Electrizing help please!
  227. GTS problem
  228. Level 50 Dragonite Giveaway
  229. Nintendo Australia Darkrai Giveaway
  230. Shaymin promotion in the near future? Updated December 12, 2008
  231. Who has earthquake?
  232. I.Need.A.Moveset.Please.
  233. Free Wellbred chimchar
  234. Honor The Loved Ones
  235. Coontank!'s Team
  236. I want a really cool BT team...so far i have...........
  237. Can someone make a team?
  238. Resetting the DS clock in D/P...
  239. Going online with a wi fi connection, need help!
  240. wi-fi exchange for D/P
  241. D/P Friend code exchange
  242. Luck
  243. The TPM Battling League: 2009 Schedule
  244. Slot machine guide
  245. The TPM Battling League 2009: Standard Tournament #1 (COMPLETE)
  246. Problems connecting.
  247. Longevity of save files?
  248. Favoite Legendaries and Why?
  249. To Magnezone or not Magnezone...that is the question.
  250. Shaymin! ... and Regigigas too!