View Full Version : Classic Generations
- [RBY] A Fun Themed Team
- [RBY] Help Please!!!
- [RBY] [RMT] In Game Boredom.
- [RBY] Surfing 'Chu...
- [RBY] Help improve my team
- [RBY] Boredom
- [RBY] I'm Bored too. Here's my Teams.
- [RBY] help meh ;;
- [RBY] Are these the BEST???
- [RBY] I'm alive...
- [RBY] Mew
- [RBY] Gary's Final Team
- [RBY] vs psychic
- [RBY] Yellow version team
- [RBY] surfing pikachu
- [RBY] final Red team[yes i'm bored]
- [RBY] Pokémon Yellow
- [RBY] I rated Yours!!! RED Team
- [RBY] madelyn's final team [suckage.]
- [RBY] Discussion: NYPC moves
- [RBY] safari zone
- [RBY] Does anyone know where i can find some Pokémon Green Gamshark Codes?
- [RBY] Move-set
- [RBY] Question
- [RBY] Discussion:2000 Stadium Tour
- [RBY] RMT Please
- [RBY] Help me create the "Universal Pokemon Battling FAQs(Yes.. RBY also ._.;)"!
- [RBY] When you are bored.
- [RBY] I'm New...Rate My Team
- [RBY] Water Type help on Yellow needed!
- [RBY] My first attempt at a RBY team EVER!!!
- [RBY] Does anyone know where to find....
- [RBY] Question
- [RBY] Revival of The Sacred Legend
- [RBY] Get Mew through a glitch. What rock where you under if you didn't know about this?
- [RBY] MY R/B/Y Team, what ya think/rate
- [RBY] mew.
- [RBY] Ditto Glitch
- [RBY] Please help me!
- [RBY] Glitch City
- [RBY] R/b/y for GBA
- [RBY] Getting through the Seafoam Island
- [RBY] Left Behind
- [RBY] help!!!
- [RBY] Did anyone use Hypno?
- [RBY] Rmt
- [RBY] how did you turn a pokeball into a pseudomasterball
- [RBY] Rmt
- [RBY] The Pros and Cons of using Counter
- [RBY] RMT Hammers of Doom
- [RBY] Hp Dv
- [RBY] ..::Starter & Legendary Movesets::..
- [RBY] TM for Swords Dance
- [RBY] Aerodactyl
- [RBY] Question about how a battle works.
- [RBY] Pikachu in Red version
- [RBY] Rmt
- [RBY] RMT k thx
- [RBY] How to beat Mewtwo in a Duel?
- [RBY] Uhh.. RMT..
- [RBY] RMT Yellow Version
- [RBY] rebellion
- [GSC] Shiney pokemon
- [RBY] rate my team mate
- [RBY] Poll: which GSC pokemon would you like to see in RBY?
- [RBY] Tm 50
- [RBY] gameshark problems
- [RBY] Rate my Charizard( hehe not the whole team)
- [RBY] RBY development code
- [GSC] Fun for all!
- [RBY] RMT - The Dark Side of RBY
- [RBY] I know this may sound newbish but...
- [RBY] Quick Question about EQ
- [RBY] big problem
- [RBY] Tactics?
- [RBY] ooo...pretty...RMT please....
- [RBY] Metagame changes..
- [RBY] Boosted points ..?
- [RBY] Rate my team.
- [RBY] Yet Another Mew Code
- [RBY] Phantom of the Pokédex: MissingNo.
- [RBY] really ancient problem
- [RBY] A ninja in a pokemons body.
- [RBY] RMT Yellow please
- [RBY] The Red Destroyers!
- [RBY] Blue RMT
- [RBY] True or False
- [RBY] My yellow team
- [RBY] RMT for Stadium
- [RBY] missingno evolution
- [RBY] best moves for these pokes?
- [RBY] Catching in safari-zone
- [RBY] This Forum is Completely Dead
- [RBY] I need movesets
- [RBY] Help! I'm New!
- [RBY] walkthrough of yellow
- [RBY] pikacup: Fisher's poke's r2 stats?
- [GSC] Stump the egotistical bastard game.
- [RBY] [SGRC Appreciation thread] ITT, we invade my PM inbox. =]
- [RBY] Maximum PP
- [RBY] Focus Energy
- [RBY] The Alpha and the Omega Tournament- The First and Last of its Kind
- [GSC] A different sort of tournament idea...
- [GSC] Chris' FAQ to Pokemon movesets. - Last Update -Xatu
- [GSC] RMT~The Gray Marauders
- [GSC] (first post) Rate my new team
- [GSC] Themed teams??
- [RBY] Bulbasaur/Mew Connection?
- [GSC] So Long, TPM...
- [RBY] the cooltrainer ditto glitch
- [GSC] Plz help wif my teem thnx ^_^
- [GSC] gold trophy
- [GSC] As 1st and as 2nd...
- [RBY] Recoil Damage
- [GSC] just wondering
- [GSC] Jolteon moveset?
- [GSC] Rate/Fix my Team
- [GSC] Need help with treasure room deal, and Raikou
- [GSC] A few in-game questions...
- [GSC] Sneasle
- [GSC] Rmt...
- [GSC] Ack
- [GSC] celebi?
- [GSC] Silver Cave
- [GSC] The Wrath of a King v.01
- [GSC] Extreme Speed Dratini; how many of you have it?
- [GSC] Hecklo!
- [GSC] RMT: [Theme] The Baton Twirlers v1.5
- [GSC] Arcanine or Magmar
- [GSC] questions
- [GSC] Congrats, Sir Chris!!
- [GSC] So...anyone else dislike Skarmory?
- [GSC] CHs & stat boost/drops?
- [GSC] rate my shatty team plz
- [GSC] I'm back, run for your lives
- [GSC] Refresh The Rmt!!
- [GSC] [RMT]Team Cyber
- [GSC] Best counter for bliss/skarm teams
- [GSC] some worthless RMT i'm only posting for nostalgia
- [GSC] The Lax killer
- [GSC] Rmt!!!
- [RBY] Rmt
- [GSC] Rmt
- [GSC] Rmt
- [GSC] pokemon crystal
- [GSC] Brand New Team
- [GSC] Lugia? to the owner and others
- [GSC] Whats YOUR take on Sharking??
- [GSC] Vaporeon
- [GSC] Avatar
- [GSC] How to make a shiny pokemon?
- [GSC] arrrremmmteeee
- [GSC] G/S/C trivia...
- [GSC] Zap
- [RBY] RMT (this one has a theme)
- [GSC] [RmT]Semi-UU Team
- [GSC] waterfall and whirlpool
- [GSC] Waterfall
- [GSC] Can anyone RMT?
- [GSC] Pewter, Viridian, and Paletown
- [GSC] Gligar
- [GSC] Multiplication
- [GSC] Light Ball
- [RBY] Venusaur.....
- [GSC] Rmt :D
- [GSC] shiny codes
- [GSC] GSC team wut?
- [GSC] Restarting crystal
- [GSC] Time
- [GSC] Where do you find HM01?
- [GSC] Could I please have a list of TMs and their locations?
- [GSC] A discussion on Tyranitar.
- [RBY] Rmt =d
- [GSC] Specs of Daycare and Boxing
- [GSC] Hey guys, Im New
- [GSC] Anyone Remember the Pikachu Gigapet?
- [GSC] Shiny Pokemon
- [GSC] Rate my team....
- [GSC] Newb Tendencies (RMT)
- [GSC] Stuck on S. S. Aqua
- [RBY] Bulbausaur.
- [GSC] Best set for a shuckle.
- [GSC] Unknown and Pokedex
- [GSC] Bah.. rate my team?
- [GSC] Hitmon Top,Chan or Lee?
- [GSC] Meh team for ratez plz
- [GSC] Please Need Help Badly
- [GSC] My Team, plz rate
- [GSC] Rmt :d
- [GSC] Attract Mew ?
- [GSC] Meganium and Arcanine movesets
- [GSC] Fuschia City Nurse Joy
- [GSC] Bite or Shadow Ball?
- [GSC] Dunspace
- [GSC] Do I Know You? =[
- [GSC] Tch, new team.
- [GSC] Heracross
- [GSC] Rmt: 'the Unanmed'
- [GSC] rmt
- [GSC] Whats the fastest way to get Umbreon?
- [GSC] RMT: Hydra
- [GSC] Redo: Rmt
- [RBY] Mew Moveset
- [RBY] Best Psychic
- [RBY] Does it work in yellow?
- [RBY] What determines Gary's Eevee?
- [RBY] Kabutops+Aerodactyl Fossils
- [GSC] Grass move
- [RBY] RMT for Pokemon Stadium 1
- [GSC] Rate mai krazy team :D
- [GSC] Bug-Catching Tournament
- [RBY] Rmt
- [RBY] Team rate plz
- [GSC] Exp
- [GSC] sup sneak team.
- [RBY] rmt
- [RBY] I need some guidence on this team.
- [GSC] How to Catch Lugia
- [RBY] Rate my team
- [GSC] Pokémon G/S/C Stat Listing and Experience Point/Level List
- [RBY] Pokemon Game Editers
- [RBY] Rate My Team
- [RBY] RBY nostalgia team
- [GSC] Eh... RMT.
- [RBY] Vuplix on red
- [GSC] rate ream
- [GSC] rmt
- [GSC] breeding?
- [GSC] rmt
- [GSC] A possible major shake up in battling?
- [GSC] wtf? weird tourney team?? @_@
- [RBY] Rmt Old School Team
- [GSC] Rmt
- [GSC] Rate My Team
- [GSC] RBY Special Items
- [GSC] Breeding - Pichu
- [GSC] Secret Island
- [GSC] pokemon cristal questions
- [RBY] How do you get Mew?? What's the Gameshark code??
- [GSC] breeding
- [RBY] I have used the mew code and it won't work.
- [GSC] So good to be back....
- [GSC] Two Shiny Pokemon Questions
- [GSC] Team Building, RMT/6th Pogeyman
- [GSC] Shiny eggs
- [GSC] I game gifts.
- [GSC] Clarification on Belly Drum
- [RBY] Walk through walls (well almost).
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