View Full Version : Teen Titans (spoiler tags will be used)

fat man with a monkey
6th September 2004, 10:57 AM
first thing's first: please use spoiler tags if you post spoilers.
I know some of you (Last Exile) are going to post a reply to this saying "Teen Titans isn't anime, it shouldn't be here!"
Well, **** you to hell. OA is where this topic belongs.
I'm a big fan of this show. Being a fan of the Teen Titans comic book, I thought it would be interesting to see how well they adapted it. They adapted it horribly (with regards to content, not to the quality of the show), yet I love the show. Speaking with regards to their personality in the comic books, only Gar (BB) and Robin have remained relatively unchanged. On the whole, they've preserved the relationships between characters (or at least hinted at) present in the comics. And the animation is the shit.

Anyways, let's liven up OA with a useful topic. Post favorite characters, analysis of the show, spoilers (tag), anything Titans related.

6th September 2004, 11:04 AM
Teen Titans is a good show. I wish it related to the other DC heroes shows like Justice League. Anyway, I like Robin. He seems a lot like a younger version of himself in Batman: TAS. So far the show's going really well. They treally toned down Terra for the Judas Contract type story. Overall, I think it is a good show. This next season should be good!


6th September 2004, 01:04 PM
Watching makes me violently ill. They need to rename it "Teen Titans: we really, really want to be an anime, but also don't want to abandon our potential fanbase!"

Despite enduring several episodes, I've yet to here why Robin is so powerful he can kick a stone golem into submission. He can't be like the Robin of Batman, he must be from the planet Strongopia or something. It's like some wonderful BS marathon when he's present.

Then there's the Teens Titans HQ, which had to come from some dimension of stupidity. I refuse to believe a human being not only actually THOUGHT a T-Shaped skyscraper was a good idea for a Headquarters, but also deemed it good enough for the final product.

The only good thing is Slade. He's too good for the show. He needs to move to Justice League, which I hear has been kicking a satisfyingly increasing amount of ass lately.

fat man with a monkey
6th September 2004, 01:09 PM
Titan's Tower was a concept originally introduced in the comic that was adapted into the television show. As you may or may not have realized, comic books don't always care about what would or would not work. Examples: radioactive spider, yellow sun, random chemicals making a man very fast, gamma radiation causing things.

6th September 2004, 03:42 PM
Yes, it does try to hard to be an anime, but I do like it. The other problem is that it's awkward having Robin in there since they never mention Batman (they've mentioned Gotham a few times). It would be better if it wasn't related to DC. Then the writers could do anything they want without being critized by fans. But it's still good and as close as we'll get to an American-made anime up there with Zim (which isn't an American anime, but somehow AnimeWorks released a DVD of of it so people claim it is).

6th September 2004, 04:40 PM
Titan's Tower was a concept originally introduced in the comic that was adapted into the television show. As you may or may not have realized, comic books don't always care about what would or would not work. Examples: radioactive spider, yellow sun, random chemicals making a man very fast, gamma radiation causing things.
It's not about whether it works as a building, it's about the fact it looks stupid as hell in the show. Maybe the artists pulled it off in the comic, but not here.

6th September 2004, 07:20 PM
Could this show be of a totally different continuity than the Timm universe: Batman TAS, Superman TAS, and Justice League [Unlimited]? Bruce Timm has said that it's up to you to decide if Batman Beyond is the future or not, and I choose for it to be a "what if", and not the "absolute", which is why it's not listed. Anyways, what do you guys think?

Teen Titans kicks oodles of ass, and Brother Blood is pretty cool, though not as cool as Slade. I'm sure Slade'll come back one day, unless Brother Blood is Slade! @_@

As for what universe Teen Titans lies in: Either this Robin is Tim Drake of the Timm universe, or Dick Grayson of another universe. It's impossible for him to be Dick Grayson of the Timm universe, because Batman said in Static Shock that the current Robin (Tim Drake), is with that Titans, and at that time, Dick Grayson was Nightwing.

Yes, I know Nightwing was shown in the screwed up future in that episode where Starfire visited the future, but it could've been Tim Drake being the Nightwing for the city of the Titans, while Dick Grayson would be the Nightwing for Gotham City -- kind of like the Green Lanterns. Either that, or this is a totally different continuity. If so, I'm betting the new show premiering next week, The Batman, is of the same continuity of Teen Titans. You have to admit, the characters designs look similar, and The Batman's Batman moves around (http://raincloud.warnerbros.com/wbol/us/marketing/batman_the/batman_comicon_baited_by_bane_qt_300.mov) like they do in Teen Titans -- in an "anime" way. Here's another video. (http://kidswb.warnerbros.com/web/stuff/stuff_video.jsp?id=VID_BTM_EP001&frompromo=TSR_BTM_Newvideo)

I know some of you (Last Exile) are going to post a reply to this saying "Teen Titans isn't anime, it shouldn't be here!"
Well, **** you to hell. OA is where this topic belongs.

I agree. To tell you the truth, I wish "Other Anime" would become a forum that discusses all forms of cartoons, not just Japanese cartoons. It's too limited/biased the way it is now.

6th September 2004, 08:11 PM
I think that Robin is Dick, if for no other reason than Larry (LARRY THE TITAN!) saying his real name is Kcid Nosyarg. Beast Boy had Jason Todd listed as one of the possible forms of Robin that stole the Red X costume, so it must not be him.

It's great to see Brother Blood in the cartoon. It will be nice when he shows back up in episode 34 to wreak havoc on the unsuspecting masses ^_^

7th September 2004, 01:34 AM
I think that Robin is Dick, if for no other reason than Larry (LARRY THE TITAN!) saying his real name is Kcid Nosyarg. Beast Boy had Jason Todd listed as one of the possible forms of Robin that stole the Red X costume, so it must not be him.

It's great to see Brother Blood in the cartoon. It will be nice when he shows back up in episode 34 to wreak havoc on the unsuspecting masses ^_^

Well, I kind of think of things this way -- we've had two obscure references to two of the Robins so far, Dick Grayson and Jason Todd. For some reason, Tim Drake hasn't been mentionned yet, yet the most unpopular Robin, Jason Todd, was. This makes me think that this Robin is Tim Drake, and that's not because Tim Drake happens to be my favourite... or is it? :D

Personally, I'm more excited to see who Red X is than the next appearance of Brother Blood. Well, that's probably because we haven't seen enough of Brother Blood... Wait, do you think Red X has something to do with Brother Blood? Or maybe Red X is Slade's son, Grant Wilson? Or maybe I'm looking in to things too much? ^^

Last Exile
7th September 2004, 02:46 AM
The only decent thing about Teen Titans is that their cards in the Marvel vs DC card game area powerful theme.

Anything else I have to say will inspire flame wars on all sides, so I therefore won't say it. ;)

7th September 2004, 08:09 AM
It's ok,but I hate Robin. That kid is way to powerful. I mean he has no powers and yet he can take out his entire team. *Thinks of the "Red X episode*.

7th September 2004, 02:29 PM
It's ok,but I hate Robin. That kid is way to powerful. I mean he has no powers and yet he can take out his entire team. *Thinks of the "Red X episode*.
Agreed. The show would probably be a lot better if they toned down or at least EXPLAINED how ridiclous talents. I remember the tournament episode where the one guy gathered a bunch of heroes to fight each other in duels. Flameboy vs. Robin. This should be no contest, yet somehow Robin wins. It brings back members of every bullshit pikachu win in Pokemon. And that's BAD.

That and the retarded anime bits. The anime-ish parts are things that I DESPISE about anime. I don't like giant heads or 50 gallon sweat drops.

7th September 2004, 04:49 PM
Yeah, Robin annoys me to no end. Between him and Cyborg, Cyborg should kick his ass, since Robin only has speed on his side.

Beast Boy should combine his attacks that he used on Atlas and that alien with that strange green dog (Elephant charge, Pterodactyl tail whip towards the ground then a blue whale belly flop). It's pure genius. Screw the comic anime bits, having Beast Boy crush every villain with Blue Whale would be great. Slade would be no match for him.

Last Exile
7th September 2004, 08:58 PM
first thing's first: please use spoiler tags if you post spoilers.
I know some of you (Last Exile) are going to post a reply to this saying "Teen Titans isn't anime, it shouldn't be here!"
Well, **** you to hell. OA is where this topic belongs.

Did someone forget to mention the common sense rule about no personal attacks on mods? Well, if not, I'm letting you know now. If you keep this up, there will be consequences.

Anyways, let's liven up OA with a useful topic. Post favorite characters, analysis of the show, spoilers (tag), anything Titans related.

If you posted this topic at all anime sites like animenfo and animenewsnetwork, or at my local anime club, you wouldn't last 5 seconds. You'd be crucified, flamed and made fun off for eternity.

I have nothing against American animation as long as it's done properly! Pixar are Dreamworks are great outifts, old school Disney and old school Wanrer Brothers are gems. But lately most companies have lost the plot. Actual talent has taken a backseat to money making.

And before anyone accuses me of saying anime is innocent of that, it ain't. Japan is so bloody obsessed with Naruto, Full Metal Alchemist and Gundam SEED at present that they almost refuse to watch or read anything else. They are cheap cash-ins that are rush-works who havbe more than enough people gullible to fall for the ruse. At present, half of stores are Naruto merchandise loaded and the other half are Full Metal Alchemist loaded. How do I know? A friend of mine got back from Japan a month ago, so he's seen it up close and personal.

Oh, btw, put the spoiler tag in the topic next time.

11th September 2004, 04:09 PM
Last Exiles a good mod :) Very respectable person. And cute too I bet :o