View Full Version : The Lava Lizards, the Eagle Beasts and the power of their two Pokemon

13th February 2003, 02:37 PM
New name Oo Oh special request i'm posting this here again and hope that it won't be left for dead again

Sandra and Chargon Prologue

Concrete lay beneath my hands. Walls surround me. Ahead, lights rain down beams of light for as far as I can see. The stars above glitter as their moon rides across the sky. I don’t recognise any of this place. ‘Where am I?’ I question myself. I can’t see anyone, nothing but darkness apart from what the light escapes its grasp. I manage to stand up, wearily.

I try to think about what has happened to cause me to end up here. I draw a blank and it hurts my head to think. The more I try the more the answers stay out of reach.

I can’t understand what is going on. So many questions but no answers appear to their rescue. I appear to be uninjured. Nothing that would explain why my head feels like this.

I chose to try and find answers. I know I am about 5. But everything else about me I don’t know. Now I must find a way to survive at least until I can resolve some of these questions. I am alone in this world. Nothing can change that. At least that is what I think to myself.

3-year gap

I’m still surviving. Barely I must admit. People are constantly after me. Supposedly trying to help. Like I believe that. I think I’ve done pretty well for myself. Yet, the answers I seek are no closer, but maybe even a little further away. Sirens. ‘Not again’ I mutter. Those police cars have been after me for a while now. Trying to ‘help’ me. So I stole some bread. I don’t live off air alone you know.

I sneak back to the same alley it all started in. The sound is closing in fast. I lean back on one of the walls. Trying to keep out of sight. But I don’t think I’ll be as lucky this time. I place the bread behind a dustbin and hide again in the shadows.

But, something strange happens. I fall backwards. ‘How?’ I yell. I was against a brick wall. They don’t just disappear. Good thing I didn’t yell that too. I fall backwards and land on something.

Grass? …………

13th February 2003, 03:03 PM
all I can is great prologue and great new title for one of my favourite fics.

13th February 2003, 03:06 PM
Hey i got da disk for a new chapter Say the word and i'll pst Up to Chapter 14 is typed up I did a Christmas special as well