View Full Version : Mewtwo vs Mew...where can I get it?

1st October 2004, 11:08 PM
I am in desperate need of the first Pokemon movie in Japanese with English subtitles, preferrabley with the end credits included. I once downloaded the film and saw the first 18 minutes, only to realize it was a bad file and the rest of the film up until the final last parts were totally screwed up. So now I am dying to see the rest. The dub of this is my favorite movie ever, and I normally hate the dub. So I can only imagine how fantastic it must be in Japanese (need subtitles to understand what they're saying), and I am absolutely dying to see it. I have looked around on mIRC with no luck, and the guy I got it from before is for some reason taking forever to get a new, clean copy. So if anyone can tell me where I could get this I'd be most grateful. Please help me out! Arigato.

2nd October 2004, 04:21 PM
I KNOW there are scripts from the original on the net. Get one, then read it as you watch the raw version.

Works great. You've already seen the movie, so you don't have to pay attention to every single second of it anyway.

2nd October 2004, 07:03 PM
Just do a Google search for it.

Seriously, a fansub of the first movie has got to be THE easiest Pocket Monsters fansub that you can find.

2nd October 2004, 08:50 PM
This kinda stuff is illegal, so this is closed.

If anyone can help Jeiboku out, PM them.