View Full Version : Natures: Docile, Hardy etc.

31st October 2004, 02:25 PM
What is the point of these natures that don't affect anything? Is there any benefit to Pokemon that have these natures?

31st October 2004, 02:39 PM
Maybe Mixed Sweepers who don't want to lose their Attack, Special Attack, or Speed could make use of them.

31st October 2004, 03:17 PM
So there are less odds of getting a -crucial stat nature on a one-shot pokemon...

31st October 2004, 06:07 PM
The main reason for them is because there is 5x5 grid of +stat and -stat natures. That results in 5 instances of "no effect" due to the same stat being boosted and slighted. The use you put any nature to is entirely up to you as a trainer. Not all natures are equally useful for a given pokémon or moveset.

But I would say that the "balanced" natures suit mixed sweepers with strong stats, especially those you are intending to train across the board and may be looking to alter movesets of in the future.