View Full Version : realgam difficulty [contains spoilers]

6th November 2004, 02:36 AM
i've finished the bottom section of realgam and am now in the colloseum.. i had a fair bit of luck until i reached the mayor.. by this stage i was out of revives and potions and got pwned by his level 60 pokemon.. does anyone have a strategy for this section.. i was quite annoyed when i caught so many shadow pokemon and never got a chance to save the game.. even with the masterball trick it becomes quite tedious..

also.. where's the best place to train pokemon such as the legendary dogs and other pokemon around the level 50 mark.. any input would be greatly appreciated..


6th November 2004, 04:45 AM
also.. where's the best place to train pokemon such as the legendary dogs and other pokemon around the level 50 mark.. any input would be greatly appreciated...
Go to Mt Battle in Story Mode and climb to the top because that should get you loads of EXP for your Pokemon. If you've already got to the top before just battle the last 10 or 20 Trainers over and over again for a lot of EXP for your Pokemon. I done this when I played Pokemon Colosseum because I needed my two Sweepers to about Level 70 to own Realgam Tower.

6th November 2004, 01:56 PM
1 word: Skarmory. In my latest Colosseum stroll, I went lazier than the first time and had apathetic Pokemon of about Level 50 or less. I had troubles with Evice until I found a Pokemon that single-handedly could stall Evice's WHOLE Team as long as I wanted. That Poke was Skarmory. The ONLY Pokemon of Evice that will manage to semi-harm it will be Slowking, and that's easily solved with some Potions. With a huge amount of Items and Skarmory standing there, I mnaged to eventually defeat this Boss.

If you're lazy to level up, that's the way to go. Skarmory pwnz the final Boss. Otherwise, do as Andy said.