View Full Version : {Poll} Hairy Maclary!

13th November 2004, 10:48 AM
This idea for a poll came to me when I was tidying my room up a little bit, and I found a book that I used to read when I was really young... It's about a dog called Hairy Maclary, who has all these 'exciting' adventures, hehe. Well, they were exciting for a four year old!

1. What's your natural hair colour?
2. Have you ever/will you ever dye your hair? What colour?
3. How long is your hair?
4. Have you changed hairstyles a lot?
5. When was the last time you had a haircut?
6. Do you/have you ever used products for your hair? (like wax or something)

1. Light brown. I don't like it terribly, it's kinda dull-looking and it loks rather lifeless no matter what I try to do to it - I dunno why it is, could be a whole range of things... Maybe I should find out one day.

2. Yeah. Actually, my hair is dark green at the moment, although I don't really want it to be. So I'm just letting the dye wash out and eventually I'll decide what to do with it then. My hair used to be dark blue and I really quite liked that, although I think if I dye my hair too much it really won't be too healthy... Maybe that's why it's so lifeless.

3. Longish. Well, for a guy anyway. It's not really long or anything, but it isn't short either. I'm not terribly sure how to describe it... Longish and flat. Which is nice, I'd hate it if my hair were anything other than flat.

4. No, I've changed hairstyles about 3 times. There was when I was little, and my parents decided what my hair was like - I'm sure everyone had that. And then I had it a little more how I liked it, which wasn't too long, not too thick, and flat. Then I had it a little bit weird because my hair went all... textured and easy to mess up, so it was kinda a 'messy' style. And now it's just longish and flat and green...

5. A few months ago I think... I'm fairly sure it was in mid-Spetember or something, but I could be wrong.

6. I used to use wax for my 'messy' hair but it wasn't anything extravagant or anything. It just looked as if I hadn't combed it properly. I probably looked like a pillock but I can't remember it properly, because I don't tend to have a very good memory of things like that. And as far as I know, we don't have any photos of it...

Lady Vulpix
13th November 2004, 11:07 AM
This poll is quite unoriginal. Only the last questions are somewhat original. I'll still answer because I don't want to SPAM.

1. What's your natural hair colour?
Golden blond, or light brown, depending on the moment (my hair has a life of its own).

2. Have you ever/will you ever dye your hair? What colour?
I once dyed a strand orange because my cousins insisted too much, but it was a tone-over-tone dye that lasted 8 days or so, and I didn't use much, so it looked like the rest of my hair, only with a slightly orangeish shade. I'm not planning to dye my hair, I prefer to keep it natural.

3. How long is your hair?
Very long. Hips-length.

4. Have you changed hairstyles a lot?
No, not intentionally at least. My hair changes on its own.

5. When was the last time you had a haircut?
Only the ends: last year I think, or maybe the previous one?
Short cut: never.

6. Do you/have you ever used products for your hair? (like wax or something)
Yes, I've used shampoo, conditioner, anti-frizz cream and other products which I'm not using anymore to make it more docile and easier to comb.

13th November 2004, 05:28 PM
1. What's your natural hair colour?
2. Have you ever/will you ever dye your hair? What colour?
3. How long is your hair?
4. Have you changed hairstyles a lot?
5. When was the last time you had a haircut?
6. Do you/have you ever used products for your hair? (like wax or something)

1. Dark Brown.
2. I have had my hair dyed numerous times. I've had it tipped blonde once and I didn't really like it. I've also dyed it black a few times, and that's my preference. There isn't much difference from dark brown and black though. Many people don't notice the change.
3. I try to keep it fairly short, but not too short.
4. No.
5. Two months ago.
6. The usual shampoo and conditioner. When my hair gets too long, I'm forced to gel it down since it sticks up like a mini afro in the morning, however I try and avoid that at all costs. I don't particularly like my hair hardening or getting the gel on my hands.

13th November 2004, 07:37 PM
1. i am naturally a blonde.
2. about a year ago I started dying my hair a dark brown-ish purple, which I stopped about 6 months ago.
3. It's a little past my shoulders.
4. Nah I don't really change hairstyles a lot. Sometimes I add a bit of layering, but that's it, nothing big.
5. June sometime, I believe.
6. Yeah, I use gel before I blowdry my hair.

Crystal Mew
13th November 2004, 07:46 PM
1. light brown-ish, some people say is blonde, but I don't think so :no:

2. Maybe when I am old, and have a lot of gray hairs...but I have been thinking about dying it darker, to match my eyebrows, lol. But other than that, I probably wont, but I do want highlights :}

3. mid- back. but if we are counting inches, its 23 inches long :eek:
soon to be 22 inches =)

4. Not really, I grew my bangs out, but I think I want long wispy bangs... I dunno, but normally I just have layered hair, but my layers grew out :[ I've had this hairsytle for about 2 years maybe..or 1 year I dunno

5. My birthday, june 2. I cut it to a little below my shoulders, so it grew like 5-6 inches since june, good grief it grows fast

6. Um, I use this curl enhancer spray..since my hair is naturally wavy, it just takes the frizz out, and gives me those hollywood type waves, its cool stuff :yes:

Agent Elrond
13th November 2004, 09:53 PM
1. What's your natural hair colour?

Dark, dark brown.

2. Have you ever/will you ever dye your hair? What colour?

I seriously doubt I will ever change my hair color.

3. How long is your hair?

Atm it's quite short, only just long enough to put into a pony-tail.

4. Have you changed hairstyles a lot?

For the longest time I just had one braid (no bangs) which was about, oh, two and a half feet long, but I cut it off last year, and since then I've been messing about with different lengths and styles. Anyhoo, I've had the same cut since mid August now.

5. When was the last time you had a haircut?

Mid August.

6. Do you/have you ever used products for your hair? (like wax or something)

Sometimes I've had to use lots and lots of bobby pins in order to keep it up in some extravagant hairstyle or another. But I guess those don't really count.


13th November 2004, 10:08 PM
1. What's your natural hair colour?
2. Have you ever/will you ever dye your hair? What colour?
3. How long is your hair?
4. Have you changed hairstyles a lot?
5. When was the last time you had a haircut?
6. Do you/have you ever used products for your hair? (like wax or something)

1. A really deep dark brown. It's kind of near black, so people say it doesn't look "right" with how pale my skin is.

2. I sometimes dye a few strands blue, which results in a midnight blue. Last time I had strands was in April, but I might have some again soon.

3. As of now it's at the bottom of my neck. The longest I'll allow it to go is to my collar bone, and mid-neck is the shortest I've ever had it.

4. No. I used to brush my callic so it can hide my hairline, but I saw that it never stayed. Damn callic. I wish I never had it.

5. I just had mine today, which was the first time since early April.

6. Besides shampoo and conditioner, not really. My hair is quite thick, so it's hard to keep it from not being greasy.

14th November 2004, 08:38 PM
1. Black. Or like I like to call it, really really really dark brown.
2. Perhaps lighter brown, but I'm fine with black right now.
3. Short, too short.
4. No.
5. Two weeks ago.
6. Umm.. no...

14th November 2004, 10:40 PM
1. What's your natural hair colour?
2. Have you ever/will you ever dye your hair? What colour?
3. How long is your hair?
4. Have you changed hairstyles a lot?
5. When was the last time you had a haircut?
6. Do you/have you ever used products for your hair?

1.) Really dark almost black looking brown.
2.) Yea, once. tried to get it blonde because my baseball team won the championship, but since my hair was so dark it turned orange-ish lol.
3.) a couple inches.
4.) nope, not really.
5.) two or three weeks ago.
6.) umm... shampoo lol.

~The Italian Stallion

Austrian ViceMaster Alex
15th November 2004, 06:42 AM
1. What's your natural hair colour?
2. Have you ever/will you ever dye your hair? What colour?
3. How long is your hair?
4. Have you changed hairstyles a lot?
5. When was the last time you had a haircut?
6. Do you/have you ever used products for your hair? (like wax or something)

1.) My natural hair colour is black. It used to be brown when I was younger.
2.) Probably when it gets grey, who knows. But not right now.
3.) My hair's pretty short, usually between 0.6 and 2.0 centimetres.
4.) No, I usually go with a particular hairstyle for many years. Right now I just have it shaved off when it's getting to long, i.e. starts growing over my ears.
5.) Friday last week.
6.) Yeah, in my teens I used some kind of wax but that always took way too long for my taste so I stopped with that pretty soon.

15th November 2004, 12:11 PM
1. What's your natural hair colour?
Black, though it actually used to be brown... o_0

2. Have you ever/will you ever dye your hair? What colour?
I don't think I'll ever do that.

3. How long is your hair?
Long enough to need a haircut. It's usually about medium range, though, for a guy.

4. Have you changed hairstyles a lot?
I've had the same hairstyle for the last 12 years. I'd call that a "no".

5. When was the last time you had a haircut?
A few months ago. Like I said, it's haircut time.

6. Do you/have you ever used products for your hair? (like wax or something)
Only if you count shampoo and water.

15th November 2004, 04:21 PM
1. What's your natural hair colour? Dark Brown
2. Have you ever/will you ever dye your hair? What colour?
3. How long is your hair? right below my sholders
4. Have you changed hairstyles a lot? no
5. When was the last time you had a haircut? right before summer started
6. Do you/have you ever used products for your hair? (like wax or something)


15th November 2004, 04:38 PM
1. What's your natural hair colour? black
2. Have you ever/will you ever dye your hair? What colour? once dyed half-blonde without consent
3. How long is your hair? shorttt
4. Have you changed hairstyles a lot? like 0 times my whole life
5. When was the last time you had a haircut? few weeks ago
6. Do you/have you ever used products for your hair? (like wax or something) nope nevar.

15th November 2004, 05:22 PM
1. Blonde
2. I have mine highlighted so that its a lighter blonde.
3. Just past my shoulder blades, trying to grow it though.
4. Ive had it cut different lengths and had different things done with it.
5. A few months ago, I need it doing again soon.
6. I use a hair silk product to keep my hair silky

17th November 2004, 08:45 PM
1. Black
2. I have. Auburn.
3. Short
4. No.
5. Few days ago
6. No.

Moonlight Espeon
17th November 2004, 08:48 PM
1. What's your natural hair colour?
2. Have you ever/will you ever dye your hair? What colour?
3. How long is your hair?
4. Have you changed hairstyles a lot?
5. When was the last time you had a haircut?
6. Do you/have you ever used products for your hair? (like wax or something)

1. Brown, black when wet, dark brown.
2. No.
3. Really short. Every strand is about a centimeter in length.
4. No. I let it grow to curly and then I cut it to short.
5. Last Saturday.
6. No.

Mab the Mad Clefable
29th November 2004, 02:59 PM
1. Light brown
2.I dye it red a lot. I also like to use hair mascaras in blue, pink, gold, purple and any other colour I fancy.
3.Short and spiky.
4.Not for a long while. I used to have longer hair, but I prefer it short.
5. About a month ago, it is due for a cut actually.
6.I use shampoo, conditioner, gel.

29th November 2004, 03:09 PM
1. What's your natural hair colour?

Light brown.

2. Have you ever/will you ever dye your hair? What colour?


3. How long is your hair?

Very, very long. At least for my age.

4. Have you changed hairstyles a lot?


5. When was the last time you had a haircut?


6. Do you/have you ever used products for your hair? (like wax or something)


29th November 2004, 10:17 PM
1. What's your natural hair colour?
2. Have you ever/will you ever dye your hair? What colour?
3. How long is your hair?
4. Have you changed hairstyles a lot?
5. When was the last time you had a haircut?
6. Do you/have you ever used products for your hair? (like wax or something)

1 - dark brown.
2 - yes i have. reddish highlights, cant see it much, only in the sun
3 - not that long.
4 - no.
5 - august.
6 - no

29th November 2004, 10:56 PM
1. Brown
2. No
3. Right now my bangs almost come down to my eyebrows
4. No, always combed straight down
5. Can't remember, somtime after school started this semester
6. Shampoo :P

29th November 2004, 11:03 PM
1. brown.
2. i dyed most of it blonde back in 8th grade. i'll probably never dye it again. :)
3. very short. i just get a trim on top, shaved around, and faded in when i get a haircut. ;o
4. nope.
5. a couple of weeks ago.
6. i used to use gel on it a few years back but i don't now.