View Full Version : Has anyone wondered whether...

16th November 2004, 12:11 PM
the legendary Pokemon's calls can be heard when you and the legendary Pokemon are on the same route? I was wondering if anyone has actually heard the calls of the legendary Pokemon, because if they have, this would make finding the legendary Pokemon running wild easier to locate.

16th November 2004, 12:24 PM
It can't I don't think unless it is one of the legendary dogs or Lati@s which can be heard. Which is usually to help indicate if it is close to you.

16th November 2004, 02:03 PM
I wonder if Lati@s's calls would be heard more often, if possible, if the ability additions in Emerald really affect game play.

Silent Dragonfly
16th November 2004, 04:23 PM
Trade or battle the Pokémon to at least have "Seen" the Pokémon. Check AREA on the dex, and as long as it is around (ie. after E4 and hasn't been caught/KO'd) it'll show the route it's on. Much more efficient than waiting for a cry.

16th November 2004, 08:02 PM
I know, but hearing the cry would help when you haven't seen the actual Pokemon yet would really help a lot. There's one more question weighing on my mind: Are there really Grimer and Koffing in Celadon City? I've searched everywhere possible, but there's no Grimer or Koffing. Is it a glitch?

16th November 2004, 08:25 PM
Koffing is a very rare encounter surfing on the pond in the middle of Celedon (1%). I checked on that when I was trying to catch one.

Grimer I'm not sure of - I went to check at Pokémon Forever, but i'm not able to connect. It definitely shows up as being encountered in Celadon (just checked on my Leaf Green cart) but I've never seen one there.

16th November 2004, 09:27 PM
Okay thanks for the info.

16th November 2004, 09:42 PM
Finally go onto Pokéfor; Grimer is a 1% chance encounter fishing with the Super Rod in the pond at Celedon.