View Full Version : Which Version of Deoxys do you prefer?

Chris Watarimono
20th November 2004, 09:14 AM
Yesh, we all know that Deoxys is an 00ber, which we all love to know and hate, but c'mon now, it's got three different forms! Three different forms per version! How can you not like that? Lets see Mewtwo have multiple forms! Or Lugia! Or Lati@s! Bleh, not even close! XD

But enough of my rambles. Which version do you like out of the three?

20th November 2004, 09:27 AM
The Pokemon LG Deoxys would make a decent Tank if it wasn't classed as an Uber. So my vote goes to the Pokemon LG Deoxys not only because it could make a great Tank but also because it's cool looking. I can see how cheap the Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/FR Deoxys is with high Attack and Special Attack but really low Defences. It might KO you before you get a chance to break through its mega low Defences.

Silent Dragonfly
20th November 2004, 10:29 AM
You didn't put it's Emerald form in the poll. FR Deoxys owns anything that doesn't have QuickAttack/Extremespeed. Unless you get it to learn Extremespeed on Emerald then trade it back to FR, then it owns everything.

20th November 2004, 11:49 AM
You didn't put Speed Deoxys (Emerald Deoxys.), which is the one I like the most. I like how it's well rounded and possesses uber Speed. I like most forms equally, they injected life in an otherwise freakish Pokémon. But as a lover of balance, I like Emerald form the best.

Because of that, I'll vote "Karp, Magikarp!" :P

20th November 2004, 12:10 PM
I voted for the DEF form, its what I like, I mainly prefer defensive moves

Cedrico Ikari
20th November 2004, 12:27 PM
I vote for LG version too because it really rulez

20th November 2004, 03:16 PM
the speed one I guess... @_@

Chris Watarimono
20th November 2004, 05:30 PM
Whoops, there's a speed one too? O_O Well, lettme do this poll over then. X_X Mods, go ahead and close this thread.