View Full Version : Chan chan!

30th November 2004, 05:17 PM
Eh... sorry that I never post much. I'm just not as crazy about drawing Pokemon as I used to be, or making an effort on replying to other people's art.


Way back when, I imagined Hitmonchan's clothes as being part of the body. Those colored orbs on his hands are the source of his element punches (fire, ice, and electric). Then I started favoring nekkid Hitmonchans, but I want to go back to the perpetual clothed look. There's a thick dark grey-black stripe across his belly that is like the belt in the official art, and his "skirt" thingees are now... well, thingees... on his hips and pelvis. Overall, the light purple blends into the rest of his brown skin. And he got purple feets :D.

I also made the face have these stylized cheek bones and a bit of a snout. That's why Hitmonchan is so hard for me to draw because his face doesn't have much shape to it. So I took liberty on his face.

He looks like he's painting a rainboooooow with his hand orbs...

Agent Elrond
30th November 2004, 06:29 PM
Eheh, he does look like he's painting a rainbow! ^.^ Very active pose, and niiiiiice claws. I like the smooth coloring, and his face actually looks quite good; I wouldn't have noticed anything odd about it except you told me. >.<

I think if you wanted to give the pic more weight making his shadow darker would be a good idea. But you probably know that already.


Mad Goblin
2nd December 2004, 07:35 PM
Eegad! Brilliant! Organic skirt is much better than "I think it may be cross dressing" skirt :P

But, why no ogranic punching gloves? Don't get me wrong, the orbs and hands are really cool, I just, I dunno, was expecting the rest of the outfit to be naturally grown, too.

Power orbs. Heh. Neato.

3rd December 2004, 08:16 AM
I was never crazy about the boxing gloves. It would be different if the gloves were organic looking in the official art, but they just look like regular boxing gloves. I was thinking that the gloves were a device used to constrict Hitmonchan's overwhelming power, like Machoke's belt. Explains the horribly low special attack ;)

9th December 2004, 07:32 AM
Eh... sorry that I never post much. I'm just not as crazy about drawing Pokemon as I used to be, or making an effort on replying to other people's art.


Way back when, I imagined Hitmonchan's clothes as being part of the body. Those colored orbs on his hands are the source of his element punches (fire, ice, and electric). Then I started favoring nekkid Hitmonchans, but I want to go back to the perpetual clothed look. There's a thick dark grey-black stripe across his belly that is like the belt in the official art, and his "skirt" thingees are now... well, thingees... on his hips and pelvis. Overall, the light purple blends into the rest of his brown skin. And he got purple feets :D.

I also made the face have these stylized cheek bones and a bit of a snout. That's why Hitmonchan is so hard for me to draw because his face doesn't have much shape to it. So I took liberty on his face.

He looks like he's painting a rainboooooow with his hand orbs...
Wow! You art is forever so nice!
*clap hands*

I like the pose and the colouring. I could never figure out how to draw that pose on my oekakist drawing board, its just too difficult. ^^

PS: Is this your avatar in pokecommunity.com ?