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13th February 2005, 12:34 PM
EMT Game
Type: Normal
Base PP: ???
Base Power: ???
Base Accuracy: ???
Target: ???

*Hands over 12 Stamps/CCPs*

MG: 2 Stamps/CCPs, Red MGcoin

Shadow Djinn
*Hands over 4 Stamps*

MG: Blue MGcoin, Solar Gem
*Hands over 1 Stamp*
GT: Correct. Take your 2 Stamps.
GT: This Pokemon has a flame sac inside its belly that always burns.
SC: 1 Blue MGcoin, 6 Red MGcoins

(2/12) What's the latest book you read? Did you enjoy it? Why/Why not? Do you do a lot of reading? Why/Why not?

(2/13) Have you ever rented DVDs? Why/Why not? Do you think it's worthwhile renting DVDs? Why/Why not?

The Blue Avenger
13th February 2005, 12:39 PM
EMT: Metronome?

(2/12) What's the latest book you read? Did you enjoy it? Why/Why not? Do you do a lot of reading? Why/Why not?

I just finished Jane Eyre. I enjoyed it a bit more than I did freshman year, if only because I can decipher the language a bit better now. I read when I can, but school reading takes up a lot of my time.

(2/13) Have you ever rented DVDs? Why/Why not? Do you think it's worthwhile renting DVDs? Why/Why not?

I haven't - I only ever rent video games. I mean, it's cool to watch a DVD before you buy it, but I don't watch a lot of TV or movies except in theaters anyway.

13th February 2005, 01:42 PM
(2/12) What's the latest book you read? Did you enjoy it? Why/Why not? Do you do a lot of reading? Why/Why not?

Well, I haven't finished it, but I'm in the process of reading Sourcery, from the Discworld series. I'm really enjoying it... it's a very very amusing book. And the wizard guy... he's so clueless. I love characters like that. I do quite a lot of reading... I've always love to read. Since I was four, I gave up my afternoon nap for reading, and I even taught myself how to read. I'm rather picky with the type of books I like... I'm a picky bookworm type, I guess.

(2/13) Have you ever rented DVDs? Why/Why not? Do you think it's worthwhile renting DVDs? Why/Why not?

I don't rent DVDs, but my parents do. They like watching movies every once in a while, but don't see the point in watching them again and again, so they just rent them. I do think it's worthwhile renting DVDs. That way, I can decide if I want to buy a certain DVD or not. My mom rented The Lion King 1 1/2 for me a couple of months ago. At first I was very suspicious, since, you know, it's a sequel to a rather good movie and all. But I was surprised to find out that it's actually a wonderful movie, with lots of humor and Timon and Pumbaa being more awesome than ever. That made me sure I want to buy it, so I will be able to watch the movie whenever I'd like. And I discovered my favorite movie, The Nightmare Before Christmas, when I rented it, too, so... yeah, renting's good.

2 MGs, please.

EMT: Mega Punch?

13th February 2005, 02:16 PM
I'll sell the two gems for stamps

EMT: Body Slam

Shadow Djinn
13th February 2005, 02:20 PM
(2/12) What's the latest book you read? Did you enjoy it? Why/Why not? Do you do a lot of reading? Why/Why not?
Hm....The Digital Fortress. It was ok, I suppose, not really my type of book, but still good. I do loads of reading because it gives me ideas for writing, which is good.

(2/13) Have you ever rented DVDs? Why/Why not? Do you think it's worthwhile renting DVDs? Why/Why not?

I have a few times, in the summer and such, because there is no other way to watch the movie. It IS worthwhile, as long as the prices aren't steep.

13th February 2005, 02:42 PM
EMT Game
Type: Normal
Base PP: ???
Base Power: ???
Base Accuracy: ???
Target: ???
Guesses: Metronome, Mega Punch, Body Slam

MG: Flame Gem, 1 Stamp/CCP

MG: 1 Stamp/CCP, Red MGcoin

*Hands over 4 Stamps*

Shadow Djinn
MG: Solar Gem, 1 Stamp/CCP

The Blue Avenger
13th February 2005, 02:50 PM
EMT: Recover?

And I'd like to sell that Gem for stamps, please.

Shadow Djinn
13th February 2005, 02:56 PM
Selling Solar for stamps.

13th February 2005, 03:08 PM
EMT: Tri Attack

(2/12) What's the latest book you read? Did you enjoy it? Why/Why not? Do you do a lot of reading? Why/Why not?

LotR: The Return of the King. We read the first two in school and I decided to read the last one just to finish it. It was very good and I was surprised at how many things were not in the last movie, especially when they returned to the Shire. I do do a lot of reading because I think it's fun and productive. Just bought another book by Terry Brooks, the first of another quartet by him

(2/13) Have you ever rented DVDs? Why/Why not? Do you think it's worthwhile renting DVDs? Why/Why not?

We have Netflix so it's easier to rent movies than going to Blockbuster, but I'm more of a cinema person than watching movies at home. It's cheaper getting movies from Netflix but I just don't really watch them that often

13th February 2005, 09:37 PM
(2/12) What's the latest book you read? Did you enjoy it? Why/Why not? Do you do a lot of reading? Why/Why not?
Insomnia by Stephen King. It was very creepy, just the way I like it. The way they described the "higher powers" in that book was very interesting. As in reading in general, yes, I do a lot of it. I love to read. I've been reading ever since I was very little (or trying to read). It helps my imagination flow.

(2/13) Have you ever rented DVDs? Why/Why not? Do you think it's worthwhile renting DVDs? Why/Why not?
I've been just borrowing DVD's rather than paying for them and watching them lately. I just don't watch them enough times to actually own any. But I do buy DVD's when they're whole seasons of shows. That gives you time to sit back and enjoy them.

2 MGs please. And for the EMT game I would like to guess Crush Claw.

14th February 2005, 05:29 AM
*Hands over 2 stamps*

Shadow Djinn
*Hands over 2 stamps*

MG: Lunar Gem, Darkness Gem

MG: Hollow Stone, Lunar Gem

(2/14) Have you sent / received any Valentine's cards this year? How about in past years? What do you think about the day generally?

(2/12) What's the latest book you read? Did you enjoy it? Why/Why not? Do you do a lot of reading? Why/Why not?
I'm reading Agatha Christie's "The Murder At the Vicarage" at the moment as I'm working my way through a lot of her books recently. It's the first Miss Marple story, and is very good so far - I'm about 2/3 of the way through. I read a lot because I travel on the underground every day.

(2/13) Have you ever rented DVDs? Why/Why not? Do you think it's worthwhile renting DVDs? Why/Why not?
I have rented them before - to try a film before buying it is a good reason. I think now though rental firms are not doing as well because it's easy to download movies for free so they have to come up with all sorts of offers and incentives.

2 MGs please. :196:

The Blue Avenger
14th February 2005, 05:31 AM
(2/14) Have you sent / received any Valentine's cards this year? How about in past years? What do you think about the day generally?

I sent one this year because I had to for a party at school. Normally, I don't celebrate at all though. I'm not entirely certain why - it would get me candy...

Lady Vulpix
14th February 2005, 06:47 AM
(2/12) What's the latest book you read? Did you enjoy it? Why/Why not? Do you do a lot of reading? Why/Why not?
"El bosque the los pigmeos" by Isabel Allende. Yes, I did enjoy it because I like the Jaguar and Eagle trilogy, and even though the previous two were far better, it was an enjoyable reading and I like the main characters. Yes, I do a lot of reading because I'm always reading books, comics, stuff for university and/or Battle Range stories.

(2/13) Have you ever rented DVDs? Why/Why not? Do you think it's worthwhile renting DVDs? Why/Why not?
No, I haven't because I don't have a DVD player. It may be worthwile for other people, but not for me for obvious reasons. Why would I rent what I can't watch?

(2/14) Have you sent / received any Valentine's cards this year? How about in past years? What do you think about the day generally?
I've never sent a Valentine's card, nor received one (save for an online card I got from my friend Nelson a few years ago). Valentine's Day is not a big deal here. Sometimes boyfriends and girlfriends get a gift for each other, but that's as far as it goes. I don't have an opinion on the day, it's just like any other day marked in the calendar for someone to congratulate/give a present to someone else. There are lots of them.

14th February 2005, 09:26 AM
EMT Game
Type: Normal
Base PP: 30
Base Power: ???
Base Accuracy: ???
Target: ???
Guesses: Metronome, Mega Punch, Body Slam, Recover, Tri Attack, Crush Claw

MG: Ocean Gem, Stat Modification Die

MG: 1 Stamp/CCP

MG: Stat Modification Die, 1 Stamp/CCP, Solar Gem

(2/12) What's the latest book you read? Did you enjoy it? Why/Why not? Do you do a lot of reading? Why/Why not?
The book that I'm reading now is "A Passage to India" by Foster because I need to read it within this week off school for English. I think it's an alright book but I'm not really enjoy it because it's just about a trip in some caves in India. I don't do a lot of reading because it hurts my eyes when I read and even though I read the text on Role Playing Games I haven't played many of them lately.

(2/13) Have you ever rented DVDs? Why/Why not? Do you think it's worthwhile renting DVDs? Why/Why not?
I've never rented DVDs because I've never wanted to watch any films on DVDs and I don't know where to rent them from. It might be worthwhile renting DVDs if you only want to watch a film once or twice and then get bored of it. Some people who buy a load of DVDs never watch them again after watching them a few times so they might as well have saved money and rented them.

(2/14) Have you sent / received any Valentine's cards this year? How about in past years? What do you think about the day generally?
I haven't sent any Valentine's Day cards this year or in the past years because I don't think I should bother. I did receieve a Valentine's Day Card at school on Friday from a friend of mine and she really cheered me up because I'm mostly sad. Valentine's Day in general is just another boring day where I sit at home doing nothing and getting more depressed nothing special to me.

3 MGs Please.

14th February 2005, 10:01 AM
GT: This Pokemon has a flame sac inside its belly that always burns.

Er... Is that Vulpix? 2 Stamps if it is, please~

(2/12) What's the latest book you read? Did you enjoy it? Why/Why not? Do you do a lot of reading? Why/Why not?
"House Of The Scorpion" by Nancy Farmer. It was just the first thing I saw in the library, but even though I could've read it when I was 12, it was still an interesting book with an engaging plot. I enjoed it because it kept me interested; some books I've read are just boring and don't hold my interest, so I could easily stop reading them without much bother. I try to read as much as I can, but it's really difficult for me to find a book which grasps my interest and won't let go. That's the kind of book I like to read, but I don't often find them =/

(2/13) Have you ever rented DVDs? Why/Why not? Do you think it's worthwhile renting DVDs? Why/Why not?
I haven't, but my sisters have. It's just that if there's a film which interests me then I tend to go to the cinema to see it, and if I like it, then either me or my parents buy it. I've only rented videos from the video place cause there were some films that came out on video and didn't make it to the cinema. It's worthwhile renting DVDs if it's a film that you've wanted to see for a while but never got the chance to, or if it's a film that you're interested in seeing because it's been praised or whatever.

(2/14) Have you sent / received any Valentine's cards this year? How about in past years? What do you think about the day generally?
Not this year, no, but even if I were going to, I'd probably get it tomorrow because I was off school today. I got a few in past years in primary school - when I was about 7 or something =P - but recently I haven't gotten any. I don't really mind, it's nothing major for me. It don't mind the day really. It's commericalized, sure, but it's kind of annoying when people whinge about how it's just an excuse for couples to buy presents for each other and stuff. Why does that matter? It's a day when couples can do special stuff together, just like any other day. It's just that today is renowned for all that lovey dovey stuff. So yeah, I don't mind it really, and whoever likes it should have fun. =)

~ 3 MGs
~ 10 Group 2 Scratchcards, 123, 5 Stamps
~ 1 GT! please
~ EMT: Is it Swords Dance?
~ I'd like to sell my Solar Gem for 2 Stamps please =)

Lady Vulpix
14th February 2005, 10:08 AM
EMT Game: Hero wouldn't let me go without asking if it's Quick Attack. O_o
So, yet another Stat die... I'll save it for later, or sell/trade it if anyone wants it.

14th February 2005, 11:14 AM
EMT: Cut

And I'll sell my gems for stamps

Shadow Djinn
14th February 2005, 12:14 PM
2/14) Have you sent / received any Valentine's cards this year? How about in past years? What do you think about the day generally?

I have sent one, and received a few. In the past years, no. I don't really LIKE the day, but meh, you get candy. >_>

The Blue Avenger
14th February 2005, 03:47 PM
EMT: Vicegrip

14th February 2005, 03:57 PM
EMT Game
Type: Normal
Base PP: 30
Base Power: ???
Base Accuracy: ???
Target: ???
Guesses: Metronome, Mega Punch, Body Slam, Recover, Tri Attack, Crush Claw, Swords Dance, Quick Attack, Cut, Vicegrip

GT: No sorry. It was Torchic.
MG: Lunar Gem, Hollow Stone, 1 Stamp/CCP
SC: 3 Blue MGcoins, 6 Red MGcoins
GT: This Pokemon's large ears are flapped like wings when it is listening to distant sounds.
*Hands over 2 Stamps*

*Hands over 4 Stamps*

Shadow Djinn
MG: Hollow Stone

The Blue Avenger
14th February 2005, 04:06 PM
EMT: I'm desparately hoping this is Glare.

14th February 2005, 04:28 PM
I'm going to guess focus energy

14th February 2005, 05:24 PM
EMT: Harden

(2/14) Have you sent / received any Valentine's cards this year? How about in past years? What do you think about the day generally?
No, I haven't. I did in elementary school, but that was because it was mandatory to distribute cards to kids in your class. Generally I think the day isn't all good, but it isn't all bad either. Like someone else said, you get candy.

MG please.

Lady Vulpix
14th February 2005, 06:37 PM
EMT Game: is it Sharpen?

15th February 2005, 10:54 AM
GT: This Pokemon's large ears are flapped like wings when it is listening to distant sounds.

Is that... um... Clefable? 2 Stamps if it is, please.

~ EMT: Is it Conversion?
~ 10 Group 2 Scratchcards, 123, 5 Stamps, please.
~ 1 GT! please.
~ I'd like to sell that Hollow Stone and Lunar Gem for 3 Stamps, please.

15th February 2005, 01:22 PM
EMT Game
Type: Normal
Base PP: 30
Base Power: ???
Base Accuracy: ???
Target: ???
Guesses: Metronome, Mega Punch, Body Slam, Recover, Tri Attack, Crush Claw, Swords Dance, Quick Attack, Cut, Vicegrip
Congrats, Chris has won a Conversion TM.

MG: Hollow Stone

GT: No sorry. It was Nidoran (M).
SC: 6 Blue MGcoins, 1 Red MGcoin
GT: This Pokemon stores static electricity in its fur for discharging and also gives off sparks if a storm approaches.
*Hands over 3 Stamps*

(2/15) Have you ever said something you regret saying? Why/Why not? Do you always say things you regret saying? Why/Why not?

(2/12) What's the latest book you read? Did you enjoy it? Why/Why not? Do you do a lot of reading? Why/Why not?
The book that I'm reading now is "A Passage to India" by Foster because I need to read it within this week off school for English. I think it's an alright book but I'm not really enjoy it because it's just about a trip in some caves in India. I don't do a lot of reading because it hurts my eyes when I read and even though I read the text on Role Playing Games I haven't played many of them lately.

(2/13) Have you ever rented DVDs? Why/Why not? Do you think it's worthwhile renting DVDs? Why/Why not?
I've never rented DVDs because I've never wanted to watch any films on DVDs and I don't know where to rent them from. It might be worthwhile renting DVDs if you only want to watch a film once or twice and then get bored of it. Some people who buy a load of DVDs never watch them again after watching them a few times so they might as well have saved money and rented them.

(2/14) Have you sent / received any Valentine's cards this year? How about in past years? What do you think about the day generally?
I haven't sent any Valentine's Day cards this year or in the past years because I don't think I should bother. I did receieve a Valentine's Day Card at school on Friday from a friend of mine and she really cheered me up because I'm mostly sad. Valentine's Day in general is just another boring day where I sit at home doing nothing and getting more depressed nothing special to me.

3 MGs Please.

15th February 2005, 02:13 PM
MG: Darkness Gem
GT: This Pokemon apparently slows down if its whiskers are cut off.

Sell the Gem for 2 CCPs and is the GT Raticate? 2 Stamps if I'm right, please.

(2/14) Have you sent / received any Valentine's cards this year? How about in past years? What do you think about the day generally?

No to both of them; there isn't anyone around here that I would really want to send a Valentine's too anyway, or receive one. I had one years ago from my then boyfriend, and I think I received some during primary school, not that those really count for anything. I don't really care about the day, though that might change if I have a boyfriend.

(2/15) Have you ever said something you regret saying? Why/Why not? Do you always say things you regret saying? Why/Why not

Hell yeah, usually because I don't think about what I'm saying or if I'm annoyed with somebody then I'll just say something without realising it. I don't really do it that much anymore, but when I was 11 or so, I did it quite a lot, and really annoyed my friends o_O I'm just more in controlled of what i say/think nowadays, though.

2 MGs, 10 Group 2 SCs (2,6,9) for 5 Stamps and a GT please.

The Blue Avenger
15th February 2005, 02:48 PM
(2/15) Have you ever said something you regret saying? Why/Why not? Do you always say things you regret saying? Why/Why not?

I say things a lot like that if only because I don't normally think about what I'm saying. But my friends are good people and they understand that, so it works out.

15th February 2005, 02:53 PM
(2/15) Have you ever said something you regret saying? Why/Why not? Do you always say things you regret saying? Why/Why not?

Oh, yeah. I'm not sure why, sometimes things just slip out, and they cause horrible results. I constantly say them, everyday, at any time. Usually its to my family, and they go crazy.

16th February 2005, 02:10 PM
GT: This Pokemon stores static electricity in its fur for discharging and also gives off sparks if a storm approaches.

Um... Is that Electabuzz? 2 Stamps if it is, please.

(2/15) Have you ever said something you regret saying? Why/Why not? Do you always say things you regret saying? Why/Why not
Oh of course, I used to say them all the time. It doesn't happen so much nowadays since I try not to get involved in things which could end badly or say things which may offend other people. I usually keep rather quiet. I always used to sa them because I was either frustrated or I didn't think about what the consequences of saying things like that could be. I don't tend to do it often nowadays because I have more control over things like that, like Hannah.

~ 1 MG.
~ 10 Group 2 Scratchcards, 123, 5 Stamps.
~ 1 GT! please.

As for the Conversion TM, I won the last one and I can't use it so I'm giving it away (yes, free of charge). I believe Jeff and Kyle both have Porygon's but I dunno if they know Conversion or not... But either way, whoever wants it, I'm giving it away...

The Blue Avenger
16th February 2005, 02:19 PM
Well, Conversion is one of the moves Porygon starts out with. So, all Porygon know Conversion. However, I'll take it and see if I could find another Pokemon to use it on, if you don't mind.

16th February 2005, 02:30 PM
Sure, you can have it Jeff. *hands it over* Good luck on finding another pokemon, I sure don't know of any others...

16th February 2005, 06:41 PM
(2/13) Have you ever rented DVDs? Why/Why not? Do you think it's worthwhile renting DVDs? Why/Why not?
Yeah, I rent DVDs all the time because I have Netflix, so its simple and easy. I don't have enough time to drive to the theater, so I'll just watch movies on my own time because I can control when to pause or play it and I can eat dinner while watching it.

(2/14) Have you sent / received any Valentine's cards this year? How about in past years? What do you think about the day generally?
No, I'm a Valentine-less person. We used to do Valentine's exhange in elementary school, but that was long ago. I don't really care about Feb 14th, I'm sort of a loner and independent person. I'll find love when I'm ready.

(2/15) Have you ever said something you regret saying? Why/Why not? Do you always say things you regret saying? Why/Why not
I don't think so, because I hardly talk at all. I'm such a quiet person. In fact, I regret NOT saying things because I need to be more assertive and voice my feelings.

17th February 2005, 08:31 AM
*Hands over 2 CCPs*
GT: Correct. Take your 2 Stamps.
MG: Flame Gem, 10 Stamps/CCPs
SC: 4 Blue MGcoins, 5 Red MGcoins
GT: Every time this Pokemon flaps its wings it looses highly toxic dust.

MG: Division Gem

MG: 1 Stamp/CCP

GT: No sorry. It was Electrike.
MG: Miracle Berry
SC: 3 Blue MGcoins, 6 Red MGcoins
GT: This Pokemon frightens people by screaming loudly or appearing suddenly.

MG: Lunar Gem, Solar Gem, Division Gem

(2/16) Do you play a musical instrument? Why/Why not? Do you think you'll get a musical instrument in the future? Why/Why not?

(2/17) Have you ever been on a boat trip? Why/Why not? Would you like to go on a boat trip? Why/Why not? Where would you go? Why?

17th February 2005, 11:56 AM
(2/16) Do you play a musical instrument? Why/Why not? Do you think you'll get a musical instrument in the future? Why/Why not?
I used to play the clarinet back in middle school, but I wasn't good at it. I quit after a year of trying to play it. I also took piano lessons but I haven't played in a while and I think I forgot what I learned. I don't think I'll get a musical instrument anytime soon. I'm just too busy doing other things to practice.

(2/17) Have you ever been on a boat trip? Why/Why not? Would you like to go on a boat trip? Why/Why not? Where would you go? Why?
I went on a cruise ship a few years back. My dad wanted my stepfamily to go on a nice vacation. We went to Key West and Cozumel. It was very nice, especially when we went souvenir shopping at the ports of call.

2 MGs please.

17th February 2005, 01:31 PM
MG: Flame Gem,
GT: Every time this Pokemon flaps its wings it looses highly toxic dust.

Sell the Gem for 2 Stamps and is the GT Venomoth? 2 Stamps if I'm right, please.

(2/16) Do you play a musical instrument? Why/Why not? Do you think you'll get a musical instrument in the future? Why/Why not?

I used to play the recorder and fife during primary school, because it was compulsary, not because I wanted to. I gave it up as soon as I left. I doubt I'll get any sort of musical instrument in the future because I've never really been interested anyway and I can think of better ways to spend my time (reading, drawing, writing etc).

(2/17) Have you ever been on a boat trip? Why/Why not? Would you like to go on a boat trip? Why/Why not? Where would you go? Why?

I haven't been on anything like a cruise, but I have been on random short boat trips, usually because my parents have wanted us to. Though I think we might be going on one to the Red Sea Riveria (I know that's spelt wrong) which should be fun. I don't have any particular place I'd like to on a cruise, so I don't mind if I go on or don't.

2 MGs, 10 Group 2 SCs (2,6,9) for 5 Stamps and a GT please.

The Blue Avenger
17th February 2005, 03:57 PM
(2/16) Do you play a musical instrument? Why/Why not? Do you think you'll get a musical instrument in the future? Why/Why not?
No, because I have no musical talent whatsoever. I wish I did though, but I'm just so horribly uncoordinated... As for getting an instrument, see the previous answer.

(2/17) Have you ever been on a boat trip? Why/Why not? Would you like to go on a boat trip? Why/Why not? Where would you go? Why?

I've taken a scientific cruise with my dad once, out into the ocean to collect samples. It was pretty fun. I would like to take a cruise around New Zealand though, because the whole area is just so pretty.

17th February 2005, 04:12 PM
MG: Red MGcoin, 1 Stamp/CCP

*Hands over 2 Stamps*
GT: Correct. Take your 2 Stamps.
MG: Lunar Gem, Red MGcoin
SC: 3 Blue MGcoins, 6 Red MGcoins
GT: This Pokemon lashes about with its tail to knock down its foe and use its sharp claws.

MG: Red MGcoin, Berry

18th February 2005, 01:24 PM
MG: Lunar Gem
GT: This Pokemon lashes about with its tail to knock down its foe and use its sharp claws.

Sell the Gem for 2 Stamps and is the GT Charmeleon? 2 Stamps if I'm right, please.

I'll also take 10 Group 2 SCs (2,6,9) for 5 Stamps and a GT please.

18th February 2005, 07:52 PM
I'll play a game of GT *hands over Red MGCoin*

(2/16) Do you play a musical instrument? Why/Why not? Do you think you'll get a musical instrument in the future? Why/Why not?

Used to play the clarinet but I hated practicing and lugging it around everywhere. I always wanted to play the sax but I never I would never committ to it and gave up. It would be nice to go back to it one day but not right now

(2/17) Have you ever been on a boat trip? Why/Why not? Would you like to go on a boat trip? Why/Why not? Where would you go? Why?

Never been on a cruise or excursion because I'd rather be on the land than in the water. I've gone snorkeling from a boat once but it wasn't the best experience. If I did go on a cruise, I'd go to the Bahamas or Hawaii

(2/15) Have you ever said something you regret saying? Why/Why not? Do you always say things you regret saying? Why/Why not?

Sometimes I'm a little tactless and I say things that make me feel guilty. The best example I can give is when my sister gave me a movie for my birthday that I didn't really like and I tried telling her that it wasn't my favorite movie but I got reprimanded by my dad. Bad thing to say but I couldn't lie and say I loved it. Don't even know where it is now

The Blue Avenger
18th February 2005, 07:54 PM
I will play Scratchcards, a Group 2 with squares 1, 5, and 9, for a Green MGCoin.

Knight of Time
19th February 2005, 04:24 PM
MG: Lunar Gem, Solar Gem
SC: 5 Blue MGcoins, 4 Red MGcoins
GT: This Pokemon uses its long tail to pluck nuts and berries that it loves to eat.
*Hands over a Water Stone*
*Hands over a Night Stone*
*Hands over 6 Stamps*

GT!: Are you Chimecho? I'd like another Hollow Stone if I'm right, please.

(2/17) Have you ever been on a boat trip? Why/Why not? Would you like to go on a boat trip? Why/Why not? Where would you go? Why?

Yeah, I've been on ferries a lot, b/c they are fun to ride, especially since you can do many things on them such as getting a bite to eat, playing the occasional coin-operated game(s) if you have any quarters, reading a newspaper, or simply hanging around and relaxing in the lounge area. Yes, I would definitely enjoy another cruise on a ferry (heck, I'd enjoy doing that anytime, other than winter, where the ferries here are tied up since they aren't ice breakers), b/c they are pretty much always full of adventure. I don't know where I'd go, and it would usually vary b/c there are several places in Atlantic Canada I enjoy visiting.

(2/16) Do you play a musical instrument? Why/Why not? Do you think you'll get a musical instrument in the future? Why/Why not?

Yes, I used to play several, guitar, piano, trombone, various percussion instruments (I like percussion instruments best these days, but I haven't played one for ages). I'm not sure if I am going to possibly get another instrument in the future, b/c I'm not really into playing music much these days.

[b](2/15)/b] Have you ever said something you regret saying? Why/Why not? Do you always say things you regret saying? Why/Why not?

Yeah, I have (though I can't exactly remember anything I regret saying), b/c it sometimes makes me feel ashamed about things, especially if I was angered too much in a short time. No, I rarely say things I regret saying, b/c I'm the kind of person (both here and RL) who never wants to hurt anyone's feelings, even if it was by accident.

3 MGs, 10 SCs (1, 2, 3, Green MGCoin) and another GT! please.

Lady Vulpix
19th February 2005, 04:46 PM
(2/15) Have you ever said something you regret saying? Why/Why not? Do you always say things you regret saying? Why/Why not?
Yes, many time. I'm so self-demanding that I end up regretting something I've said almost everyday. I know it doesn't help me, but I've been working on changing that for years. Maybe some day I'll learn not to be so hard on myself. Most of the time it's something the other person won't remember anyway.

(2/16) Do you play a musical instrument? Why/Why not? Do you think you'll get a musical instrument in the future? Why/Why not?
I used to play the piano, but I stopped due to lack of time for practising. Now the only musical instrument I use is my voice. I sing as much as I can. I don't think I'll get a new instrument any time soon. I don't need one.

(2/17) Have you ever been on a boat trip? Why/Why not? Would you like to go on a boat trip? Why/Why not? Where would you go? Why?
Sensors detect why/why not abuse. http://www.geocities.com/gsteren/Faces/wink.txt I've gone on boat trips a few times for fun. I think it would be nice to go on another. I've never gone far in a ship, though. Just short trips of an hour or less.

20th February 2005, 10:35 AM
GT: No sorry. It was Electrike.

Really? I even checked Electrike's pokedex entry before I had guessed and it didn't say anything about that...

GT: This Pokemon frightens people by screaming loudly or appearing suddenly.

Is that Misdreavus? 2 Stamps if it is, please.

(2/16) Do you play a musical instrument? Why/Why not? Do you think you'll get a musical instrument in the future? Why/Why not?
I play two; tenor saxophone and piano. I play them because I enjoy doing it, and I like making and listening to music - I always have. I used to play the violin, and then I played the cello, but I just didn't enjoy doing that. I think it might have been because of my teacher, but I'm not really sure. Regardless, I like what I'm doing now, so that's not a big deal. I might get my own instrument in the future; my own saxophone would be cool (the one I have now is the schools) and I'd love an electric piano.

(2/17) Have you ever been on a boat trip? Why/Why not? Would you like to go on a boat trip? Why/Why not? Where would you go? Why?
Yes, I've been on a few, but they were only for enjoyment or to get to a nearby island (one trip was when we were going from mainland Mexico to a nearby island, Isla Mujeres). None of the trips I've been on boats have been very long, though. My favourite was probably when we went to see dolphins and whales - there was a glass bottom for us to see underwater, which was cool. We did indeed see two whales underwater and saw dolphins on the surface too, so it was worthwhile. I don't know where I'd go if I went on another boat trip... Although a boat trip across the Atlantic to the USA would be really cool, even if it would take a long time. And I agree with Gabi - quite a lot of why/why nots. =P

~ 2 MGs, please. (Shock! No requests for Scratchcards/GTs!)

20th February 2005, 01:41 PM
EMT Game
Type: Poison
Base PP: ???
Base Power: ???
Base Accuracy: ???
Target: ???

*Hands over 2 Stamps*
GT: Correct. Take your 2 Stamps.
SC: 5 Stamps, 4 Blue MGcoins, 4 Red MGcoins
GT: When this Pokemon is born it has just one snow-white tail and this splits from its tip as it grows older.

GT: In the distant past this Pokemon was somewhat stronger than the horribly weak descendants that exist today.
MG: Darkness Gem, Division Gem, Light Gem

SC: 1 Red MGcoin

GT: Correct. Take your Hollow Stone.
MG: 2 Stamps/CCPs, Stat Modification Die, Hollow Stone
SC: 7 Blue MGcoins, 1 Red MGcoin
GT: If this Pokemon charges at an enemy the hairs on its back stand up straight.

MG: 1 Stamp/CCP, Stat Modification Die, Red MGcoin

GT: Correct. Take your 2 Stamps.
MG: Rainbow Gem, Stat Modification Die

(2/18) Do you like drawing? Why/Why not? Do you think you're good at drawing? Why/Why not? Do other people say you're good at drawing?

(2/19) Do you celebrate family birthdays? Why/Why not? Do you do anything special to celebrate them? Why/Why not?

(2/20) Do you have a printer? Why/Why not? What do you use it for? Do you use it a lot? Why/Why not?

Knight of Time
20th February 2005, 01:44 PM
EMT Game: Toxic?

The Blue Avenger
20th February 2005, 01:47 PM
EMT: Is this Sludge Bomb?

(2/18) Do you like drawing? Why/Why not? Do you think you're good at drawing? Why/Why not? Do other people say you're good at drawing?

I like to draw, mostly in the margins of my school notes when I'm bored. ^_^ I wouldn't say I'm good, but at least I can tell what I'm drawing. Other people have said I'm good, though.

(2/19) Do you celebrate family birthdays? Why/Why not? Do you do anything special to celebrate them? Why/Why not?

Yes, I do. In fact, I just celebrated my mom's, we went out to dinner. Usually that's about it, go out to dinner, then a cake at home and presents. We celebrate them because birthdays are supposed to be special.

(2/20) Do you have a printer? Why/Why not? What do you use it for? Do you use it a lot? Why/Why not?

Yes. Yes, I do. I use it for... um, printing stuff. Normally homework. That amounts to a lot of printing.

I think you're running out of ideas... heh.

20th February 2005, 02:20 PM
*gags* So many gems. I'll sell them for stamps

GT: I'll say Magikarp for a Blue Coin. If I'm right, I'll use the coin for another round of GT

20th February 2005, 03:29 PM
(2/18) Do you like drawing? Why/Why not? Do you think you're good at drawing? Why/Why not? Do other people say you're good at drawing?
I can't draw, but I doodle on the margins of my notes at school. Basic shapes and swirls. Although one time I drew a Jigglypuff that looked decent. I'll be taking a drawing class soon so I'll get much better.

(2/19) Do you celebrate family birthdays? Why/Why not? Do you do anything special to celebrate them? Why/Why not?
Yeah, especially my grandparents'. They're special to me, so it's nice to celebrate to me. We usually have dinner out, or if it's my grandparents, we cook for them. They like us cooking for them.

(2/20) Do you have a printer? Why/Why not? What do you use it for? Do you use it a lot? Why/Why not?
Yeah, I have a printer. We need it to print out papers and stuff. I also do projects for the church now and then so I also use it for that reason. So I use it a lot.

3 MGs please. And I would like to guess Acid for the EMT game.

20th February 2005, 03:43 PM
EMT Game
Type: Poison
Base PP: ???
Base Power: ???
Base Accuracy: ???
Target: ???
Guesses: Toxic, Sludge Bomb, Acid
Congrats, Jeff has won a Sludge Bomb TM.

MG: Hollow Stone, 1 Stamp/CCP, Spark Gem

*Hands over 6 Stamps*
GT: Correct. Take your Blue MGCoin.
GT: If something bites this Pokemon's tail it won't even notice for a whole day.

MG: Solar Gem, Solar Gem, Lunar Gem

Lady Vulpix
21st February 2005, 08:16 AM
(2/18) Do you like drawing? Why/Why not? Do you think you're good at drawing? Why/Why not? Do other people say you're good at drawing?
I do like drawing... I don't think there's a reason, I've just always liked it. I'm very slow at drawing, and I've seen others get much better results than I do but I think I'm fairly good at it. People normally understand the content of my drawings (unless it's something they don't know about). And some have said I was good at drawing too.

(2/19) Do you celebrate family birthdays? Why/Why not? Do you do anything special to celebrate them? Why/Why not?
Yes, because it's a tradition everyone in my family follows. They normally consist of meetings with friends and family at the home of the person whose birthday we're celebrating, and there's normally food (which varies depending on whose birthday it is) and the person gets presents. And then there's normally a cake with candles, which the person blows after making 3 wishes once everyone has sung "que los cumplas feliz".

(2/20) Do you have a printer? Why/Why not? What do you use it for? Do you use it a lot? Why/Why not?
Yes, I do. Because I bought one (really, what does the why/why not mean here?) I use it mostly to print stuff for university and Battle Range stories, so yes, quite a lot. I rarely print in colors, though. Which is a good thing since color cartridges are very expensive.

21st February 2005, 09:48 AM
(2/18) Do you like drawing? Why/Why not? Do you think you're good at drawing? Why/Why not? Do other people say you're good at drawing?

Very much. I do it during my free time or while I'm bored (usually when the teacher is speaking) :P Honestly, I'm really tired of hearing about torque and the Hall's effect and capacitors and magnetic torque... :/ At the risk of my modesty, I'd say I do consider myself an artist; other people have praised my work, so I think that's a pretty good sign. Plus, I don't gag in agony when I look at my own stuff :P

(2/19) Do you celebrate family birthdays? Why/Why not? Do you do anything special to celebrate them? Why/Why not?

We usually go out to dinner... We hardly have parties anymore. Too lazy, I think, and I prefer a nice, quiet dinner anyway. :)

(2/20) Do you have a printer? Why/Why not? What do you use it for? Do you use it a lot? Why/Why not?

Yup. I just finished installing it; had to do a lot of hunting on the HP site to track down a driver that worked, but now it's done. The scanner still has problems, though. But yeah, it's nice to have a printer again. I used to have to save stuff on my USB drive and print everything at school, but now I have something at home again! Whee.

Lady Vulpix
21st February 2005, 02:28 PM
I'm going to sell my newest stat modification die to Kyle for 10 stamps.
I'd also like a spin at the EMT along with my MGs (I replied to the polls earlier today). *Hands over 3 Red MGCoins.*

21st February 2005, 02:37 PM
MG: Ocean Gem, Red MGcoin, Spark Gem
EMT: Milk Drink TM

MG: Photosynthesis Gem, 2 Green MGcoins, Photosynthesis Gem

(2/21) Do you have a scanner? Why/Why not? What do you use it for? Do you use it a lot? Why/Why not?

The Blue Avenger
21st February 2005, 02:44 PM
(2/21) Do you have a scanner? Why/Why not? What do you use it for? Do you use it a lot? Why/Why not?

I do have a scanner, because I got it for a Christmas present. It has long since stopped working, so my mom replaced it. I don't use it often, just to make copies of stuff for school, but my mom uses it to make copies of crosswords.

Lady Vulpix
21st February 2005, 02:57 PM
Thanks. Now I'm also trading my Milk Drink TM for a Psywave TM, which I'm giving Iael. Kyle, will you please confirm both trades?

(2/21) Do you have a scanner? Why/Why not? What do you use it for? Do you use it a lot? Why/Why not?
I have a scanner, but I don't have the drivers ATM, so I don't use it. I'm hoping to fix that soon. In the meantime, I use my dad's to scan my drawings when I go to his house.

21st February 2005, 03:04 PM
GT: I'll say Slowpoke for a Blue Coin and if I'm right, I'll use that and a Red one for my first EMT of the month

(2/18) Do you like drawing? Why/Why not? Do you think you're good at drawing? Why/Why not? Do other people say you're good at drawing?

I like to draw, but I completely suck at it. I have no natural talent and my hand shakes when I try to do something intricate. I don't show anyone what I draw but I know they would think I'm bad

(2/19) Do you celebrate family birthdays? Why/Why not? Do you do anything special to celebrate them? Why/Why not?

Whenever someone's birthday comes up, all we do is get a cake and give them presents. My parents don't really want anything to do with a party because it means they're getting older but my sister and I welcome anything they do for us

(2/20) Do you have a printer? Why/Why not? What do you use it for? Do you use it a lot? Why/Why not?

Yeah, we have one and we mostly use to it print essays or pictures. I'd say we use it at least once a month, if not more

Knight of Time
21st February 2005, 03:27 PM
Thanks. Now I'm also trading my Milk Drink TM for a Psywave TM, which I'm giving Iael. Kyle, will you please confirm both trades?

Yes, I confirm both trades.

'hands Gabi 10 Stamps and his Psywave TM for a second Stat Modification Die as well as a Milk Drink TM'

I'm going to give my Milk Drink TM to my adopted Miltank, Cream (I'm sure she'll love it).

GT!: You are Piloswine I think. If I'm right I'd like a Blue MGCoin please.

(2/21) Do you have a scanner? Why/Why not? What do you use it for? Do you use it a lot? Why/Why not?

No, I don't, b/c we never had one here before. I assume getting one may be nice, though.

(2/20) Do you have a printer? Why/Why not? What do you use it for? Do you use it a lot? Why/Why not?

Yes, we have a printer, b/c it's a part of our computer stuff here (although it needs ink in the worst way >_>). I rarely use it these days, but if I could use it again, I'd be using it to print off parts of walkthroughs for my GC games, or even a certain recipe for an awesome looking cake I'd love for my birthday come April.

(2/19) Do you celebrate family birthdays? Why/Why not? Do you do anything special to celebrate them? Why/Why not?

Yes, we celebrate family birthdays b/c it's one of the most important things we have to do here. For some birthdays, we go to the house of whoever is celebrating a birthday, b/c they live so far from us.

3 MGs, 10 SCs (1, 2, 3, Green MGCoin) and a GT! please.

21st February 2005, 04:06 PM
(2/19) Do you celebrate family birthdays? Why/Why not? Do you do anything special to celebrate them? Why/Why not?

Sometimes we do, sometimes we don't. mainly we just give a card and sometimes go visit them unless its a youngster and then they may have a party that we go to. Basically just a card and maybe cake and ice cream. Most of us are older now and some members its mroe pleasant to be around than others whcih try to pick fights x.X

(2/20) Do you have a printer? Why/Why not? What do you use it for? Do you use it a lot? Why/Why not?

Yes i do. I have to have one for school and all. Actually its a printer, scanner, adn copier in one. I print out papers for school occasionally back up information for my captees adn adoptees. sometimes stories that i'm working on jsut in case something happens.

(2/21) Do you have a scanner? Why/Why not? What do you use it for? Do you use it a lot? Why/Why not?

Yes i have a scanner its part of my printer. I use it every once in a while especially when i'm drawing etc... I don't use it as much as i did when i first got my fist scanner but i still use i frequently

21st February 2005, 05:17 PM
MG: Lunar Gem

MG: Lunar Gem

GT: Correct. Take your Blue MGCoin.
EMT: Meteor Mash TM
MG: Red MGcoin, Ocean Gem, Hollow Stone

GT: Correct. Take your Blue MGCoin.
MG: 2 Stamps/CCPs, Photosynthesis Gem, Mystery Box
SC: 1 Green MGcoin, 2 Blue MGcoins, 7 Red MGcoins
GT: This Pokemon rarely appears before people and it's said to nest where lightning has fallen.

MG: Flame Gem, Berry, Berry

21st February 2005, 05:59 PM
I'd like to sell that gem for stamps please.

I'd also like 1 game of GT please

as well as 5 games of group 1 scratchards for 2 stamps please (2,3,5) *hands over the mg coins*

22nd February 2005, 02:47 PM
GT: When this Pokemon is born it has just one snow-white tail and this splits from its tip as it grows older.

Vulpix? 2 Stamps if I'm right, please.

(2/20) Do you have a printer? Why/Why not? What do you use it for? Do you use it a lot? Why/Why not?

Yes, we've had one ever since we got the computer, I think it came with it. I use it for anything that needs printing, really, usually coursework. I do use it for art ocasionally, but we rarely have a colour cartridge so it doesn't come out right. I don't use it that often, because I haven't needed to for ages (did that make sense? o_O).

(2/21) Do you have a scanner? Why/Why not? What do you use it for? Do you use it a lot? Why/Why not?

Yes again, we bought it when we got the computer, no real reason why, we just wanted one. I use it for scanning (duh...) any pictures I've done or when I need to get images onto the computer for art so I can save them to disc for my dad to print out (in colour) at his work. I don't use it that much either, because I don't do art that much and I haven't needed to get any pictures for art for a while.

2 MGs, 10 Group 2 SCs (2,6,9) for 5 Stamps and a GT please.

22nd February 2005, 04:33 PM
Selling my 2 Gems for 4 Stamps.

22nd February 2005, 04:58 PM
I'll use the Red coin to play GT and I'll sell the stone and gem for stamps

(2/21) Do you have a scanner? Why/Why not? What do you use it for? Do you use it a lot? Why/Why not?

We have a scanner, but I don't use it because I don't know how to use it. If I did know how to use it, I would upload drawings my sister did and show it on Fanart like she wants me to do

Knight of Time
22nd February 2005, 05:08 PM
GT: Correct. Take your Blue MGCoin.
MG: 2 Stamps/CCPs, Photosynthesis Gem, Mystery Box
SC: 1 Green MGcoin, 2 Blue MGcoins, 7 Red MGcoins
GT: This Pokemon rarely appears before people and it's said to nest where lightning has fallen.

Ooh, another Mystery Box!

Besides the usual stuff (the Stamp, CCP, Red MGCoin and free MG), I'd like a Hollow Stone please.

GT!: Are you Manectric? I'd like a Blue MGCoin if I'm right please.

Right now, I'd like 10 SCs (1, 2, 3, Green MGCoin as usual) as well as another GT! please.

Also, I'd like to make a couple of forgings (one with the Hollow Stone I'm asking for from the MB) please:

'hands over his other 2 Hollow Stones, a Light Gem, a Solar Gem, a Lunar Gem and a Photosynthesis Gem'

From the forgings I'd like a Day Stone and a Genetic Accelerator Gene please.

'hands over 5 Stamps'

22nd February 2005, 05:11 PM
(2/19) Do you celebrate family birthdays? Why/Why not? Do you do anything special to celebrate them? Why/Why not?
Not really, my parents don't really care for birthdays. Although sometimes we get them small gifts or take them out too dinner. But it's really not as special as it sounds. They weren't raised on birthday traditions like American people are.

(2/20) Do you have a printer? Why/Why not? What do you use it for? Do you use it a lot? Why/Why not?
Yes, I need it to print out assignments for school. I use it a lot nowadays because many of my classes require us to hand in typed assignments,

(2/21) Do you have a scanner? Why/Why not? What do you use it for? Do you use it a lot? Why/Why not?
Yes, I use it for scanning my small drawings. I sometimes use it, but a lot of my drawings are too big for the scanner, so I use a digital camera for those cases.

23rd February 2005, 10:50 AM
I wish Soo was here more often especially when I'm ill. :(

*Hands over 2 Stamps*
GT: This Pokemon's pincers are not only powerful weapons but they are used for balance when walking sideways.
SC: 2 Stamps, 4 Red MGcoins

GT: Correct. Take your 2 Stamps.
MG: Spark Gem, Solar Gem
SC: 6 Blue MGcoins, 4 Red MGcoins
GT: This horrifying plant Pokemon attracts prey with aromatic honey then melts them in its mouth.

*Hands over 4 Stamps*

GT: This Pokemon's long tongue slathered with a gooey saliva sticks to anything so it's very useful.
*Hands over 3 Stamps*
MG: Lunar Gem

MB: 1 Stamp, 1 CCP, 1 Red MGcoin, Hollow Stone, Division Gem
GT: Correct. Take your Blue MGCoin.
SC: 5 Blue MGcoins, 4 Red MGcoins
GT: If you sleep by it all the time this Pokemon will sometimes show you dreams it has eaten in the past.
*Hands over a Day Stone*
*Hands over a Genetic Accelerator Gene*

MG: Photosynthesis Gem, Flame Gem, Darkness Gem

23rd February 2005, 11:09 AM
Just hire someone else. Two workers isn't enough sometimes

GT: I'll guess Lickitung for a Blue Coin and if I'm right, I'll use that to play another GT today

And I'll sell my gem for stamps

23rd February 2005, 11:28 AM
I don't have enough time to answer any polls right now so I'd just like to sell my Rainbow Gem.

And I agree with Becca; if the workload is too much, then just hire someone else. You never did say who was going to get hired after the whole application-sending thing, after all...

23rd February 2005, 02:49 PM
*Hands over 2 Stamps*
GT: This Pokemon's pincers are not only powerful weapons but they are used for balance when walking sideways.
SC: 2 Stamps, 4 Red MGcoins

Krabby? 2 stamps if i'm correct

I'd like a game of MP please as well as 3 group 1 scratchcards (2,3,5) for 2 stamps please

23rd February 2005, 05:37 PM
GT: Correct. Take your Blue MGCoin.
GT: When the weather turns cold this Pokemon gathers from everywhere to cluster and keep each other warm.
*Hands over 2 Stamps*

*Hands over 2 Stamps*

GT: Correct. Take your 2 Stamps.
MP: Growlithe, Pidgeotto, Manectric, Diglett, Sneasel, Gengar, Kecleon, Dragonair, Starmie, Cacturne, Slaking, Minun, Quilava, Exeggcute
SC: 2 Stamps, 1 Red MGcoin

(2/22) How often do you go to a computer shop? Why? Can you easily get help at a computer shop? Why/Why not?

(2/23) Have you ever been to a vet shop? Why/Why not? Do you like seeing the animals at a vet shop? Why/Why not?

The Blue Avenger
23rd February 2005, 05:59 PM
(2/22) How often do you go to a computer shop? Why? Can you easily get help at a computer shop? Why/Why not?

I don't. The last time I went was around four years ago, when my dad was shopping for a computer. I just don't buy that many computer things. Now, an EB Games, that's another story. And we probably could get help at a shop, but my dad just takes the computer in to the university he works at if it needs to be fixed.

(2/23) Have you ever been to a vet shop? Why/Why not? Do you like seeing the animals at a vet shop? Why/Why not?

Occasionally, so we can board our dog when we go away for the weekend. I do like to see the animals, just because they are really cute.

And I'd like a Guess This, please.

23rd February 2005, 07:32 PM
GT: Ledyba for a Blue coin. If I'm right, I'll use that and a Red coin for my second EMT of the month

(2/22) How often do you go to a computer shop? Why? Can you easily get help at a computer shop? Why/Why not?

I've never been to a computer-specific shop, only places like Best Buy or Staples. I leave it to my dad for the computer stuff but when I get a laptop, I'll probably have to do some research

(2/23) Have you ever been to a vet shop? Why/Why not? Do you like seeing the animals at a vet shop? Why/Why not?

You mean a kennel? Yeah, I've gone to one a couple of times when we boarded our cats for a few days. It's pretty interesting to walk around and look at the different breeds that are boarding at the time

23rd February 2005, 07:40 PM
GT: Correct. Take your 2 Stamps.
MP: Growlithe, Pidgeotto, Manectric, Diglett, Sneasel, Gengar, Kecleon, Dragonair, Starmie, Cacturne, Slaking, Minun, Quilava, Exeggcute
SC: 2 Stamps, 1 Red MGcoin

Question 1: Has the pokemon in question already evolved?

(2/22) How often do you go to a computer shop? Why? Can you easily get help at a computer shop? Why/Why not?

Er, not very often. We have a comptuer store here on campus and i only go when i get bored just to look. I've ordered both my lap top and my old desktop. If i need it probably, but as i said i only go to look around cause i'm bored.

(2/23) Have you ever been to a vet shop? Why/Why not? Do you like seeing the animals at a vet shop? Why/Why not?

I went once to a vet/kennel last semester during my introduction to animal science class it was interesting. I like looking at the animals, but i try not to get attached becuase i know that they have owners adn all...

Lady Vulpix
24th February 2005, 06:29 AM
(2/22) How often do you go to a computer shop? Why? Can you easily get help at a computer shop? Why/Why not?
Whenever some piece of hardware breaks, because I don't have much knowledge about hardware so I normally can't fix it on my own. And of course if I happen to need a replacement for something, I also have to go in order to buy it. Most of the time I can't easily get help at a computer shop because the people who work there often know less about computers than I do (come to think of it, I shouldn't go to Data for repairs anymore), unless I take it to a more specialized lab, which is harder because they're far away. And even in those cases I have to wait for some days until they have an answer.

(2/23) Have you ever been to a vet shop? Why/Why not? Do you like seeing the animals at a vet shop? Why/Why not?
If you mean a pet shop: yes, to buy dog food, a leash once, and a few dog toys another time. I like seeing animals anywhere, but I feel sorry for those at the vet shop, having to spend the day in those small cages. :(

If you mean a vet: yes, to give all the dogs I've had their vaccines and to heal them when they got sick. And I like seeing animals there, unless they're suffering too much in which case it makes me feel sad too. But normally they're mostly fine.

24th February 2005, 01:40 PM
New Worker
A big welcome to our new Goldenrod Tower Worker Chris (Cheesey). Congrats. :)

MG: Division Gem, Lunar Gem
GT: This Pokemon's milk is packed with nutrition so it could help the sick.

GT: Correct. Take your Blue MGCoin.
EMT: Hydro Cannon TM
MG: Hollow Stone, 2 Stamps/CCPs

MP: No.
MG: Lunar Gem, Blue MGcoin

MG: Red MGcoin, 2 Green MGcoins

(2/24) Have you ever been to a pet shop? Why/Why not? Do you like seeing the animals at a pet shop? Why/Why not?

24th February 2005, 01:53 PM
Congrats Cheesey

MP: Growlithe, Diglett, Sneasel, Kecleon, Minun, Exeggcute

Question 1: Has the pokemon in question already evolved? - No
Question 2: Can the pokemon be caught legally in R/S?

I'd like to sell that Lunar Gem for ccps please

I'll also like to play 2 grabbers up 2 over 2

(2/24) Have you ever been to a pet shop? Why/Why not? Do you like seeing the animals at a pet shop? Why/Why not?

I have but only to buy goldfish when i was younger. Only if they are properly cared for. I don't care for the ones that treat the animals poorly

24th February 2005, 01:59 PM
2nd time I've worked here... And it's changed a heck of a lot since then. It'll be a new experience (sort of), lol...

Amy » Division Gem.
GG: Lunar Gem, 2 Stamps/CCPs.
*takes the Lunar Gem and hands over 2 CCPs*
MP: Wait for Andy, please =)
And thanks for the congrats!

(2/22) How often do you go to a computer shop? Why? Can you easily get help at a computer shop? Why/Why not?
Not that often since my computer doesn't really mess up that often, and whenever it does my Dad's usually able to fix whatever's up with it. If we ever need to go (it's usually my Dad who needs to buy extra parts for his computer) then yeah, we can get help easily enough. Most of the staff are knowledgable and helpful enough to help out with whatever we throw at them.

(2/23) Have you ever been to a vet shop? Why/Why not? Do you like seeing the animals at a vet shop? Why/Why not?
A vet shop? O_o Well I've been to the vets to get my cat cured from an eye infection before, and to get her neutered, but that was it. She doesn't like going to the vets though - sshe's bad enough with having to get picked up by people who she's used to, and when a person who's basically a stranger attempts to pick her up she goes a bit mental. She claws him/her and tries to run away. Once she was trying to run away and slid off the end of the table. X_x Don't much like seeing the animals there since they all look sick and miserable...

(2/24) Have you ever been to a pet shop? Why/Why not? Do you like seeing the animals at a pet shop? Why/Why not?
I usually like seeing the animals there unless they look miserable; most of the time, though, they look cheerful enough and pretty energetic too, so it's nice to see them bounding about and whatnot. Especially with budgies, they seem to be a bit too energetic and won't stop flying around and hopping about! Gerbils seem to be notoriously energetic around here as well, don't know why though.

3 MGs, please!

Andy, apologies if I missed any MGs from you... but I looked back a few pages and I didn't see anything, and with my rather moody connection right now I'd rather not go right back to find that I might not be looking for anythign in the end...

24th February 2005, 02:02 PM
Amy » Division Gem.
GG: Lunar Gem, 2 Stamps/CCPs.
*takes the Lunar Gem and hands over 2 CCPs*
MP: Wait for Andy, please =)
And thanks for the congrats!

You're welcome.

I'd like to sell the division gem and lunar gem for ccps please.

24th February 2005, 02:13 PM
I'll sell my hollow stone for a stamp

I'm also trading my Meteor Mash TM to Andy for 2 Green MGCoins and 1 Blue MGCoin

24th February 2005, 02:16 PM
MP: Yes.
*Hands over 4 CCPs*

MG: Solar Gem, Berry, Spark Gem

*Hands over 1 Stamp*

I'm also trading my Meteor Mash TM to Andy for 2 Green MGCoins and 1 Blue MGCoin
*Hands over 1 Blue MGCoin and 2 Green MGCoins*

(2/12) What's the latest book you read? Did you enjoy it? Why/Why not? Do you do a lot of reading? Why/Why not?
The book that I'm reading now is "A Passage to India" by Foster because I need to read it within this week off school for English. I think it's an alright book but I'm not really enjoy it because it's just about a trip in some caves in India. I don't do a lot of reading because it hurts my eyes when I read and even though I read the text on Role Playing Games I haven't played many of them lately.

(2/13) Have you ever rented DVDs? Why/Why not? Do you think it's worthwhile renting DVDs? Why/Why not?
I've never rented DVDs because I've never wanted to watch any films on DVDs and I don't know where to rent them from. It might be worthwhile renting DVDs if you only want to watch a film once or twice and then get bored of it. Some people who buy a load of DVDs never watch them again after watching them a few times so they might as well have saved money and rented them.

(2/14) Have you sent / received any Valentine's cards this year? How about in past years? What do you think about the day generally?
I haven't sent any Valentine's Day cards this year or in the past years because I don't think I should bother. I did receieve a Valentine's Day Card at school on Friday from a friend of mine and she really cheered me up because I'm mostly sad. Valentine's Day in general is just another boring day where I sit at home doing nothing and getting more depressed nothing special to me.

3 MGs Please.
I would also like 10 Group 2 Scratchcards (3,6,9) for Green MGCoins.

*Hands over 10 Red MGCoins*

24th February 2005, 02:23 PM
Mmk Andy, I'll just give you your stuff since you've been waiting for quite a long time.

Andy » Flame Gem, Lunar Gem, Miracle Berry.
SCs: 5 Blue MGcoins, 3 Red MGcoins.

I'd like to sell my Solar Gem and Spark Gem which I just received for Stamps.

24th February 2005, 02:23 PM
MP:Kecleon, Minun

Question 1: Has the pokemon in question already evolved? - No
Question 2: Can the pokemon be caught legally in R/S? - Yes
Question 3: Can the pokemonin question learn rock tomb?

Knight of Time
24th February 2005, 02:32 PM
MB: 1 Stamp, 1 CCP, 1 Red MGcoin, Hollow Stone, Division Gem
GT: Correct. Take your Blue MGCoin.
SC: 5 Blue MGcoins, 4 Red MGcoins
GT: If you sleep by it all the time this Pokemon will sometimes show you dreams it has eaten in the past.
*Hands over a Day Stone*
*Hands over a Genetic Accelerator Gene*

GT!: You are Drowzee. I'd like a Blue MGCoin if I'm right, please.

(2/24) Have you ever been to a pet shop? Why/Why not? Do you like seeing the animals at a pet shop? Why/Why not?

No, I don't think I have been to a pet shop, b/c I don't remember going to one. As for the second question, if I was to a pet shop, most likely yes. It warms my heart to see nice looking cats or dogs (the main pets I like best).

(2/23) Have you ever been to a vet shop? Why/Why not? Do you like seeing the animals at a vet shop? Why/Why not?

o_O I've heard of vet clinics, but not vet shops. I've been to a vet clinic before, b/c there have been a few times where we needed to bring a pet of ours there (the last time was when we took our (well, my brother's) cat to the vet when we thought she wasn't spayed, but it turned out she already was before we got her last year. I don't really have much of an opinion on seeing animals at a vet clinic, but it makes me feel hurt to see an animal in pain (even if they had to be put down).

(2/22) How often do you go to a computer shop? Why? Can you easily get help at a computer shop? Why/Why not?

Hmm, I go to a computer shop every once in a while (it's uncommon though, with the exception of shops that sell more than computer stuff), b/c I obviously like computers so much (one thing I just can't stop thinking of is the possibility I will get my own computer (likely a laptop) someday). As for the second question, I usually don't need much help with computers, b/c I find I have decent knowledge about computers.

3 MGs, 10 SCs (1, 2, 3, Green MGCoin) and a new GT! please.

Edit: Congrats Cheesey! Hope you enjoy working at GT again.

24th February 2005, 02:41 PM
*Hands over 4 Stamps*

MP: Yes.

GT: Correct. Take your Blue MGCoin.
MG: Hollow Stone, Hollow Stone, Ocean Gem
SC: 4 Blue MGcoins, 4 Red MGcoins
GT: This Pokemon fires punches in lightning-fast volleys that are impossible to see.

(2/22) How often do you go to a computer shop? Why? Can you easily get help at a computer shop? Why/Why not?
I would say I go to a computer once or twice a year because I don't normally need to get anything from one. Lately my mouse on my new computer has just suddenly stopped so we're going to take that back to the computer shop soon. I think I can easily get any help at a computer shop because the staff always ask if you need any help.

(2/24) Have you ever been to a pet shop? Why/Why not? Do you like seeing the animals at a pet shop? Why/Why not?
I've been to a pet shop once ages ago because we went to get a rabbit for my little sister but sadly that died when it was still young. I like seeing all the different kinds of animals at a pet shop but I hate it how they all have to be kept in small cages.

2 MGs Please. I'll also use the EMT twice for this month.

*Hands over 2 Green MGCoins*

24th February 2005, 02:46 PM

Question 1: Has the pokemon in question already evolved? - No
Question 2: Can the pokemon be caught legally in R/S? - Yes
Question 3: Can the pokemonin question learn rock tomb? - Yes

Kecleon? If so may i have a green mg coin as the item?

Knight of Time
24th February 2005, 02:51 PM
GT: Correct. Take your Blue MGCoin.
MG: Hollow Stone, Hollow Stone, Ocean Gem
SC: 4 Blue MGcoins, 4 Red MGcoins
GT: This Pokemon fires punches in lightning-fast volleys that are impossible to see.

GT!: You are Hitmonchan. I'd like another Blue MGCoin if I'm right please.

The Blue Avenger
24th February 2005, 03:46 PM
I'd like to sell both of those Gems for Stamps.

Is the GT! Miltank? A Blue Coin if I'm right.

24th February 2005, 04:20 PM
(2/22) How often do you go to a computer shop? Why? Can you easily get help at a computer shop? Why/Why not?

Not often... I don't really need to buy much stuff. I've not really tried getting much help, so I wouldn't know how readily available it is. :)

(2/24) Have you ever been to a pet shop? Why/Why not? Do you like seeing the animals at a pet shop? Why/Why not?

Yes! I love animals ^___________________^ They're all so cute/awesome. I just like looking at animals... I'm not really sure why. I love them. :D

24th February 2005, 04:35 PM
MP: Correct. Take your Green MGCoin.

GT: Correct. Take your Blue MGCoin.

*Hands over 4 Stamps*
GT: Correct. Take your Blue MGCoin.

MG: Lunar Gem, Flame Gem

The Blue Avenger
24th February 2005, 04:59 PM
I'd like another GT please.

Lady Vulpix
24th February 2005, 05:26 PM
Wow, that's more than a month's worth of EMTs! :eek:

Congrats, Chris! I hope you can handle the load of working here, at Expedia and at the International Club at the same time.

(2/24) Have you ever been to a pet shop? Why/Why not? Do you like seeing the animals at a pet shop? Why/Why not?
If you look at my previous answer, you'll see that I've already responded to this question. I didn't know what you were referring to by vet shop, so I included this as well.

25th February 2005, 05:55 AM
First of all, congratulations, Cheesey! I knew you'd be the one for the job and was pleased when you applied. And to you and Andy I'm sorry I haven't been around recently - I've had a few things on (such as getting a new job - woo) and my sister's been staying with us this week. Not good excuses but I promise to be better!

MG: Ocean Gem, Solar Gem
EMT: Seismic Toss TM, Haze TM

This electric pokémon uses its tail to discharge electricity, which may reach 10,000 volts.

MG: 2 Stamps/CCPs

(2/25) Do you like cakes? Why/why not? What's your favourite kind of cake? why? Do you make cakes often?

(2/22) How often do you go to a computer shop? Why? Can you easily get help at a computer shop? Why/Why not?
I hardly ever go because anything computery I want I find it cheaper to buy online and software, my housemate gets us. So I don't go because I think it's better to buy stuff online.

(2/23) Have you ever been to a vet shop? Why/Why not? Do you like seeing the animals at a vet shop? Why/Why not?
*check's Andy for signs of a fever* what the hell is a vet shop? o.O I have never been to one because I don't know what one is - do you go there to buy vets or what? If you just mean a vet's clinic, then I've been before with my dog. I don't go there to look at animals, I go there if mine is sick so I don't know really.

(2/24) Have you ever been to a pet shop? Why/Why not? Do you like seeing the animals at a pet shop? Why/Why not?
Yes, I've been to a pet shop - I bought my rabbit from one. I like looking at the birds and fish because they're nice although I don't like going to pet shops in America because they clip the birds' wings! I hate people who do this and I think it's cruel and people shouldn't buy them as pets because it will just encourage the shops to keep doing it. Birds are supposed to be able to fly around.

3 MGs please :196:

25th February 2005, 10:37 AM
(2/22) How often do you go to a computer shop? Why? Can you easily get help at a computer shop? Why/Why not?
Not often. I don't really buy stuff for my computer, but I do when I need to. But there are people will hover around you until you say you need help, so I can easily get help at a computer store.

(2/23) Have you ever been to a vet shop? Why/Why not? Do you like seeing the animals at a vet shop? Why/Why not?
I've been to the vet's office. Several reasons, since I have two dogs. Sometimes I like looking at the various "patients", but some are too pitiful to look at. They'll be sick or strays just picked up from the streets.

(2/24) Have you ever been to a pet shop? Why/Why not? Do you like seeing the animals at a pet shop? Why/Why not?
Yes, every time I go to the mall. I like to see what animals they have there. They're so fun to touch! Plus they're so many different kinds of them.

(2/25) Do you like cakes? Why/why not? What's your favourite kind of cake? why? Do you make cakes often?
I love cake. What can I say? I'm a real sugar freak sometimes. I would say that my favorite cake is a nice chocolate cake or a red velvet. I love them or hate them, depending on who made them. My aunts make wonderful cakes but not me. Baking wise, I'm more of a cookie person.

4 MGs please.

Lady Vulpix
25th February 2005, 10:47 AM
(2/25) Do you like cakes? Why/why not? What's your favourite kind of cake? why? Do you make cakes often?
Yes, I do, in general. Except for a few. My favorite kinds of cakes are lemon cakes, vanilla cakes with cream and pineaple pieces, ice cream cakes, honey cakes and orange cakes. I don't make cakes often. What's with asking for the reasons of our likes/dislikes. Do they ever have a reason?

25th February 2005, 12:35 PM
Thanks for the congrats, Kyle, Gabi and Soo!

Soo » Solar Gem, Lunar Gem, Stat Modification Die.
Lol... *imagines going to a shop and buying a vet*

Shonta » Flame Gem, Division Gem, Red MGcoin, Solar Gem.
I'm not sure if I should give you the 4 MGs because I believe it's the past 3 polls you can get MGs for and not the past 3 days... I'll check with Soo and/or Andy, but for now I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. =)

Gabi » Ocean Gem.
I know, the "why/why not" formula is sort of abused a little bit... I assure you, when I make polls here I'll try not to fall into that trap!
Also, I expect I can cope with it, but I should probably try not to ref so many battles at once in ASB. O_o;


(2/25) Do you like cakes? Why/why not? What's your favourite kind of cake? why? Do you make cakes often?
Yes, I like cakes, although I haven't been eating them much lately because I've just not been eating all that often. I like the icing the most, but a cake is the best if it's spongy; I don't like hard cakes (like some fruit cakes) as much. My favourite kind would probably be a chocolate cake... Or just a nice sponge cake with sugary icing. I'm a real sucker for sugary icing because I just think it's so nice. I don't make cakes myself, really, but my sister used to make them all the time; the outcome was rather random, sometimes it'd turn out well, sometimes it'd fall apart...

1 MG, please~

25th February 2005, 01:30 PM
MG: Berry

(2/25) Do you like cakes? Why/Why not? What's your favourite kind of cake? Why? Do you make cakes often?
I love most cakes because they're just nice when you bite into them and taste all the flavours they have to offer. My favourite kind of cake would have to be a chocolate brownie because it's a chocolate sponge with chocolate fudge or whatever on the top. I don't make cakes often because I never get the time to anymore and if I'm hungry I'll just eat but not try to make anything.

1 MG Please. I would also like 10 Group 2 Scratchcards (3,6,9) for Green MGCoins.

*Hands over 5 Blue MGCoins*

The Blue Avenger
25th February 2005, 02:17 PM
This electric pokémon uses its tail to discharge electricity, which may reach 10,000 volts.

(2/25) Do you like cakes? Why/why not? What's your favourite kind of cake? why? Do you make cakes often?

GT: Are you Raichu? A Blue Coin if I'm right.

MG: I do like cake, because it's light and fluffy and sugary. I am partial to ice cream cake myself, because I also really like ice cream. Usually, though, we only have cake around birthdays.

26th February 2005, 08:03 AM
(2/26) Do you believe that there is life in our universe asides from us? What do you think they'd look like? How do you think that our universe was created?

Andy » Red MGcoin.
SCs: 2 Blue MGcoins, 5 Red MGcoins

Jeff » 2 Green MGcoins.
GT!: Wait for Soo, please =)


(2/26) Do you believe that there is life in our universe asides from us? What do you think they'd look like? How do you think that our universe was created?
Of course I do; Our universe is enormous, and there are a hell of a lot of galaxies in it. Our solar system only makes up one galaxy, so what are the chances that there aren't other planets with life in our universe? Very small. There's got to be life out there because I'm convinced there are other planets and solar systems out there. As for what they'd look like... Well, I don't know. It's possible that there's a planet filled with dinosaur-like creatures, or maybe elephants... There could even be a planet with no land and it's just covered with one huge ocean, and it's filled with sealife. I just don't want to think that the only possibility of other lifeforms would be either humans or little green men with big black eyes. I think our universe was probably created by the Big Bang because it sounds like the most plausible theory. If it was created like that, then there could be billions of other universes too, because before the matter exploded, there was just... space. Empty space. Which seemed to go on eternally.

1 MG, please!

Lady Vulpix
26th February 2005, 01:11 PM
(2/26) Do you believe that there is life in our universe asides from us? What do you think they'd look like? How do you think that our universe was created?
Yes... the idea of such an immense universe with so many galaxies, stars and planets and only one of those planets being inhabited makes no sense to me. The other questions, however, I don't have an answer for. We may find out what some look like eventually, but I don't think we'll ever know for certain how the universe was created.

26th February 2005, 05:24 PM
(2/25) Do you like cakes? Why/Why not? What's your favourite kind of cake? Why? Do you make cakes often?

Yes i like cakes becuase i don't get them a lot and when i do its a treat. I like the devils food cocolate cake becuase she makes it so good. ^^ I make them once in a while when i want one and my mom doesn't want to fix any.

(2/26) Do you believe that there is life in our universe asides from us? What do you think they'd look like? How do you think that our universe was created?

I don't know. I don't really think about it that much. I believe in creation that it was God who created the heavens and the earth and all the creaturs and all. I know everyone believes different things but thats what i believe

can i have a game of gt too please

Lady Vulpix
26th February 2005, 05:38 PM
Amy and I have agreed to make a trade. I'm giving her a Blue MGCoin and she's giving me a Gold Berry. :)

26th February 2005, 05:43 PM
MG: Spark Gem

MG: Division Gem

MG: Darkness Gem, Red MGcoin
GT: In order to hide this Pokemon's black tail it lives in a dark cave and only moves about at night.

(2/26) Do you believe that there is life in our universe asides from us? What do you think they'd look like? How do you think that our universe was created?
I think there's more life than just us in the whole universe because this section of Physics gets me really interested. Think how big the universe is and it's getting bigger with so many galaxies that we can't even get to yet. If there is life other than us in our universe I think the advance life would look like humans or the life behind our technology would look like random animals maybe dinosaurs. I think our universe might have been created by the big bang but I don't know what created the big bang or why that thing wanted to create life. If you've played "Star Ocean: Till the End of Time" the real world is in 4D so the whole universe is like a game in an Eternal Sphere that has just been created by the Creator called Luther. This is a good idea kind of like the Matrix but in the Matrix they say humans are being made to feed machines or something in the real world.

1 MG Please. I would also like 10 Group 2 Scratchcards (3,6,9) for Green MGCoins.

*Hands over 10 Red MGCoins*

26th February 2005, 05:46 PM
i confirm this trade

The Blue Avenger
26th February 2005, 06:15 PM
Jeff » 2 Green MGcoins.

*spews soda over the keyboard* That's super-rare! Cool! I'll be using them for two EMT cranks, please.

(2/26) Do you believe that there is life in our universe asides from us? What do you think they'd look like? How do you think that our universe was created?

I think so, but due to my recent course in Astronomy, I feel that there is an infinitesimally small chance of meeting them. As for looks... I dunno... so many possibilities... And Big Bang, definitely.

EDIT: I'm also trading my Sludge Bomb TM to Chris (Cheesey - I hope I got your name right) for his Doom Desire TM.

26th February 2005, 06:37 PM
Gabi + Amy » Trade confirmed.

Andy » 1 Stamp/CCP.
SCs: 7 Blue MGcoins, 3 Red MGcoins.

Jeff » Light Gem.
EMT: Dragon Claw TM, Mean Look TM.
Yes, my name is indeed Chris, hehe.

Me » I confirm my trade with Jeff, and I'm going to sell that Spark Gem for 2 Stamps.

26th February 2005, 09:04 PM
I'd like to sell that darkness gem for stamps and play 1 grabber game up 2 over 2 please.

For the gt from Andy:
GT: In order to hide this Pokemon's black tail it lives in a dark cave and only moves about at night.

Is that wobbuffet? blue mg coin if correct

The Blue Avenger
26th February 2005, 09:11 PM
I'm going to sell my Lunar Gem.

27th February 2005, 04:34 AM
MG: Spark Gem, Solar Gem
GT: This horrifying plant Pokemon attracts prey with aromatic honey then melts them in its mouth.

Sell the Gems for 4 Stamp and is the GT Victreebel? 2 Stamps if I'm right, please.

(2/25) Do you like cakes? Why/Why not? What's your favourite kind of cake? Why? Do you make cakes often?

Yeah, I don't why, I just do, they're tasty, especially chocolate ones because chocolate is the best :) I don't really make cakes all that often, simply because I don't really have the time and it's easier to buy them if I want them.

(2/26) Do you believe that there is life in our universe asides from us? What do you think they'd look like? How do you think that our universe was created?

Definitely, simply because it's stupid to think that this is the only place with life on it. Beats me what they'd look like though, the same, different, more advanced, less advanced, doesn't matter. Just the fact that there is probably life out there is what interests me :) I don't follow any of the theories about creation, but I guess if I had to pick one, I'd say the Big Bang theory, then evolution. *Shrugs* I don't really care for it because I don't see the point in puzzling over what happened billions of years ago, yes, it happened, grateful for it, but beyond that, I'm not interested. Look at what's happening now, that's what I think is important.

2 MGs and 10 Group 2 SCs (2,6,9) for 5 Stamps please.

27th February 2005, 06:44 AM
(2/27) Do/did you ever worry about getting your school report? What do/did they normally say on them? Are there any subjects you're really good or really bad at?

Amy » *takes gem and hands over 2 Stamps*
GGs: Division Gem.
GT!: Wait for Andy, please =)

Jeff » Would you like to sell the gem for Stamps or CCPs?

Hannah » Gold Berry, Lunar Gem.
SCs: 10 Stamps, 1 Blue MGcoin, 6 Red MGcoins.
GT!: Wait for Andy, please =)
*takes gems and hands over 4 Stamps*


(2/27) Do/did you ever worry about getting your school report? What do/did they normally say on them? Are there any subjects you're really good or really bad at?
Not usually, I was just curious to see how well I'd done in each subject. I was always fairly sure that I'd done well in the subjects that mattered to me, so even if I'd done badly in any other subjects, I wouldn't have minded. Generally I do really well on them - at least, I think I do. My grades are usually good, and the teacher comments are usually alright. They've been getting better lately (the comments) because before I kept getting caught up in situations which I shouldn't have been involved in. The subjects I'm best at are probably Music and English because I enjoy them the most, but I'm a bit rubbish at English when I put it into practice! I'm crap at P.E but I hardly ever bother taking my P.E kit, so that really doesn't matter.

~ 1 MG, please.
~ 10 Group 2 Scratchcards, 123, 5 Stamps please.

The Blue Avenger
27th February 2005, 06:48 AM
I'll sell it for stamps. Gotta save up for that Dratini.

(2/27) Do/did you ever worry about getting your school report? What do/did they normally say on them? Are there any subjects you're really good or really bad at?

The only one I regularly worry about is US History. I can't do history to save my life. However, I usually get a B in that class. Normally I get As and Bs in all of my other classes as well. I like to think I'm prettyy good at math, and as I said, I'm horrible at history.

Lady Vulpix
27th February 2005, 09:22 AM
(2/27) Do/did you ever worry about getting your school report? What do/did they normally say on them? Are there any subjects you're really good or really bad at?
No, it's never worried me, even though I did fail physical education for a month in 1st year of high school, and in primary school the reports often said I had trouble getting along with others. I did have good friends, but theyre were some boys who picked on me and there was nothing I could do to change that. I was very good at maths, literature, physics, chemistry and computers. I was worst at physical education. Now I'm beginning to sound like a nerd. :P

27th February 2005, 09:58 AM
*Hands over 2 Stamps*
MG: Mystery Box
SC: 4 Blue MGcoins, 6 Red MGcoins

GT: Correct. Take your Blue MGCoin.

GT: Correct. Take your 2 Stamps.

MG: 1 Stamp/CCP

MG: Hollow Stone

The Blue Avenger
27th February 2005, 10:20 AM
I'm going to use that stamp, my Light Gem, and my Division Gem to fuse into a Rainbow Gem.

27th February 2005, 07:48 PM
I'd like to sell that Division Gem for stamps please. ^^

(2/27) Do/did you ever worry about getting your school report? What do/did they normally say on them? Are there any subjects you're really good or really bad at?

Not really on average. On the rare occasions that i was it was in a subject that was giving me a really tough time for example geometry in high school. I'm fairly good in health type classes lbut poor in math like kind. i normally got a good report when i got them.

28th February 2005, 07:57 AM
GT: Correct! *hands over blue MG coin*
Stone Forge: *hands over Rainbow Gem*

*hands over 2 stamps*
MG: 2 Stamps/CCPs

(2/28 ) Do you think some people have good luck and some people have bad luck and there just isn't any way to change that? Why do you think that? If you don't think it's true why not?

(2/27) Do/did you ever worry about getting your school report? What do/did they normally say on them? Are there any subjects you're really good or really bad at?
Yeah, I worried a lot because I didn't try at school. They normally said "talks too much", "is always distracted", "could try harder", and stuff like that. I always did well though, but not that well in terms of effort - I used to get mostly Bs for my work so I thought that was good enough. I was always really good at maths and did GCSE 2 years early, and got an A! I'm not that good at it now though, lol. I was bad at woodwork because I couldn't be bothered with it.

(2/28 ) Do you think some people have good luck and some people have bad luck and there just isn't any way to change that? Why do you think that? If you don't think it's true why not?
I think that's true. Me, I have good luck. Like when I get to a train platform the right train is just pulling in and the doors land right where I'm standing. And I normally get things I want, such as jobs. I guess I'm just one of those people who's lucky. I was born with blonde hair but I always wished it was red and over the years my hair has actually changed to a coppery colour that I love (no dye - it just changed!) so I think even in that way I was lucky.

2 MG please and I'd also like to sell my solar and lunar gems please for 4 stamps.

That's about the 5th one I've given away, lol I just don't need them! :196:

Lady Vulpix
28th February 2005, 08:06 AM
(2/28) Do you think some people have good luck and some people have bad luck and there just isn't any way to change that? Why do you think that? If you don't think it's true why not?
I don't think so. I do think some people tend to be clumsier or more forgetful than others, or simply more easily distracted. Also some people tend to take more risks disregarding the consequences, while others think more carefully before making a decision. Those are common causes of what they could explain as bad luck. But other than that, I think whatever is random affects everyone equally.

28th February 2005, 10:42 AM
Soo » Red MGcoin, 1 Stamp/CCP.
*takes the gems and hands over 4 Stamps*
I'll have your Stat Modification Die... that is, unless you'd rather give it to someone who hasn't gotten one from you already.

Gabi » 2 Stamps/CCPs.


(2/28 ) Do you think some people have good luck and some people have bad luck and there just isn't any way to change that? Why do you think that? If you don't think it's true why not?
I'd like to think that was true, but it seems like a pretty farfetched theory so I doubt it's really what tends to happen. I guess some people get lucky more often than other people do, but really, that's all down to coincedence; after all, it's kinda not really luck if it had a set amount of times where it happens (if that makes sense). I think that everything's mainly based down to solid facts, as boring as that may be, and if anything has anything to do with luck then the outcome's just totally random.

~ 1 MG, please.
~ 10 Group 2 Scratchcards, 123, 5 Stamps please.

28th February 2005, 10:52 AM
(2/26) Do you believe that there is life in our universe asides from us? What do you think they'd look like? How do you think that our universe was created?

Well, I really HOPE so. I mean, really, Earth can't be the only place with intelligent life in the entire universe, right? I mean, the universe is HUGE. I don't know what they'd look like... they'd probably look a bit different from us. They might have huge, pointy ears, or monkey tails, or bug eyes, or something cool like that. I don't know how the universe was created, but I'm really interested in finding out what it was created FROM. I mean... was there really nothingness before our universe? That sounds kinda creepy.

(2/27) Do/did you ever worry about getting your school report? What do/did they normally say on them? Are there any subjects you're really good or really bad at?

I always worry a lot, even though I do fine in school. I'm just a worrier. They normally say that I am an intelligent student that shows a lot of interest in the stuff we learn and that I contribute to the school a lot with my talents. I draw a lot of things for school, you see. I'm very good in English, but that's not really something to brag about, since the English I'm forced to deal with in school is fourth-grade level English... but really, I do rather well in all subjects. Except for PE, I get a 70 for trying there, I'm not very athletic. And... well, I used to suck at Math, but now I'm pretty much one of the top students in my class, so... yeah, okay, it's not very advanced math, but still, it's a big achievement for me, since I really really can't do math properly.

(2/28) Do you think some people have good luck and some people have bad luck and there just isn't any way to change that? Why do you think that? If you don't think it's true why not?

I used to. And then I grew up. Really, there is no such thing as a person with good luck or a person with bad luck... it's all random. Really, I have both good luck and bad luck, and it's not because someone decided what kind of luck will I have when I was born.

3 MGs, please.

28th February 2005, 11:41 AM
(2/26) Do you believe that there is life in our universe asides from us? What do you think they'd look like? How do you think that our universe was created?

Well of course there's life aside from us, what about animals and insects and stuff... no, now for real, who knows, but as I read on a very smart calendar, " "if there's life in the universe aside from us, the prof of it's inteligence is that the y never contacted us".

I think the universe was created by the same force wich destroyed the previous one and that it's all an endless loop. or due to cookies somehow.

(2/27) Do/did you ever worry about getting your school report? What do/did they normally say on them? Are there any subjects you're really good or really bad at?

Well, I never worried about getting it since I normally had high grades at school, I once had a very nice report but I lost it and felt pretty bad about it.
Subjects wich I'm good at, practically all, I'm bad at gym and modesty.

(2/28) Do you think some people have good luck and some people have bad luck and there just isn't any way to change that? Why do you think that? If you don't think it's true why not?

I don't think there's no way to change good or bad luck, but it seems that some people can have good or bad luck, I think maybe the mind influences it. Why do I think that? Well, I dunno why, maybe cause some people have very nice dice rolls when playing RPGs.

The Blue Avenger
28th February 2005, 02:43 PM
Soo, if you don't give the die to Chris, I'll happily take it.

(2/28 ) Do you think some people have good luck and some people have bad luck and there just isn't any way to change that? Why do you think that? If you don't think it's true why not?

This is a complicated question. While I think there is luck, people can also alter their surroundings enough that the luck can be counteracted. I suppose that, coming from a scientific family, this is just sort of what was passed to me.

28th February 2005, 03:16 PM
MG: Division Gem
SC: 2 Blue MGcoins, 5 Red MGcoins

MG: Solar Gem, 20 Stamps/CCPs, Gold Berry

MG: Photosynthesis Gem, Lunar Gem, Solar Gem

MG: Blue MGcoin

28th February 2005, 03:43 PM
I'm sorry Jeff - I did say the first person to post could have it so Cheesey that's fine with me you can have it. Jeff, the next one I get is yours, I promise :) :196:

The Blue Avenger
28th February 2005, 04:49 PM
I would like to play the Scratchcards five times - all group 2. I would like squares 2, 4, and 6, and I would like to play for 5 Stamps x2, Rainbow Gem x2, and Green MGCoin.

1st March 2005, 09:28 AM
Hannah » Lunar Gem.

Sell for 2 Stamps please.

(2/27) Do/did you ever worry about getting your school report? What do/did they normally say on them? Are there any subjects you're really good or really bad at?

I didn't used to worry, because I knew that they'd be alright (that makes me sound stuck up ...>_<, but it's the truth). They normally said something along the lines of 'she is a nice pupil but needs to contribute more', or something to that extent; grades given were usually A-C's. I was really good at geography, but found it boring because of that :-/ It wasn't a challenge, which is why I didn't continue on to A Level. There aren't any I'm really bad at, but I found AS Chemistry confusing and pointless.

(2/28 ) Do you think some people have good luck and some people have bad luck and there just isn't any way to change that? Why do you think that? If you don't think it's true why not?

I don't think that there are people who have 'good' or 'bad' luck, I agree with the principle that it depends what you think. I.e, if you think that you're lucky then you'll seem to be so. Just because it's like optimism- you're more likely to look on the good side of things, so if something does happen, then it will be 'bad' luck but you're not 'unlucky', if you get what I mean. In the same way, someone who perceives themselves as unlucky will contribute things to their unluckiness, rather than seeing them as a one-off.
That was confusing to write o_O

2 MGs, 10 Group 2 SCs (2,6,9) for 5 Stamps and my two EMTs of March please :)

1st March 2005, 09:31 AM
I was checking my inventory and I have a stat modification die that I hadn't given away - forgot about it till now so you can have it if you still want one :)
SC: 3 Red Mgcoins, 2 Blue Mgcoins

*hands over 2 stamps*
MG: Lunar Gem, Blue MGcoin
SC: 5 Blue MGcoins, 4 Red MGcoins
EMT: Body Slam TM, Thunderbolt TM

(3/1) What's your favourite baby animal and why? Do you wish you could keep it as a pet or maybe you do already? If you don't like baby animals why not?

(3/1) What's your favourite baby animal and why? Do you wish you could keep it as a pet or maybe you do already? If you don't like baby animals why not?
My favourite is a puppy, because they're so snuggly and cute, and they are always trying to please their owner. They're also sometimes mischievous which I also find cute, and I used to have a pet one but now he is a dog of 14.

1 MG please and 2 EMTs *hands over 2 green MG coins* :196:

Knight of Time
1st March 2005, 10:56 AM
(3/1) What's your favourite baby animal and why? Do you wish you could keep it as a pet or maybe you do already? If you don't like baby animals why not?

Hmm, a real toughie here. I like puppies, because they can be very friendly despite the fact that they can have accidents. I can't really wish to have another canine because we already have a cat.

(2/28 ) Do you think some people have good luck and some people have bad luck and there just isn't any way to change that? Why do you think that? If you don't think it's true why not?

I don't have much of an opinion on this, but yes, I think people can have either bad luck or good luck at certain times in their life, because IMO, you never know when something really good (or something really bad >_>) is going to happen to you.

(2/27) Do/did you ever worry about getting your school report? What do/did they normally say on them? Are there any subjects you're really good or really bad at?

No, I didn't worry too much of the time unless I was close to failing a course. I usually get comments that are fair to good ones, sometimes the occasional ones that would probably make me want to improve on that. As for the third question, I am good at math, geography and instrumental music, but not so good at geometry or history. I virtually hate all of the geometry concepts, e.g. proofs... >_<

3 MGs, 10 SCs (1, 2, 3, Green MGCoin), 1 GT! and my two EMTs for March please.

'prays in hope I or someone else is lucky to get an Amnesia or Wish TM, either of which I really need'

1st March 2005, 12:02 PM
(3/1) What's your favourite baby animal and why? Do you wish you could keep it as a pet or maybe you do already? If you don't like baby animals why not?
I like kittens. I love it when they purr! They're so curious about everything and you can get them to play with just about anything. Puppies are cute too, especially when they look at you with a smile.

(2/28 ) Do you think some people have good luck and some people have bad luck and there just isn't any way to change that? Why do you think that? If you don't think it's true why not?
I believe that you make your own luck, and that your actions depend on what kind of day they have. It also depends on how they look at your day. If they believe they have a good day regardless of the bad things that happen to them, then that day was lucky.

(2/27) Do/did you ever worry about getting your school report? What do/did they normally say on them? Are there any subjects you're really good or really bad at?
I always worry, no matter how good I did in that class. They usually say that I'm a good student and that I have good attendence. I'm not very good at math because I don't really understand the higher subjects like Calculus.

3 MGs please. And I would like a spin of the EMT. I would also like a game of MP.

1st March 2005, 12:42 PM
(3/1) What's your favourite baby animal and why? Do you wish you could keep it as a pet or maybe you do already? If you don't like baby animals why not?

i like puppies because thy are so cute and they look up to you and when they grow up they make great friiends. i wish i could have one now but circustances don't allow

i'd like 2 cranks at the emt please *hands over 2 green mg coins*

Lady Vulpix
1st March 2005, 12:58 PM
(3/1) What's your favourite baby animal and why? Do you wish you could keep it as a pet or maybe you do already? If you don't like baby animals why not?
Puppies and baby seals. They're just so cute! ^_^ And puppies are generally quite friendly too, I don't know about seals. I've had pupies before. Then they grew up and I had lovely adult dogs. :D I wouldn't want to have a seal, they're better off in the wild. But it's nice to watch them.

1st March 2005, 02:26 PM
MG: Hollow Stone
EMT: Cotton Spore TM, Recover TM

MG: Solar Gem, Solar Gem, Red MGcoin
SC: 3 Blue MGcoins, 6 Red MGcoins
GT: This Pokemon tends to move in a pack with others and they cluster in a tight group to sleep in a cave.
EMT: Uproar TM, Sacred Fire TM

MG: Hollow Stone, 2 Stamps/CCPs, Green MGcoin
EMT: Harden TM
MP: Metang, Crawdaunt, Zapdos, Moltres, Rayquaza, Grumpig, Ludicolo, Shelgon, Magneton, Snorunt, Rhydon, Cascoon, Nidoran F, Tropius

MG: Flame Gem
EMT: Howl TM, Yawn TM

MG: Ocean Gem

That ends another Version of Goldenrod Tower. Don't post here anymore and I thank the Mod who kindly closes it.