View Full Version : -Proménant Mort- +Hell on Earth+(Mature)

The Muffin Man
16th January 2005, 02:43 AM
Proménant Mort - *Walking Dead* Hell On Earth -

"Some say the worst part of the epidemic is burying loved ones afflicted by it...No. That's not even the half of it...the worst part, is when the loved ones don't stay buried.

It started out in the year 2004...nothing big, just a few 'druggies' wandering around, moaning and swiping at people. Nobody thought anything of it. It was just your usual day in the life of the world.

A week later, there were about 9 'druggies' stumbling around. This time, they were much more violent. Grabbing at people, biting them. In a matter of days, hundreds of people were sent to the hospital, dying within 24 hours of their wounds. Some even faster if the wounds were more extensive...but they never stayed dead...

Before anyone figured out what happened, it was far too late to do anything. Hospital staff across the country had been bitten left and right, spreading the epidemic all over. Other countries had similar problems, and it was slowly getting out of hand. Then one day...the human race was outnumbered. 2 billion to 1 billion. The horrible truth was impossible to conceal at this point and time. The human race was still the dominant race. The problem?

The living weren't the rulers.
It's the year 2006. The living dead stalk the streets, while humanity tries to rebuild, rarely ever gaining any footing. What is this "living dead threat", you ask?
Some call them the Walking Undead. Others "Lurking Corpses". Some even call them "Reworks". But the most widely accepted, and now 'scientific' term is the classic, "Zombie". These beings are reanimated humans, as the virus does not find animals as a suitable environment. This doesn't phase them at all. The zombie hordes advanced on humanity and have literally eaten us into a corner. Humanity is nothing more than a garden fresh for the picking. Slowly, humans have fought back. Japan, the North-Eastern United States, California, Alaska and 50 or so miles outside the Alaska border to Canada are now relatively Zombie-Free. Not to say they don't have Undead, but "Zombie Elimination Task-Forces" are dispatched and 'kill' any remaining undead. While not flawless, this is all that is left of the army. In-fighting and civil wars run rampant, and very little weaponry is left outside of these 'safe zones'. Even now, humanity is slowly being squeezed into tighter spaces. You are one of a group of humans who have decided to see if there are any survivors. You have no real "mission". No real "destination" or transportation, and there's no real way to stop the threat for good aside from good old fashioned persaverance.

This RPG is not designed to be "Won". There is no common threat. Just the zombies, marauders...and survival.

Basics*Recommended reading for the Zombie-Newbie AND the Zombie-savant!*
Zombies can be stopped by removing the head or destroying the brain. Breaking a zombies legs will slow it down, but unless you destroy all of its' limbs, it WILL come after you. Even still, a zombie with no arms and no legs can still bite if you're unlucky enough to stick your leg by his grimey lips.
Zombies are not fast at all. They lack the manual dexterity to move their bodies too well, so they lumber. Although zombies SEEM superstrong, it is simply because their muscles no longer feel pain if overexerted, as a zombie does not release, wince, or relax if they feel the tendons begin to tug. This is an advantage, as they will not know if you're about to rip a limb out.
Zombies cannot climb, open doors, or lift anything. They can, however, clutch, pull, bite, and claw. This is all they need to do.
Zombies do not bleed. But their saliva can still turn YOU into a zombie.
Zombies skin and bones are brittle, but still pretty tough all things considered.
Blades don't reload. But ballistic weaponry(guns) are great when you don't need to worry about hiding, or keeping quiet.

Name: Obvious
Age: Keep it above 15, please.
Looks: Obvious. But mainly clothing, hair, etc.
Build: Physical make-up. Fat, strong, thin, etc?
History: How has their life been going?
Skills: Not telepathy and flight. Human skills. Trained in martial arts? A good cook? If it's combat-centric(martial arts, swordsmanship, fencing) please limit it to 2 or 3. I don't care if you're smart, can cook, can do complex equations, fix a computer, and a car. I just don't want you knowing 15 different martial arts, 23 sword-fighting techniques, and 4 seperate gun-slinging styles.
Weaponry: Nothing fancy. This is 2006. Guns, melee weaponry*Bats, pipes, swords, etc.* I'm going to be INCREDIBLY strict on Military weaponry. If everyone had an M16, there'd be no real threat. Likewise, no ones gonna have a lot of ammo for it.
Pack: Medicine you might need, extra food(i.e junk food, soda, etc), extra ammo(no ammo listed is considered 5 clips/shells. This is additional ammo)
Relationship: Friends, family, girlfriend/boyfriend, wife/husband...
Other: *eats other*

Name: Mike Silvern(Save-Urn)
Age: 23
Looks: He stands about 6'0, with a thin build. His hair is short and dark, his eyes seem to be cold and distant. Despite this, however, he's quite the sweetheart and a great guy. His clothing is all tattered and dark, all he could take with him when they packed up. His shoes are dusty and worn, black Vans shoes. His pants are a tattered, dark green khaki material. A chain follows his pants to his wallet, although it's useless as he has no money.
Build: He has a thin, athletic build.
History: He remembers much of his life before the "Apocolypse" as some call it. He still loves rock music, despite the super-strict rules on music(No music after dark, no music during the changing of the look-outs, no music on high alert, no music above a certain level.) and listens to Metallica whenever he gets a chance, despite the band having long been killed/reborn/rekilled. His parents survived, and have moved with the rest of his family up towards Canada, in hopes of finding refuge in Maine or southern Canada.
Personality: He is a pretty calm guy, but keeps to himself and is usually thinking. Mike's an all-around nice guy, but comes off as a jerk sometimes. Those that get to know him know he's always there for friends, and he would give anything for his loved ones.
Skills:He's an alright cook, and good with computers as well as a decent driver. He has some bo-staff and boken training, which is all but useless for more than not smacking himself in the face/cutting a leg off.
Weaponry: Basic 9mm pistol, long wooden staff, wakazashi(short katana) he picked up during the 'looting' phases. He calls it 'Yoshi', as it has gotten him out of many a sticky situation.
Pack: Blade polish, a small knife(Not for combat, used to whittle sticks and branches into bo-staves, kind of dulling...), 3 extra clips of 9mm ammo, a bottle of pepsi with a cold pack(wrapped together in a paper bag), and 2 clothes. One to clean his face, the other to try it.
Relationship: Married to Laura Silvern, also alive as far as he knows: Rogan and Victoria his mother, father, and his mothers boyfriend. Despite his title, they get along fairly well. By fairly well I mean 'like a second father'.
Other: Kind of paranoid(and for good reason)

NOTE - I advise you to introduce a second character. Even if you only sign up as one, it gives your character more depth if they deal with a zombified loved one.

The Muffin Man
16th January 2005, 03:14 AM
Sorry to double-post, but this is so that everyone can see it rather than not suspect something within my last post.

Name: Jonathan "Gabe" Gabriel
Age: 26
Looks: Black hair, yellow shirt (http://www.penny-arcade.com/images/2004/20041206l.jpg) . Obviously, his hairs a bit more realistic and shorter.
Build: Thin, kind of lanky.
History: He's spent his days loathing the undead and inking a comic with no writer. His roommate/cohort Tycho Brahe(Brah-Hee) never made it out of Washington State. He joked around with Tycho about hating him and wanting to kill him, but deep down they were the best of friends...He wastes his days grumbling in his sleep, crumpling his artwork with complaints of how 'Tycho'd have the perfect joke' and how 'Brenna(his wife) would have said it was sick'. Brenna did make it out alive, but left for 'greener' pastures in Alaska with her mother, rather than making the dangerous trek with their son to the North-east...
Personality: He is still a wise-ass, plain and simple. Despite being a bit more solomn, he's the same old Gabe he ever was. Brash, rude, and a complete jerk. These used to be his ways of telling his friends he cared for them. Now it's a defense to hide his hatred for the undead.
Skills: He's a great artist, but otherwise nothing much.
Weaponry: Carries a machete and a 9mm, similar to the one Mike has, but he etched "Leon" in the side...an homage to the Resident Evil character. The other(left) side of the gun has "Rooster Key" etched in, as an inside joke. Mike has always mused etching "Chicken Door" into his. Also has a shotgun, single barrel, 12 guage.
Pack: A few medicinal herbs(Aloe vera, garlic), some aspirin, and one extra clip of ammo, as well as a pad of paper, high quality pencils, and rulers/protractors. He has a box of shotgun shells. With the 8 in the gun, brings the total to 38.
Other: Absolutely abhors the undead, even more than most..

16th January 2005, 03:19 AM
Name: Laura Silvern
Age: 21
Looks: Around 5'7" in height. Hair is dark in color worn down to her shoulder blades. Eyes are somewhat 'cat-like', giving her a somewhat mysterious feel. Clothing, cosnidering her build, is baggy, but still tattered nonetheless. Shoes are quite dusty, worn out.
Build: Muscular. Not too mannish, but you get the idea.
History: Remembers quite the vivid moments of her life before the "Apocalypse". But even before, she lived quite a broken life. Her parents divorced when she was fairly young and while under her mother's custody withstood physical and emotional abuse. Eventually ran away, but nobody has really cared much. Deep down, she worries about whatever happened to her father.
Personality: On the outside Laura seems to be calm, but rarely anybody knows the almost helpless being hidden underneath. From past experience, she is mainly quiet and rarely opens out, but she seems optimistic and kind when she does.
Skills: Slight bit of martial art experience, fairly decent on the cooking edge.
Weaponry: Small dagger, katana (came out of looting), and basic 10mm pistol.
Pack: Small stone(used to sharpen katana and dagger), 2 extra clips for pistol, bandage cloth, water bottle, and a cloth for cleaning purposes.
Relationship: Wife to Mike.
Other: ...

Second character will come later on.

Outlaw JT
16th January 2005, 08:21 AM
Never could resist a good attempt at a zombie RPG.

Name: Donald Rogan (he usually just goes by Rogan now)
Age: 28
Looks: 6'5", auburn hair cut very short and very poorly, deep blue eyes, short and poorly trimmed beard. It very much appears as though he cuts his own hair without aid of a mirror and his beard only grows a week or two at best before it is shaved by a rough blade to be grown again. He wears a plain tank top that looks dark grey (almost black) through excessive wear. Also a black pair of jeans that have been torn and resewn together to make the knees looser and more flexible. He also has a black denim jacket and a faded blue NYU sweatshirt, although they generally stay in his bag unless it gets cold or he feels compelled to cover up for safety. Everything about his appearance suggests he is constantly moving and rarely takes enough time to sleep or groom.
Build: Broad but not fat.
History: He led a fairly simple and normal life before Hell came to Earth. Donald was a freelance security consultant. He tested and analyzed the effectiveness of security systems, locks, safes, etc. On the weekend he went skeet shooting with his FBI friends or spending quality time with his wife Victoria. Twice a week he sparred with his friends at the FBI exercise facility. He paid his taxes, took the occasional vacation, and went to work just like anyone else. All in all he was your average guy. Shortly after things got really bad, he having a meeting with his neighbors while Victoria was on watch on the first floor of their building. The meeting went long and when it was over she was already at home and had fallen asleep on the chair in their living room. He lovingly fetched a blanket from the linen closet and tucked her in, not wanting to wake her. He kissed her gently on the forehead and went to bed. He was woken up several hours later by the sound of a glass lamp crashing onto the floor in the other room. Instinctually he grabbed his shotgun from behind the headboard (where it was set and loaded for quick access) and he ran in to see what was wrong. All he saw was Victoria, staring down at the lamp she had just broken. He called out to her and she turned, slowly, to reveal a pale and vacant expression. Her eyes were glassy and dull. She didn't answer and started shuffling towards him. A few minutes later their neighbors heard one shot. When their neighbors came to check on them they found Donald cradling Victoria in his arms in the middle of the floor. Try though they might, no one could get him to move or talk for two days. When he did finally speak it was with no emotion and to say only one thing. They all had to get out of the city now and he was going to lead them out. Since then, Donald has made a circuit of going into a couple of major cities in the NE looking for survivors. When he finds any, he leads them to a militarized checkpoint that is set up to safely lead survivors to the new townships being built in zombie-free zones.
Personality: Before everything happened he was a fairly cheerful guy. He had a good sense of humor, he was light-hearted and considerate, everyone liked him. Now, He is gruff, straight to the point, almost emotionless except for anger or impatience. He does things his own, expects all of the survivors he finds to do things his way, and has zero patience for those who don't.
Skills: He's a horrible cook but he gave up on caring about taste months ago. He is a good shot with a shotgun or rifle and a fair shot with a pistol (what would take a good shot with a pistol one shot might take him two or three). Donald has basic combat training, some boxing from college, and he knows a few tricks from training with his FBI friends. He is still an expert on security and knows a great deal about locks and safes and a decent bit of electronics.
Weaponry: Full length double barrel 12 guage shotgun (primarily intended for skeet shooting or duck hunting) with a custom strap that makes it easy to swing the gun up from his back into firing position. A hunting knife that is starting to show signs of wear and tear. Two aluminum baseball bats that have grips made from tightly tied rags (the rubber grips had long since split and broken).
Pack: Basic first aid kit, canteen and two water bottles, homemade food rations for a few days, two boxes of shells (with the two in the gun that makes 24, bigger shotgun, bigger shells).
Relationship: two of his FBI friends made it out of NY safely. One of them they lost track of and the other runs the militarized checkpoint he brings survivors to. His wife's family might still be alive but he has no surviving blood relatives. Her younger brother's name was (if Muffin Man likes the idea) Mike.
Other: When he feels alone and doesn't know anyone's there he still speaks to his wife.

Perfect Chaos
16th January 2005, 08:30 AM
Always liked Resident Evil-type of RPGs

Save me a spot. Got to get to church and will post after coming back


16th January 2005, 12:15 PM
And now the second character...

Name: Brianna Mansmann
Age: 19
Looks: Height is merely 5'2", so relatively she isn't much of a problem. Eyes are a bright, wild azure color and her hair is jaggedly cut down to her midback, unnaturally blonde in color. Clothing is a bit tight and revealing, rather short.
Build: Thin unnaturally. Scrawny to truely sum it all up.
History: In the standards, Brianna lived like most girls before the dawn of Hell. Her parents were fairly young and separated when she was around 10 or so, and at least her mother remarried, never hearing anything of her father since. Brainwashed by her mother, she had a complete grudge against him. Her mother, step-father, and younger half-brother made it safely to California, but it's believed that her step-sister was left behind and didn't make it out alive.
Personality: Brianna is simply nothing more than your average high-pitched voiced, belief in having the world revolve around them bitch. She's rather immature, and hasn't been changed a single bit by the apocalypse. Doesn't really care for anybody but herself, thus making a defense against the undead...and her apparent rival, Laura.
Skills: Outside of being a total attention whore, no.
Weaponry: A metal pipe only about 6 inches in height and a 10mm similar to Laura's which she calls 'Uzi', for the fact she knows no better.
Pack: Small cloth, comb, 2 extra clips fir her pistol, and a small diary with pen.
Other: Naw.

The Muffin Man
16th January 2005, 03:52 PM
JT, Kikyo - Both accepted. And edited in Victoria and Rogan for relationship, JT. Good to have you aboard. Tell your friends!

Sean - No spots to be saved, but meh I'll be sure to include you if I do decide to cap it off :P

New character(No lines/posts, exclusively as a zombie)

Name: Tycho Brahe
Age: 26.
Looks: Pale skin, dead vacant eyes. Hair is disheveled and messy, skin is peeling and wounds are obvious. Gaping chest wound makes for an obvious gasping sound(despite not needing air, breathes by instinct), and a whistling noise if the wind blows just right. Stench of decay follows him. Otherwise, look up at Gabes sign-up or at my sig. He's the guy with the brown hair.
Build: Before "death": Lanky, slightly thicker build than his friend Gabe. Now, he is just another walking corpse.
History: No memories of before he 'died'.
Personality: None.
Skills: Unkillable outside of head trauama/decay. Basic zombie skills(very few)
Weaponry: None
Pack: All that's left in the tattered pack of his broken arm is a few complete strips that he had scripted out before the attack.
Relationship: None/All Deceased except for Gabe. All else are zombies, minus Kara who comitted suicide when she was bitten.
Other: Zombie. No posts, just here for character development.

Perfect Chaos
16th January 2005, 05:30 PM
Name: Shaan Kishore
Age: 17
Looks: 6'1, 185 lbs, black hair spiked, natural tan complexion (Asian Indian descent), dark mocha brown eyes, light goatee growing (like the d00d in Mike's sig with the black hair only its connected around the mouth and it's a bit more darker). Wears a big/long black shirt with baggy blue JNCO jeans. Has a silver "hoop" earring on his left ear and a dragon and skull tatoo on his left bicep. Also wears black fingerless gloves and a silver "devil" pendent (see attachment [just the devil figure in the last picture]) attached to a silver thread.
Build: He's kinda broad-shouldered. He has muscle but not body-builder or anything, more like well-toned (from weight-lifting in the past)
History: Was born to a family with dad and mom and older brother. Actually, his mom was killed giving birth to him and was raised by his dad and brother. He always thought his dad was just a regular computer engineer (secretly his father was a top hacker for the government) and his brother became a cop. During the "Apocalyspe" his father went missing in the pandemonium and his brother was killed in trying to help people escape from the city. He now searches for the whereabouts of his father.
Personality: Before and after the "Apocalypse" he was always a quiet, reserved kid who had trouble making friends (except for the few who he had beforehand that are now dead). Normally spends time working on his laptop and listening to music on it (also likes rock/heavy metal like Mike).
Skills: Due to his father being a top hacker for the government, Shaan inherited that ability from him and is very good with computers and hacking into almost anything (security, bank accounts, etc.) but doesn't do on a daily basis just because he can. Also, is a pretty good shot with a gun since his brother trained him a bit with guns being a cop and all.
Weaponry: Carries with him a Beretta handgun (15 shots) which he managed to "loot" off a dead police officer from where he lives.
Pack: Carries a laptop case with him (contains laptop, battery charger, hacking software, etc.) and a side pack that holds his Beretta and extra ammo (two-three extra cartridges)
Relationship: Brother, who is dead. Father, who is missing. Will edit if anyone else wants
Other: *eats other*

[attachment deleted by admin]

16th January 2005, 07:13 PM
Name: Dennis Loray
Age: 20
Looks: about 5'7", he's caucasian, with dark blonde hair to his shoulders, Blue eyes, and a prosthetic foot. he usually wears a black T-shirt, a pair of blue jeans, and a trenchcoat with metal plates sewn into it as makeshift armor.
Build: kind of light, but still strong.
History: Abandoned by his parents, he was taken in by a martial arts instructor, Yuji Tanaka, who taught him how to fight with a katana and his hands and feet. When everything went to hell, Yuji left one day, merely saying there was something he had to do. He began wandering from safe location to safe location, searching for Yuji.
Personality: A bit sad, but bears a dark sense of humor, he helps people when he can, but only when said people will accept it.
Skills: He knows how to wield a Katana efficiently, as well as being able to fend off zombies long enough to grab a makeshift weapon. His gun skills are limited to "take shotgun, point, and shoot". Otherwise, he is decent at operating computers, and can live off the land for months if need be.
Weaponry: He has a Katana and a two shot shotgun.
Pack: He has several bandages and painkillers, as well as a small supply of disinfectants, he has five rations of salted pork with him as well as 16 spare rounds for his shotgun, he also has a sharpening stone, a couple of spare clothes and a sewing kit and some water.
Relationship: Is looking for his adoptive father, has no adoptive mother.

The Muffin Man
18th January 2005, 12:32 PM
Gonna start this either tonight or tomorrow, so get them sign-ups in!

Outlaw JT
18th January 2005, 02:32 PM
Hey Mike, I was kinda thinking that your character and family wouldn't know yet about Victoria and Rogan. That they'd still be trying to find out if they made it out of NY alive.

The Muffin Man
18th January 2005, 02:43 PM
Not knowing they're married or not knowing he had to kill Zombie-Victoria?

I'll edit it when you clarify. Don't wanna edit it 9 million more times :P

Outlaw JT
18th January 2005, 02:45 PM
Not knowing Rogan had to kill zombie-Victoria. They'd know they were married but wouldn't know if they made it out of NY alive.

Ultimate Charizard
18th January 2005, 02:51 PM
Sounds interesting....i wonder where the inspiration comes from ;)

Name: Gavin Wynder
Age: 25
Looks: Stands about 6'3. Brown hair, Blue eyes. Wears a Black t-shirt, blue jeans torn at the knees and large boot/shinguards over his legs with black fingerless gloves. Only other thing he has is a back pack for supplies and his weapon holsters.
Build: Pretty Athletic. Not exactly a body builder or sports star. Played a little rugby at High school but gave that up.
History: Born in the UK and a member of the new Internal Investigations department. Basically the UK FBI.....or at least he was till all this kicked off. At the time was posted to the US, with the FBI training and learning the ropes. Has been there for 2 Years now, originally based in Ney York. Is currently Holed up in a Small Gas Station just outside New York city. The shutters are locked and he's been living from the supplies in the store but keeps himself hidden away in the back office, the windows boarded up.
Personality: Was a bit of a joker but gets serious when needed. Has been serious ever since his partner was ripped apart and he managed to scramble into the Gas Station without being seen. Has heard and seen the Zombies outside but as far as he is aware they dont know hes there. Loyal to his friends but wont put up with any treachery from anyone. Will take down anyone threatening the groups efforts.
Skills: Usual Police training, Moderate military tactics training, sharpshooting and close combat. Also trained as a Pursuit driver but hasnt done that since he moved to the US.
Weaponry: Standard issue Pistol, Shotgun taken from behind the Cashiers Desk. Chainsaw stripped down to save on weight) taken from the store (there are more in there) and a Cricket Bat.
Pack: Has modified a 'replica' army backpack he found to holster his bat and Shotgun. Can also hook the saw on but can make it too heavy. Has all the Ammo he could find as well as what he had for His pistol. (5 9mm clips, 2 Boxes of Shotgun Shells) Also carries 3 medium Thermos flasks full of Gas for the saw. The rest of the fuel he has is in Containers and canisters he could fill before the power shut down. All this Ammo is in the pockets of the pack, the gas in the main section along with as much food and water as he could fit. Didnt mind making it so full and heavy as he only needed a way of transporting as much as possible as quickly as possible. If he can escape he plans to throw it all in the car and drive out. Aslo has a special Surprise hidden in the pack, another present from the old Counter clerk but wont be using that untill needed. (Have agreed this with mike)
Relationship: Friends with Donald Rogan but hasnt seen him in a while...hasnt seen anyone living for a while come to mention it.
Other: *Hits other with peanuts to the Face!!*

19th January 2005, 07:04 PM
[font=arial narrow]
YAY! *leaps into the big mosh pit of signer uppers*

Name: Kristen Williamsen
Age: 27
Looks: See Here. (http://www.advancedanime.com/pictures/schoolgirls/girl_c45.JPG) She looks just like that... except her eyes are a sad, deep blue that many seem to get lost in. She wears that top, and beneath it a long deep blue skirt that has a slip going up the side to about mid-thigh.
Build: Thin, yet not sickly so. She has what most would call a 'graceful' build.
History: Because of some asian ancestory, she was running a Dojo-like building on the East Coast. She was happily married with her husband, and while they weren't rich they were comfortable. However, a day before the zombie outbreak occured... she was practicing in the dojo. She had a small katana-sword that was a family heriloom, and she often worked after hours with it as a hobby. At the sound of a door opening, she whirled about to see her husband enter. She happily walked towards him but stopped, seeing that he was abnormally pale and his eyes seemed to have no life in them. His body was bloody and he seemed to stagger. Kristen went forward to see if he was sick and exclaimed what happened, but suddenly he seemed to snap at her. Barily missing her, she seemed to jump back. There was a huge scuffle... she was reluctant to do anything. Shouts could be heard... the Dojo mirror breaking, and then suddenly a scream. Kristen was found by the police, kneeling by his body and crying. Her sword was bloody and his head had rolled to the other side of the room. She was taken into custody, until Zombies seemed to have attacked the station. She escaped, taking back her sword during the panic. Returning to the Dojo, she seemed to be lost. She hasn't left the Dojo... she's been in a trance and no one really has been able to pull her out of it. Her body is a bit paler and thinner than usual, although she seems to have her sword always by her side.
Personality: She used to be always smiling and teaching. Always thoughtful and often making things for people, she was a bundle of energy and charisma. After the incident however... she's lost everything. She never smiles, and always seems to be serious or sad. Her voice has lost it's pleasant, cheerful sound and now is a bittersweet tone. (Still pleasant, but almost angsty painful... ) She seems to have lost contact with humans... everyone fearing to venture out and no 'saviors' have come to her city. Maybe if some one tried to talk to her? lol
Skills: She's an extremely skilled swordsman as a hobby and had a Dojo. She can cook as well, but she specializes in more traditional Asain food or deserts. Good with language.
Weaponry: A long yet nimble katana-like sword. It's beautifully crafted and probably the most intricate sword you'll ever see. Heavy markings are embroidered into the blade. That's all she has... though she has once thrown knives from the kitchen drawer.
Pack: She's at her house right now, so she has limited food and basic things. When/If she leaves she'll bring a few things.
Relationship: Her husband passed away. Her friends are seemingly all dead and previous relationships are forgotten by her at the present.
Other: LALA... she does have a pet black cat called Sali.

Name: Whitney Chanton
Age: 18
Looks: She looks just like this. (http://www.advancedanime.com/pictures/general/TnyTk.jpg)
Build: She's very toned and athletic. Because she swims a lot, she has very defined and muscular shoulders along with a great neck view.
History: Whitney was caught up in the whole Zombie-thing rather swiftly. She worked at a Marine Center, where she was in charge of feeding and helping train the three bottlenose and two spotted dolphins. She came into work early one day, when suddenly she found the manager trying to eat a co-worker. With out thinking, Whitney bashed the manager on the head with a metal pale. The manager didn't even seem to feel it, and whirled around to attack Whitney. Together, the girls managed to kill the manager and just happened to be lucky that their aims suddenly bashed into the skull, killing the brain. Her co-worker instantly left, but Whitney didn't leave. Knowing the dangers... she didn't want to leave the dolphins. Living along the Florida coast line, she wasn't in a saftey area. Still, she moved all the things into the abandoned marine center. Surprisingly, electricity still worked in her area by the emergency, self-charging electricity system so the pool was habital for the dolphins. Moving into a lockable room next to the pool, Whitney lives there now. She occasionally has to leave to get food and fish for the dolphins... but she's managing. She's grown quite attached to them, and instead of fighting she swims into the tank whenever some thing suspicious comes- whether it be human or not.
Personality: Very cheerful and friendly. She's outgoing and bold... and doesn't hesitate to help anyone even if it probaby wasn't the smartest thing. She's street smart, and seems to communicate well.
Skills: She's very strong for a girl, especially since she swims a lot and interacts with the dolphins. A great swimmer, but she's not particulary good at fighting since she's never had to. She sings well... but refrains from singing as of late unless it's high noon.
Weaponry: Has no weapons... unless you count a fish pale as one.
Pack: She's got her few little 'goodies'. A sleeping bag, a pillow, a few pieces of jewelry and such. Food and the marine place has a first aid kit.
Relationship: Her family lives far away, and she's never had contact with them for a long time. (family dispute)
Other: Often just wears a black bikini swim suit since it's warm and she swims a lot.


19th January 2005, 09:42 PM
Name: Janus Clyde
Age: 22
Looks: He's got messy blonde hair which hasn't been combed in ages and chestnut brown eyes. He wears a black shirt, a brown trench coat, a pair of black, slightly baggy pants and black combat boots. He usually wears a pair of shades and a red bandana around his neck.
Build: He stands at 6'5 and has a lean, yet well toned build. He's a bit pale however.
History: Janus has spent most of his life in his bar, the "Southern Cross". After the zombie outbreak, Janus converted his bar into a makeshift shelter, taking in people who have nowhere else to go. There are only three things Janus does now, drink, smoke and beat the crap out of any zombie that comes near his tavern. But as the number of undead grow, Janus is finding it hard to hold his bar.
Personality: An unusually cheerful Australian with a love for beer and ciggerettes. But just because he'd rather drink then take on the undead, doesn't mean that he doesn't have a serious side. When he wants to, he'll give everything he's got to protect others. He does have a bit of an attitude though.
Skills: He's skiiled when it comes to close combat, even though he prefers to use weaponry and is skilled on a motorbike. He can tell which alchoholic drinks can be used for explosives.
Weaponry: A lead pipe and a colt 69 which he calls Jade (don't ask why). He'll also use molytov cocktails when he needs to.
Pack: Bandages, ammunition, beer and ciggerettes.
Relationship: Anyone?
Other: As you may have already guessed, he's Australian.

I hope this is alright.

The Muffin Man
19th January 2005, 10:12 PM
Everyone is accepted. JT I changed the sign-up and Kalah both links send us to the same place hun :P Try hosting it on Photobucket?