View Full Version : Return of the Pantheon: Sign Ups (Greek/Norse/Egyptian/Miscellaneous Mythology RPG)

Krystalline Kabutops
18th January 2005, 09:53 PM
Return of the Pantheon

You're just a normal teenager, living in the city of Otakun, population fifty-seven thousand. It's a pretty peaceful city, on the western coast of the USA. To someone your age, it is the epitome of boredom.

Well, that's all about to change...

Your high school is taking a field trip to the local historical museum, the principal going on in his usual drone about the wonders of the ancient Mesopotamians. You and a group of other students, less than enthralled, manage to sneak off into the mythology wing. There, among all the depictions of ancient gods, you find in an ignored corner an obsidian orb. It's covered in strange markings, and surprisingly isn't in a case. One of you touches it, and a bright light flashes, blinding you all momentarily.

When you regain your sight, the orb is gone. Thoroughly freaked out, you quickly slip back into the main group of students, who are returning to the buses that will take them back to school. You get out of school go back to your homes, not suspecting that your life is about to change...

The next day, you wake up to quite a shock. You are no longer yourself. You have, somehow, transformed into a completely new person. Quickly, you call your friends, and they give you similar stories. You all convene at one of your houses, trying to figure out what's happened to you. Some of you are even beginning to notice that you have strange new powers. The motley assembly is about to erupt into chaos when another bright light shines from the middle of the room.

When the light fades, standing in the middle of the room is a young girl dressed in a school uniform, smiling at you all. She introduces herself as Gaia, and says that you have been gifted with the powers of the Gods. The Gods have, apparently, died out over the ages, and the evils they once kept at bay are now stronger than ever. Gaia is one of the last of the Gods, the other remaining ones being Isis, Hades and Odin. She tells you that she has come to train you and prepare you for the impending tide of evil.

With that, you begin to learn of your new powers, and soon unravel a plot that encompasses more than any of the Gods suspect... In the end, you will either quell an evil greater than any ever witnessed before, or die trying.

God/Goddess Descriptions:

Sekhmet: Egyptian Goddess of the Sun and Destruction. She has the head of a lioness. It's up to the RPer if they want to just give her the Lioness head, go for all-out anthro, or something in between. ~ Presea "Pres" Combar (kalad1)

Bastet: Egyptian Goddess of Cats. She has the head of a black cat. Same goes for Bastet as Sekhmet, it's the RPer's choice on how many animal features they want. Bastet has a leaner, sleeker build than Sekhmet, less muscle and more sinew. ~ Safira "Safi" Kilnero (Kikyo)

Anubis: Egyptian God of the Dead. He has the head of a black jackal. Same applies to him as for the other two Egyptian dieties, the jackal head being mandatory, any other animal features being optional. Anubis is rather muscular, although not overtly so. ~ Rahmus DelKorrde (Outlaw JT)

Athena: Greek Goddess of Wisdom, Crafts and War. She is more athletic than most of the other Goddesses, although she still has an admirable figure. She also has a pet owl (optional). ~ Deirdre "Deej" Burns (VirtualPlay)

Apollo: Greek God of Light, Music and Creativity. He has blonde hair and blue eyes, and a very slight build. He carries a Lyre. ~ Adrienne Colne (Nabooru23)

Aphrodite: Greek Goddess of Love. She is very attractive, having a perfect figure and a rather *ahem* well endowed chest region, and blonde hair. ~ Kristina Firaga (Flaming Krystal)

Skadi: Norse Goddess of Hunting and The Frost. She is very pale, and burns easily in the sun if she doesn't have a strong sunscreen on. She wields a spear. ~ Taken by Pronus "Pro" Colne (Krystalline Kabutops)

Thor: Norse God of Thunder. He possesses a large hammer. Thor is very muscular, and has a good deal of hair. He has a helmet, and a pet hunting wolf (optional). ~ Myrmur Taari (Weasel Overlord)

Foresti: Norse God of Justice. He is slimmer than Thor, and more scholarly. ~ Taken by Dashamir Orrery (Emotional Faun Chiko-sai)

Name: Please be original.
Age: Between 14 and 19.
Sex: Duh.
Personality: Please be descriptive, but don’t write an essay.
Original Appearance: What’d your character look like BEFORE getting infused with a Godly aura?
God/dess Appearence: What does your character look like afterward? Include traditional, Diety clothing AND street clothes
God/dess: Which God/Goddess is your character the successor to?
Domain: What is your God/Goddess in charge of?
Abilities: Must be related to your domain, and cannot be uber-powerful.
Relationships: Who’re you friends/siblings/mates with?
History: Mandatory, but doesn’t need to be long.
Other: Please do not kill.

My SU:
Name: Pronus "Pro" Colne
Age: 15
Sex: Male
Personality: Pro is the typical class clown, always messing around and getting his nose where it doesn't belong. He loves a good joke, even if it's at someone elses expense. Occasionally, he'll go too far, although he -usually- apologizes afterwards. He gets mad if the joke's on him however. He's a bit sexist, but you know what they say, what goes around comes around...
Original Appearance: just like this, (http://www.maj.com/gallery/ShipOfFools/GreekMythos/ariesmodern.bmp) although he wears baggy jeans, a black t-shirt and a backwards baseball cap instead.
God/dess Appearence: Just like this, (http://www.maj.com/gallery/ShipOfFools/GreekMythos/athenamodern.bmp) although she has normal ears and hair the color of ice. Aditionally, she wears black dress shoes and a blue, pleated skirt that comes halfway down her thighs. In her Goddess form, she wears clothing like this, (http://www.maj.com/gallery/ShipOfFools/NorseMythos/reginleif.bmp) but without the wings and headgear. She also possesses an ornate throwing spear that looks like this. (http://www.maj.com/gallery/ShipOfFools/NorseMythos/skadispear.bmp)
God/dess: Skadi
Domain: Hunting and Frost
Abilities: She can detect animals in the nearby vicinity, and can freeze small things just by touching them and willing them to freeze. The maximum size of objects she can freeze get progressively larger as the RPG goes on.
Relationships: Pro is good friends with Deej, to the extent that they're almost siblings. Sometimes, she has to reign him in when his pranks go to far. However, nowadays he's the one wishing she'd reign in her own pranks some more...
History: Pro has lived most of his life in California, spending most of grade school a social outcast. In middle/high school, he met Deej, and they've been thick as thieves since. Having a friend really helped to boost his self-esteem, even to the point where he's a bit of a fathead. However, he's still insecure, so he picks on girls, even Deej on occasion. Since his karma's pretty bad, it comes back to bite him in the butt quite often after the Museum Incident.
Other: Pro is pretty angry about becoming a girl, now going under the alias Melony Cohld. The others in the group like to tease him about it (Especially some of the girls), but he keeps his temper in check by plotting new ways to use his newfound powers in pranks. Of course, none of them are successful, but it's the thought that counts.

18th January 2005, 10:14 PM
I call Sekhmet!

Outlaw JT
18th January 2005, 10:31 PM
Name: Rahmus DelKorrde
Age: 17
Sex: male
Personality: Before Anubis (twitchy, overeager to please, awkward. He was an outsider and it showed. He would do just about anything to try to fit in and constantly tagged around the cool kids even though he was clearly not welcome.) After Anubis (angry, afraid to touch anyone, withdrawn. He is mortally afraid to touch anyone for what he might see and shys away from physical contact. Deep down he still wants to fit in but he has become bitterly angry over the lifetime of rejection he has been through. He never felt the anger before because until now he couldn't do anything about it, weakling he used to be).
Original Appearance: 5'6", scrawny, messy blonde hair, blue jean shorts, pint-sized work boots, plain grey tshirt, piercing green eyes.
God/dess Appearence: He stands at 6'5" and has a striking jet black jackal's head with tall ears and a pronounced snout with fangs that just barely protrude from under his upper lip. His eyes are still a piercing green but now there is a faint glow behind them. His deity garb, he is shirtless showing off his considerably enhanced body and he wears tight black pants made of fine Egyptian cotton and no shoes. His street clothes, he wears a dark blue hooded jacket and black jeans with dark brown tennis shoes (which he seems very awkward walking in). In addition to the jackal head his feet are jackal-like, with the muscle and bone structure designed to move freely on the balls rather than flat-footed. They are also very paw-like with short claws rather than toenails and a little bit of fur that matches his black head.
God/dess: Anubis
Domain: Death
Abilities: very fast (thanks to his new feet and stronger body), whenever he touches a normal being (one who hasn't been altered by the gods or the evil threat) he instantly sees how they are going to die, he can absorb life from other beings by touch (so far only a very small amount, barely enough to kill a mouse, but it will grow as he gets accustomed to his new form).
Relationships: He's not friends with anyone. He snuck along with everyone who went to the Egyptian wing. A few people have always been sympathetic to him but no one has ever been his true friend.
History: Rahmus was born two months prematurely and because of it was very weak as an infant. He had to live the first 8 months of his life in a sealed environment at the hospital. Due to his underdeveloped lungs and heart he had to take various medications all throughout his childhood which stunted his growth. More than anything he wanted to just be a normal kid and run and play with everyone else but he wasn't healthy enough to keep up so he got picked on a lot. Rather than retreat into a shell he put himself out there more and more, doing anything he could to try and get the other kids to like him. Some people felt sorry for him but others just continued to be mean to him or play tricks on him. This is pretty much how his entire life played out. Doing everything he could to fit in and constantly being teased or picked on for being a weakling or a shrimp. With his weak and brittle body he really couldn't do anything to stand up for himself. Of course, he was too desperate to fit in that he rarely realized he was being ridiculed that badly. Usually he just felt happy to have any attention paid to himself at all that wasn't blatant sympathy.

18th January 2005, 11:57 PM
If it wasn't so late, I'd get a sign-up form up right now, but as I really need to get up early, I'll just settle for reserving Athena.

Heh-heh, my character's gonna have a lot of fun with "Pro." X)

Krystalline Kabutops
19th January 2005, 07:34 AM
kalad1: *Reserves*
OJT: Looks good. I'll accept you now, but you may want to expand on the personality a bit.
VP: Poor Pro :p *Reserves*

Emotional Faun Chiko-sai
20th January 2005, 03:04 AM
Name: Dashamir Orrery
Age: 16
Sex: Male
Personality: Gifted with an excellent sense of cynicism. Doesn't like it when people aren't given proper credit for something they've done, and etcetera. He has a certain 'sod you, you conning bast*rd' air about him. Always for the underdog, and fairly vocal about it. He takes things very seriously, although by now he's learned to recognise what a joke is. He's a bit of a bleeding heart, too.
Original Appearance: 5'10", thinnish and wiry, with a not-on-purpose tan and yellowish eyes. Has well-defined cheekbones, a strong jaw and a slightly aquiline nose. His hair is dark brown-blonde, straight and rarely combed. Wears whatever pants and clean t-shirt/shirt that's around, though he likes neutral, muted colours best, and a pair of old sneakers.
God/dess Appearence: He looks almost the same, although you'd get the feeling that he looks somehow more lawyerish/professional, and less messy. One of his eyes is now grey, off-balancing the yellow one. For Deity clothing, he wears those archaic Viking-looking lace-up boots, with dark breeches tucked into them; and a charcoal-grey tunic and a silver belt. He also carries a set of weighing scales. His street clothes are an untucked pinstripe dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up and slacks of a greyish colour, with leather boots.
God/dess: Forseti
Domain: Justice
Abilities: He can usually sense who's in the right and who's in the wrong. He'll tell the truth, even if he doesn't want to. And if he's been around someone for a certain amount of time, he can realise when they are or aren't telling the truth. Later on he'll be able to know this on contact, along with a fair bit of mind-reading restricted to what he's currently suspecting someone of. Somewhere along the line he also acquires the talent to sweet-talk anybody into doing the right thing. He reserves the right to bash serious offender's heads in, though, because sometimes people just don't listen.
Relationships: Friends with Myrmur, and from the same pantheon =^^=
History: Er... he had quite a normal life. Dash's parents own a restaurant, and he has an eleven-year-old brother and an eight-year-old sister.
Other: Fabricati diem, pvnc.

Er... is that right?

Krystalline Kabutops
20th January 2005, 07:15 AM
Chiko-sai: That's perfect. You're in.

20th January 2005, 07:23 AM
Nice idea, Krystalline. Is it alright if I reserve Bastet for now? Gotta go to school soon...

Krystalline Kabutops
20th January 2005, 07:30 AM
Kikyo: Yes, that's fine. *Reserves*

20th January 2005, 03:23 PM
Name: Safira "Safi" Kilnero
Age: 15
Sex: Female
Personality: Safi is rather friendly, but is quite shy and rather quiet. A bit of an outsider in school, she's a bit hopeless and worries that she'll never befriend anybody. As a result, she'd rather be in her room burning incense and read books related to the occult than being in the mall shopping for tight clothing and engaging in gossip.
Original Appearance: Safira was quite at average height of 5'6" with a plain, curved build making her seem a bit older than her actual age. Forest green eyes that oddly seem cat-like and seem to look into you, thick, deep dark brown hair that falls to her shoulders, and skin that would normally be slightly tanned, but slightly paled due to lack of sunlight.
Her normal clothing consisted of a black long-sleeved shirt with bell-like sleeves and dark jeans that fit normal around her waist, but legs that hide teal and grey tennis shoes.
God/dess Appearence: Now standing at a height of 5'10" with lanky build, her head and ears are now that of a cat the color of ink. Her eyes are still the same, but seem to dart deeper into your soul. Her hands and feet are still humanoid, but nails are replaced with claws of a darting silver.
Deity clothing is basically a tan-colored dress of Egyptian cotton with no sandals. Her street clothing, however, consists of a dark grey hooded top and knee-length pants of forest green color. Shoes are basically larger and complete grey, which go over knee-length socks of black color.
God/dess: Bastet
Domain: Cats
Abilities: Now can understand cats and summon some if needed (at first, only two or three at most. the amount will slowly grow as the RPG progresses). Also a bit more agile now.
Relationships: None for now, but hopes to be friends with the others later on...
History: What troubles Safira deep down dates back to her childhood. Though she was born and raised in Otakun, her parents divorced when she was young, only around four or five years old. Never seeing or hearing from her father since then, she remained in her mother's care and quickly had a step-father in her life. After her mother's remarriage, Safira experienced almost two years of physical and emotional abuse before she managed to muster the courage to run away. She lived off of the streets for nearly a week before she came across a small cat, which she followed until she managed to reach the residence of her aunt. Since then, she has lived with her aunt, but thinks back to the cat as being an omen from the gods.
In school, Safira got along fairly well until about junior high were cliques were basically formed and she was left by herself. Alone, she chose to not give up, knowing how that somehow she'll befriend somebody eventually.
Other: Naw.

Krystalline Kabutops
20th January 2005, 05:54 PM
Kikyo: Quite an extensive form! You're in.

Outlaw JT
20th January 2005, 06:28 PM
edited my form.

20th January 2005, 07:53 PM
Name: Presea "Pres" Combar
Personality: Outgoing, she knows she's sexy and she's not afraid to use it, she always dresses in ways that show off or enhance her figure.
Appearance:http://bladecham.com/mohe.jpg like that, except she's got human ears and no tail, Also, she's dressed in a VERY tight shirt and a short pair of highly elastic short pants, she's about 6 foot tall.
Goddess appearance: Like the picture above, but with a Lioness head and white fur all over, also, the clothes in the picture come with the goddess form, except it comes with detatchable robes hanging off it in various locations like the waist and shoulders.
Goddess: Sekhmet
Domain:Sun and Destruction
Abilities: Can focus and alter the intensity of the sun's light, can also make things(and even living things) decay and erode away into dust when touching them, but it takes a while.
Relationships: She's stung a few guys along till their wallets were empty, but beyond that, none really.
History: Not much to say, she had an overall normal childhood, but noticed her physical gifts and used them to their utmost extent.
Other:*fries other with concentrated sunlight then makes what's left decompose*

Krystalline Kabutops
20th January 2005, 07:58 PM
kalad1: Accepted.

20th January 2005, 09:08 PM
Yes, poor Pro indeed :P And I just had to have a nickname to "match" :P :P

Name: Deirdre "Deej" Burns
Age: 17
Sex: Female
Personality: Deej is a nice balance between a bright and happy girl, and a serious and down-to-earth girl. She likes having fun, sometimes even to the point of pulling pranks (she gets along so well with Pro, y'know?), but she knows where to draw the line and always stops before anything even slightly goes too far. In the long run, she's just looking out for what's best for everyone, not just for herself.
Original Appearance: She's average height, around 5'7" with dark brown hair that's rather wavy down a couple inches past her shoulders, deep green eyes, and a fair complexion. She's kinda skinny, but not extremely weak. For clothes, she likes almost anything, although she prefers slightly baggy jeans or mid-thigh jean shorts with baby-doll tees or regular t-shirts, and a pair of soft white sneakers over either white or matching-color ankle socks.
Goddess Appearence: Her "goddess garb" is like this (http://www.strategyplanet.com/poseidon/images/concept/athena.jpg), light brown hair that normally goes to the small of her back is kept up in a kind of "roll bun" (instead of a bun that's all around a central place, it's along a line at the back of her head), her eyes are green still, although she's now a little over 6 feet tall and much more muscular (but fortunately not more..."proficient" in front).
For street clothes, she likes to wear the same kinds of things that she used to, although now she needs larger sizes (growing does that).
Goddess: Athena
Domain: Wisdom, Crafts, and War (multi-tasker :P)
Abilities: Can answer almost any question posed to her that any human would know the answer to (in other words, she could list the capitals of all the countries in the world or calculate almost any math problem with ease, but couldn't tell you what you were going to have for breakfast tomorrow or what a black hole really was). She also can now build and create "artsy" things a lot easier, though most of the time this is more for show than for use. Finally, she has the power to both start and stop wars between creatures, although at the moment she can't convince any being more sentient than a mouse to start or stop warring.
Relationships: Was good friends with 'Pro,' but her relationship to him was more like his sister, as opposed to his girlfriend. After the change, "sister" doesn't seem so far-fetched...
History: Originally born in Massachusetts, she moved around a lot for the first seven or so years of her life. Then she moved once or twice over the next five years, finally settling in Otakun where her dad got a very nice job. Somehow her mom also got a good job, and so they're out of the house most of the time. However, nice jobs means good money, so she doesn't exactly live in an average house or have ordinary things (and her allowance makes other kids' pale in comparison). She's not spoiled, however, mostly because of her constantly changing childhood, so she still has some good friends whom she doesn't judge and who don't judge her.
Other: I really do know someone who has that first name and nickname (don't think that was her last name though; I just thought it sounded cool)

After previous RPGs I've been in with you, I assume you're alright with my "Relationships" section, KK

And just be glad I didn't name her Connie or else we'd have had "Pro" and "Con" XP

Krystalline Kabutops
20th January 2005, 09:15 PM
VP: You know me too well :P Accepted.

21st January 2005, 09:14 PM
~Name: Adrienne Colne / Adrien Cohld
~Age: 14 (freshman to Pro's sophomore)
~Gender: Female / Male
~God: Apollo (hence the name and gender change)
~Original Appearance: She's kind of short, only 5'4", and has a rather full build, though she's not fat, just... pudgy, I guess you could say. Her skin, though naturally somewhat tanned, is pale from lack of exposure to sunlight. Her eyes are a dull colorless grey-brown and her hair is dirty-blonde and cut short rather carelessly so that it flows back away from her face with some bangs hanging wavy in her face. She likes to wear men's X-large T-shirts and comfortable jeans. She has a heather-grey hoodie she especially likes and wears it almost every day. On her left index finger she wears a pewter mood ring that is large and has an ornate scale-looking pattern around it and is sometimes mistaken for a class ring. She is rather, er, well-endowed but is not especially fond of showing it off. She never wears anything but plain white undergarments and socks because she knows that nobody's gonna see them except the girls in the locker room. She wears no makeup and wishes a horrible bloody eternity upon its inventor.
~God/dess Appearance: Is now a guy (obviously XD). Is now 5'6" (remember he's only 14, this is rather impressive, lol)He has naturally tan skin and an athletic build (well-muscled but still rather slim), and golden-blonde hair that falls to the nape of the neck, slightly wavy. His eyes are a stunning sky-blue and it seems that sunlight is always glinting in them. For street clothes he wears T-shirts still, and baggy jeans, as well as black leather boots (the rough kind, not shiny). His Deity Ensemble (eheh? ^^) consists of a traditional white toga that leaves his chest mostly bare. The fastener... thingy is emblazoned with a sunburst emblem. Also wears criss-cross-tying sandals.
~Personality: Not really very girly at all, the only thing that really seperates her from guys is that she thinks they're hot XD She likes to play video games (mostly RPGs, but pretty much anyhing but 1st-person shooters, she can't stand those). She isn't afraid of making, er, sexual comments when hanging out with her guy friends, and most of her friends ARE guys. She likes to read, mostly novels by Anne Rice, something that sets her apart from most of her friends. She sometimes stares of listlessly, absorbed in thought. She has a great sense of humor, though it is sometimes dry and sarcastic. She is very self-confident and doesn't care that she's not one of the "cool kids" like her brother. Often has a sharp tongue, especially with Pro (she hates sexism and racism).
~Domain: Light, Music, and Creativity
~Abilities: Can turn things into other things (living things require more practice; can't make batteries and other such power sources) with a touch (weak to start, like turning sticks into spears and scraps of metal into crude shields, or later ropes into snakes, etc.; has to have mostly the same basic components). Can also play any musical instrument (and music CAN and WILL soothe the savage beast in this case)
~Relationships: Pro is her brother. Well, his sister now, I guess. Oh, the irony...
~History: Often referred to as "Pro's sister," she used to hang out with her brother all the time in grade school. But since he became "popular" she's drifted away from him more. She's been a nerd since about fourth grade and never really could hang out with most girls, since she hates mindless chattering gossip. She has never been asked on a date but she's never really minded, since she has always thought of her guy friends as just that, even though she knows that a couple of them really like her.
~Other: *shines a flashlight in other's face*

Voila, my character! *takes a bow*

Krystalline Kabutops
22nd January 2005, 07:01 PM
Nab: Accepted :D

Flaming Krystal
24th January 2005, 12:15 AM
hehe almost posted a new topic I'm so tired...

I will take Aphrodite if you don't mind and as soon as I'm not tired anymore I'll type up a sheet for you.

really tired now...sleep good...post tomorrow...

Krystalline Kabutops
24th January 2005, 07:58 AM
FK: Mk, reserved.

Weasel Overlord
26th January 2005, 09:24 AM
er, can I reserve Thor? purleese? I'll do a sign-up tomorroo if tis ookay?

Krystalline Kabutops
26th January 2005, 06:24 PM
WO: Sure, your spot's reserved.

Flaming Krystal
27th January 2005, 09:56 PM
sorry it took so long ^^;; I almost forgot to post it tonight also...

Name: Kristina Firaga
Age: 18
Sex: Female
Personality: she's a bright and cheerful girl who is always trying to find the bright side of things, although usually she'll accept that some things just don't have a bright side. She's very friendly, almost never turning down a chance at a new friendship with someone.
Original Appearance: shorter than average, about 5'4", with blond hair that's to her shoulderblades, and bright blue eyes which unfortunately need glasses :( she has a rather small figure as well and doesn't weigh more than 110 lbs. For clothes she dresses like an "anti-tomboy" and almost always wears either skirts and baby-doll tees or dresses of some kind, her glasses are thin-framed and slightly rounded rectangles.
God/dess Appearence: only slightly taller at 5'7" but to her it seems a lot more, her hair is still blond but is now down to her butt, and her eyes are still bright blue but no longer need glasses (yay :D) however she's got a lot more "in front" and she's not really happy about that. For clothes she still wears the same kinds of things, although now that she's taller and "bigger" most of her old clothes don't fit properly anymore (though she can live with her stomach showing for a little while).
God/dess: Aphrodite
Domain: Love
Abilities: Is now unintentionally making most "weak-minded" guys around her attracted to her simply because of her presence, and even making the "strong-minded" ones notice her a little that way, though they can shrug it off (she'll eventually be able to use this willingly). She also can make animosities between people disappear but only small ones to start (getting bigger as we go). She can also sense "connections" between people, for example, being able to tell if there's a hint of friendship or something more between people (again she can't sense the really small stuff to start just stuff most people don't notice).
Relationships: Good friends with Deirdre (Deej) but friendly with everyone.
History: Going through school with lots of good friends Kristina never really cared that she was rather small for her age since nobody else who mattered seemed to care about that. After she changes she seriously hopes that she doesn't have to sacrifice any of the friendships and soon after discovering her innate ability to "woo the guys" hopes she doesn't fall for any of the fake crushes.
Other: blah...out of stuff to think about...

Krystalline Kabutops
28th January 2005, 07:47 AM
FK: Good form *nod* Accepted.

Weasel Overlord
28th January 2005, 10:06 AM
Name: Myrmur Taari.
Age: 18
Sex: Male
Personality: Myrmur has a tendency to rush into things without thinking first and this gets him into a lot of trouble, though he can usually get himself back out again with his sweet-talk. He is talkative and garrulous with a tendency to tell really bad jokes and he can talk his way out of any situation, which makes him a good person to have with you in a spot of trouble.
Original Appearance: Myrmur’s got a slight build with olive skin and whitey silver hair. He has white eyes topped with silvery eyebrows, which makes him look quite wise although he actually isn’t at all. He has small facial features including his nose and ears and he has a permanently worried expression on his face, causing his brow to be in a constantly furrowed state. This makes him look quite fierce but he is a gentle soul and he doesn’t tend to like fighting.
Myrmur wears jeans and a Weezer t-shirt almost constantly, with a multi-coloured jumper for when it’s cold.
He always has his wolf, Siren with him.
God/ess Appearance: His hair is more of a stony grey colour and it’s long and wild, rather like his beard, which is thick and luxuriant. (This is quite a change for the previously shaven Myrmur). He wears a winged helmet made out of polished brass with iron thunderbolts inset into the metal, and he is very heavily built (once again, different from the slight Myrmur).
God/ess: Thor
Domain: Thunder
Abilities: Myrmur can summon thunderstorms from overhead clouds, but only if there are clouds there. He can make it rain if he wants to (once again, only if there are clouds), and he can infuse himself with a static charge that makes his hair stand on end, and infuses Siren with the power of thunder that can paralyse on contact.
Relationships: Friends with Dashamir, if that’s ok?
History: Myrmur had a pretty normal life….don’t have time! Finish this later…
Other: GLERB!!!

Emotional Faun Chiko-sai
31st January 2005, 08:55 AM
Weasel Overlord: Hehhe.. ok. Partners-in-crime, huh? *goes to edit signup*

Weasel Overlord
31st January 2005, 09:04 AM
Emo-faun: Damn straight! But beware...Myrmur rather likes his wolf....

Krystalline Kabutops
3rd February 2005, 07:39 AM
Argh, sorry I haven't started this yet guys, Having school troubles... I'll try to get the RPG up this weekend.