View Full Version : From the YuGiOh fans out there

6th March 2005, 09:09 PM

Oh okay I thnk I do a true behide the artist thing, now next to the sum-up of the picture. Why is it that u can post one thing and people give you creap and they don't see you other work. Like you judge the people by one of they are work when it could just my a bad day pic. I know that Mother and Daugher is better the Professors. Oh here what the pic is called 3 new muto. The character are Yugi, Yami, Valencia.

Agent Elrond
6th March 2005, 10:53 PM
Cool! I can see you put a lot of work into their pants! :P

As to the rating thing, well, some of us are better at giving rates to artwork than others. Don't let it worry you to much. :) The important thing is to have fun and keep it up!

*On an unrelated note: you might want to crop your signature a bit, as it is it's awfully big and may cause some people trouble in the scolling department. Especially for people with small screens such as myself. ^^;

Also, I think if you leave it as is for much longer there's a very real danger Little_Pikachu might delete it. Just thought I'd let you know. :wave: