View Full Version : LJ icons!

Blackjack Gabbiani
7th March 2005, 01:26 AM









Agent Elrond
7th March 2005, 09:41 AM
Lol, those are pretty funny! :D Although sometimes the type is a bit small to read easily, maybe if you tried to find a clearer font that might help it a bit.

Otherwise--yosh, I like the Dark Secrets of Team Rocket and Giovanni for President ones. ^_^

10th March 2005, 11:12 AM
hehe..yeah very nice icons. a little tip: try experimenting with different types of font to maximize the look of the icons. otherwise, very nice job. keep it up

Blackjack Gabbiani
13th March 2005, 04:12 AM
Yeah, I keep trying and trying with fonts. Even getting new ones doesn't help most of the time.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v236/BlackjackGabbiani/allbemineanim.gif (I swear, when I did a color test, it was perfectly legible)








Blackjack Gabbiani
14th March 2005, 04:50 PM
Here's one I did for a contest with the prompt of 'anger'


Sadly, it didn't place, but it's my most complicated icon to date.

And then I made this in reply to a bunch of obsessive My Little Pony collectors:


Agent Elrond
14th March 2005, 08:36 PM
*No Unconditional Double-posting

I.e. If your post is the last in a thread and you wish to add something, simply edit your last post to contain it, instead of posting another one.

However: If you start or update an art thread and there have been no new replies within two days, then you may double post but only if you update the thread by posting new artwork. No bumping simply to bring it back up to the top. If you wish to triple post then you must wait an additional three days. Quad posting is prohibited. At this point it is usually better just to start a new thread.

Consecutive posters shall not be warned and it is not a bannable offence. I shall simply delete your double or triple posts without warning or explanation and no one shall know they ever existed. This is not to be confused with flooding, which is a bannable offense and makes me very angry. You have been warned.

Just, you know, FYI. :wave:

Blackjack Gabbiani
15th March 2005, 05:06 AM
When did anyone do that? I've posted two sets of icons, seperated by two posts by other users.

Agent Elrond
15th March 2005, 08:42 AM
Yes, but after the second "installment" you double posted within 48 (or so) hours. This second post I have deleted in accordance with the updated rules system, which I have handily made availible for your reading pleasure by quoting it in my post (and stickying the entire thread a the top of this forum).

Like I said, it's not a big deal. The main thing is it's a pain when you hae a thread that consists mainly of the same person posting more and more of there stuff over the course of a few days without getting any replies. That's why we like you wait a few days before updating, unless you have a good reason. (I.e. Someone's request is finished, etc.) So that people can have a chance to reply, etc.

If you wish to add more art without waiting to days, well, that's what the Edit function is for. :)

Again, not a big deal, it's a new feature, so I understand if you missed it. If you have any more questions (about any of the FanArt rules,) feel free to post them in the Rules topic, as this thread can go back to showcasing your LJ icons now. (Which are very funny, I might add.)

I like the Sandslash "HUH?" one, and the last Giovanni one especially. o.O;


15th March 2005, 09:50 AM
Ooh, they're cool! Did they take a long time to make?:196:

15th March 2005, 05:41 PM
Must say I love the sandshrew one. It is very cute.

Blackjack Gabbiani
16th March 2005, 12:10 AM
I double-posted? Drat, sorry about that.

And these don't *usually* take very long to make...unless there's a trick I'm trying to pull with 'em. Usually that's due to the fact that I don't know how the heck this stuff works.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v236/BlackjackGabbiani/powerdruganim.gif Like this one. It took me three hours to color the background by hand. I could have done it in about three *seconds* with the fill tool.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v236/BlackjackGabbiani/blainevolcanotext.png Or this one. Turns out all I had to do was highlight it with the Magic Wand tool and hit Invert.

But mostly, the biggest trouble I have is finding decent text colors.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v236/BlackjackGabbiani/haillugiaicon.png This was perfectly legable when I made it. Honest.

So anyway, on with the icons!



http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v236/BlackjackGabbiani/dogsanim.gif (why do the anims insist on being .gifs?)

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v236/BlackjackGabbiani/yourecrazyicon.png (again, this was legable when I made it)

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v236/BlackjackGabbiani/lokokomastericon.png (so was this)





Agent Elrond
16th March 2005, 09:19 AM
Lol, that's okay. ^^

I really like the Lugia one... "que heavenly music" X3~ And the pirate.... funny... :D

About the text, if you can it's good to have it be double shaded, like, lighting colors on the inside and a dark color on the outside, that way it will show up no matter what kind of background it's on. (This is what they do for subtitles in movies.) If you can't do that, try as hard as you can to make the color contrast shade wise. I.e.; dark type on light bg, light type on dark bg.


Blackjack Gabbiani
16th March 2005, 02:01 PM
The problem is that the second I put text on it, the program takes away the option to draw on it. I don't know why.


