Chris 2.1
6th June 2005, 11:17 AM
Welcome to the Hall Of Fame. In theme with the new monthly contests, this Tower is to hold records of all the Coordinators who have won contests. If you win a contest you will be placed here for the ASBers to see, with your Ribbon you won and the Pokemon used. It will also hold records of who won Tournaments.
It will remain closed.
Hall Of Fame
The First ASB Tournament:
1st Place: TheBlueAvenger
2nd Place: Andrew
3rd Place: RaZoR LeAf
Winner of the Legendary Tournament (Feb-June 2009):
1st Place: Crazy Elf Boy
2nd Place: Phoenixsong
3rd place: Mew Master
Winner of the Doubles Tourney (July-Sept 2010):
1st Place: Blademaster
2nd Place: Ultimate Charizard
Winner of the Konquest Tournament (Feb-Apr 2011):
1ST Place: MeLoVeGhOsTs
Winner of the Survival Tournament (Jan-Feb 2012):
1st Place: Oslo
Winner of the P1 Grandstand Tournament (Mar 2012):
1st Place: MeLoVeGhOsTs
Winner of the STAB-less Tournament (Apr-Jun 2012):
1st Place: Darkestlight
Winner of the Dragon Trainer Tournament (Sept 2012-Feb 2013):
1st Place: Oslo
Winner of the Verdant Tournament (March-July 2013)
1st Place: Ayeun
Winner of the 2006 Grand Festival: Chris 2.0 and Elec Man EXE
-The match was agreed upon to be a tie due to scheduling conflicts-
Judged by Saffire Persian, OzAndrew and Vermillion
Won the June Ribbon
Used Dragonair [M]: Tulkas
Hosted by Chris 2.0
Won the August Ribbon
Used Dragonite [M]: Talut
Hosted by Chris 2.0
Won the September Ribbon
Used Bulbasaur [F]: Ambrosia
Hosted by Chris 2.0
Chris Watarimono
Won the October Ribbon
Used Elekid [M]
Hosted by Vermillion
Chris 2.0
Won the December Ribbon
Used Jynx [F] and Magmar [M]
Hosted by TheBlueAvenger
Pichu Luver
Won the January Ribbon
Used: John Latife ([M] Surskit)
Hosted by Andrew
Hypotenuse Man
Won the February Ribbon
Used: Arven (Clefairy [F]) Tap-Tap the Red Nose (Dugtrio [M]) and Numeron (Exeggutor[M])
Hosted by Greyfox
Won the March Ribbon
Used: Valhalla [F] Golduck
Hosted by Chris 2.0
Dark Dragonite
Won the April Ribbon
Used: Lucky [F] Chansey
Hosted by Karin
Elec Man EXE
Won the May Ribbon
Used: Deimos [M] Duskull
Hosted by Ace64
Weasel Overlord
Won the June Ribbon
Used: Aipom and Arcanine
Hosted by Greyfox
Won the September 2006 Ribbon
Used: Rapidash [F]
Hosted by Chris 2.0
Won the October 2006 Ribbon
Used: Gastly [M] and Vaporeon [M]
Hosted by Chris 2.0
Pichu Luver
Won the November 2006 Ribbon
Used: Cloud Nine, [F] Altaria
Hosted by Hypotenuse Man
Won the December Ribbon
Used: Growlithe, Chansey
Hosted by Saffire Persian
Won the January Ribbon
Used: Pineco [M] and Miltank [F]
Hosted by Chris 2.0
Won the February Ribbon
Used: Shedinja, Makuhita [M]
Hosted by River
Won the March Contest
Used: Weezing [M], Venusaur [M]
Hosted by Chris 2.0
Won the April Contest
Used: Aerodactyl [F] and Houndoom [M]
Hosted by Andrew
Hypotenuse Man
Won the May Contest
Used: Vespiquen [F], Spiritomb [M], Electrivire [M]
Hosted by Chris 2.0
Ultimate Charizard
Won the June Contest
Used: Growlithe [M] and Marowak [M]
Hosted by Greyfox
Chris 2.1
Won the November Contest
Used: Yukea (Snover [M]) and Ruby (Tentacool [F])
Hosted by Pichu Luver
Chris 2.1
Won the December Contest
Used: Gaunte (Gengar [F])
Hosted by Dream Breaker
Mike Mysterio
Won the Icebox Contest {January/February}
Used: Bret (Torkoal [M])
Hosted by Pichu Luver
Won the Tundra Contest
Used: Dry Bones III (Marowak [M])
Hosted by DarkestLight
Green Lanturn
Won the Springthaw Contest
Used: Riff Raff (Magmortar [M])
Hosted by DarkestLight
Chris 2.1
Won the Bloomshine Contest
Used: Tux (Empoleon [M]) and Salo (Dragonair [F])
Hosted by DarkestLight
Won the Showeray Contest
Used: Spike (Electrike [M])
Hosted by DarkestLight
Won the BBQ Pulpit Contest
Used: Lil Red (Vulpix [F])
Hosted by DarkestLight
Won the Costume Party Contest
Used: Azula (Torchic [F])
Hosted by DarkestLight
Won the Scarefest Contest
Used: OzbBlimp (Drifblim [M])
Hosted by DarkestLight
Won the Turkeystufftastic Contest
Used: Mephistopheles (Houndoom [M]) and Whirly Gig (Carnivine [M])
Hosted by DarkestLight
Won the Mistlewreath Contest
Used: Staryu, Elekid [M] and Aipom [M]
Hosted by DarkestLight
won the Short Contest (Jan 2010)
Used Lotad [F]
Hosted by Mew Master
Crazy Elf Boy
won the End of Semester Contest (June 2010)
Used Keaton (Vulpix [M]) and Poison Ivy (Venusaur [F])
Hosted by Ayeun
Crazy Elf Boy
Won the Ruby Beach Contest (Jul - Sep 2010)
Used Sgt Supersoaker (Blastoise [M]) and Rogue (Totodile [M])
Hosted by Green Lanturn
Won the OMG Contest
Used: The Spook (Dusknoir [F])
Hosted by DarkestLight
Razor Leaf
Won the KONQUEST Contest
Used: Prospero (Slowking [M]) and Montgolfiere (Drifloon [M])
Hosted by DarkestLight
RaZoR LeAf
Won the Bluster Contest
Used: Tudor (m) Roselia and Elizabeth (f) Vespiquen
Hosted by DarkestLight
Won the Performing Arts Contest
Hosted by Oslo
It will remain closed.
Hall Of Fame
The First ASB Tournament:
1st Place: TheBlueAvenger
2nd Place: Andrew
3rd Place: RaZoR LeAf
Winner of the Legendary Tournament (Feb-June 2009):
1st Place: Crazy Elf Boy
2nd Place: Phoenixsong
3rd place: Mew Master
Winner of the Doubles Tourney (July-Sept 2010):
1st Place: Blademaster
2nd Place: Ultimate Charizard
Winner of the Konquest Tournament (Feb-Apr 2011):
1ST Place: MeLoVeGhOsTs
Winner of the Survival Tournament (Jan-Feb 2012):
1st Place: Oslo
Winner of the P1 Grandstand Tournament (Mar 2012):
1st Place: MeLoVeGhOsTs
Winner of the STAB-less Tournament (Apr-Jun 2012):
1st Place: Darkestlight
Winner of the Dragon Trainer Tournament (Sept 2012-Feb 2013):
1st Place: Oslo
Winner of the Verdant Tournament (March-July 2013)
1st Place: Ayeun
Winner of the 2006 Grand Festival: Chris 2.0 and Elec Man EXE
-The match was agreed upon to be a tie due to scheduling conflicts-
Judged by Saffire Persian, OzAndrew and Vermillion
Won the June Ribbon
Used Dragonair [M]: Tulkas
Hosted by Chris 2.0
Won the August Ribbon
Used Dragonite [M]: Talut
Hosted by Chris 2.0
Won the September Ribbon
Used Bulbasaur [F]: Ambrosia
Hosted by Chris 2.0
Chris Watarimono
Won the October Ribbon
Used Elekid [M]
Hosted by Vermillion
Chris 2.0
Won the December Ribbon
Used Jynx [F] and Magmar [M]
Hosted by TheBlueAvenger
Pichu Luver
Won the January Ribbon
Used: John Latife ([M] Surskit)
Hosted by Andrew
Hypotenuse Man
Won the February Ribbon
Used: Arven (Clefairy [F]) Tap-Tap the Red Nose (Dugtrio [M]) and Numeron (Exeggutor[M])
Hosted by Greyfox
Won the March Ribbon
Used: Valhalla [F] Golduck
Hosted by Chris 2.0
Dark Dragonite
Won the April Ribbon
Used: Lucky [F] Chansey
Hosted by Karin
Elec Man EXE
Won the May Ribbon
Used: Deimos [M] Duskull
Hosted by Ace64
Weasel Overlord
Won the June Ribbon
Used: Aipom and Arcanine
Hosted by Greyfox
Won the September 2006 Ribbon
Used: Rapidash [F]
Hosted by Chris 2.0
Won the October 2006 Ribbon
Used: Gastly [M] and Vaporeon [M]
Hosted by Chris 2.0
Pichu Luver
Won the November 2006 Ribbon
Used: Cloud Nine, [F] Altaria
Hosted by Hypotenuse Man
Won the December Ribbon
Used: Growlithe, Chansey
Hosted by Saffire Persian
Won the January Ribbon
Used: Pineco [M] and Miltank [F]
Hosted by Chris 2.0
Won the February Ribbon
Used: Shedinja, Makuhita [M]
Hosted by River
Won the March Contest
Used: Weezing [M], Venusaur [M]
Hosted by Chris 2.0
Won the April Contest
Used: Aerodactyl [F] and Houndoom [M]
Hosted by Andrew
Hypotenuse Man
Won the May Contest
Used: Vespiquen [F], Spiritomb [M], Electrivire [M]
Hosted by Chris 2.0
Ultimate Charizard
Won the June Contest
Used: Growlithe [M] and Marowak [M]
Hosted by Greyfox
Chris 2.1
Won the November Contest
Used: Yukea (Snover [M]) and Ruby (Tentacool [F])
Hosted by Pichu Luver
Chris 2.1
Won the December Contest
Used: Gaunte (Gengar [F])
Hosted by Dream Breaker
Mike Mysterio
Won the Icebox Contest {January/February}
Used: Bret (Torkoal [M])
Hosted by Pichu Luver
Won the Tundra Contest
Used: Dry Bones III (Marowak [M])
Hosted by DarkestLight
Green Lanturn
Won the Springthaw Contest
Used: Riff Raff (Magmortar [M])
Hosted by DarkestLight
Chris 2.1
Won the Bloomshine Contest
Used: Tux (Empoleon [M]) and Salo (Dragonair [F])
Hosted by DarkestLight
Won the Showeray Contest
Used: Spike (Electrike [M])
Hosted by DarkestLight
Won the BBQ Pulpit Contest
Used: Lil Red (Vulpix [F])
Hosted by DarkestLight
Won the Costume Party Contest
Used: Azula (Torchic [F])
Hosted by DarkestLight
Won the Scarefest Contest
Used: OzbBlimp (Drifblim [M])
Hosted by DarkestLight
Won the Turkeystufftastic Contest
Used: Mephistopheles (Houndoom [M]) and Whirly Gig (Carnivine [M])
Hosted by DarkestLight
Won the Mistlewreath Contest
Used: Staryu, Elekid [M] and Aipom [M]
Hosted by DarkestLight
won the Short Contest (Jan 2010)
Used Lotad [F]
Hosted by Mew Master
Crazy Elf Boy
won the End of Semester Contest (June 2010)
Used Keaton (Vulpix [M]) and Poison Ivy (Venusaur [F])
Hosted by Ayeun
Crazy Elf Boy
Won the Ruby Beach Contest (Jul - Sep 2010)
Used Sgt Supersoaker (Blastoise [M]) and Rogue (Totodile [M])
Hosted by Green Lanturn
Won the OMG Contest
Used: The Spook (Dusknoir [F])
Hosted by DarkestLight
Razor Leaf
Won the KONQUEST Contest
Used: Prospero (Slowking [M]) and Montgolfiere (Drifloon [M])
Hosted by DarkestLight
RaZoR LeAf
Won the Bluster Contest
Used: Tudor (m) Roselia and Elizabeth (f) Vespiquen
Hosted by DarkestLight
Won the Performing Arts Contest
Hosted by Oslo