View Full Version : Morgan Spurlock's 30 Days

Metallixs Girl
22nd July 2005, 09:44 AM
He is the guy who made the documentary "Supersize Me" and now he has his show called 30 Days on FX where he puts people (and sometimes himself) in opposite situations. I think that's awesome, and he deserves much more respect for trying to educate the American public than a certain other documentarian who shall remain nameless...

I'd like to discuss a few things I saw on his show that I got to thinking about.

Minimum Wage He said they keep trying to raise it but it keeps getting rejected. I've not thought about it to much, but after watching his experiance, and hearing what he had to say, it looks like it really needs raising...:(

Racial ProfilingI'm white and I don't think I'd mind being stopped at the airports or whatever as long as it meant helping the country stay safe. As long as they aren't mean to you, I don't see anything wrong with it.

What do y'all think?

22nd July 2005, 11:25 AM
He is the guy who made the documentary "Supersize Me" and now he has his show called 30 Days on FX where he puts people (and sometimes himself) in opposite situations. I think that's awesome, and he deserves much more respect for trying to educate the American public than a certain other documentarian who shall remain nameless...I think anyone can assume you're talking about Michael Moore. And there is no need to try and make us guess. What's the matter, are neocons too afraid to say his name? "Shh! Do not mention the name of the Dark Lord, HE-WHO-MUST-NOT-BE-NAMED, since he hates the great and powerful GEORGE W. BUSH!"
Minimum Wage He said they keep trying to raise it but it keeps getting rejected. I've not thought about it to much, but after watching his experiance, and hearing what he had to say, it looks like it really needs raising...:(I dunno what the minimum wage is in America. In the UK the minimum wage for under-21s is really low, due to the fact Fuhrer Blair wants everyone to go to university, devaluing a degree to that of a packet of peanuts.
Racial ProfilingI'm white and I don't think I'd mind being stopped at the airports or whatever as long as it meant helping the country stay safe. As long as they aren't mean to you, I don't see anything wrong with it.I assume this means Arabs and Blacks being stopped and checked more often than white people? I don't have too much of an opinion of this to be frank.

Metallixs Girl
22nd July 2005, 12:20 PM
Nah, I was just having a little fun. ^_^ Yes I'm a harry Potter fan, so the reference was funny, hehe.

24th July 2005, 02:14 AM
I thought this show was great and really innovative. It was a great way to educate and culture american people that don't get much exposure to other religions, lifestyles, ethnicities, etc.

The minimum wage episode was great, it displayed how impossible it was to survive on minimum wage and basically telling people, you need a college degree or you're screwed in current american society.

The racial profiling episode or the muslim episode i thought was one of the most informant things i've seen recently. As for the racial profiling at airports and other public transit, i wouldn't mind it as long as security checked every person, not just the people who are of arabic descent.

The later episodes of "30 Days" are even better, they make a true blooded, republican, christian, college boy go and live in the castro with a gay man for a month. Also another good episode is the enery conservation episode. They make a married couple who guzzle down gas with their SUVs and waste everything go and live with a group of hippies, who drive vegetable oil cars,have solar powered houses built of mud and straw, and even recycle human waste.

24th July 2005, 10:40 AM
Sounds like they are trying to turn conservatives into liberals if you ask me. Really, to balance things out they need to do something like take a woman who wants an abortion and make her spend a month with a woman who had an abortion and regrets it, or something like that. But given the things that have been on that show (going by what you guys said since I don't watch it) it dosen't seem likely.