View Full Version : Favortie Island

22nd July 2005, 05:19 PM
Ok I;m just curious to know which was your fav quest, since there are some differences between Hoenn I've added 2 options. I know Johto isn't on advance generation, but it was a quast, if not allowed I'll remove it. If u take G/S/C as your Johto reference, still take FR/LG Kanto as that continent;s content (sort of a ryhme, lol)

24th July 2005, 02:10 AM
There's no a huge difference with Hoenn fron R/s to Emerald. Well not what i have seen.

24th July 2005, 06:00 AM
Hoenn is the same region no matter what the game is. You can't magically go to a new Hoenn just because a new game is released.

Chris 2.1
24th July 2005, 06:02 AM
The Battle Frontier is added, which is impressive in itself. There are also additions like the Magma Hideout, Groudon and Kyogre's caves, the pillar in the Dessert etc. A lot is new, but I agree with Andy that it shouldn't be a seperate option.

For the record, though, I'll vote Hoenn due to the variations like Desserts, Forests, Islands, Beaches, Volcanoes, Meteor Falls, Sootopolis, Fortree, Pacifidlog...it's all pretty cool.

24th July 2005, 01:26 PM
There should be an undecided choice. I'm stuck between hoenn and jhoto. Therefore, no vote for me.

24th July 2005, 07:40 PM
I like all the regions but i prefer Jotho...because there was more to explore, but a close second to Heonn.

25th July 2005, 07:51 PM
Ok, because u asked for it u have it, I can't take out an option, but can add 1

26th July 2005, 05:48 AM
OK I've voted now. Undecided.

26th July 2005, 11:30 AM
[color=magenta]Really, I have liked all of the continents that have been in the games so far. I would have to say that Hoenn was my favorite though. It had a lot of different things to do, and a lot of different scenery. I just wish that the day/night feature from G/S/C would have been left in the Advanced games. It was really cool seeing it get light and dark outside in those games.

And I also wish that the difficulty for the Battle Frontier was set a lot lower. I don't think I will ever get all of the gold medals, and actually, I don't know if I even care about getting them anymore. 340+ hours, and I only have two of them... lol

27th July 2005, 12:57 AM
Hoenn for me, Emerald version is definitely the best, if only for the 3.5 generation font and breeding enhancements.

Now that games assume a lit screen (and in the case of DS know it) you may see the return of visual cues for day and night. The remains the problem of people who only get to play at one time of day, though I'd have thought a simple addition of "day/night effects" to the options menu would fix that up for everyone concerned.

29th July 2005, 10:31 AM
I always liked Kanto because of the gym leaders.