View Full Version : Geddon Seven (Futuristic Fantasy Idea -- Requesting Feedback)

20th August 2005, 11:43 AM
Geddon Seven

The Revenant's Legend

The disease-ridden wind swept gently through the destroyed planet of Geddon, carrying with it the hopes and dreams of thousands of years—hopes and dreams of a land once prosperous that was now nothing more than a broken-down wasteland. Skyscrapers and massive metal buildings were in ruins—hollowed out, breaking apart, and they were everywhere. A thick fog encased the air at all times, and on occasion a sickly acid rain would fall: singeing the skin of all that dared walk under it.

The demise of Geddon had come not quick, but slowly and painfully as the residents watched their planet, of which they held in so high regard, turn from light to dark over the course of several hundred years. Now all that laid was a discarded wasteland—inhabited by those that either had no means to leave, or those who accepted their fate and simply struggled to survive.

The flourishing memories of the primeval now are simply discarded, lost amongst a sea of shattered hopes, broken dreams, and twisted futures. There is but one man who has seen and vividly remembers those times of the past-- but one man that wants to bring those times back.

His name he lost thousands of years ago, but he is the eternal: he and six others birthed at the dawn of time itself on that wretched planet. Nearly immortal-- granted never-ending natural life, they lived on until they were hunted one by one. First the quartet of sisters were eliminated: the Kindress of the Earth, Kindress of the Fire, Kindress of the Oceans, and Kindress of Love. Then even the Kindress of Life herself had the very thing she stood for taken from her. Mysterious were there deaths-- leaving only two left.

Both male, the Kindred of War and the Kindred of Death.

Their meeting would ultimately decide the fate of the world...


This tale, along with three others will inhabit the upcoming story 'Geddon Seven.'

The Conciliator's Tale
The Contestant's Epic
The Autocrat's Story

How could the lives of such different people have any semblance to cross-paths? You can find out when it gets posted.


I've got a hell of a lot planned and almost the entire storyline is already finished in very rough jot-note format. I like it a lot and there will be plenty of twists and turns along the way.


Zak Hunter

Chris 2.1
20th August 2005, 03:41 PM
Sounds brilliant. I'm a fantasy fan, and the futuristic idea sounds even more promising. I've seen a lot of futuristic fics fall at some of the first few hurdles - I felt as if there was no futuristic element to it. It was just full of flying laser bannanas and all this bull. What I'm saying is I like to see a variety of landscapes that you could only pull off by using the futuristic genre. Make use of it, even though I know you're a very capable writer and this goes without saying.

The story sounds compelling, and having three stories is another good idea. It sounds promising and I'll keep my eyes open for it.

20th August 2005, 04:26 PM
It's actually four stories. :p

That's part of the reason why I chose the whole futuristic look on things was the ability to throw in different landscapes and the ability to explain "odd" things. It wasn't at all to include technology, because there isn't much of that. I wanted to stray away from laser weapons and all that Star Warsy type feel so I kept in the gool ol' lead and steel.

I also wanted to have the ability to have variations of technology from planet to planet, so I felt the futuristic approach was best.

It's nice to know I might have one reader. It's always been hard to attract attention to my stories here on TPM with the abundance of pokemon fans.

Zak Hunter

Chris 2.1
20th August 2005, 04:53 PM
Agreed. Non-Pokemon fics get shallow audiences (and when the server changed...wow. I have like, 2 left?) and even Yu Gi Oh fics get loads of attention these days. I look forward to your work :D