View Full Version : How do you review?

20th October 2005, 03:22 PM
I figured we needed some more good, old-fashioned fanfiction discussion around here, so why not have a poll about reviewing?

Basically, I'm curious as to your replying style (or perhaps more appropriately, what you think your replying style is). Are you critical, easygoing, or somewhere in between? Or do you just indulge in fics and not take the time to reply to them?

*takes a moment to glare at anyone who takes the last option*

...Ahem. Yes, well, anyway. I suppose most people here can probably guess my replying style. Behold the power of darkness! Muahahaha!

So, what's your style?

P.S. Yes, this was shamelessly ripped from based upon the explanations of "auras" on Newgrounds.

EDIT: Wow, I'm a moron. I actually submitted this almost two hours before I meant to. As well as two hours before I'd actually finished tweaking the poll options. Whoops! :P

20th October 2005, 04:11 PM
Dark. You want me as a reviewer, just as much as you don't.

20th October 2005, 04:32 PM
I like to think of myself as neutral. If I don't like the fic, I say why I don't like it. If I found it amazing, I tell the author why. I try to limit "OMFG THAT IS AWESOME!!!!1oneone" posts and actually rationalize why I felt the way I felt when I read something. Authors love being able to reply to readers, answer their questions, pose new ones, etc. - basically anything that allows them to interact with people about what they write.

And no, I don't go easy when I think something is wrong. I try to speak the truth as much as possible. I don't come up with brilliant suggestions for improvement as much as I'd like, but I at least attempt to identify the problem instead of just telling the author that his/her fic just plain sucks.

That said, I tend to find more faults than I find good things, but when somebody's fic is very well done, I don't have much other than praise to give.

20th October 2005, 08:28 PM
heh, I guess I get glared at. I'm a very sparse replier for the simple fact that I'm shy. There are fics out there that I read, but I don't have the courage to post (In fact, I'm probably posting right now because I've gotten just over 10 hours of sleep this week and am currently taking a break from taking notes on Canterbry Tales). If I do reply, it's in a new fic only, and then I'll continue replying if I already had.

But when I do post, it's an even mix of praises, criticisms, inferences, and connections. Connections being "this part reminded me of this book", or the sort.

20th October 2005, 09:22 PM
I review pointing out bad things first, then the good things. I feel like it works best - tell them something helpful and then if they're sensitive put some of the pieces of their self-esteem back together before leaving.

21st October 2005, 12:44 AM
Although, if you're afraid of hurting someone else's feelings, you need to do it the other way around. Positive first is always better than negative first when it comes to stuff like this; first impressions matter, and if you start with a negative comment it'll be stuck in the person's mind even as he/she is reading your positive comments.

I personally don't give much thought to others' feelings when I'm criticizing stuff... =P

21st October 2005, 02:24 AM
I guess nobody here is easygoing when it comes to fic reviewing *take a glances at the poll*. I'm more on the neutral side, I'm not too critical to the minor stuff. But if the stuff is bad, then I will point out the bad things.

21st October 2005, 11:15 AM
Although, if you're afraid of hurting someone else's feelings, you need to do it the other way around. Positive first is always better than negative first when it comes to stuff like this; first impressions matter, and if you start with a negative comment it'll be stuck in the person's mind even as he/she is reading your positive comments.

I personally don't give much thought to others' feelings when I'm criticizing stuff... =P

I find that it's better to end it on positive notes, probably because I'm never downright mean when I'm pointing out the bad things. I just say "You could do this and that, it would improve blah blah blah" and then move on to say "But you did this and that nicely and blah blah blah". I personally think it also sounds better on paper to pop somebody's ego balloon first and then giving them a new one than first to inflate the one that's already there and then popping it and leaving.

22nd October 2005, 12:03 AM
I consider myself a mix between dark and neutral (though I seem to have gone more neutral lately). I try to be nice and stuff, and I'm never downright vicious, but I do purposefully look out for negative things to comment on. It feels funny not making any constructive criticism, adn I feel thata post without it has no substance. And as for the positive/negative order thing, I generally say all the positive stuff first (and in the case of bad fics, I have to try very hard to find some), then the negative stuff, then a neutral/positive ending sentence. I do like to boost people's egos first, as I feel that it generates open-mindedness (as it's much harder to take the negative stuff) and a generally positive outlook on the fic. Besides, it's neccessary for arrogant bad writers who ignore criticism; better to soften them up first before delivering the bad news.

Lady Vulpix
22nd October 2005, 03:08 PM
I'm honest, but try to be polite. If I don't find anything I like about a fic, I don't comment on it, and just stop reading it. But most fics have good points, so I try to tell the writer what I liked and often make suggestions about things that could be improved. I don't make destructive criticism because I know first hand how much it can hurt a writer. I think the most negative thing I've ever said to a writer about his fic was "I don't like the way your fic is turning, so I'll stop reading it", and that was when he'd just hurt me and offended me badly (and besides I really didn't like the changes he was doing to his fics, it wused to be one of the best and then he started changing it and then decided to throw it away altogether).

In other words, what I say in my comments is what I feel, but I try to avoid being rude when I make them.

22nd October 2005, 07:02 PM
I'd be neutral, leaning strongly at easygoing...

I really just say what I like and what I didn't like. And if I do spot a certain grammar mistake, I point it out. I try to focus on the plot, since I'm not big on grammar. I tend to point out what I like of the plot, and what I don't like, and suggest ways to improve. But I'm not good at criticizing...

If I see a big flaw or something that didn't appeal to me at all, I'll let the writer know. But for the most part, I'm quite soft and nice. I don't go all "OMG! Best story!", though...

31st October 2005, 10:34 PM
Back in my reviewing days (I sound old), I was a bit of a dark reviewer, myself. Though I was willing to offer support for positive aspects of the fics, I knew that that was for enthusiasts to do.

It's a reviewer's job to review. My perception is, to review is to analyse the fic, and offer any observations you may have in order for the writer to improve on subsequent chapters, as well as fix any mistakes that already exist. If a fic is worth compliments, it'll get them, but that's secondary.
First priority is laying down the groundwork for improvement and if you don't know where you're going wrong, you may not end up getting any better.

You learn from your mistakes and I'm there to handily point out where they are. :)
...Of course, I was never too keen on criticism myself. Many a time I would curse mr_pikachu for possessing superior grammar and pointing out my foolish mistakes. Damn you! I'll spell 'impssoble' however I like!! :P