View Full Version : Real Virtuality {MATURE} - Signups

6th November 2005, 02:52 AM
Real Virtuality

In 2016, World War III came to an end, becoming the war with the fewest human casualties. This is because the war was not fought over land between multiple countries, but rather over the control of the worlds' computer networks, where both sides fought within every country. The White Hats, who want the networks to be used freely and openly, fought against the Black Hats, who wanted to control everything that everyone did and monitor everything so that nothing against them got out. Through sufficient technological advancements, the White Hats were able to overcome the Black Hats, physically locating and imprisoning the head of the group and many high up leaders.

But that's all in the past. Now it's the year 2019. Thanks to the need for advanced technology in WWIII, the same advancement of technology was quickly made available to the consumer in many household items when the war ended. Most everything became voice-operated; many appliances became smart and could figure out the technical programming of a simple command; computers went in two directions, large screen and wearable, but both became unbelievably fast. Even more impressive than the household items, though, were the things being produced by companies for use by the consumer (though far too expensive to be owned my most anyone).

Today, Square-Enix-Konami (commonly SEK, ess-ee-kay) has finally released a much-anticipated game; it's called Final Fantasy: Immersion. However, it's not the addition to the Final Fantasy line that has people so excited about it. It's because SEK has developed a new technology for the game play. Instead of holding or wearing a controller, a player would step into large, hard-as-diamond plastic spheres, and his or her brain would connect to the game through electron waves. They would then have the feeling of being inside the game, inside the character they are playing. The physical body of the player, disconnected from the motion part of his or her brain (as during sleep), would float inside the sphere.

Called Holo-Spheres, this new technology has been speculated to become widespread with popularity, putting a game station in at least every major city. The global grand opening in Japan has drawn many people worldwide, at least the ones who wanted to go and could manage to snag themselves a ticket.

You're one of those lucky people. You're absolutely ecstatic to be able to be at the grand opening. You look happily at the eight spheres being demoed, watching as people float inside, their minds connected to the game. You watch in amazement through in-game cameras as the players' characters defeat monsters, moving fluidly and very realistically. When you get in line, just before you're to go up a game host hands you a data pad, telling you to create the character that you will become in the game. Excitedly you do so, and as you go up, you see them plug the data pad into the console of the sphere you enter.

Once you're inside, the opening closes. You black out for a second, and you wake up and find that you're no longer in the sphere, but lying in a grassy field surrounded by seven others, the seven others who entered their spheres for the same game you did. You take a look at yourself and realize that you definitely are not yourself, but rather the character you created. You test your new body, try out the menus to make sure you know how they work, and begin to interact with the other players.

Not long after, the game goes to a battle, and everyone is ready to attack. When one of the monsters lunges, however, it freezes in midair for a second, as if it were slightly glitchy. But then it moves normally again, and you and the others battle through the rest of the monsters, as well as the following boss-style battle. The boss also glitches for a second, but you guess there must just be a couple bugs. After the boss battle, you go to logout as you were instructed, but the game glitches again and won't let you. You try saving, and the world goes black again.

But when you wake up, you're still your character in the game. A message comes up about the game being "patched." You try again to logout, but neither the Logout or Save commands can be found anywhere in the menus! Shocked and confused, you look up at where you are, noticing it for the first time. It's a fortress-like wall, and inside you can see a town of some sort. Suddenly a man comes out, greeting you as travelers and heroes...

In the real world however, panic and chaos are underway. The glitches in the battling were actually caused by some kind of malfunction in the game system, and something terribly wrong has happened, suddenly causing eight bodies to collapse into comas: the bodies of you and your game-mates. Your bodies are hauled off to the ER, and the premises are evacuated, but nobody dares touch the machine anymore. The building is put off-limits and is guarded.

You know none of this, however, as the man who greeted you is taking you through the town, and you realize that you are suddenly "playing the game" that was demoed. But now that you are in the game, will you ever be able to get out?


I will be employing my newly thought-up signup method for this RPG. It's called "Lottery Signup." How does it work? Click here! (http://www.virtualplay.net/lottery_su.html) (The numbers mentioned are at the bottom of the post.)

Still confused? Just forget about this then and post your sign-up normally. I'll take care of the Lottery Signup either way.

Signup Form

Name: [{Your character's real name.}]
Gender: [{...}]
Age: [{Between 13 and 21 (I'd like variety, if possible)}]
Country of Origin: [{it won't play a big part, but it would be fun to know where your character is from...don't worry, everyone can understand everybody (international translators ^-^)}]
Appearance: [{very little detail, just give a broad description}]
Personality: [{not a lot is needed here, just enough to let others know how to play your character}]
Other: [{yeah yeah, fun times}]
Name: [{you're assigned a new name by the game (a first name only); what is it? Since the game is Japanese, make it sound Japanese.}]
Gender: [{Some people may choose to pick the other gender for their character; just remember they know that they're picking it and that they'll become it, so they'll need a good reason for it}]
Appearance: [{All characters are aged around 16-18, so base your appearance on that}]
Class: [{Fighter, Black Mage, White Mage, Rogue (Thief) - try to get all of them at least once if possible}]
Weapon Description: [{Fighters have a sword/axe, Black Mages and White Mages have a staff, and Rogues have (between one and three) daggers}]
Reasoning: [{If there are any specific reasons why your character chose any certain aspect of this character, what are the reasons? Not required.}]

Name: Mike Rampart
Gender: Male
Age: 14
Country of Origin: America (Boston area), although he was born in England, so he has an accent that's a mix of British and Bostonian, though he speaks like an American.
Appearance: Tall, with dark brown hair that he's letting grow out, and bright green eyes; lanky build, and palish skin.
Personality: He's recently been very quiet, often seen thinking deeply about something, or possibly nothing at all. However, he gets overexcited when something he really likes happens. He's usually one to agree with people rather than argue, and he's very pacifistic most of the time. He tends to get along better with girls than other guys, though he doesn't usually mind this.
Other: Maybe later...
Name: Miaka
Gender: Female (see Reasoning)
Appearance: Tall, about 180cm (a little under 6'), with light brown hair down a little past her shoulders; her eyes are a bluish green, sometimes appearing more blue and, other times, more green; her build is a bit muscular, but not very much so, and her skin is slightly tanned. She wears a silky white knee-skirt with a bright red, 15cm bottom hem, a silky, white, long-sleeve robe top with a hood, also with a 15cm bottom/sleeve/neck hem; she wears simple, soft brown leather boots, and often has her hair in a ponytail.
Class: White Mage
Weapon Description: It's a 150cm staff, made mostly of oak, but the bottom 20cm is covered with a silver metal, and the top 20cm is a large red spherical gem which glows when Miaka is holding the staff (and can glow brighter if she wills).
Reasoning: Mike chose to play as a girl because he thinks he might be trans-gendered, and wants to see if he feels more comfortable as a girl, without going through the painful and irreversible surgery. (OoC: No, this isn't anything true about how I feel about myself, but don't make fun of it either because I know people like this...)

Lottery Signup (http://www.virtualplay.net/lottery_su.html)
Reservation Time: 24 hours | Secret List Limit: 60 hours

1. VirtualPlay -=- Mike Rampart | Miaka [White Mage]
2. Tsukasa -=- Lukyan Kalaev | Aoi [Black Mage]
3. Bulbasaur4 -=- Donovan Andrews | Setsuna [Fighter]
4. Roy Karrde -=- Eri Sakurais | Machida [Fighter]

Waiting List
1. Nabooru23 -=- Erin Stephenson | Yuki [Fighter]
2. Gladiator -=- Jason O'Ryan | Usagi [Rogue]
3. Asayake -=- Kale McConney | Kian [White Mage]
4. Crystal Tears -=- Derek Kim | Nayo [Rogue]
5. Emotional Faun Chiko-sai -=- He Xinran | Yoshika [Black Mage]

Fai D. Flowright
6th November 2005, 06:57 AM
[color=#00DDDD]Name: Lukyan Kalaev
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Country of Origin: Russia, but speaks fluent, albeit slightly accentuated, English. *see Other*
Appearance: Slightly husky, around 5’4”, with bright and enthusiastic facial features. Dyed, chestnut brown hair which is short enough to be stylishly messy. Very casual poise and actions.
Personality: Very open. He’s one that can get along with anyone in just about any situation. Almost always smiling and will laugh at just about any kind of joke or situation that could even deserve the smallest amount of hilarity. Somewhat intellectual, but only enough to get him though most general life situations.
Other: *dishes out several cruel ways to harm Other* Demo sore tte boku no ai na no! Lukyan’s mother’s family is from America.

Name: Aoi
Gender: Female *points to reasoning*
Appearance: A girl of around 17, Aoi is nothing short of normal. Her figure is decent, giving her a nice shape, but nothing too compensational. Her face, like Lukyan’s, is always bright and full of optimism, which only adds more to the depth of her crystal blue eyes. Her hair gently fades from auburn (near her roots) to light brown (at the tips). Her hair reaches just below her mid-back with the back portion pulled into a ponytail. The fronts of the sides are bangs that hang in the front. The rest of the hair in between is pulled up into a fanned bun around the ponytail. Her outfit consists of a slightly baggy and long sky-blue silk shirt that goes down just passed her mid-thigh and 3/4 sleeves. She has three white bands she wears: one right about each elbow, which holds her sleeves in place, and the other is a belt around her waist. The shirt has wide splits up the sides, from the bottom up to just below the belt, casuing the front and back material to be completely separate from each other. She wears a pair of full-length, navy blue leggings and 3/4-calf, black leather boots that are open in the front and folded down to mid-calf height. Over her shirt, she wears a lavender half-shawl (covers her shoulders, chest, and upper arms) with an optional hood (which is a bit oversized for her head, but she usually keeps it down anyway). The border of the shawl and hood has a thin strip of white fur. She wears a pair of fingerless black gloves and a pair of trilliant-cut Ametrine (Amethyst and Citrine) earrings.
Class: Black Mage
Weapon Description: A short staff, which she sometimes refers to as Chie. Chie is about 30” long and composed of snowflake obsidian with a pointed metal tip on one end. The other end is decorated with a 2”-diameter Ametrine orb which is held in place by four bird-like talons.
Reasoning: Lukyan decided on a female character because he has always felt that his personality would fit the female persona better than a male, though he would never want to be female in reality. The character names are based off of a character pair from an anime originally released in 2005 (probably considered “classic” anime in the RPGs timeline).

6th November 2005, 01:54 PM
~Name: Erin Stephenson
~Gender: Female
~Age: 15
~Country of Origin: America, general area around Chicago but not close enough to develop an accent.
~Appearance: 5'7", a tad bit overweight but not really enough to notice horribly. Wavy brown hair cut messily to just barely below shoulder length with bangs grown out and curling almost into ringlets. Pale skin with lots of freckles, which leads her to believe she may be of Irish descent, though she's not sure. Her eyes are grey, but usually look greenish due to reflected light from the objects around her. She prefers to wear gamer T-shirts and otherwise shirts girls don't usually wear, along with regular girls' flared jeans, usually dark in color. She also wears real leather black boots that have various scuffs and marks on them. Believes makeup to be pure evil, aside from the occasional black or silver nail polish.
~Personality: Very random. She can be calm and pensive one minute, and the next minute bouncing off the walls. She's not bipolar, it really just depends on the company she's with and what's going on at the time. Tends to be very violent and can often be heard saying "that needs to die" and things like that. Sticks with her friends and is very good at giving advice. She also hates sexism and racism, and believes strongly in judging people by their character.
~Other: Has a weird obsession with vampires, so when faced with vampire-type monsters she'll usually either refuse to fight them or go into a rant on their flawed (in her opinion) design. Yeah.
~Name: Yuki
~Gender: Female
~Appearance: Still around the same size as her real self, albeit somewhat taller. Her skin is almost white in color, a stark contrast to her black hair, which falls to mid-back length. A black line extends down from her right eye and ends in a short spiral, the whole marking being about and inch in length. She wears a black tunic and grey pants, both made of very comfortable material. Covering her upper torso and shoulders is a black chestplate, made of the same material as the hilt of her sword and with a smoky crystal in the middle of the chest. She also has grieves (going just up to her knees) to match this, with a single crystal spike at each knee, and gauntlets with crystal spikes in the knuckles.
~Class: Fighter
~Weapon Description: Her weapon is a silver longsword, slender despite its length (with the blade being slightly longer than her arm). The hilt is made of some black metal, with a large smoky crystal set into the pommel.
~Reasoning: She wanted to be a fighter because she's interested in swordsmanship. While she realises that most fighters just pick that class out of some noobish desire to be "cool", she actually chose it to fit her fighting style. Also, she likes black and silver.

Muaha, my form is complete! :ninja:

6th November 2005, 02:56 PM
Name: Donovan Andrews
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Country of Origin: Italy, although his father is American he was born in Italy. (His mother is full Italian) Appearance: See 1st Attachment
Personality: He's very outgoing and friendly although he tends to shy away from being bold in decision making. He isn't into conflicts, although he tends to get angered easily when people do obviously stupid things.
Other: Nada
Name: Setsuna
Gender: Male
Appearance: See 2nd Attachment
Class: Fighter (I'll change it if we need to cover the Rogue)
Weapon Description: Setsuna has a handy sword! It's in fact quite long... but not neccisarily 'large'. It's blade is semi-transparent, being semi-glass like in appearance. It's pretty straight and long (like a normal medival sword) but at the end it enlargens a bit, before coming back to a point. Upon the blade there are small moon-like markings etched in semi-transparent blue. The handle of the sword is made of solid black stone, with one small cresent-diamond in it, which glows occasionally. The sword... (later on) eventually glows at will.
Reasoning: Donovan always wanted to be strong and different. His parents were constantly fighting and he often crashed down upon himself, behind the scenes, and couldn't be strong for his little sister. Although he seemed 'friendly' on the outside, he was having real trouble keeping himself strong for the family and 'behind the scenes'. He also hates the idea of 'being jus tlike everyone else.'

(I'll put in the attachments later... I'm looking for some good pictures. ^_^ )

6th November 2005, 05:21 PM
Well, I know I don't have a shot (the fact that there are seven Secret List players guarantees that practically). However, it won't kill me to try. I also know that it is a bit presumptuous of me to sign-up given I've been a no show since forever.

Name: Jason O’Ryan
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Country of Origin: United States, South Carolina
Appearance: Jason is tall, slim, and tan. He has short, blond hair that has a part on the right side of his head. His round eyes are brown and he has dark brown freckles all over his face and arms. Usually wears a yellow T-shirt with blue jeans and black sneakers.
Personality: Average intelligence, somewhat flippant in his own sort of way, and a bit belligerent. Jason will face any and all challenges that he thinks he even has the slightest chance to overcome, and doesn’t always listen to reason. He acts on instinct and intuition, finding logic only slows him down. He is rather out-going and friendly, if somewhat unsure what to do in awkward situations, and he always does what he thinks is best for others. A bit over-the-top at times and is arrogant, but not in an “I’m better than you” manner.
Other: He plays his created character, Usagi, as a more opportunistic and less blunt version of himself. Quite fretful about being trapped in the game, he’ll often reference his twin Ark, sister Gale, or the fact that he is about to be an uncle. Often says the weirdest things during fights or awkward moments.
Name: Usagi
Gender: Male
Appearance: 6’0, slim but athletic build, light-colored skin with short black hair in a similar style as the actual persona. He has a scar on his left cheek, and has piercing blue eyes. He wears a long-sleeved off-black tunic with similar colored pants and boots. His brown leather belt has pouches and sheathes that hold all of his items. Usually has an arrogant smile on his face.
Class: Rogue
Weapon Description: Two daggers about two-hands long (just the blade) and silver in color, the handles are black and made of oak wood reinforced with metal. The daggers’ blades are made of iron.
Reasoning: Jason likes to act out characters with similarities to him. Hence, he plays athletic, active, speed fighters like Usagi. However, Jason likes to twist these characters a bit with a differing trait. Usagi is a bit of an opportunist and coward, and that is incorporated in his fight style as well.

Pichu Luver
6th November 2005, 06:06 PM
[font=garamond]Name: Kale McConney
Gender: M
Age: 18
Country of Origin: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Appearance: About 5'8, and an average build. He rides horses, so is very tanned from the time spent outdoors. Kind of long hair that gets in his eyes a lot. It has blond highlights running through it. He has green eyes and glasses.
Personality: He likes to listen to people more then talk, but he is not shy. If you ask him questions he will answer honestly, even if it might get him in trouble. Very trustworthy and makes sure his promises are kept. Prefers peace to violence.
Other: Plays the trombone and knows a lot of languages.
Name: Kian
Gender: M
Appearance: Much the same as his real form as he didn't seem much point in changing it. The difference is he has blue eyes now and no highlights. He decided to ditch the glasses as well. He wears a light brown tee shirt with a normal brown vest over it. It has a light blue outline of a rearing horse on the back. His pants are black with black hiking boots. He also has a mahogany coloured hooded cape.
Class: White Mage
Weapon Description: His staff is a metre and a half tall, made out of mahogany. It's very rugged looking and has a blue crystal at the top meshed into the wood with interlocking branches. It can glow extremely bright for long periods of time if he wants.
Reasoning: He didn't what to wear white because it gets dirty way to fast as he knows with horses . . . So he wanted something that hides the dirt more

Crystal Tears
6th November 2005, 06:14 PM
Name: Derek Kim
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Country of Origin: Korea (but moved to Canada)
Appearance: He has long straight black hair that usually tied up in a simply ponytail. He’s slightly on the tanned side, has long ‘sharpened’ fingers nails, and dark brown eyes. He’s actually kind of short, standing at a small 5’4.
He’s usually seen wearing a black tank top with a grey anime kitten who looks slightly frustrated. On his lower arm, are black arm warmers, and around his neck is a red dog collar with a gold tag that Says ‘Nayo.” His pants are a dark army like green, with a black belt with a silver buckle holding them up, he also has black running shoes with orange stripes on the sides.
Personality: He’s a nice guy. He’s not over confident, or cocky. He’s slightly shy at the beginning, but then turns to more out going and fun loving as you begin to get to know him. He likes a good laugh, and appreciates all the friends he has, and all the chances he gets to make them.
Other: Even though he is a guy, there has been a time he’s been mistaken for a girl.
Name: Nayo
Gender: Male
Appearance: He’s hasn’t grown a bit. But it’s a different story for his hair. It is not extremely long, going down to about his ankles. But again, it is tied up in a ponytail. Nayo has a bit more of a tan then Derek. And has quite a nice, lean build to go with the new look. He wears a long red flowing cape that as he runs plays a mind trick on everyone who sees it. As it appears to grow longer as he runs, which it doesn’t. (As that could cause serious complications)
Along with that, he wears loose black tank top with a newly attached ‘ninja’ hood that has a wrap to cover his entire face excluding his eyes. On his arms are well crafted and well detailed bracers nicknamed ‘Yin and Yang’. Though there’s nothing special about them, he picked them because he thought they were pretty. He also has armoured gloves that go over his hands.
He wears black pants that match his shirt, and also, well made and sturdy black boots.
OH, and he eyes are not a bright red with cat slits.
Class: Rogue
Weapon Description: He has sharp, and clean daggers that are connected to the bracers. With a flick of his wrists, deadly foot long daggers pop out, and he is ready for combat. (There’s one blade for each bracer. And they pop out above the hand.)
Reasoning: He choose to be a rogue because of his height, he’s not ashamed of it. And thinks he could use it to his advantage. He also choose his funky ‘flip wrist daggers’ because he always wanted them.

6th November 2005, 08:49 PM
alrighty! Looks like I didn't do too badly for being out of it for a couple months ^^;

Tsukasa: Looks good, so I'll pre-accept you even though your form's not 100% complete, since I know you're excited about this one. And lucky you, you're on my Secret List this time around!

Nabooru23: Your form is very nice indeed. Unfortunately you didn't make the Secret List this time, but as you're the first one to reply you get first dibs on any open spots after the Secret List Limit is over.

Bulbasaur4: Unfortunately, I don't think I can have the Elk-like creature in the beginning. Maybe you can encounter it later on, though I doubt it'll become anything like a "familiar" (that's not saying it can't be a plot device, just it won't follow you and/or take your commands for long, if at all). However, the rest of your form is nice, and you also are on this RPG's Secret List, so you're in!

Gladiator: Yeah, you're not on the Secret List as I haven't seen you for a while, but your form is good, so you made the Waiting List. You're second in line to take open slots after the Secret List Limit is past.

Asayake: Haha, I never said White Mages actually had to wear white, as the "white" really refers to the magic being "pure." Your form is in, but you weren't on my Secret List so you make the Waiting List at number 3.

Crystal Tears: Good form, but not on my Secret List this time. You're still making the Waiting List, though, at number 4.

Emotional Faun Chiko-sai
6th November 2005, 09:41 PM
Name: He (as in 'her' without the r) Xinran
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Country of Origin: Malaysia, that country above Singapore. Specifically, the capital city Kuala Lumpur.
Appearance: Well, I've had comments about how all Chinese look the same, but.. Large dark eyes in a tanned oval face; straight, dark brown hair, in a sort of flared bob. About 5'4". Thin and wiry; does not have much, er, 'shape'.
Personality: She's a bloody-minded cynic, most of the time, but she's really the romantic type; just that she's a romantic type that doesn't know it, yet. Treats males as verbal punching bags, and expects them to punch back. Doesn't suffer fools gladly; usually doesn't bite if you don't bite first, though. She can't stand owing people things.
Other: *runs around singing Eye of the Tiger* Erm, due to Xinran being able to speak many dialects, some of the translated words might come off as quite weird. I mean... 'teh tarik' becomes 'pulled tea'... aheheh?
Name: Yoshika
Gender: Female
Appearance: As Yoshika, Xinran now has a very nice and appropriately rounded figure. She's about 5'6". Her eyes are red and her hair is a very dark brown that looks red in certain lights; her skin is golden. Aforementioned hair is shortish and spiked up, with some bangs falling into her eyes, and one longer lock of hair has beads braided into it. She also has a pointy black hat; the end flops over a bit, and there's an evil-looking iron bat motif hanging from the end of it. I'm too lazy to describe a proper outfit for her so: here. (http://surbrook.devermore.net/ggx/jam.jpg) Yeah, Cloudberry Jam from GGX; only the outfit's black this time, and the skirt's, well, longer. ^^;
Class: Black Mage
Weapon Description: A long, plain staff made of sapient ashwood. There are runes carved along its length; however, they seem to shimmer and writhe in your sight, as if they're hiding. The staff is very hard. Xinran will hit you with it if you mention that a wizard's staff has a knob on the end.
Reasoning: She wanted to see if fighting in an RPG was as fun as it looked like on screen; she feels that it's unfortunate that you're not really allowed to hurt annoying people in the real world... Xinran really likes the idea of annoying people exploding in coloured smoke.

6th November 2005, 10:17 PM
Chiko-sai: Haha, I've had Eye of the Tiger stuck in my head sporadically over the past couple weeks...it's one of the songs that plays in the sub shop I work in. ^^; As for your form, it's really good, but unfortunately you aren't on the Secret List. You've made the Waiting List, though.


And for those of you who can do math, you've probably figured out that any more people who would go on the Waiting List wouldn't have a chance of getting into the RPG. This is true, however, there are still five spots left on the Secret List, and you might have a chance of being on it. Not posting a form because the Waiting List is full doesn't give you the chance to see if you're on the Secret List or not.

The other reason I ask you to keep putting signup forms up is because I actually read the forms, and from them I can tell how good people are with descriptions and such, and they help me make the decision of who goes onto the Secret List for the next RPG I make. So don't be discouraged because the RPG seems full. Keep posting forms, because even if you don't get in, it's both good practice for you and good research for me.

Roy Karrde
6th November 2005, 10:25 PM
Name: Eri Sakurais * Using the English way of First name/last name *
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Country of Origin: Japan, Kyoto, although she has learned a moderate amount of English from middle school classes.
Appearance: She’s about 5’7” with gentle brown eyes, and hair that reaches down to her waste. Tan skin and always seems relaxed in her body style, wearing a short sleeve pink shirt, blue jeans and a black belt with a gold belt buckle.
Personality: Very easy going and relaxed, she’s the type of girl that would help out any person, in trouble. She can sometimes act big sisterly toward people when trying to help out. She does have a problem making rash decisions and not thinking with her head especially in situations that could put her life in danger.
Other: Might fill in later if needed
Name: Machida
Gender: Male
Appearance: A young male around the age of 18 with wild uncut black hair that dips to his shoulders and around his ears. His eyes a soft brown color, and light tanned skin although he does have a small scar running from his left ear down to his cheekbone. His height is about 6’2” with a muscular build designed to swing an axe or sword. He wears a gray breastplate that is highlighted with a very faded and flaking gold paint that runs down the side of it and down the middle front of it in a gold stripe. The Breastplate itself goes from just below mid chest, up and around his shoulders to mid back with leather straps that hold it together. Underneath the Breastplate he wears a tan and very torn up tan shirt. His pants if you can call them that consist of black leather that has been sewn together and been patched up a bit when needed. The ‘pants’ dip down to about his feet where he wears brown leather shoes.
Class: Fighter
Weapon Description: A double edged axe that is about a foot in length, the grip of it has been reinforced with leather for a better grip, the blade being a dull gray color with a white bone design painted on to the blade, the design branching out from the hilt to about half way to the blade.
Reasoning: She doesn’t want to try a male character because she believes she is a male inside or anything. Instead she is tired of playing Female, Human characters in games all the time. Since this is her first truly virtual experience she wants to mark it by trying something new and different. For her the best way to do this is to try out a male character and experience something she most likely would never be able to do in her lifetime, be a boy.

6th November 2005, 11:16 PM
Roy Karrde: Well, it looks like you got lucky today, because not only is your form nice and acceptable, you're also on the Secret List. Although, because of the translators, there's no need to have your character actually know English.

Unfortunately, this means Chiko-sai is currently not going to make it. However, I will leave your name on the Waiting List on the chance that someone in front of you decides to pull out (or more than one person, even...).

6th November 2005, 11:55 PM
Edited muh form! I was gonna use the Elk as more of a 'horse' to ride... but I understand if yah don't want it!
Also, if there are too many males... I suppose I could change my character to be a female, if you'd like more even-stuffs.
But my pic rox...

7th November 2005, 12:14 AM
Edited muh form! I was gonna use the Elk as more of a 'horse' to ride... but I understand if yah don't want it!
Also, if there are too many males... I suppose I could change my character to be a female, if you'd like more even-stuffs.
But my pic rox...

Nonono, I don't need everything to be super-even or anything. I especially don't want to force you to change your character for something small like that. Besides, there are still 4 people left on the Secret List, and one or more of them might sign up with a female character. And if all of them did, then it would be more uneven in the female side at that point. So don't worry about that; you made your character like that, so leave it like that unless you are unhappy with it (I'd have to re-approve it, but with you that usually isn't a problem).

8th November 2005, 02:56 PM
Alright, since the Secret List Limit is now over and four people on the list didn't sign up, the first four people on the Waiting List get put onto the main list and we can start!

Yes, this means signups are closed. However, I'd like people to comment on what they think of my "Lottery Signup" method. ^^;

8th November 2005, 07:10 PM
Not a bad system, if not fair to every player out there. It does ensure (right word?) that you get decent to good Roleplayers.

Roy Karrde
8th November 2005, 07:13 PM
Really I think it's a good system and a bit more fairer than sending out emails to the RPGers you want, atleast here some outsiders have a chance to get in. And really after experienceing so many good to inexperienced RPGers in my own RPG and RPGs I have been in, I would hope that people start using this a bit more often.