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AntiAsh Superstar
23rd January 2006, 09:14 AM
This stems from a conversation via PM/IM and stuff I'm in the middle of in the AC/CC forums. I haven't a clue about it atm so I'm hoping somebody has a good theory.

Signal Beam. How do you suppose it would work in a realistic setting? And what's so great about Dewgong that makes it the only non-Bug type to learn it?

I don't want any game-related explanations here. I'm after answers that would make sense in fanfiction or the like so... uh, guys, any thoughts? ^^;;

The Blue Avenger
23rd January 2006, 09:57 AM
Well, I'd imagine that the user shoots out two different colored beams simultaneously that fly on the same path. The vivid color and contrasts of the beams catch the foe's eye, hence the name. The beams carry Bug energy - much like the dust in Silver Wind.

As for Dewgong... Dewgongs are based off of dugongs, which are named from a Malay word for mermaid, which can also be called sirens. Sirens attract people to their location... and Signal Beam would probably attract attention as well, hence the name.

23rd January 2006, 02:33 PM
Signal Beam is an attack that has made me wonder, as well. It could potentially not be a real attack at all, but it could instead be used sort of like Flash. Consider this scenario. You've got, ehh, a Charizard flying toward your Voltorb and preparing to fire a Flamethrower (or some other generic Charizard-y attack). Voltorb shines a bright Signal Beam into Charizard's eyes, blinding it. Voltorb scurries away, and Charizard slams into the ground in its blindness, resulting in all the damage caused by the attack.

Meh, just a thought. TBA's explanation is probably better, but I can't help but love it when a Bug type beats a gargantuan Fire/Flying Pokemon just by shining a light into its eyes. :D

Lady Vulpix
23rd January 2006, 04:16 PM
Nice call, Ade. I hadn't thought about it. Sadly, I'm afraid I can't help. I'm as stuck on the Dewgong issue as you are.

Chris 2.1
23rd January 2006, 04:31 PM
Signal beam is learned by the following (through levelup/breeding)

Venonat --> Venomoth
Spinarak --> Ariados

And the attack seems to stem from a specific part of the Pokemon:

Volbeat - tail (firefly)
Dewgng - horn
Venonat - Radar-like eyes
Spinarak - horn
Yanma - eyes (can see 360 degrees)

I think signal beam is just what it says on the tin. Its a beam, and said Pokemon (such as Volbeat) would probably fire one off if they're in danger, as a bright red/green beam is easy to see. It's obviously bright (hence the confusion side-effect) but needs to be projected from a concentrated area (powerful eyes, bright tail, etc).

As for Dewgong learning it...well I suppose it lives out at sea. Maybe it has some relation to lighthouses....they emit a beam of light when theres trouble (or land) and Dewgong perhaps sends these signal beams to their pod if there is danger?

AntiAsh Superstar
24th January 2006, 05:31 AM
As for Dewgong learning it...well I suppose it lives out at sea. Maybe it has some relation to lighthouses....they emit a beam of light when theres trouble (or land) and Dewgong perhaps sends these signal beams to their pod if there is danger?

I'm seriously liking this idea actually. tho now we get into my other big problem with the discussion I was having... why just Dewgong and if we weren't limited to pokémon that learned the move in the game but any that should feasibly be able to learn it who else might be allowed the move? ^^;;

24th January 2006, 05:40 AM
Maybe the creators are trying to convince us to use Dewgong. I agree with the lighthouse idea, but maybe the beam is energy, kind of like that dragon ball Z show.

Chris 2.1
24th January 2006, 03:48 PM
I can imagine more 4th Gen Pokemon getting it, similar to how moves such as Ancientpower are much more easily learned in 3rd Gen than in GSC.

I think Tentacruel should get it, since it lives in the sea and even the TCG had one shooting beams from its 'eyes' (or perhaps it was a Tentacool). Others to consider: Lanturn (but it has a lamp, hence no need for a signal), Starmie (again, crystal core shines with rainbow colours - signal beam redundant), Huntail (lives down in the dark waters, and its got a bright body), Prehistoric ones (Omanyte, Kabuto, etc: I suppose if they HAD signal beam they might not be extinct x_x)

They're some of the sea-dwellers (sea, not lake) that seemed like good candidates for SB, but have other devices. Also, sound is as good a signal as visualness, and lots of said Pokemon learn screech etc which could help if they're in trouble.