View Full Version : Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance

Mega Horny
31st January 2006, 05:58 PM
Yes, know we all own the game so this topic is designated for discussion about Fire Emblem POA.


31st January 2006, 10:54 PM
I own this game and I'm very dissapointed so many units suck.. as did the ending. Royally. Princess Elincia, PLS STOP WHINGING!

Also, who were your top 5 killers?

Mine were Ike, Lethe, Gatre, Mia and Soren closely followed by Illyana.

Mega Horny
1st February 2006, 05:48 AM
hmm top 5? Well, not including the undefeatable Titania, or Ike who i instantly used bonus exp to raise to lv 20...so stupid...definately Ilyana, Mordecai, Stefan, Kieran and Soren/Zihark.

what was your favorite chapter?

Austrian ViceMaster Alex
1st February 2006, 06:22 AM
I haven't completed the game yet, only reached chapter 22 so far but I'm very pleased by this game and enjoy it more than even the two GBA titles.

So far my strongest units (I admit there are quite a few ones that are bad) are Oscar, Boyd, Ilyana and Soren before he got clobbered two chapters ago, that little jerk.

The unit I was most disappointed with so far is Mia ... she has good potential but her skill fail to go up all the time for me. I use her in every possible chapter, got her at level 3 in her evolved state and her skills are still a complete embarrassment with her below 10 in defense and magic resistance and 12 in strength. Booh to Mia.

1st February 2006, 08:57 PM
We're talking about Mia the SwordMistress.... right?
I find Oscar can't ... kill things... just kind of sit there, take damage and give 4 back. Boyd's far too inaccurate and slow so he takes too much damage...

Rolf however, YOU ROCK.

Also, Stefan?

Kieran I found was far too weak... or maybe I'm far too picky.

Mega Horny
1st February 2006, 09:01 PM
i agreeon all terms, save Kieran. i used one of the Master Seals on him do to excitement and made him a bow paladin and he was instantly one of my best and favorite units.

Oscars a pain, even as a paladin.

Austrian ViceMaster Alex
2nd February 2006, 06:25 AM
We're talking about Mia the SwordMistress.... right?

Yes, I'm talking about Miss *level up ... thumbtwiddlenothinghappens ...* Mia.

For me Boyd and Oscar are my top killers. Can't agree with lack of accuracy as far as Boyd is concerned, he never misses a blow and he takes out the toughest adversaries with two blows maximum (except bosses). I agree Boyd can be hit rather easily but his massive HP make up for that in my opinion.

And Oscar is maybe not the most powerful buddy around but given the proper equipment he can do a lot of damage and unlike Boy both his defense stats are very high. Or maybe I just always got lucky with his skill ups ... unlike with Mia's.

4th February 2006, 12:39 AM
Mia was one of my best units. I made her an awesome sword i called an awesword. Her only drawback was crap hp. Also did you kill the black knight? Also did all flying units suck? I did like the girl hawk.

Mega Horny
4th February 2006, 06:10 PM
personally i loves Tibarn and Ulki due to his dodge ability and pointy ears, and also, Mia was a waste of time with people like Stefan and Ziahrk, who was probably my best unit. Plus she takes way too much effort to get good.

Austrian ViceMaster Alex
16th February 2006, 07:44 AM
I've finished the game by now, very enjoyable though I didn't find the end too challenging. I liked the flying units quite a bit, especially the two pegasi knights and Ulki as well. Although I used Mia a lot she remained quite weak till the even, having an extremely high Skill stat but that's it.

I didn't kill the Black Knight, I pretty much chickened out of the fight since I alway feared his sister (whose name I forgot) would become his target and die with a single blow. So I was more concerned evading the Knight instead of attacking him, especially after his assistance units arrived.

My final top 5 for kills were:

5. Kieran
4. Ike
3. Titania
2. Oscar
1. Boyd

16th February 2006, 06:37 PM
I had Ike take out the people who'd attack Mist, and left the Black Clerics alone, since they don't move and can't even damage Mist (She MUST be evolved at that stage) and I was taking out the Black Knight, like... 3 HP every turn, since he recovered like 6 a turn.

IN the end, the castle collapsed on him and I didn't kill him properly!

27th February 2006, 09:54 AM
My top killers were:
5.- Titania (Wtf, I stopped using her in like, chapter 11)
4.- Oscar (Great Paladin, give him a Bow and a strong spear and he's pretty good)
3.- Boyd (Unstoppable strenght, dodge like 78% of every attack)
2.- Zihark (dodged EVERY attack)
1.- Ike (Aether <3)

Also, it was awesome how the game was left so open-ended for a sequel.

5th March 2006, 08:10 PM
I'm playing through the game again, I've tried giving Oscar attention, but let's be honest. I really don't like Paladins. I liked them in the GBA games better. All three weapons could be used!

Oh and Boyd's just as shitty as old Dorcas.

The only axe users I would use would be um, Hector and that kid who turns from a Journeyman into a Pirate into a Beserker!! Jill also really sucks unfortunately. Lethe is just plain awesome IMO.

Mega Horny
5th March 2006, 08:44 PM
True that, save Jill, I found her to have the smae problem as Oscar in terms of inflicting little damage, but as soon as I got her to like level 18+ she became an 00berlicious staple in my battles, plus wyverns are shmecksy.

18th May 2006, 05:21 PM
:dance: :ninja: :pirate: http://pretty

Mega Horny
18th May 2006, 05:29 PM
thanks for the contribution?

Elec Man EXE
5th June 2006, 04:18 PM
Jill is not sucky... she just suffers from a very screwable stat gain range.

The first game I played she was lame and I stopped using her, the second she maxed out Attack, Defense, Speed, and Skill and was probably my best unit.

Its all in the luck.

Mega Horny
20th June 2006, 09:37 AM
yeah, i know. What really gets me steamed is when i get like 6 different stats up and then Rhys or someone dies and I have to restart.