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Knight of Time
14th February 2006, 05:46 AM
ANNOUNCEMENT: mr_pikachu has created a Pokémon randomizer that will help you pick a Pokémon when it is your turn to post a puzzle. This will help make sure that every Pokémon will have an equal oppourtunity of coming up. Here is the link to it: The Official Pokémon Hangman Randomizer (http://www.angelfire.com/pokemon2/mr_pikachu/index.html)

Pokémon Hangman v.41
Little_Pikachu approved :025:

Game Founder / Rules Creator: Jay
Rules Editor For This Version: Knight of Time
Hosts: mr_pikachu, Knight of Time, Number1ChanseyFan

I'm sure we've all played hangman when you're bored, or at least heard of it. Pokemon Hangman was first created by Mist/PancaKe who is associated with the Charmander Central Club in giving out "plushies" as prizes for people who guessed correctly. People began big collections of these "plushies" when this game was first introduced to PCG, and I hope that people will extend their big collections, or even start them, today.

Newest rules in Light Yellow

The rules of Hangman are fairly straight-forward. If you don't know them, then watch a few people post and we're sure you'll get the hang of it. *sigh*

But we do have specific rules that we need to follow to make the game slightly trickier. You may only post a maximum of THREE single letter guesses per person before you must guess the name of the Pokemon. This rule is subject to change. But for now it's THREE and only THREE single letter guesses per person, per round. This shouldn't be too hard to follow. If you notice someone that has made more than three single letter guesses then you should be smart and tell them so. :rolleyes:

When someone guesses the word correctly it is their turn to think of a Pokemon for others to guess. Please make sure you don't mess up for other people's sake - Double check to see if a letter is present in the Pokemon's name you're doing before you post to avoid mistakes. Also, if it's your turn, try and pick a Pokemon that hasn't already been done. You don't need to always pick evolved forms. The rarity of each plushie should remain the same so we have a nice mix. You may only win a maximum of three plushies per day - This is to prevent a certain group of people called plushie hogs grabbing all the stuff every second turn. If you win three plushies you may still play, however if you win after you've exceded the limit you must either A) Give the plushie to someone else who is less fortunate or B) Do not take the plushie as a prize. Just make sure everyone has a fair go too! This is only in effect for 24 hours after you've received the first of your three plushies for the day.

Legendaries can be won here, but only a worker may give them out. Anyone else may not. If this were possible we'd have legendaries popping up everywhere, and they deserve a rarity. Specialized plushies may also be won here, like a Shiny Claydol, or a Pikachu with a Blue Scarf... the list continues, and only the workers may give them out. You won't know if you've won one of these very rare plushies until you win the plushie.

The only pokemon that aren't allowed to be done by the players here are: Zapdos, Articuno, Moltres, Mew, Mewtwo, Lugia, Ho-oh, Celebi, Raikou, Suicune, Entei, Jirachi, Deoxys, Groudon, Kyogre, Latios and Latias. All others are fine. Oh, and please don't do any Pokemon from the upcoming Diamond and Pearl games yet, either.

You are allowed a maximum of NINE incorrect guesses before it's Game Over, not per person, that includes everyone
s incorrect guesses. Usually people guess the name before the nine incorrect guesses so don't worry. If no one guesses the Pokemon correctly by the quota then no one receives a plushie, and one of the three workers must do the next puzzle. You don't get two turns in a row at it. You may only post one guess until the person posts an update of the current Pokemon.

Try and not be too idle, the workers would like the game to be fast moving. If you guess the Pokemon correctly and then you're going to be away for 2 weeks then don't wait until you get back because you'll most likely forget about the game. Give someone else a turn.

Right now, an incorrect letter is counted as 1 incorrect guess and incorrect Pokemon are also counted as 2 incorrect guesses. This is also subject to change later on to improve/decrease the difficulty, if any of the workers think it's needed.

Absolutely no editing your guess at the name or a letter. If you plan to edit your post and notice a late spelling mistake and want to change it then specify so. Don't use this as an excuse to change your guess because you might have someone who witnessed you with your previous guess. You'll be in big trouble then.

The scores are no longer being updated - if a worker wishes to spare the time to restart the scores and keep track of everyone then they may do so.

If it is your turn to post a puzzle, you have 24 hours to post or update the puzzle. In the case of updating, this applies to four situations:

1. When someone makes a letter guess, and it is in (or not in) the puzzle (this also applies to letter guesses in advance).

2. When someone makes a Pokemon guess, and it is wrong/right

3. When so many guesses are made that the man might hang (this also applies to letter guesses in advance as well)

4. When you have yet to post after winning a plushie

If you don't post 24 hours after any situation above, you will lose your turn, and one of the workers will start the next puzzle. (note: the 24 hour rule doesn't apply to the workers).

If you make an incorrect Pokemon guess by accident, you aren't allowed to delete it and make a new guess before the person whose turn it is updates.

When you are guessing the name of a Pokemon on anyone else's turn, you must spell the Pokemon correctly in order to win a plushie of that Pokemon. Example of this rule in action: Let's say someone guessed "Picachu" as their answer to a puzzle, and then another person afterword guesses "Pikachu", if the puzzle is indeed Pikachu, the person who posted second would get the plushie, since the first person spelt it wrong. So please try and avoid making this mistake every time you guess a Pokemon. As for a counter-example, if the man is close to hanging, a correct guess for the Pokemon that is spelled incorrectly will unfortunately make the man hang if there are 1 or 2 guesses remaining, so be careful about this.

Also, if it's your birthday, you're more than welcome to pick any plushie you want for your birthday (excluding legendaries and D/P Pokemon), however, you cannot pick a shiny plushie, as they are obviously rarer than legendaries. When it is your birthday, just post here saying what regular coloured, non-legendary plushie you want (again, you cannot choose a D/P Pokemon either until D/P are released here in North America), and one of the workers will give you your plushie on their next post.


What is a Plushie?

Plushies are soft toys. In this game, if you guess a Pokemon correctly you receive a soft toy of the Pokemon you guessed correctly.

What do I do with a Plushie?

Umm... look at them? They aren't really used for anything, mainly just a fun collecting sort of thing. That's all. Maybe one day they might be used for something, but that's a doubtful possibility. If you have a site it might be wise to put them on there to keep track of what you have. Or keep them on a word document.

I don't like my plushie! Can I trade with someone else?

Yes, you may as long as the other person agrees. If they don't want to trade with you then you should respect that. There are many others that may want to trade. Since this game was created long ago some people may already have a decent amount of plushies they might like to trade. You could try sending a PM/IM to one of them if you would like to trade or ask for a list of their plushies. Most people who play Expedia have plushies, so try trading with one of them, or you could start playing the game to extend your collection a different way.

Can I sell my plushies? Or buy one off someone?

No, you may not sell your plushies for CCPs or Stamps.

How many plushies am I allowed to own?

As many as you can win here. Just remember you can only win a maximum of three every day!

Final Words

ONLY post the names of Pokemon. No dictionary words! That is if you haven't been bothered to read the rules, which I recommend reading. There are well over 300 Pokemon to choose from so good luck! (And again, please don't do any Pokemon from the upcoming Diamond and Pearl games yet.)

If there's something you don't understand then ask mr_pikachu, me or Number1ChanseyFan- we bite but we'll still help. Or maybe someone else can help. Have fun! Your hosts - mr_pikachu, Knight of Time, Number1ChanseyFan

The man has been hung a total of thirty times
Hangman makes up approximately 1/5 of the total posts in PCG since last year; considering this game began in very late April

Okay, I'm going to get to the next puzzle in a few minutes, since it is my turn afterall.

Knight of Time
14th February 2006, 05:50 AM
Okay, I hate to double post, but the new puzzle is ready.

Pokemon: --------

Incorrect Guesses: R

Guesses Remaining: 8

BTW, thanks for the Corsola plushie Christen. :)

14th February 2006, 01:17 PM
[color=magenta]Your welcome!!

Ok, I will try an S this time.

Knight of Time
14th February 2006, 01:22 PM
One S is a-coming up.

Pokemon: S-------

Incorrect Guesses: R

Guesses Remaining: 8

14th February 2006, 01:42 PM
Maybe an L will help.

Knight of Time
14th February 2006, 01:58 PM
Maybe 2 Ls will help, actually.

Pokemon: S-----ll

Incorrect Guesses: R

Guesses Remaining: 8

14th February 2006, 02:04 PM
Could this be a Snubbull?

Knight of Time
15th February 2006, 06:38 AM
Could this be a Snubbull?

Yep, it's a Snubbull alright, mr_pikachu!

'hands you a Snubbull plushie'

Take it away, and I'll have an E in advance please!

15th February 2006, 06:54 AM
I'll take an S in advance.

15th February 2006, 10:58 AM
C in advance please.

15th February 2006, 02:05 PM
Ah, thank you, Kyle! Okay, this Snubbull is going up for trade. Anyone want to make an offer for it?

In the meantime, here's the next puzzle!

_ E _ _ S _ _ _ (8)

Incorrect Guesses: C
Incorrect Guesses Remaining: 8

Good luck!

Knight of Time
15th February 2006, 02:17 PM
I'll bet that's Venusaur.

15th February 2006, 02:28 PM
I'll bet you're right! Nice work, Kyle! The Venusaur is yours.

16th February 2006, 12:04 PM
L in advance this time please.

Knight of Time
16th February 2006, 12:19 PM
Nice, a third Venusaur plushie (I think this is the first time in a long time I've had three of the same plushie), thanks mr_pikachu. :)

Okay, next up:

Pokemon: --l-----

Incorrect Guesses: n/a

Guesses Remaining: 9

16th February 2006, 03:52 PM
I think a D might be helpful.

Knight of Time
16th February 2006, 04:34 PM
Your thoughts are correct mr_pikachu, there is a D here.

Pokemon: --l----d

Incorrect Guesses: n/a

Guesses Remaining: 9

16th February 2006, 06:49 PM
Is this the frog Pokémon, Politoed?

Knight of Time
17th February 2006, 09:27 AM
Is this the frog Pokémon, Politoed?

It sure is, Christen!

'hands you a Politoed plushie'

Take it away, and I'd like an A in advance please!

17th February 2006, 09:35 AM
Nice one! I'll take an R in advance.

17th February 2006, 10:31 AM
Thanks Kyle!!

Those advance guesses should lead to a plushie being awarded in the very near future.

_ _ a _ _ a r (7)

Incorrect Guesses: None.

Guesses Remaining: 9.

17th February 2006, 10:33 AM
Might this Pokemon be an Omastar?

17th February 2006, 10:37 AM
[color=magenta]It might be an Omastar... it certainly would fit this puzzle...


It is an Omastar!! Congrats!!

*Tosses you an Omastar plushie*

Your turn!!

17th February 2006, 10:48 AM
All right; thanks, Christen! Now if I just had a Helix Fossil, I could complete the evolutionary chain!

Ha ha! Ha! Ha... ha...



...Here's the next puzzle.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (8)

Incorrect Guesses: N/A
Incorrect Guesses Remaining: 9

Knight of Time
17th February 2006, 11:34 AM
Wow, that last one was fast.

Is there an E in this one?

17th February 2006, 02:13 PM
Sadly, no.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (8)

Incorrect Guesses: E
Incorrect Guesses Remaining: 8

Knight of Time
17th February 2006, 02:33 PM
Doh, how about an A then?

17th February 2006, 02:40 PM
Now, now. You don't have to act like Homer Simpson to get a vowel.

_ _ _ _ _ A _ _ (8)

Incorrect Guesses: E
Incorrect Guesses Remaining: 8

Knight of Time
17th February 2006, 02:42 PM
Hmm, might there be an I here?

17th February 2006, 03:18 PM
There just might.

_ _ I _ _ A _ _ (8)

Incorrect Guesses: E
Incorrect Guesses Remaining: 8

Knight of Time
17th February 2006, 03:19 PM
Hmm, would this be a Whiscash?

17th February 2006, 03:24 PM
It is! The Whiscash plushie is yours, Kyle.

17th February 2006, 09:57 PM
[color=magenta]C in advance please!!

Knight of Time
18th February 2006, 07:56 AM
Ah, w new Whiscash plushie, thanks mr_pikachu. :)

Okay, next up:

Pokemon: -------

Incorrect Guesses: C

Guesses Remaining: 8

Lady Vulpix
18th February 2006, 07:57 AM
I haven't guessed a vowel in a while, so... is there an A?

18th February 2006, 08:18 AM
I'll try an R, myself.

Knight of Time
18th February 2006, 08:24 AM
Neither of your guesses made it into this puzzle, sorry.

Pokemon: -------

Incorrect Guesses: C, A, R

Guesses Remaining: 6

18th February 2006, 08:43 AM
Okay, then what about an E?

Lady Vulpix
18th February 2006, 08:44 AM
Ok, what about an L?

Knight of Time
18th February 2006, 08:49 AM
I'm afraid those two guesses didn't make it into this puzzle either.

Pokemon: -------

Incorrect Guesses: C, A, R, E, L

Guesses Remaining: 4

I'd be careful now if I were you guys. Guessing the right consonants is bound to help a lot.

Lady Vulpix
18th February 2006, 08:51 AM
It must be Koffing, then.

Knight of Time
18th February 2006, 11:29 AM
It must be Koffing, then.

Yes, it's Koffing alright, Gabi.

'hands you a Koffing plushie'

Take it away, and I'd like an A in advance please.

Lady Vulpix
18th February 2006, 11:34 AM
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ (7)
Wrong guesses: A.


Knight of Time
18th February 2006, 11:35 AM
Hmm, I might as well go for an E next.

Lady Vulpix
18th February 2006, 11:37 AM
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ (7)
Wrong guesses: A, E.


Knight of Time
18th February 2006, 11:45 AM
Looks like this puzzle is going to be no pushover (yet), so I'll make my final vowel guess. O?

Lady Vulpix
18th February 2006, 11:48 AM
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ (7)
Wrong guesses: A, E, O.


18th February 2006, 03:15 PM
An S may be helpful here.

Lady Vulpix
18th February 2006, 03:51 PM
Yes, I think that helps.
_ _ S _ _ _ _ (7)
Wrong guesses: A, E, O.


Knight of Time
18th February 2006, 03:52 PM
This looks like Duskull.

Lady Vulpix
18th February 2006, 04:06 PM
That's probably because it is Duskull. Congratulations, Kyle! You win a Duskull plushie.

Knight of Time
18th February 2006, 04:21 PM
Good, that's definitely one of the toughest ones to get IMO, thanks Gabi. :)

Okay, next up:

Pokemon: -------

Incorrect Guesses: n/a

Guesses Remaining: 9

18th February 2006, 05:11 PM
Nice one! Yeah, Duskull is a toughie. Good job in winning it!

Let's kick things off with an R!

Knight of Time
18th February 2006, 06:16 PM
Sorry, but I'm afraid I have to kick that letter out of this puzzle, it's not one of the fitting letters here.

Pokemon: -------

Incorrect Guesses: R

Guesses Remaining: 8

18th February 2006, 06:30 PM
Okay, then what about an O?

Knight of Time
18th February 2006, 06:42 PM
I'm afraid this puzzle is too big to contain the O, it got bigger and bigger until it exploded. Sorry, but this one has no O either.

Pokemon: -------

Incorrect Guesses: R, O

Guesses Remaining:7

18th February 2006, 07:05 PM
Alright, then let's try an A.

18th February 2006, 11:36 PM
For something different, lets try an M!! ^_^

Knight of Time
19th February 2006, 06:26 PM
Sorry, but I'm afraid this is another post of mine where I have to announce the bad news that two of your guesses aren't here.

Pokemon: -------

Incorrect Guesses: R, O, A, M

Guesses Remaining: 5

Lady Vulpix
19th February 2006, 06:28 PM
There may be an I, though I most likely won't see the result.

Knight of Time
19th February 2006, 06:43 PM
Yes, there may be an I...but in this puzzle, I'm afraid there are none.

Pokemon: -------

Incorrect Guesses: R, O, A, M, I

Guesses Remaining: 4

19th February 2006, 11:05 PM
Is there an N?

Also, for my birthday plushie, I would like to have a Togepi!! Thanks!! ^_~

Knight of Time
20th February 2006, 05:02 AM
Sure Christen, you can have a Togepi plushie.

'finds one nearby and hands it to you'

Again, happy birthday.

Unfortunately, there's no N in this puzzle.

Pokemon: -------

Incorrect Guesses: R, O, A, M, I, N

Guesses Remaining: 3

Watch it now guys...

20th February 2006, 10:38 AM
Hm, I'll take a wild guess... Shuppet.

Knight of Time
20th February 2006, 10:40 AM
Hm, I'll take a wild guess... Shuppet.

And that wild guess makes you a winner!

'hands you a Shuppet plushie'

Take it away darktyranitar, and I'll have an A in advance please!

20th February 2006, 10:45 AM
Nice job, dt! Excellent guess!

*wipes brow*

I'll take an R in advance, please.

20th February 2006, 03:11 PM
[color=magenta]Thanks for the birthday Togepi, Kyle!! ^_^

N in advance this time please.

22nd February 2006, 04:11 AM
Whew.. that was really lucky. :biggrin:

Sorry for the late update. Internet broke down.

A _ _ _ _ (5)

Incorrect guesses: R, N

Guesses remaining: 7

22nd February 2006, 04:15 AM
Hmm. Is this perhaps a feisty little Aipom?

Lady Vulpix
22nd February 2006, 05:10 AM
It could also be Absol.

Knight of Time
22nd February 2006, 07:40 AM
Argh, no matter what this one is, I might miss out on a plushie that would be a great addition to my collection someday- if I'm lucky to win one that is.

To whoever gets this one, I'd like an A in advance please.

22nd February 2006, 08:50 AM
And the winner is... (drum rolls) Lady Vulpix!

Here's your plushie, take it away. (Hand over an Absol plushie)

I'll take an advance T, please.

22nd February 2006, 02:37 PM
[color=magenta]S in advance please!!

22nd February 2006, 02:40 PM
Nice one, Gabi! I'll take an R in advance, please.

Lady Vulpix
22nd February 2006, 03:17 PM
Hmm... Absol plushie... I don't like it. Would anyone like to trade?

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (8)
Wrong guesses: T,S,R.


22nd February 2006, 03:27 PM
Sure! I can offer a Dewgong, a Mankey, a Togetic, a Treecko, or a Zubat. Any of those sound good?

In the meantime, how about an O?

(And by the way, I believe Kyle made an advance guess of an A.)

Knight of Time
22nd February 2006, 03:30 PM
I wish I could take the Absol plushie myself.

I have all the plushies mentioned in my sig, plus an extra Venusaur plushie.

Is there an E?

Lady Vulpix
22nd February 2006, 03:32 PM
Oops! Sorry.
I don't have any of those plushies, so any of them will be fine. :)

_ _ _ _ A _ _ _ (8)
Wrong guesses: T,S,R,O.


22nd February 2006, 03:35 PM
Ooh, could this be a rare Clefable?

Hmm. I have three Togetics, actually. Would you like one of those in exchange for the Absol?

Lady Vulpix
22nd February 2006, 03:39 PM
Sure! Then you give me a Togetic plushie, and I give you an Absol plushie and a Clefable plushie. ^_^

22nd February 2006, 03:44 PM
Sweet! Two more new plushies to add to the collection! I'm liking this trade; thanks, Gabi!

Anyway, here's the next puzzle!

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (8)

Incorrect Guesses: N/A
Incorrect Guesses Remaining: 9

Good luck!

Lady Vulpix
22nd February 2006, 03:46 PM
I like this trade too. I must remember to update my items page when I get back home.

For now, I'm going to guess an R.

22nd February 2006, 03:47 PM
And a nice opening guess it is!

_ _ _ _ R _ _ _ (8)

Incorrect Guesses: N/A
Incorrect Guesses Remaining: 9

Lady Vulpix
22nd February 2006, 03:51 PM
I know it's too early to post a guess, but it wouldn't happen to be Vaporeon, would it?

Knight of Time
22nd February 2006, 03:56 PM
Is there an O here?

22nd February 2006, 03:57 PM
Sorry, but I'm afraid it's not Vaporeon. However, there is an O present.

_ _ _ O R _ _ _ (8)

Incorrect Guesses: Vaporeon
Incorrect Guesses Remaining: 7

Knight of Time
22nd February 2006, 03:58 PM
Hmm, might this be Nidorina?

22nd February 2006, 04:00 PM
Nope, not in this case.

_ _ _ O R _ _ _ (8)

Incorrect Guesses: Vaporeon, Nidorina
Incorrect Guesses Remaining: 5

Knight of Time
22nd February 2006, 04:00 PM
Hmm, then maybe it's NidoranM?

Lady Vulpix
22nd February 2006, 04:01 PM
Or maybe NidoranF.

22nd February 2006, 04:02 PM
Sorry Kyle, but the lady wins it! Lady Vulpix, you've won the female form of Nidoran!

Knight of Time
22nd February 2006, 04:03 PM
Meh, that's okay.

I'll take an A in advance please Gabi.

Lady Vulpix
22nd February 2006, 04:05 PM
Thank you, Brian! Now that makes 2 plushies I need to add to my Items page. Female Nidoran and Togetic.

Let's see what the new word is... 8 letters again!
_ _ _ _ A _ _ _


Knight of Time
22nd February 2006, 04:08 PM
Hmm, is there an E?

Lady Vulpix
22nd February 2006, 04:10 PM
Yes, there is.
_ E _ _ A _ _ _


22nd February 2006, 04:12 PM
I'll bet this is a Delcatty!

Lady Vulpix
22nd February 2006, 04:17 PM
I won't bet against you, Brian! The plushie's all yours! Congratulations!

Knight of Time
22nd February 2006, 04:20 PM
Hmm, could I possibly have an advanced E please?

22nd February 2006, 04:22 PM
Hey, I'm on a roll today! Thanks, Gabi! Awesomeness! :biggrin:

Here's the next one!

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ (7)

Incorrect Guesses: E
Incorrect Guesses Remaining: 8

Good luck!

Knight of Time
22nd February 2006, 04:24 PM
Hmm, could there possibly be a U?

22nd February 2006, 04:34 PM
Sorry, but I'm afraid not.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ (7)

Incorrect Guesses: E, U
Incorrect Guesses Remaining: 7

Knight of Time
22nd February 2006, 04:35 PM
Oh well.

Is there an O?

22nd February 2006, 04:35 PM
That I can do.

_ _ _ _ _ _ O (7)

Incorrect Guesses: E, U
Incorrect Guesses Remaining: 7

Knight of Time
22nd February 2006, 04:38 PM
That's gotta be Armaldo.

22nd February 2006, 04:39 PM
You're right about that! You win an Armaldo plushie, Kyle!

22nd February 2006, 05:17 PM
[color=magenta]R in advance please!!

Knight of Time
23rd February 2006, 07:48 PM
Excellent, 6 more plushies and I'll be at 150, thanks mr_pikachu! :)

Okay, next up:

Pokemon: -----r-

Incorrect Guesses: n/a

Guesses Remaining: 9

23rd February 2006, 09:47 PM
[color=magenta]Is there an N in this puzzle?

Knight of Time
23rd February 2006, 09:48 PM
Yeah, there is- two as a matter of fact.

Pokemon: --n--rn

Incorrect Guesses: n/a

Guesses Remaining: 9

No doubt someone will get this while I'm asleep for the night.

23rd February 2006, 09:54 PM
Might it be Sunkern?

[b][i][font=Palatino Linotype]-Grey

23rd February 2006, 11:05 PM
What about Lanturn?

24th February 2006, 12:41 AM
I'm pretty sure one of you has got it, so I'll take an R in advance for the next puzzle.

Knight of Time
24th February 2006, 09:30 AM
Might it be Sunkern?

[b][i][font=Palatino Linotype]-Grey

What about Lanturn?

One of you made a correct guess, but who?


The winner of this plushie is...

Ace64! Yes, this was Lanturn.

'hands you a Lanturn plushie'

Take it away, and I'd like an A in advance please. Be sure not to miss mr_pikachu's advanced guess either...

24th February 2006, 09:47 AM
Mr. Pikachu gets one right off.

- - R R - -

Incorrect Guesses: A

Guesses remaining: 8

*sticks plushy on my shelf*

Knight of Time
24th February 2006, 11:11 AM
Hmm, might this be Furret?

Mega Horny
24th February 2006, 01:18 PM
I'm almost positive thats right so ill gues R in advance for the next one.

24th February 2006, 01:50 PM
You are correct sir! Take the plushy away,please. I'll take an A in advance.

24th February 2006, 02:50 PM
Good one, Kyle! I'll try a T in advance.

24th February 2006, 08:00 PM
[color=magenta]S in advance please!!

Knight of Time
24th February 2006, 08:21 PM
Nice, a Furret plushie, thanks Ace64! :)

Okay, next up:

Pokemon: -a-ras

Incorrect Guesses: T

Guesses Remaining: 8

This one is going to go quick.

24th February 2006, 08:39 PM
I'm gonna go with Lapras.

[b][i][font=Palatino Linotype]-Grey

Knight of Time
25th February 2006, 09:05 AM
I'm gonna go with Lapras.

[b][i][font=Palatino Linotype]-Grey

You have went with the right choice, Grey!

'hands you a Lapras plushie'

Take it away, and I'll have an A in advance please!

25th February 2006, 09:08 AM
Good one, Grey. I'll try an R in advance!

25th February 2006, 01:21 PM
N in advance this time please!!

27th February 2006, 08:26 AM
Alright, here we go!!

_ _ _ _ _ _ _

Guesses remaining: [color=red]A-R-N- - - - - - - (6)

[b][i][font=Palatino Linotype]-Grey

Lady Vulpix
27th February 2006, 08:37 AM
Is there an L in this puzzle?

27th February 2006, 08:44 AM

_ _ _ _ L _ _

Guesses remaining: [color=red]A-R-N- - - - - - - (6)

[b][i][font=Palatino Linotype]-Grey

Knight of Time
27th February 2006, 08:47 AM
Hmm, is this Steelix?

27th February 2006, 08:49 AM
You are correct, sir! I got the inspiration from your banner... I give you the coveted Steelix plushie.


Guesses remaining: [color=red]A-R-N- - - - - - - (6)

[b][i][font=Palatino Linotype]-Grey

27th February 2006, 09:10 AM
Nice one, Kyle! I'll take an R in advance, please.

27th February 2006, 02:04 PM
[color=magenta]C in advance please!!

Knight of Time
1st March 2006, 05:43 PM
XD, thanks for the Steelix plushie Grey. :)

Okay, next up:

Pokemon: ------

Incorrect Guesses: R, C

Guesses Remaining: 7

Mega Horny
1st March 2006, 06:52 PM

1st March 2006, 08:09 PM
Might there be an E present here, perchance?

1st March 2006, 10:43 PM
[color=magenta]Is there an N in this puzzle?

Knight of Time
2nd March 2006, 03:53 PM
Only one of your latest letter guesses made it in here so far.

Pokemon: ----i-

Incorrect Guesses: R, C, E, N

Guesses Remaining: 5

2nd March 2006, 04:00 PM
I think a P should shed some light on this situation.

Mega Horny
2nd March 2006, 04:01 PM
might that be a weedle?

2nd March 2006, 04:10 PM
Er, just so you know, that fifth letter is an I, not an L.


...Wait a minute...

Kyle, uh... I think you may have recorded the wrong last guess for Mega Horny...

Mega Horny
2nd March 2006, 04:12 PM
well, if its an I, then its Vulpix right?

2nd March 2006, 04:28 PM
Well, unfortunately, the first guess still has to count (rather than the second one), because you can't change a guess in Hangman. You might want to try to be a bit more careful in the future, though.

Mega Horny
2nd March 2006, 04:58 PM
darrrrnnnn! i thought it was an I at first but then i changed my mind and wrote weedle instead of vulpix. :( oh well, next time i guess.

Knight of Time
5th March 2006, 06:39 PM
Sorry about the delay guys, I've had to get through a frustrating situation with something I've been working on (it's just something that needs fixing, and hopefully the job won't be too difficult).

Sometimes I can mistake I's for L's, but if this is the case, then the puzzle is as follows:

Pokemon: --lp--

Incorrect Guesses: R, C, E, N, Weedle

Guesses Remaining: 3

I'm really sorry for this mix-up guys.

Mega Horny
5th March 2006, 06:45 PM
we know its Vulpix come on someone, please steal my guess already!

5th March 2006, 06:50 PM
...You do know that you can make more than one Pokemon guess per puzzle, right, MH? You just can't make any more than three letter guesses in a single puzzle.

It would do you a lot of good to read the rules of the forums and threads you post in before you post in them. That'll help you get the hang of things a lot faster.

Mega Horny
5th March 2006, 07:05 PM
Oh I'm sorry. I have a lot of work on my hands and haven't found time to read the game rules but I'll get to it immediately ;)

Second Guess, Vulpix

Knight of Time
5th March 2006, 08:11 PM
Oh I'm sorry. I have a lot of work on my hands and haven't found time to read the game rules but I'll get to it immediately ;)

Second Guess, Vulpix

Well, this is a Vulpix alright, MH!

'hands you a Vulpix plushie'

Take it away, and I'll have an E in advance please.

5th March 2006, 08:14 PM
Good job, MH! I'll take an R in advance, as well.

Mega Horny
5th March 2006, 08:55 PM

Pokemon: ----e--

Incorrect Guesses: R

Guesses Remaining: 8

Good Luck!

Lady Vulpix
6th March 2006, 05:03 AM
Does this pokemon have an L in its name?

Hyperness is a Good Thing
6th March 2006, 06:19 AM
just a shot in the dark..might it be a Bayleef?

6th March 2006, 06:22 AM
I'll add a T, if you please.

Knight of Time
6th March 2006, 07:41 AM
HIAGT, this can't be Bayleef b/c there's only one E in the puzzle. The puzzle wouldn't be right if this was "Bayleaf" b/c that's an incorrect spelling for the Pokemon's name.

Might this be Jolteon?

6th March 2006, 07:55 AM
I hate to say it, Hyperness, but you've gotta wait until an update is made to assess your previous guess of Bayleef before you can post another guess.

Hyperness is a Good Thing
6th March 2006, 07:58 AM
haha sorry, total newb at this.. I did read the rules(at least twice) but it didn't sink in.. deleted that second guess post.
Lol, thank you to mr_pikachu and Knight of Time for pointing me out straight..
I'm sticking with my *totally wrong* guess of Bayleef <---signed, the idiot who failed to notice two Es.

Mega Horny
6th March 2006, 04:04 PM
Pokemon: --lte--

Incorrect Guesses: R, Bayleef

Guesses Remaining: 4

Obvious isn't it?

Knight of Time
6th March 2006, 04:17 PM
Mega Horny, did you get my earlier guess of Jolteon?

You missed that part BTW, so please edit your last post here to say if I'm right or wrong.

Mega Horny
6th March 2006, 04:27 PM
yes you're right!!! Heres your Jolteon plushie! *hands it over and runs off*

Knight of Time
7th March 2006, 09:41 AM
Okay, thanks MH.

That's my second Jolteon plushie, so it's up for trade.

Okay, next up:

Pokemon: -------

Incorrect Guesses: n/a

Guesses Remaining: 9

7th March 2006, 09:46 AM
Let's start with a guess of R!

And a Jolteon, huh? I can offer a Dewgong, a Mankey, a Snubbull, a Togetic, a Treecko, or a Zubat for that. Any of those sound good?

Knight of Time
7th March 2006, 09:59 AM
A Zubat plushie would be nice. Of all the plushies you are currently offering mr_pikachu, this is the only one of your doubles I don't already have, so sure, you can have my extra Jolteon plushie.

'gives you the Jolteon plushie'

As for your guess, sorry, but there isn't any Rs here.

Pokemon: -------

Incorrect Guesses: R

Guesses Remaining: 8

7th March 2006, 10:11 AM
That trade sounds good to me. Thanks, Kyle!

Hmm... what about an A?

Knight of Time
7th March 2006, 03:20 PM
About the trade, you're welcome.

About the puzzle, sorry, but there is no A either.

Pokemon: -------

Incorrect Guesses: R, A

Guesses Remaining: 7

7th March 2006, 03:20 PM
Hangman, eh? One of the few things I'm good at...

Hmmm... 7 letters... no 'R's' or 'A's...'

Could this be...


7th March 2006, 03:24 PM
Considering the odds, I kinda doubt that you're right this time. (It'd be one heck of a lucky guess if you are.)

Hopefully an O will help.

7th March 2006, 03:28 PM
I kinda doubt that you're right this time.


THIS time? I wasn't even right LAST time! :heh:

Knight of Time
7th March 2006, 07:29 PM
I hate to give each of you bad news, but this isn't Steelix, and there isn't any O's here either.

Pokemon: -------

Incorrect Guesses: R, A, Steelix, O

Guesses Remaining: 4

Better watch it on the Pokemon guesses with the number of incorrect letters currently here, we don't want the man to hang.

Mega Horny
7th March 2006, 08:33 PM
I know, I know I shouldn't do this, everyone will hate me.

OH well.

I'm sorry, but I'm gonna go out on a limb with Psyduck.

Lady Vulpix
8th March 2006, 05:17 AM
Too early for that, Mega Horny. I'll guess an L and hope the man doesn't hang.

8th March 2006, 03:00 PM
...Oh, we DON'T wanna hang the guy... :xd:

Fair enough, I'll guess a 'T.'

Knight of Time
8th March 2006, 03:07 PM
Well, I have three bits of news, two parts of it are bad, and only one part of it is good.

The bad news is that one, this isn't Psyduck, and two, there's no T here. The good news however, is that there are two L's.

Pokemon: -----ll

Incorrect Guesses: R, A, Steelix, O, Psyduck, T

Guesses Remaining: 1!!

8th March 2006, 03:15 PM
OK, I think I've got it.

Who's that Pokemon?

It's Wingull!

9th March 2006, 12:41 AM
Considering that the man is depending on your guess, we'd better hope it wasn't Duskull, instead.

(And that's not really a guess, as it'd be pointless even if it was correct. More of an observation.)

9th March 2006, 04:12 PM
Considering that the man is depending on your guess, we'd better hope it wasn't Duskull, instead.


Must you make me look as stupid as I really am at every turn? :sweat:

Knight of Time
9th March 2006, 04:23 PM
OK, I think I've got it.

Who's that Pokemon?

It's Wingull!

Yes, this is Wingull, Blademaster.

'hands you a Wingull plushie'

Take it away, and may I have an A in advance please?

Also, one more thing, please calm down. This wasn't Duskull, so there's no need to worry.

9th March 2006, 04:55 PM
Oh, sweet! I did it! Yay, me! Boo, everyone else! :dance:

...What? I'm kidding! Geez, no sense of humor in these people... :sweat:

Anyway, I used mr pikachu's Pokemon Randomizer doo-dad, and this is what I got:

? ? ? ? ? ? ?

OK? OK, I'm gonna delete that now...

Here we go - test your psychic powers!

_ _ _ _ _ _ _

Who's that Pokemon? Can't say, but Link got a letter!

_ _ A _ _ _ _

Incorrect Letters: None

Incorrect Pokemon: None

Guesses Left: 9 (Man is caught and put on trial.)

Good luck to all of ya!

Mega Horny
9th March 2006, 04:59 PM
against my better judgement, Ill start off ridding out 5 letters if not getting it right.


9th March 2006, 05:06 PM
Um, Mega Horny, not to make you look stupid, but...

G R A V E L E R = 8 letters

_ _ A _ _ _ _ = 7 letters

Sorry. And your system doesn't really eliminate 5 laters out of 26 - it just eliminates 1 Pokemon out of 365. Not very good odds...

If it were up to me, I'd waive that guess, but I don't want my head on a stick, either. (glances nervously at mr pikachu and KoT, both of whom are holding sharp sticks :eek:)

Anyway, sorry.

_ _ A _ _ _ _

Incorrect letters: None

Incorrect Pokemon: Graveler

Guesses left: 7 (Man sees gallows for first time.)

Mega Horny
9th March 2006, 05:08 PM
hah. I can't look stupid. You can't even see me. Mufufufufufu.....

Knight of Time
9th March 2006, 06:00 PM
That's enough guys.

MH, if you want to make a letter guess or Pokemon guess, please say so. After all, I'm not too tolerant of any posts here which have nothing to do with Hangman.

And Blademaster, please, don't act like this. I'm not "carrying" any sharp stick here. My job, as a co-worker, is to help others whenever possible.

Is there an I?

9th March 2006, 06:18 PM

OK, then...

(makes personal note that Link doesn't like my sense of humor)

Anyway, Mr. Co-Worker, yes, there is an 'I!' :dance:

_ _ A _ I _ _

Incorrect Letters: None

Incorrect Pokemon: Graveler

Guesses Left: 7 (Man sees gallows for first time.)

Mega Horny
9th March 2006, 06:33 PM
Ok, I'm sure of it this time. Slaking.

Knight of Time
9th March 2006, 06:46 PM
There's another possibility for this puzzle. Is this Cradily?

9th March 2006, 09:13 PM
(decked out like game show host)

OK, Link says Cradily; if it's up there, you win; if not, it's your third strike and Mega Horny gets a chance to steal. Best out of 100 answers, did enough people say Cradily? Survey says....... CRADILY!!!


(trio of red 'X's' appear)

(walks across stage to where Mega Horny is)

OK, Mega Horny, you have a chance to steal; if you're right, you win; if not, Link wins and takes your prize. What do you say?


Mega says Slaking. For the board, the game, the little man that I (don't) wanna see hang, is he right? Survey, show me SLAKING!

(little panel flips over; 'Slaking is written there)


Who's that Pokemon?

It's Slaking!

Congratulations, Mega Horny; now we just have to do the final round and then, ... wait, what's that, Charlie? Oh, we DON'T do the final round... OK...

(sets condemned man free)

Be free, little friend!

(man runs off; gets hit by semi-tractor trailer)

AUGH!!! >_<

OK, OK, here's your plushie Slaking...

(tosses plushie at/to Mega Horny)

And I guess you make the next puzzle, huh?

Is there gonna be a 'T' in said next puzzle?

Mega Horny
9th March 2006, 10:00 PM
Sorry, no T

_ _ _ _ _ _

Incorrect: T
Guesse Remaining: 8

Bon Chance!

10th March 2006, 01:04 AM
I'll try an R here.

Knight of Time
10th March 2006, 08:25 AM
I'll go for an A myself.

Mega Horny
10th March 2006, 09:00 AM
This one's a toughy

_ _ _ _ _ _

Incorrect: T, R, A
Guesse Remaining: 6

Knight of Time
10th March 2006, 09:10 AM
Hmm, well then, I'll go for an E.

10th March 2006, 09:13 AM
I will add an I to that.

Mega Horny
10th March 2006, 09:31 AM

_ _ _ i _ _

Incorrect: T, R, A, E
Guesse Remaining: 4

10th March 2006, 09:32 AM
Hmm... could this perhaps be a Spoink?

Knight of Time
10th March 2006, 09:32 AM
Taking a stab at this, is it Oddish?

Mega Horny
10th March 2006, 09:35 AM
Congratulations, Its


Incorrect: T, R, A, E
Guesse Remaining: 3

Good job Mr. P and heres your Spoink plushie, enjoy!

*runs off*

10th March 2006, 09:38 AM
Ah, thanks, MH! Another new plushie for the collection. Joy! ^_^

Here's the next puzzle.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (9)

Incorrect Guesses: N/A
Incorrect Guesses Remaining: 9

Good luck!

Mega Horny
10th March 2006, 09:40 AM
start off with an A

10th March 2006, 09:45 AM
Good start.

_ A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (9)

Incorrect Guesses: N/A
Incorrect Guesses Remaining: 9

Knight of Time
10th March 2006, 09:53 AM
Just a stab, but is this a Manectric?

10th March 2006, 09:55 AM
Sorry, but your wild stab was off the mark.

_ A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (9)

Incorrect Guesses: Manectric
Incorrect Guesses Remaining: 7

Knight of Time
10th March 2006, 09:57 AM
Oh well, maybe next time.

Is there an E?

10th March 2006, 10:02 AM

_ A _ _ _ _ _ _ E (9)

Incorrect Guesses: Manectric
Incorrect Guesses Remaining: 7

Knight of Time
10th March 2006, 10:04 AM
Oh, I'll bet that's Wartortle.

10th March 2006, 10:07 AM
Your superb deduction wins you a new plushie. The Wartortle is yours, Kyle!

11th March 2006, 11:51 AM
[color=magenta]S in advance please!!

Mega Horny
12th March 2006, 11:10 AM
a in advance please

Knight of Time
13th March 2006, 10:27 AM
All right, a Wartortle plushie, thanks mr_pikachu! :)

Okay, next up:

Pokemon: -a-----

Incorrect Guesses: S

Guesses Remaining: 8

Mega Horny
13th March 2006, 12:15 PM
ill go with l

13th March 2006, 12:17 PM
[color=magenta]OK... is there an R in this puzzle?

Knight of Time
13th March 2006, 12:30 PM
Yes, there is an I and an R here.

Pokemon: -ai--r-

Incorrect Guesses: S

Guesses Remaining: 8

Mega Horny
13th March 2006, 12:52 PM
is it Wailord

14th March 2006, 06:54 PM
I'm pretty sure that MH is right, so I'll take an R in advance, please.

14th March 2006, 10:24 PM
[color=magenta]C in advance for me please!!

Knight of Time
15th March 2006, 08:38 AM
is it Wailord

Yep, it's a Wailord alright, MH.

'hands you a Wailord plushie'

Take it away, and I'll take an A in advance please.

Knight of Time
16th March 2006, 10:23 AM
Okay, I really hate to double post in this kind of situation, but I'm afraid 24 hours have passed since I awarded you your Wailord plushie, MH. I'm afraid I'll have to do the next puzzle now, but you can keep your plushie.

Pokemon: --------

Incorrect Guesses: n/a

Guesses Remaining: 9

Mega Horny
16th March 2006, 10:25 AM
sorry, I forgot :P *blushes*

I'll go with an e

16th March 2006, 10:32 AM
Hey Kyle, I know your guess wouldn't count (obviously, since you're now doing the puzzle), but shouldn't the other advance guesses still count?

In the meantime, I'll take an I as well.

Knight of Time
16th March 2006, 01:07 PM
No, advance guesses for the puzzle MH would have done (had he have posted here before his time to post a puzzle expired) won't count toward this puzzle unless they are re-guessed. And I know my advance guess won't count, although I can't really tell you if it's in the puzzle or not if you don't guess it.

Pokemon: -----e--

Incorrect Guesses: I

Guesses Remaining: 8

16th March 2006, 01:36 PM
Be there a 'T' in this puzzle?

Mega Horny
16th March 2006, 01:43 PM
or an L

16th March 2006, 01:57 PM
I'll add an R to those guesses.

Knight of Time
17th March 2006, 06:42 AM
Out of your three guesses guys, two of them made it in, one didn't.

Pokemon: -----ert

Incorrect Guesses: I, L

Guesses Remaining: 7

I think you guys can tell what this one is easily.

Mega Horny
17th March 2006, 07:10 AM
swampert i believe

Knight of Time
24th March 2006, 08:12 AM
swampert i believe

Yeah, it's a Swampert alright, MH.

'hands you a Swampert plushie'

Take it away, and may I have an E in advance please?

Mega Horny
24th March 2006, 08:15 AM

_ _ _ e e _

incorrect: none
Left: 8

Knight of Time
24th March 2006, 08:19 AM
Hmm, I know of two Pokemon that can fit here, but I think another letter guess will help first. Is there an A?

Mega Horny
24th March 2006, 08:20 AM
nope ^^

_ _ _ e e _

incorrect: a
Left: 7

Knight of Time
24th March 2006, 08:38 AM
I'm betting this must be Lileep.

Mega Horny
24th March 2006, 09:10 AM

Enjoy your Lileep plushie!

I would like an a in advance.

24th March 2006, 02:03 PM
Glad to see that TPM's back out of cryostasis. ;)

Anyway, good work, Kyle! I'll take an R in advance.

25th March 2006, 05:40 AM
I will try a T in advance this time please.

Knight of Time
25th March 2006, 09:10 AM
Nice, a Lileep plushie.

Now I need to win only 2 more plushies to have 150 in total.

Okay, next up:

Pokemon: -a-t---

Incorrect Guesses: R

Guesses Remaining: 8

Mega Horny
25th March 2006, 09:15 AM
ugh, is it rattata?

Hyperness is a Good Thing
25th March 2006, 09:21 AM
is it Mantine?

Mega Horny
25th March 2006, 09:28 AM
Oh yeah, i didn't think of that.

Knight of Time
27th March 2006, 09:40 AM
is it Mantine?

Yeah, this is Mantine, HIAGT.

'hands you a Mantine plushie'

Take it away, and I'll have an A in advance please.

Oh, better luck next time MH.

27th March 2006, 10:05 AM
Good one, Hyperness! I'll take an R in advance for the next puzzle.

Oh, and just so everyone's clear on the way Hangman works, whenever a letter is guessed, all copies of that letter in the puzzle are revealed. I just wanted to clear up any confusion there may have been on the rules.

27th March 2006, 12:15 PM
T in advance please!!

27th March 2006, 01:46 PM
I always liked hangman and always wanted to try this. I'll take an S in advance.

Hyperness is a Good Thing
28th March 2006, 02:37 AM
*huggles her Mantine plushie - her first one EVER!*
anyways...should be quite easy *randomly selected a pokemon by thinking of a number and looking for a Pokemon with that number*

_ _ _ _ _ _ _

Incorrect guess: A, R, T, S (o.o wow not even one?)
Guesses left: 5 left

28th March 2006, 02:50 AM
*gapes in awe at the numerous possibilities*

This one is harder than you might think... let's try an O.

(And check out the Hangman Randomizer if you want a faster method of finding a random Pokemon!)

Hyperness is a Good Thing
28th March 2006, 02:54 AM
_ _ _ _ O _ _

Incorrect guess: A, R, T, S
Guesses left: 5 left

i've played with the randomizer before for the fun of it.. hehe i like my method more..it's funner. ^_^

28th March 2006, 02:58 AM
...NO! You can't say that! Not about the randomizer!

While I try to find a way to somehow get all of TPM to not look at that post, I'll guess Exploud.

Hyperness is a Good Thing
28th March 2006, 03:03 AM
hahah correct.

*hands Mr_Pikachu an Exploud smiley* soooooo smart =P too easy i guess. ^_^

28th March 2006, 03:22 AM
Ah, thanks for the plushie! Heh, I'm glad it wasn't a Dewgong instead. I already have two of those.

Alrighty, here's the next puzzle. Fully randomized with the Official Pokemon Hangman Randomizer (http://www.angelfire.com/pokemon2/mr_pikachu/)!

(Yes, free advertising is always good.)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ (7)

Incorrect Guesses: N/A
Incorrect Guesses Remaining: 9

Good luck!

Hyperness is a Good Thing
28th March 2006, 03:35 AM
i'll like a U please

28th March 2006, 03:36 AM
Interesting opening guess.

_ _ _ _ U _ _ (7)

Incorrect Guesses: N/A
Incorrect Guesses Remaining: 9

Hyperness is a Good Thing
28th March 2006, 03:41 AM
haha I think both of us are too free...
a D maybe?

28th March 2006, 03:52 AM
Another unusual yet accurate guess.

_ _ _ D U _ _ (7)

Incorrect Guesses: N/A
Incorrect Guesses Remaining: 9

Hyperness is a Good Thing
28th March 2006, 03:56 AM
o.O *is randomly doing this*
*checks rules to make sure she isn't breaking any*
er okies. Golduck maybe?

28th March 2006, 03:59 AM
Excellent guess. The Golduck plushie is yours!