View Full Version : Making my own RPG(help me)

21st February 2006, 01:46 PM
I'm going to try to create my own web based RPG. Why? I need practise XD

A little explination
The game will be based on a database. This DB will contain stuff like weapons/equipment/items/monsters/users/characters.

But I need your help TPM. Mostly for pictures and animation. Why? Because we didn't and won't learn this.
Things I will need ASAP
* A character view from behind in the lines of Golden Sun. This will be part of the fighting (1)
* A small icon (maybe animated) that indicates where the character is on the map (2)
* patches of grass/terrain/mountains/lakes/other envirroments (2)(3)

(1) Seeing as this is a test version the first character will be a warrior. To start of I would like to add axes and swords, so I'll probably need 2 sprites. 1 holding a sword, 1 holding an axe.

(2) On creating this I would love that that there would be no outlining around the icon so that it doens't interfere with the patches to much

(3) This would also include houses(something in the lines of fire emblem) and castles (bigger houses with a gate where you can enter the town)

Things almost everyone would be able to help me with
* Images of monsters, 2D
* Images of weapons and equipments
* Ideas on possible useable items. I will alrdy use potions, MP potions, stats adding stuff for a moment and something like repel in the pokémon games

If you have any suggestions, feel free to add.