View Full Version : [YGO - OCG] Power Of The Duelist - Discussion Thread

14th May 2006, 10:11 AM
http://s2.supload.com/thumbs/default/POTD1.jpg (http://s2.supload.com/free/POTD1.jpg/view/)http://s2.supload.com/thumbs/default/POTD2.jpg (http://s2.supload.com/free/POTD2.jpg/view/)
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http://s2.supload.com/thumbs/default/POTD11.jpg (http://s2.supload.com/free/POTD11.jpg/view/)

I don't have Black Neos, Flare Neos and Flare Scarab so no scans for these 3 cards.

Credit goes to GONDORA for the high quality card scans once again. Looking forward to his scans with the next set and onwards.
Credit goes to shriek for cropping all the pics and hosting them on photobucket. They can be found here (http://s50.photobucket.com/albums/f304/shriek7/Power%20of%20the%20Duelist/)

No idea how long that'll be up before the bandwidth goes over. Enjoy it while you can.
Translations of the cards can be found here (http://dmcomet.net/potd.txt). Credit goes to Spikes, Baron & Sho at DMComet for translating them. Expect minor changes.

I felt the need for a new discussion thread. The other thread was pretty much just an info thread.

My Thoughts On The Set
To be totally honest, it's not all that spectacular. A lot of people are dismissing it as trash and not worth buying, but I think there's quite a few cards that are worth playing and that could make a dent on the current 'cookie cutter' decks.

Thanks to some new ideas such as the 'Alien' cards, along with the upgrade of the 'Roids', 'Dinosaurs' and 'D-Hero' cards, there's a cubic assload of new decks that can be made.

I won't do a card by card diagnoses because I'm too tired. I might do it at a later date, or I might pick up on what's discussed as the topic progresses.

What do you all think about the set?

14th May 2006, 11:29 AM

Future fusion and mausoleum are easily the best cards in the set. Powerful effects that require a different build of deck are fantastic in my book, especially if they're a realistic rarity for budget duelists (ie, me -.-;).

I love the new roid support, as I've been wanting to use them for a while but not really had much to do with them aside from abusing fairy box.

D-Heroes are always welcome in my book, as they're a guilty pleasure of mine. I do wish the GX writers had put a little more effort into making effects that make sense together like they did with E-Heroes.

Laris is nifty for bird/wind decks, though it does need a bit of support. At least it has an interesting effect...

Ultimate Tyranno oozes style. The art is good, the stats are great and the effect is highly playable. Konami/The GX writers have done something right! :shock:

Neos was a much wanted addition to TCG hero flash decks and another promo out of the way ^^

All the good cards are super or lower, except for Chimeratech. Neospacians being supers means I won't see too many of them in my packs ^^


Konami's love affair with GX continues, so we see a few of the trademark god-awful GX effects...

Aliens don't seem to do enough to make them playable. This is space that could have gone to something meta-changing =/

A lot of the "support" they released was done earlier and better by many, many cards. Noteably the alien traps and fossil excavation.

Overall, there have been worse sets, there have been better sets. Still beats Lost Millenium though.

14th May 2006, 12:35 PM
I find all the [Neospacian]'s to be useless and a total waste of space. The only decent [Neospacian], they didn't friggin' include in the set. [Air Hummingbird] would of been a nice little card to have floating around in a few decks.
[Neospace] does make them pretty nasty cards if used with [Future Fusion] though.

For [Stargazer Bird - Laris] to really do damage, [Jurassic World] really needs to be released. +800 from battling a level 4 only brings it's attack to 1600, it really needs that +300 from [Jurassic World].

[Submarineroid] could be a nice addition to a water deck along with [Byteron]. 2600 + trample effect is nothing to laugh about.

I like pretty much all the 'roid' cards. I think it's the card art more then anything. I can't wait to build a deck around them with [Future Fusion] and [Super Charge]. Speaking of [Future Fusion], I'm going to WHORE it with [Five God Dragon].

I'm undecided as to whether I like the [D-Hero] monsters. I do like a lot of the special summoning effects which provide great swarm power, but on the other hand, a lot of the stats are really weak. But saying that, [D - Chain] is a staple for [D-Hero] decks.

I like all the dinosaur monsters in this set. I can't really find any fault with them apart from we didn't get [Giant Rex]! [Fossil Excavation] being an extra [Cry of The Living Dead] just with a discard cost, which isn't anything bad because the discard can be something useful.

The [Alien] cards are a weird addition. Given a little more support, they could be a formidible deck to face. [Alien Mother] does worry me with it's stats and those counters mean it could take down a lot of the high level stuff that's used.

[Calling Magic] could be cool with [Dimension Magic], [Cyclone], [Scape Goat], [Rush], [Emergency Rations], [Shrink], etc

[Cyclone Blade] was nerfed but that was to be expected, the anime effect was a little too powerful, and sadly [Overload Fusion] was also nerfed. It only works on three cards in the whole game. They are [Gatling Dragon], [Chimeratech Over Dragon] and [Labyrinth Tank].

[Mausoleum of Deceased Emperor] I will definatly be using. Chances are I'll be using it in pretty much most of my decks along with [Emergency Rations].

[Dividing Road of Destiny] should be fun to use in a 'Gamble' deck. I remember I used to run one which pretty much ended after about turn 4 thanks to [Dice Pot] and some other cards.

Overall I like this set a lot. It's a step in the right direction for Konami.

14th May 2006, 12:49 PM
For [Stargazer Bird - Laris] to really do damage, [Jurassic World] really needs to be released. +800 from battling a level 4 only brings it's attack to 1800, it really needs that +300 from [Jurassic World].

At least it still has rising air current for that +500 (non-thunder) monarch-destroying goodness. For the record battling a level 4 unboosted it's only 1600 (800 base + 800 from effect = 1600).

But saying that, [D - Chain] is a staple for [D-Hero] decks.

I wouldn't say it's a staple so much. Doesn't really do enough in my opinion. Personally I'd prefer the D-Shield + Dark City combo. Little bit more stable ^^

[Fossil Excavation] being an extra [Cry of The Living Dead] just with a discard cost, which isn't anything bad because the discard can be something useful.

It's alright, but it'd be much better if it was missing either the discard or the effect negating. Unecessary drawbacks =/

14th May 2006, 01:09 PM
I'm sure I read Laris as a Light and not a Wind. Hrm, I blame it on the lack of sleep =p

Note, errata on Kyuukyuuroid. From this:

When a monster with [Roid] in its name would add to your hand from Graveyard, you may special summon this monster.

To This:

When a monster with [Roid] in its name would add to your hand from Graveyard, you may special summon that monster.

To coincie with Sho's combo in the anime and making more sense also.

As for the [D-Hero], I'd quite like that +500 attack and -500 lifepoints from [D-Shield]. Along with the +1000 from [Dark City].

[Fossil Excavation] would be alright if you have something strong in hand. I doubt you'll be able to revive what you discard aswell. Unfortunatly.

On a closing note, Apparently, if you use [Vehicroid Connection Zone] to summon [Super Vehicroid - Jumbo Drill], you can use [Limiter Removal] to boost it to 6000 and it won't be destroyed.

14th May 2006, 10:24 PM
On a closing note,Apparently, if you use [Vehicroid Connection Zone] to summon [Super Vehicroid - Jumbo Drill], you can use [Limiter Removal] to boost it to 6000 and it won't be destroyed.

I thought it was only the opponent's cards that couldn't destroy it, or was that an earlier translation I was reading? I mean if that's true, it's pretty darned cool.

15th May 2006, 02:38 AM
Vehicroid Connection Zone
Magic - Normal
Send from your hand and/or field all monster cards requied for a Fusion monster to Graveyard, and
special summon a Fusion monster with [Vehicroid] in its name from your Fusion deck. The monster
card special summon by this card cannot be be destroy by effect of Magic, Trap, and effect monster,
and its effect cannot be negate.
(This special summon is treated as Fusion Summon)

Is what's it's been translated as. So apparently [Limiter Removal] works pefectly fine with no destruction drawback.