View Full Version : Pokemon Fanart

18th June 2006, 12:38 AM
(Titlesucks xD)

I dug up some old Pokemon fanart... not too old, I'd say maybe a year? I wanted to post some art and unfortunately my scanner isn't functioning... so old stuff will have to do. I still consider it pretty good, though, so it's not like I'm just posting crap. :B

Houndour, done on an Oekaki

Lugia, Oekaki

Moltres, Oekaki

Vaporeon, Oekaki (this isn't one of my favorites...)

Mewtwo, Oekaki (Shading test)

I also have some edited sprites, I figured I might as well include them here.

http://usera.imagecave.com/majora/umbreonsneaselzubat.png - Umbreon/Sneasel/Zubat mix
http://usera.imagecave.com/majora/perdra.jpg - Persian/Seadra mix
http://usera.imagecave.com/majora/jolteonarbok.png - Jolteon/Arbok mix
http://usera.imagecave.com/majora/girafarigespeonumbreon.png - Girafarig/Espeon/Umbreon mix

The remaining sprites are emo Pokemon (or rather Pokemon xD) that were created as a joke between some friends and I.

http://usera.imagecave.com/majora/emoarcanine.gif - Emo Arcanine
http://usera.imagecave.com/majora/emododrio.gif - Emo Dodrio
http://usera.imagecave.com/majora/emorapidash.gif - Emo Rapidash
http://usera.imagecave.com/majora/emosandslash.gif - Emo Sandslash

Please feel free to crit any of these images (even the sprites, if you wish). I LOVE serious crits! I don't bite. :B

Obviously, no stealing or using these images, yadda, yadda, etc, blah.

Crazy Elf Boy
18th June 2006, 07:58 AM
LOL funny (emo pokemon) hahahahahaha

The emo dodrio looks like the band members of greenday lol

Agent Elrond
18th June 2006, 12:52 PM
Those are some nice Oekakis! I especially like how Moltres's wings came out, and the whole Lugia picture really appeals to me — I think the way you shaded its wings and the water and sun all looks very nice together.

Keep up the good work!

18th June 2006, 11:18 PM
That, my friend, is most impressive. Of course, I'm automatically biased in your favor by your proper use of English and awesome name (Nidoking forever!)... nah. But seriously, Phoenix likey. I, too, liked the Moltres a lot, and the emo Pokémon were indeed funny. The only thing I could say is that you got the color of Houndour's snout wrong (it's orange, like its belly); that makes it hard to see any features of the snout. Then again, the screen of my laptop has crappy brightness/contrast that I can't fix, so that doesn't help. Grr.

Awesome work, Nidoking! I only recently got my scanner "fixed"; I hope you get yours working soon. I'd love to see newer art!

Austrian ViceMaster Alex
19th June 2006, 08:02 AM
A very nice collection of pictures you've drawn there, thanks for sharing them. I especially like those emo sprites you made. I like the Rapidash one best.

Can someone explain to me what an "oekaki" is? I've come across the word many times but don't really know what it refers to or means.

19th June 2006, 12:46 PM
Thanks alot guys. xB

Wow... I was using a reference picture for Houndour too. xD How did I get that wrong? XD

An Oekaki is an online drawing program. Sorta. :B