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View Full Version : How to pronounce Hoenn Pokémon names?

18th June 2006, 10:44 AM
Is there a website that says how to pronounce the Pokémon from Hoenn? There are several names where I'm not sure of the pronunciation.

18th June 2006, 11:55 AM
If you can tell us which names are giving you problems, we can help

Elec Man EXE
19th June 2006, 10:31 AM
Indeed, list the specific pokemon. Most of use aren't mindreaders :cheesy:

19th June 2006, 10:18 PM
Keyword: most. mwahaha.

20th June 2006, 01:11 PM
Hmm pokemon pronouncation topics never go well :S. Can sometimes cause arguments. Alot probably from cheesey accents in the anime where two people probably pronounce it different (I dunno though... haven't watched that porgram in years).

21st June 2006, 04:13 PM
Linoone, Gardevoir, Shedinja, Medicham, Manectric, Illumise, Roselia, Vibrava, and Feebas are the one I'm not sure on.

21st June 2006, 05:17 PM
Linoone, Gardevoir, Shedinja, Medicham, Manectric, Illumise, Roselia, Vibrava, and Feebas are the one I'm not sure on.

Linoone - LINE-oon (not LIN)
Gardevoir - Gar-deh-vwah
Shedinja - Uh... how it sounds?
Medicham - Again, more than one way?
Manectric - Man-eck-trick
Illumise - Note sure about this one. Missed the episode. But as I recall, it was indeed not at all what people expected. I think someone said it was "Ill-loo-mee-say", not sure though.
Roselia - Roe-zell-yuh
Vibrava - Vib-RAH-vuh
Feebas - Fee-bass (I thought it was Fee-biss but I'm prety sure I remember them pronouncing it Fee-bass).

And before anyone tells me not to trust the anime because of how they pronounced Larvitar, the Pokemon handbook I have that came out years before the episode even aired says to pronounce it VAY.


21st June 2006, 05:29 PM
Shedinja = Shuh-DIN-juh

Medicham = MED-uh-cham

Illumise = Ill-uh-MIZE

Roselia = Ruh-ZAIL-yuh

Elec Man EXE
21st June 2006, 06:16 PM
Its pretty much opinion (like many things) as to how I pronounce them (I don't go by the show ever since I heard them pronounce Ampharos...)

But anyway, here's how I pronounce 'em, usually based on what I assume the words that make up the name are and how they are pronounced (and I've never been good with the whole syllable sound like in the dictionary thing, so they'll probably be wierd :o)

Linoone - Line + Racoon... "Lie - noon"
Gardevoir - No clue what words make up the name, but I pronounce it "Gar - di - vuah " (last syllable is like the French word for goodbye)
Shedinja - Shed and Ninja "Sheh - din - jah"
Medicham - Meditate and ... uh, cham (like sham but with a CH sound at the beginning) "Meh - di - cham"
Manectric - Mane and Electric "May - neck - trick"
Illumise - Illuminate and then "Eese" (Like geese without the G) "Ill - uum - ees"
Roselia - Rose and then "el - EE - a" "Roh - zel - ee - ah"
Vibrava - Vibration and then "ah - vah" (like Java without the J). Using a long "A" like in Vibration makes it sound too wierd to me "Vie - brah - vah"
Feebas - Feeble + Bass (the way the fish is pronounced, not the musical term)

21st June 2006, 10:09 PM
The ways I pronounce them:

Linoone - lin-OON
Gardevoir - GAR-dev-vor
Shedinja - shed-IN-ja
Medicham - MED-i-cham
Manectric - man-EC-trick
Illumise - il-LU-mize
Roselia - rose-el-I-a
Vibrava - vi-BRA-va
Feebas - FEE-bas

I pronounce them as I see them, not according to what the show or etymology says.

21st June 2006, 10:47 PM
Linoone- Gaylord

Gardevoir- Gaylord

Shedinja- Gaylord

Medicham, Gaylord

Manectric, Gaylord

Illumise, - Gaylord

Roselia, Gaylord


and Feebas: Gaylord

22nd June 2006, 03:10 AM
(I don't go by the show ever since I heard them pronounce Ampharos...)

How did they pronounce ampharos in the TV show?

23rd June 2006, 11:50 AM
Gardevoir comes from the words "garde" which means to take care of (gardevoir takes care of its trainer,if it is in trouble) and "Voir" which means to watch. This could be pulled from the fact that gardevoir can see in the future,or that it watches over its trainer, or the french term "Guard devoir" which means "duty to protect." :afro: credit Wikipedia.com

23rd June 2006, 07:51 PM
Word for word copy from Wikipedia:

The name "Gardevoir" is thought to originate from the French terms garde, to care and look over, and voir, to watch. It may also be a portmanteau of the words guard and devoir, which is French for duty or "to have", so it could mean "duty to guard" or "it has to guard". Both refer to the fact that Gardevoir will protect its trainer regardless of risk to its own life and well-being. To pronounce the name Gardevoir, a person can combine the main syllables of "garden" and the last syllable of "reservoir", "garden" and "reservoir" being another possible portmanteau for the name.

1st July 2006, 12:07 AM
This is an interesting dilemma I en counted back in the day. Whenever I would encountered a fellow trainer [which was rarely], we would occasionally have difficulty communicating because we each knew the same Pokemon by slightly different pronunciations [which was usually whatever mental pronunciation we acquired by reading it in the game].

Crazy Elf Boy
1st July 2006, 01:38 AM
Actually on the TV show

Linoone- Li-noon not Lin-oo-n.

And I think that Ampharos- Am-fa-ros

Cool Trainer Jess
21st July 2006, 07:06 PM
Here's how I pronounce them.


Please correct me if my spelling is wrong :mad:

Hatake Kakashi
8th August 2006, 11:51 AM
Word for word copy from Wikipedia:

The name "Gardevoir" is thought to originate from the French terms garde, to care and look over, and voir, to watch. It may also be a portmanteau of the words guard and devoir, which is French for duty or "to have", so it could mean "duty to guard" or "it has to guard". Both refer to the fact that Gardevoir will protect its trainer regardless of risk to its own life and well-being. To pronounce the name Gardevoir, a person can combine the main syllables of "garden" and the last syllable of "reservoir", "garden" and "reservoir" being another possible portmanteau for the name.

1.No they can't. Resevoir ends with an R sound. Voir does not.
2.Garden and Resevoir? Just because they have similar sounds doesn't make them related.

13th August 2006, 01:33 PM
This is how I say them, even though I am probably wrong... but it's just how they look, so I'll never change it!

linoone: [lin] [noon]
Roselia:[Rose] [eel] [ia]
Gardevoir:[Guard] [ee] [vuah]
Medicham:[Medee] [cham]
Vibrava: [Vi] [Brava]
Feebas: [fee] [buz]
Manetric:[Man] [eck] [trike]
Illumise:[Ill] l[ume] [ize]
Shedinja:[shed] [in] [ja]

13th August 2006, 01:53 PM
I think it's about time I made a post in this thread.

Here is my understanding of the pronunciations, based upon the anime:

linoone: li - noon
Roselia: ro - zel - ee - uh
Gardevoir: gar - deh - vwar
Medicham: meh - dee - cham
Vibrava: (don't remember)
Feebas: (don't remember)
Manectric: mayn - eck - tric
Illumise: ill - oo - mee - say
Shedinja: she - din - ja

Mega Horny
13th August 2006, 02:35 PM
Ugh, i hate the way they end up pronouncing it in the anime. I originally though Groudon was Groo-donn but was extremely disappointed when they pronounced it Gr-ow (not grow, growwe)- donn. I suppose that makes more sense in terms of spelling and its type, but still. *shrug*

13th August 2006, 03:09 PM
Now I'm from Rhode Island, you know the Family Guy state, so how I pronounce things is VERY different from ordinary pronunciation. I'll do it for shizzles and giggles.

Linoone - lin-oo-oh-ney
Gardevoir - gar-dih-voy-er
Shedinja - shuh-din-juh
Medicham - meh-dih-cham
Manectric - min-eck-trick
Illumise - ill-oom-eese
Roselia - ro-zell-y-uh
Vibrava - vi-bra-tor. sorry but thats how i say it. lmao
Feebas - fee-biss

14th August 2006, 10:39 PM
The generally accepted correct pronunciation is the way it is on the Animé.

Il-u-mee-say would be the correct pronunciation, as opposed to Il-u-meese or other derivatives.

I'm not a fan of the pronunciation, but still, that's that.

Also, the 'r' sound in Gardevoir is pronounced, at least the way Jesse said it when she was pretending to be one.