View Full Version : Offended by this questions on applications

12th July 2006, 01:25 PM
After filling out tons of applications for jobs in my life time. I always got to this question, and wondered what too put. It would read something like what is your ethnic race? giving you these options


Sometimes they don't even have other, so I make a box or a line and put other, because I was neither of them. I am half black, and half white. Usually I don't even answer that question or give a smart remark. Just wondering what other peoples race or ethnicity was on this board.

12th July 2006, 03:09 PM
I'm white but that question is kind off offencive. Like it would be something they would critizise on...

12th July 2006, 03:23 PM
^ - Actually, it is something they criticise on. Companies are more or less forced to meet racial quotas to prove they're not racists so if they need numbers for their black quota and a highly qualified white guy and a dangerously underqualified black guy are the applicants, chances are the black guy will get the job.

Affirmative action is a crock of shit, but as long as shitlickers think that affirmative action actually achieves anything beneficial (unless you think promoting laziness among ethnic minorites amounts to anything close to beneficial) then it stays.

However, some writing on a form? No one should find that offensive. You're far too sensitive if you find that offensive. A guy shitting on an image of the prophet Muhammed while raping a woman at the steps of a Mosque? That's offensive. Digging up some shlub's grandmother and nailing her corpse to a tree? That's offensive. But some writing? Please.

I'm white, so I put white. I don't act like an ass and try and be all high and mighty. If I want a job, I act serious.

12th July 2006, 05:02 PM
I've been filling out a load of these application forms lately, thankfully I always have the ease of ticking "White - British" which is always the first box on the list. Forgive my ignorance as I just asume you live in America, feel free to correct me, but I would have thought a country which is mainly made up of hundreds of years of immigration would be aware that their country is a little more diverse than just having 5 races.

I have one job application form here that I've been too lazy to send off, I'll tell you what the options are:

White British
White Irish
White - Any other background
Asian/ Asian British - Bangladeshi
Asian/ Asian British - Indian
Asian/ Asian British - Pakistani
Asian/ Asian British - Any other asian background
Black/ Black British - African
Black/ Black British - Caribbean
Black/ Black British - Any other black background
Mixed - White and Asian
Mixed - White and Black African
Mixed - White and Black Caribbean
Mixed - Any other mixed background
Any other
Not known/ Not provided

I think that's more than pretty open right there. There are only so many options they can have before it starts to be a waste of paper as an applicant is only ever going to tick one box. Personally I would just have "Please state your ethnic origin" and save a load of space. Heald is right about the reason for these extra forms though, it's so companies can try to project themselves as organisations which treat ethnic minorities and disabled people fairly, yet in the process treat ethnic majorities and fully abled people like a sub-species in their selection process.

30 years ago it might have been hard for a ethnic minority or a disabled person to find a job, but now all they have to do is scream discrimination and they have the pick of jobs, college/university places and sometimes the law. These days it's difficult for a young, white, straight, able bodied male to find a job in his own country, no wonder so many people are unemployed!

Please note, I am not racist, I hate everyone equally.

Dark Dragonite
12th July 2006, 05:15 PM
I am not offended...and I hate affirmative Action...but, private businesses should be able to hire as they please...

If I really don't want the job, I'll put down black, or native american, or something you can see I'm not...then again, just because I'm caucasion(I'm offended being called white, lol...not really) who knows, I could have someone of African, Asian, Middle Eastern, Native American somewhere hangingin my family tree(probably a poor choice of words, lol).

12th July 2006, 07:00 PM
I have one job application form here that I've been too lazy to send off, I'll tell you what the options are:

White British
White Irish
White - Any other background
Asian/ Asian British - Bangladeshi
Asian/ Asian British - Indian
Asian/ Asian British - Pakistani
Asian/ Asian British - Any other asian background
Black/ Black British - African
Black/ Black British - Caribbean
Black/ Black British - Any other black background
Mixed - White and Asian
Mixed - White and Black African
Mixed - White and Black Caribbean
Mixed - Any other mixed background
Any other
Not known/ Not provided

...How interesting there's no Hispanic-anything on that list... :sweat:

I wish people remembered more often that all people stem from a common ancestor - color doesn't really mean anything when we're all the same species... :confused:

But, you know what's really ironic? Speaking from a strictly scientific sense, early white people looked down on blacks and Asians and all other 'colored people.'

But, according to the basic laws of physics (light/color, etc.), black is the total lack of color, whereas white is the amalgamation of every color! :eek:

...Makes you think, huh?

Mega Horny
12th July 2006, 07:03 PM
Hey, i'd put down coccasian but im part french, german, hawaiian, irish, polish, russian and meat.

12th July 2006, 10:09 PM
Being half Sicilian, I don't know what that makes me, since my skin is quite dark and my hair's nearly black, I really don't look caucasian at all (and Sicilians are fairly potluck).

12th July 2006, 10:51 PM
You wanna know what pisses me off? They only give you ONE eye color to choose from. I am one of those rare individuals who posses two different color eyes(seriously), my left eye is nearly completely green with a bit of brown, and my right is 3/4 brown with the remaining 1/4 being green. As a result, I never know which one to put. They oughtta have some more options. And no I am not being serious or insulting you. True, it is a bit annoying never having an option for my eyes, but I'm not actually mad over it. Though it would be nice to see an application with that choice. I wouldn't get to worked up about it though, as I'm sure nothing is emant by it. On topic, that must be frustrating, and they should consider making it more common. I'm white.

12th July 2006, 11:34 PM
Places need to meet Racial quotas so they do not get sued.
Abercrombie and Fitch one had a lawsuit cause they didn't hire Asains.
Chick Fillet, May in the future face this too since I notice they only hire Whites.
I complained but nothing happened.

13th July 2006, 04:56 AM
I like to put different things each time I fill out an application, to keep them guessing. Sometimes I mark White of Non-Hispanic Origin, sometimes I mark White of Hispanic Origin, sometimes Native American, sometimes Latino, Caucasian...it just depends on the options available.

I am English/Irish/Cherokee/Guatamalan.

13th July 2006, 01:27 PM
This reminds me of two things, first, when my dad was applying for a promotion, there was a black man applying the same job but missed the deadline. All the other applicants made the deadline and they said that there would be no exceptions for anyone who missed it. Naturally the black man called racism when he was denied and they decided to make and exception just for him (in the end, neither him nor my dad got the job).

Another thing this suddenly reminds me of is that long debate with Animelee over whether race exits. I stated my opinion in that debate, and it is that race exists and can be used to identify a person (just like hair or eye color), but it should not be used for discrimination. Now with that opinion its easy to see why I am so against AA, its nothing but a sugar-coated term for discrimination against whites. One thing that has always annoyed me was at the bottom of my school's website (http://www.umbc.edu) where it says "UMBC is an Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Institution" which to me is a contradiction since discriminating against whites is not "Equal oppportunity". And by the way, one of my favorite political slogans is "Stop racial profiling, end affirmative action!"

Well, sorry for all the ranting but this is something I feel very strongly about, I'm not racist, it's just that I don't think that a group that has fought for generations to end discrimination should now be fighting for it.

With that said, DBB, on your next application just say you are black. ;P

13th July 2006, 01:50 PM
Race doesn't really exist. We are merely all subspecies.

13th July 2006, 03:45 PM
That's odd. I could've sworn that there was some law prohibiting employers from requesting information about race on a job application...

Oh, wait. They don't require you to put that information, even if there's an "optional" field there. Of course, if you don't, you're instantly thrown into the "D" pile of applications. Ain't life grand?

14th July 2006, 07:49 AM
...How interesting there's no Hispanic-anything on that list... :sweat:

We don't get many Hispanic people in England. Instead we get Afghan's and fuckers from the rest of Europe taking our jobs.

Crystal Mew
15th July 2006, 03:07 AM
I'm so many things like...japanese, italian, sweedish, danish, english...blah blah that it doesnt really narrow down, so I just put white...cause I look white. *shrug*

15th July 2006, 04:56 AM
I always check Other, and then in the space provided I put "Human" lolz
I cant help it I love to mess with society's stupid little rules :D
I love studying genetics so I like to learn about the different physical and mental/cultural traits of the different races of humans, and how some traits are dominant over others. Humans are sort of like dog breeds, all the same species but there are different breeds with different physical traits and different temperments. And what you have in you sometimes influences how you behave, or your temperment.
To answer the question, Im about 3/4 Irish, and the other 1/4 is english, german and scottish. So Im white as hell, I dont even tan I burn LOL

15th July 2006, 11:37 AM
[color=magenta]Meh, I think that every single company around here has ethnic race as a question on their applications. Most of them only list White, Black, Asian, Hispanic, or Other. However, this one place, I forget who, I think it was a pet shop had a whole big list of choices. I can't remember them all, (and it still wasn't as big of a list as the one Suzie provided!!) but it had like White, Black, Hispanic, Indian, Native American, Alaskan Eskimo, Phillipino, Asian, Asian-Pacific, Mixed, and Other.

To answer the question, Im about 3/4 Irish, and the other 1/4 is english, german and scottish. So Im white as hell, I dont even tan I burn LOL
[color=magenta]Your background sounds a lot like mine, a lot of Irish, English, Scottish, and German. Somewhere a little ways back, either my great-great grandfather or my great-great-great-grandfather on my mom's side was a Cherokee Indian.

I know what you are saying about being really white and getting sunburnt. I try to avoid the sun as much as possible. People are always telling me that I should go out and get some sun. XD

16th July 2006, 02:02 AM
[color=magenta]Your background sounds a lot like mine, a lot of Irish, English, Scottish, and German. Somewhere a little ways back, either my great-great grandfather or my great-great-great-grandfather on my mom's side was a Cherokee Indian.

I know what you are saying about being really white and getting sunburnt. I try to avoid the sun as much as possible. People are always telling me that I should go out and get some sun. XD

OMG I hate that lol Some people say why dont you try to get a tan, like Rudy used to wonder what I looked like tan so one summer I got a lot of sun and showed him that I didnt tan, I just turn really really red lol he didnt believe me before XD

16th July 2006, 10:17 AM
[b][size=3]Whoa that is a long list you got there Suzie! I suppose racial discrimination would be existence in every society if we like it or not. Even here in Singapore, there are several specific companies that prefer employing Chinese rather than other ethnic groups. This is a sad truth but thankfully tough laws here had prevented much of these from happening often.

Our local job application forms ain't as complicated as the ones that Suzie and the rest had pointed it. They are namely Chinese, Malay, Indian, Eurasian and Others.

A simple five choices to tick from. Oh and just in case you dudes are wondering, I am a Chinese. So let say if I happen to apply a job in England, what is the chances of me getting the job taking into account that all the job applicants are highly educated and had the same level of quality?

16th July 2006, 01:06 PM
OMG I hate that lol Some people say why dont you try to get a tan, like Rudy used to wonder what I looked like tan so one summer I got a lot of sun and showed him that I didnt tan, I just turn really really red lol he didnt believe me before XD
[color=magenta]XD I know, that is sooooo annoying!! I have gotten sunburnt a couple of times, most recently was at an Indians game a few years ago. I was really into the game, and I didn't even really realize that I was burnt until I got in the car, and noticed that my arms were kinda burning. And of course, I looked down, and my arms were as red as a lobster. ^_^ It is really bad, because with such light skin, it takes forever for the colors to even out again.