View Full Version : Listen to this bit of Glitch work.

21st July 2006, 10:04 PM
I got Emerald a while back when my brother defeated all the gym leaders and got bord. (This how I get all my pokemon games). So I'm like, Sweet- I'm closer to getting them all. I like to breed, ALOT. This is how it happened, Aroumd 3 in the afternoon, Gyradose (M) and Diito (F) breed and lay and egg. I walk around some, and day three (at 2 in the morning, don't tell my Mom), she hatched in to a Ditto (Ick?!). I was like, that shouldn't have happened! To top it off, it is kinda purpleer than a normal Ditto and when it trasforms the text box says. SPLORG (it's new name, duh) feels funny... It also knew Flail when it hatched, at level 23 it learned Splash. It's currently at level 27 and it doesn't know anything else and refuses it eat berries or run away in battles. I've noted Splorg falls asleep around that stupid boat with the holes in it more often than I like it too. Isn't it weird?

22nd July 2006, 08:21 PM
I'm guessing that you have turned it off while saving or used a gameshark extensively.... if not then yay, you found a really cool freak pokemon!!!

23rd July 2006, 09:52 AM
I never use Game shark. I stick to running around like an idiot looking for glitches. I got me a Mew that way ^.^ *just got it yesterday because I looked on one of these boards* You know, the power may have gone off while it was saving. I thought it completed, so after I recharged it, I cheeked and everything was A'okay. I know, because my Cubone evoled and he was still just evoled. Do you think that did it?