View Full Version : so emotionless

5th August 2006, 03:13 PM
I don't know what's going through my body but I feel so ... empty.

The only things that I can make out is annoyance (towards my dad) and sometime hate aimed at noone in particulair. Today it started. About 5 hours ago, I started feeling as a shell. As something that can be disposed off. I don't feel good or bad but neutral leaning towards bad.

I don't know how or why I feel this way but I'm not comfortable. I don't have a clue what to do. There must be some way to fill the voids.

I've had feelings like this before, where I seemed to be outside my body, hovering somewhere above where I actually was. It was as if I could see my mindless body from a distance where I justcouldn't reach myself.

I don't understand this and I don't expect anyone else to understand this. I just needed to write this down.

5th August 2006, 03:39 PM
Cheer up emo kid.

Tyler and Hobbes
5th August 2006, 03:47 PM
Sounds a lot like how old people feel when they're about to kick it... or maybe you're just sick.... or it could be a number of things. But cheer up, mate. Even if things feel and look really shitty, well... at least go out in style. When you're about to be executed, nothing left to do but give the headsman a coin, the priest a wink, and the crowd a joke. Nothing left to do but go out in blazing glory.

^ Gallows humor

But take it from me, kid - emotions are way overrated.

It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine.

5th August 2006, 04:28 PM
I've felt like that before. I think it's just something that teenagers go through sometimes. You'll get through it most likely.

5th August 2006, 05:29 PM
Cheer up emo kid.

Just because people said stuff like that to you back when you posted things like this, doesn't mean you need to sink to their level.

Despite the fact that topics like this are a magnet for replies like that, instead I'm just going to ask... why are you posting this here? I mean, nothing wrong with feeling the need to vent or something, but I seriously doubt you'll get more positive attention on a forum than on a blog. Especially at TPM, which has such a 'too-cool/anti-emo' atmosphere. It's one of those places where it's hard to express any displeasure on the net without being insulted or called emo or whatever, like with Alucard here. I'm not taking a stab at Alucard, just using that as an example considering he's not the only one here who'd have such a reaction.

5th August 2006, 06:51 PM
No Zak, he is right. The kid needs to order a pizza and download some nice porn. If not old enough to download porn, some Nintendo DS helps.

5th August 2006, 08:33 PM
Hey sometimes you get upset. But cheer up kiddo! Hormones darting left and right in your body sometimes trigger parts of your brain as they develop, and you just got this overwhelming urge. Give yourself a few days and you'll feel completely normal again. Ah, the resiliency of youth...

...if for some reason you aren't feeling good in a few days, go talk to a counselor or something, they're paid to help you cheer up. ^.^

5th August 2006, 09:16 PM
No Zak, he is right. The kid needs to order a pizza and download some nice porn. If not old enough to download porn, some Nintendo DS helps.

Obviously. I never stated that he didn't actually NEED to...

5th August 2006, 11:01 PM
Good show.

5th August 2006, 11:22 PM

If I ever think about jumping off a bridge, remind me not to call you guys... :sweat2:

5th August 2006, 11:28 PM

If I ever think about jumping off a bridge, remind me not to call you guys... :sweat2:
There are legititmate emotion issues out there, but...

A) You shouldn't be posting about it here.

B) There's a lot of bored middle-class kids out there, listening to too much shitty music. They WANT to be sad and mopey for some stupid reasons.

Teenage angst, in other words.

5th August 2006, 11:35 PM
Heh... Exactly why I don't listen to much 'music.'

You make a good point, Razo...

But I stick by what I said. :heh:

Anyway, Silencer, I think I know what you're going through; trust me, it'll pass.

Until then, just keep your chin up, OK?

6th August 2006, 01:37 AM

If I ever think about jumping off a bridge, remind me not to call you guys... :sweat2:

Don't worry, we'll encourage you to jump.

And Zak, you're an ass. Go ahead and try finding a post of mine anywhere similar to this where people called me an emo kid.

As for whoever started the topic, let me guess, you're 18 and you're single right? If I am, then I wonder what somebody needs.

6th August 2006, 04:12 AM
And Zak, you're an ass. Go ahead and try finding a post of mine anywhere similar to this where people called me an emo kid.

Didn't you used to go by another name here? If not, my apologies, but if you're YY, then I could probably find one in the archives.

(Just gonna make sure you are first).

7th August 2006, 06:30 AM
I replaced angst with good-humoured idiocy years ago. Sounds like a rut to me, I recommend taking up a hobby, taking a walk, whatever. Personally, I would find a better venting medium than TPM. I mean, buck up buckeroo, it's not like this will be a permanent thing.

EDIT: In retrospect, not really sound advice. I haven't actually posted anything substantial in years. It seems to me that a lethargic stance on life comes from a time of monotony and a bleak view of what's on the horizon. It is indeed a passing thing, though it's best to actually try and change something in your life, rather than wait for it to come to you. Your lucky colour is BLUE.