View Full Version : MewTwo against Pikachu

Bjarni Haraldur Sigfússon
28th March 2003, 01:26 PM
Right, he is use his Psychic energy to distrout Pikachu! It´s just my first pick! But someday will come another one! ;) It´s a cool picture! MewTwo is winning, because his Psychic energy have so much stranges, you know!

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Bjarni Haraldur Sigfússon
29th March 2003, 05:21 AM
No, replies! Please reply! Only for me! :(

29th March 2003, 06:16 AM
Nice! You can tell which Pokémon they are... but Mewtwo has no neck in your pic. Maybe he'd look better with one. :) Keep on trying!

Bjarni Haraldur Sigfússon
4th April 2003, 08:05 AM
More replies, more replies, more replies, more replies!!!

5th April 2003, 07:55 AM
It depends. If it's your first time through your 10th time ever using a paint program, I understand, or if you are younger than 11 years old. But if you are older and have been using this for a while, it's not very good. Pikachu's tail is different, and you can only tell who they are by their colors. Try to improve on your next drawing, ok?

5th April 2003, 09:37 AM
i see you did a very good job Great job

9th April 2003, 03:32 PM
Uh, okay, Pika was done alrigh, keep up the work on Mewtow