View Full Version : [RBY] Break out the torches and pitchforks!

17th September 2006, 01:32 PM
All right, what complete and total loser screwed up the Wild Glitchdom post? Also, why was the RBY Monotype Challenge moved to Archives?

The Blue Avenger
17th September 2006, 01:39 PM
Take a look at the mod of this forum, and then look at what happened to ASB today.

Shadow Wolf
17th September 2006, 01:43 PM
Hmm, it seems that ASB wasn't the only place where everything got screwed up. This post was very interesting for people who used gameshark, and I was one of them. I hope that somebody teach him/her a lesson.

Lady Vulpix
17th September 2006, 02:56 PM
If frylock or someone who knows what the glitchdom topic said shows up, I'll try to restore it. And the Monotype Challenge is back (why is it called 2004 anyway?)

Were any other topics lost/altered?

17th September 2006, 03:04 PM
The Monotype Challenge is labelled 2004 because that's when it was first started. Some of the Monotype Challenges have had their titles updated as years go by, like 2004-05 or something.
Not sure about other topics...I checked a few and the Wild Glitchdom was the only one I saw that had been altered. As for lost topics, I had forgotten about the Jynx Levelup Moves post that was lost along with the MTC, so I'm no help there either.

The Blue Avenger
17th September 2006, 03:13 PM
I found a couple of threads that looked like they came from here, so I moved them in. If they aren't, my apologies. I didn't see any others that struck me as being from this forum, but I wasn't looking specifically for them.
