View Full Version : I'm alive! (Sorta) And taking requests.

6th April 2003, 01:10 PM
Eep! I've been gone for about 2 months now! I am soo sorry! Honestly, you don't know how sorry I am... >_< And just after I got modded, too... I must seem like such a let down. x.x;
It's just, I've been soo busy... , and not only that, but my computer crashed and wouldn't run properly, and I could only sneak on my dad's sometimes, which barely even works, nothing will open.. x.x;

But um, anyway... I've been drawing lots. Just havn't been able to scan my pictures because of the computer... We took it in to get fixed though, and it should be fixed by next week, so I'll be back full time, I promise. ^_^ (See, I'm on my dad's computer right now.. and he's gonna appear any minute and kick me off)

But um.. while you wait for me to erm.. come back.. if that's what you call it, and for my scanner to work.. well, I'd like to take requests. ^^; I can't think of anything to draw at all. My mind just went.. blank. x_x;

So um... rules/guidlines: (Please actually read them, because I won't do your request if you don't follow them)

1. I'm only taking 2 requests for now, maybe I'll squeeze in a third if the other two are really simple, but... we'll see.
2. I'll draw just about anything... as long as it's anime-related, or neopets or animals or things like that. ^^' *Cannot do realistic stuff* I mean, even if it's something I suck at, at least it'll give me some practice. But I do have to warn you, the more difficult it is, the less likely it is to turn out good. (And the longer it'll take to finish) And if it's too hard, I can decline it.
3. If it's from some anime I don't know of please provide a picture. And a good one that fits what I'm drawing... x_x; So if you want a picture of a girl, showing her entire body, don't give me a pic of just her head. ^^; But I'm warning you ahead of time, I'm absolutely terrible at humans... ><; Especially guys...
4. Um.. poses. Please make the poses simple. Please... that's what I'm worst at with drawing, is doing complicated poses. x_x; *especially* if it's a human or Pokémorph...
5. If it's a made up Pokemon/character/something like that, please give me a detailed description, unless you have a pic.
6. All requests will be sketched on paper, then scanned and coloured using photoshop.
7. Never expect your pic to actually turn out good. ^^; My art sucks. Period. -_- I just like drawing anyway, lol.

Anyway, that's about it. I hope those rules didn't scare you away. ^^; I'm just dying to draw! Almost anything!! Even though I don't think I'm any good... I try. And the more practice I get, the more I improve.. um.. right?

And again, sorry for not being here. ^^; I'll be back full time in about a week... two weeks at the most. And that's a promise. Until then, uh.. hope everything in Fanart is going fine. ^^; I'm sure MK and Nine are both doing a good job while I'm away... be sure to keep it up, you guys!

6th April 2003, 02:02 PM
Its good to see you again! I was starting to get worried and wonder what happened. I'm glad you'll be back full time soon, I've missed seeing your art and posts! :)

Seeing as you mentioned animals in there somewhere, could you by any chance draw me a Siberian husky? You can do anything you like with it. I like to draw mine cartoon style, so make this husky easy by making it in anime style. ^.^ Since I know its hard to do requests exactly like the person asked for, I'm not asking for anything specific except that its a husky and has blue eyes. You can pick the color, pose, style of art, everything. If a husky dog is too hard for you to draw, don't even worry about it, I understand. Thanks!

BTW, I still haven't posted up the husky requests I took, either. I know its been soooooooo long, but everyone is so patient! [Or perhaps they forgot, lol] I still plan on posting them up as soon as I get them finished and scanned. I believe you requested a pure white female husky with brown eyes. She's finished, just need to get her to you hopefully sometime soon. :)

Again, its good to have you here again. Welcome back!

Azura Stardust
7th April 2003, 01:59 AM
I shall make this simple :>

Pweeese do me a picture of Kenshin (:D!!! very nice person ^^) from Rurouni Kenshin in a kind of chibi kawaii style, he's just standing there in the middle of hte picture doing this (http://member.ycn.com/~certhas/anime/kenshin/kenshin.gif) or this (http://www.mcm.org.au/youthnet/images/images/kenshin.jpg). His full body pic is like this :D (isn't he so cool? ^^!!!!) (http://www.flowerstorm.net/disa/Pictures/Kenshin/anti-kenshin.jpg) or if you want pics, just do a seach on Google for "Kenshin" and you'll get.... a LOT.

He's standing in the middle with that expression, with a sweatdrop and a speech bubble saying "Oro" and on the very top there's a speech bubble from nowhere: "STOP BEING SUCH A BISHOUNEN!" ^_^;

7th April 2003, 01:23 PM
*snuck on again* Hehe.. have about 20 minutes...

Oh my... people actually requested. Such brave souls... ;_;

Meowth_kitten: I already got yours sketched. Aren't I quick? ^^ I can't really say much about it though, because it'll look way different when I colour it... they always do. x.x; It's, um... cute. ^^; I can't wait for my computer to be fixed so I can actually colour it.

Azura Stardust: Um.. okay.. o.o; Oh! Kenshin! I watched that on my dad's illegal satellite! ^_^ Shh... don't tell anyone.. it's my only free source of anime. ;_;
Anyway... I'll give your request a try, but if it turns out bad, don't say I didn't warn you, lol. ^^;

Hmm... This is so wierd, getting requests from people more talented then me. x.x;

And um... since I'm basically done with MK's request, and Azura's isn't extraordinary difficult, I'll take one more request. ^^ The whole point was for me to have something to do... and now that I'm almost out of things to do, so.. yeah. ^^;; If anyone's brave enough, I'll do another request.

Sandslash and Ninetails
7th April 2003, 10:14 PM
Hey, welcome back. ^_^ I hate that your computer crashed, that happens to me sometimes. =(

You said you'd do one more request, right? ^^; Would you draw me a picture of a Milotic? The new Pokemon that evolves from Feebas. ^_~ If you can't, thanks anyway. =)

13th April 2003, 01:56 PM
YAY! My computer's fixed finally! ^_^ *is so happy* Your requests will all be done very soon! Well, as soon as we get the scanner hooked up and working. Of course, my dad lost the driver, so now we're trying to download one... x_x;; that, and tear the basement apart looking for it... *sigh* Umm... it shouldn't be that much longer though, okay? ^^; Everything else is set up.

Oh, and Sandslash And Ninetales, sure I'll do your request, but could you possibly link me to a picture of Milotic? ^^; Sorry, I havn't gotten an English version of ruby/sapphire yet and I'm not really caught up on the names and such... ._. Thanks.

13th April 2003, 03:10 PM
Nuriko, how're you doing? You've been gone for a while, yes. I sent a few PMs, I think. I hope I didn't send too much, I can't remember...

I think when you said you finished some drawing, was mine in that, too?


13th April 2003, 04:37 PM
Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry GLY! x.x; I know you requested something ages ago... and I'm pretty sure I did finish it, but lost it before I could scan and colour it... if you'd like, I'll make you a new one, but could you give me the request again? I can't rememebr all the details. ^^; Thanks!

13th April 2003, 05:42 PM
It was basically my Yoshi character (check avatar) with his Houndoom, his Meowth, and a Pikachu in a green cap.

I wanted to change it around, so here it is!

15th April 2003, 05:10 PM
Okay, this is the last time I post without any pictures, promise. ^^; By my next post, I'll have just about all of them finished... I've already got almost all of them at least roughly sketched.. ^^; Even SAN's who never replied and showed me a picture... but I found one myself, so I was able to get that done also. ^^;

Anyway... I just needed to know a few things. First of all...

Azura Stardust: Your request has defenitly been pretty tricky. Um.. a challenge, I'll say. ^^; What's really getting to me though, is... his clothes! Eep! They're soo hard to draw! All the lil' folds and, and... *cries and is all scared* if it weren't for that, the request would be a lot easier... can I just draw him naked? o.o; Erm.. maybe not. ^^;; Instead, I was wondering if I could just have the picture show his top half instead... (with clothes on, don't worry XD) maybe from a bit above his waste.. that would make it sooo much easier on me... x.x; I'm so sorry though, because I hate changing people's requests around and making it different then they wanted... so um, forgive me, but I just don't know if I can do the full body. I'll keep trying if you want, but I warn you, it'll take forever... and when it is done, it won't exactly be terrific. x.x; So if I could just change it so I could do his top half instead, they would help sooo much... sorry to bother you with that. x.x;;

Oh, and GLY, do you want your Meowth to be like the commonly seen Meowth, that stands on two legs like the TR one, or a more natural kind of Meowth that's on 4 legs? ^^; That's all I need to know.

Anyway, thanks guys, for your patience! I should be done with everything by the end of this week! x.x;

15th April 2003, 09:01 PM
Well, my Meowth's a she, so make her stand on all fours, and give her a collar with a diamond, since I call her "Jewel." That is all.


Sandslash and Ninetails
15th April 2003, 09:17 PM
Originally posted by Nuriko
Even SAN's who never replied and showed me a picture... but I found one myself, so I was able to get that done also. ^^;

Oh, I'm really sorry! :( I read it, and I made a note to myself to find a picture and post it, and then I just totally forgot about it. >_< I just now remembered it a few minutes ago, and came here to show you a picture, and saw that you'd found one. Really sorry if I caused you any trouble.

16th April 2003, 08:38 PM
Yay! Okay, updates on everyone's pics -

Meowth_Kitten: Done yours. Husky (http://groups.msn.com/ChikasPics/shoebox.msnw?action=ShowPhoto&PhotoID=12)
Um... gah. I tried my best. x_x But it came out looking really bad. Well, not just bad... more like boring. *is no good at poses* And the backround is especailly bad. ^^; I have no clue what I was doing there, lol. Please don't be mad at me. x_x; Lemme know if you want me to redo it, I'll be glad to.

Azura Stardust: Still waiting for answer... ^^;;

Sandslash and Ninetails: Oh no, don't worry. ^^ It was no trouble at all. I just had to get off my lazy butt and actually look for it... @@; All I could find was the lil' tiny icons though, so it was hard to see a lot of the details, thus I probobly messed up even more then I think I did... ^^; I might've even drawn the wrong Pokémon, for all I know. x_x; Anyway... gah, the tail was the most trouble. You can still see all the weird sketchy lines in there I forgot to take out... ><;; Oh yeah! The link! ^^;
Again, lemme know if you want me to redo it. (http://groups.msn.com/ChikasPics/shoebox.msnw?action=ShowPhoto&PhotoID=13)

GymLeaderYoshi: I'm erm.. half done yours. Got the Meowth and the Pikachu drawn on, but I need to finish Yoshi and Houndoom. ^^;

And um... that's it, I think. I'll take more requests, since it's a long weekend and I have lots of free time. ^^ So um... if anyone's brave enough... request away. O.o;

Sandslash and Ninetails
16th April 2003, 09:00 PM
Thank you very much! ^_^ I love it! I love her eyes, and the background goes great with Milotic. =) Her tail doesn't look bad at all to me. ^_~

17th April 2003, 12:20 PM
Could you draw all the starters of each game if you have that is. Thanks in advanced.:D

17th April 2003, 03:55 PM
AWWWWW!!!! Absolutely adorable!! ^.^.^.^ Thank you soo much, its super! You did a great job, I just love it. I really think it is just too cute. I love its eye! Its so pretty and blue. The tail is really cute, too, so fluffy! The markings are really great, too. I especially like the facial markings. The background, I think, is awesome. I just love the blurry-type look. Everything is so perfect, thanks a million times! *hugs*

17th April 2003, 04:24 PM
Well, I dunno what to say. o.o; I really do hope you're being honest... ^^; If you are, then I'm glad you both like your pics! If not, I in all honestly can redo it, you just have to say so, don't worry, I'll be glad to. xx;

Um... Civmonopolis, I'm a bit confused. Do you want all the starters in one pic? Or seperate pics? And is there any certain position you want them posed? Oh, and all the starters? like, including Pikachu and Eevee? ^^; Or just the 9 main starters? Eep, would just liek a bit more information hre, please... ^^;

17th April 2003, 05:34 PM
:\ I'm a horrible counter, so are you still taking another request? I dunno how I passed my lastest math test. XD! Er.. not 'lastest,' latest. o.O; I don't know how I pass my English tests, either for the record. XD

Um.. yeah.. if you have the chance, can you draw me a picture of a green Acara sitting in some grass looking at the viewer with a smile? She's sitting sort of angled (as in, not looking straight on at the viewer) and turning her head to see. ^^;; If that's confusing, just make up a pose. XD I'm excited about having 4 days off school, so I can't really make any sense right now. ^_^;; So thanks if you can do this, but if not, don't sweat it. ;)

Btw, I love the pictures you've done so far.. especially MK's husky request. ^______^ Keep up the good work!!


18th April 2003, 10:58 PM
Erm.. sure I'll do your request, Lightning! ^^ I already started it, actually. ^^; Um.. there wasn't really anything to count, don't worry, lol. Right now, I have lotsa time, so basically I'll take as many requests as people can get in before I almost die and yell "NO! STOP! STOOOOP!" o.o;; Um.. yeah.. don't ask. *gets to work on the requests* ._.;

23rd April 2003, 09:28 PM
ABL's going to put in an appearance here for once, yay. :P

Chika, if it's not too much trouble, could you please draw something for me? I really do love your work, and I really like what you've drawn so far - the husky's just adorable! I'm really sorry to be such a pain, but I've never seen you take human requests before, so... could you please, please, please draw Ash for me? ^^;; I still adore him as much as ever, and I'm just dying to see a Chika-style Ash. ^_~ If you want, you can make him sort of chibi looking - I have a lot of trouble drawing guys, but for some reason, chibi guys are one of the easiest things for me to draw. ^^; The pose and everything I'll leave up to you, I just hope you'll be willing to draw this for me - I'd really, really appreciate it! Thanks, Chika! ^_^

Kari and Mewtwo
23rd April 2003, 10:30 PM
can someone do may/haruka (you know, the female trainer from R/S) with a cute look on her face? and a somewhat cute pose as well.. simple, yes?

God of Fire
24th April 2003, 02:33 AM
If it's not too much trouble could you draw me a picture of a chibi-like Absol standing on it's hind legs with it's forlegs clutching his face while crying and blushing. Basically he looks like he's saying "Your gonna leave me all alone?"

By the way, that Milotic looks very cute^_^

25th April 2003, 04:16 AM

... plz

26th April 2003, 11:30 AM
Eep! Sorry I havn't been around. Just soo busy! x.x; And I still am, i'm just making a quick stop here, sorta... I'll be back normally soon though. ^^; Once I'm caught up with schoolwork and such.

Anyway... requests... lesse.

Azura Stardust: Still awaiting reply. ^^;

GymLeaderYoshi: Okay, I'll be honest. I havn't had time to finish your's yet... It's still just half done. I'll work on it tonight (as well as the other requests) when I'm done a bit of homework and housework and stuff. Sorry about taking so long. I am almost done though. ^^; Like.. the rest I have to do should be easy and not take long.

Civmonopolis: Again, awaiting reply... please answer my question if you want your request done. ^^;

Lightning: I actually finished the sketch for your's. ^^; Did it really quick while I was at school... turned out wierd looking though, so I might redo it.

AshsBabyLapras: Yay! *huggles* great to see you. ^_^ Been awhile. ^^; Sure, I'll do Ash for you... or at least I'll try. ^^; He'll probobly turn out looking either really girly or really young and childish though... ^^; I hope you don't mind. I'll try my best.

Kari & Mewtwo: *blinks* Um.. okay.. but it sounded like you weren't talking to me, when you said 'can someone do...' ^^; Are you sure it's me you want to draw that, or did you accidently post it here instead of the ORT? xx; Just wanna make sure, first...

God of Fire: Sure! ^^ For once I don't have any questions to ask with this... um... I'll try my best. (Like usual. ^^;)

Gligar_Man: Just an ordinary Gligar? Any specific pose or something you want it drawn in? Can you please be a bit more specific?


That's 8 requests I have, only 4 of which I can actually do. ~~; The other 4 I still need answers... I'm not drawing them until I get those answers, in fear of doing them wrong and having people mad at me... ^^; Also, I wanna make sure you guys still actually want the request, because if you don't reply, it kinda seems like you forgot about it and don't care, so I'm not going through the trouble of doing a request for you if you don't even notice it. ^^; Not saying that goes for everyone who hasn't responded.. you may be away or busy or something... but I can never know, so I'm still gonna wait for the replies. ^^;

Oh, and from now on can everyone please try and be specific about your requests? ^^; Not saying all of you aren't, but people like Gligar_Man and Civmonopolis leave me really confused... ._.' So it'd help a lot.


*hears mom coming and dashes off before she notices* xx;

26th April 2003, 06:29 PM
^_^';; 'Lo, Chikal, think you can work in one more?

D'you think you can draw me an Articuno? It doesn't have to be all special, and any pose is fine. But the colors are a tad different...It has sky blue beak, ruff, and feet, and a normal blue crest. Its feathers are a dark blue, and the tips of its wings and its tail are silver. Its eyes are black.

^-^';; Thankies!!


26th April 2003, 09:15 PM
Aii, thank you, Chika! I've always wanted to see the way you draw Ash, so I'm sure I'll love it no matter what (and younger versions of Ash, I always adore). ^_~

Thanks again! *huggles*

27th April 2003, 06:20 PM
Um..... Sorry for the long reply. But yeah i would like a pic with all the starters and i dont care what pose you do. Thanks again.:D

13th May 2003, 03:21 PM
*nearly dies* Okay, okay, I'm still alive. Sorry I'm taking so long... you wouldn't beleive how busy I've been. And now my time on the computer is very limited, because I have so much work... I'm starting to catch up though, and I should be around more and be able to work on thse requests a bit more, and perhaps actually finish them... ._. I hope nobody's mad at me for taking so long.

Anyway, here are updates on how I'm doing with everyone's request...

GymLeaderYoshi: I had your request done but I lost it. Oh well, it wasn't that good anyway... I think I'll redo it. I'll be starting on your's next, as soon as I finish colouring the ones I've already got sketched. Sorry for making you wait so long.

Civmonopolis: Kay, that didn't completely answer my question... ^^; I still need to know if you want me to include Pikachu or Eevee. For now, I'll start on it with just the normal starters, but please let me know if you want the Pikachu or anyone else in it.

Lightning: Still have a sketch... I should really scan and colour it.. O.o; But something about it just looks... wrong... and it bugs me. maybe it'll be gone if I colour it... if not, I'll start over.

AshsBabyLapras: I actually finished sketching yours. ^^ It really bugs me though... he looks so boring. He's just standing there, kinda. xx; Not even chibi or no cute pose or anything... *sniff* I'll colour it anyway and see how you like it, if I don't I'll make a new, better one. Or at least try to. ^^;

God of Fire: For some reason this one's giving me trouble. xx; I just can't get the pose right... and I discovered that I'm actually quite horrible at chibi-style... ^^; Is there another pose I can do instead? Maybe that same expression, but just on all fours... it's the paws that are giving me the most trouble. xx; *feels really bad*

SmearGal: Sure I can do that. ^^ I havn't started on it yet though, and it'll be awhile, because from now on I'm going to try and get these done in order...

Okay, I think that's it. Sorry guys, but thanks so much for your patience. I'll be colouring a lot of the sketches tonight, hopefully I'll have some done for tommorow... then I can start on the rest of the sketches. ^^;

13th May 2003, 09:49 PM
No I don't want Pikachu or Eevee. I really don't think of them as real starters.

Azura Stardust
14th May 2003, 02:16 AM
Originally posted by Nuriko

Azura Stardust: Your request has defenitly been pretty tricky. Um.. a challenge, I'll say. ^^; What's really getting to me though, is... his clothes! Eep! They're soo hard to draw! All the lil' folds and, and... *cries and is all scared* if it weren't for that, the request would be a lot easier... can I just draw him naked? o.o; Erm.. maybe not. ^^;; Instead, I was wondering if I could just have the picture show his top half instead... (with clothes on, don't worry XD) maybe from a bit above his waste.. that would make it sooo much easier on me... x.x; I'm so sorry though, because I hate changing people's requests around and making it different then they wanted... so um, forgive me, but I just don't know if I can do the full body. I'll keep trying if you want, but I warn you, it'll take forever... and when it is done, it won't exactly be terrific. x.x; So if I could just change it so I could do his top half instead, they would help sooo much... sorry to bother you with that. x.x;;

Oro... I'm so sorry for the terribly late reply, haven't been on the comp for yonks. Yeah, you can make it half, whatever ^_^

14th May 2003, 10:07 AM
Eep! *huggles* You're still alive! ^^ Don't worry about the late reply. ^^; I'll get to work on your request soon... sorry if it'll take a long time though, I know you were one of the first to request, so I feel kinda bad. ^^;

Darien Shields
14th May 2003, 05:33 PM
I feel real rude and all, 'cause I don't know if you're doing requests or not now, but I just think 'dat... well... If you're ever doing them again (which from the cycle you might be) I might wanna post this , so, yeah... don't take offense. I'm just posting on the off chance.

(Note, this is my post from the ORT, modified)
The pokemon is a fakemon, and she's a cross of Chaaremu (Medicham, I think) and Celebii. This mainly means colour scheme changes, everything's Celebii colours (that's greeny stuff), except maybe the wings, but I'll go over that in a minute. It's roughly a human build, perhaps a bit thinner in some place, arms more like a Chaaremu. Legs of a Chaaremu (i.e. big sphere's attached), and substantially smaller sphere's on the wrists. Remember it's a female humanoid pokemon it has breasts, which shoul be similar colouration as the spheric legs or wrist thingies. She should also have a human face, but with dark rings around the eyes (ala Cerebii.) The top of her head is a sort of Chaaremu helmet. Her ears are long and pointed, like a hylian. She has hair, the style is up to you, I've basicly thought of long cascading hair, like what comes off the back of Celebii's head, only going down, or shorter wavier hare going round in different directions, more like a Celebii's "hair." As for wings, she has some, but they're small shapeless, formless things like Celebii's, however she can make 'hollo' wings of varying type. A Popular one is like angel wings, only with rainbow colours. Any such projection wings should be transparent.

Pose is up to you, and also, she's a more human pokemon, so she can be dressed up a bit. Clothes and accesories are up to the uou too, if you even want them.

Chaaremu's Picture on TPM (http://www.pokemasters.net/images/games/ruby_sapphire/rs077.png)

Celebii's pic on TPM (http://www.pokemasters.net/images/games/ruby_sapphire/rs386.png)

That's all the pisc I can link right now. If you do want to do my request, and you do want more images to wrok from I'll try and look some up.

(Even for reading)

14th May 2003, 06:59 PM
Okay, Darien. ^^ That actually sounds fun. She sounds so neat! Why can't I come up with things like that? ;_; I'll try my best. But like with everyone else, it will take a while. Please don't mind. Until then, if you can by any chance find a few larger pics for me, that'd be great. ^^ If not, don't worry about it. Oh, and a question... you said just about everything is Celebi's colours, does this include hair and eyes? (If you already mentioned this somewhere and I missed it, my apoligies. ^^') As well as the spheres and stuff... are they supposed to be a darker green or a lighter green compared to the rest of her? Sorry, I'd just like to be sure, because I don't want to do anything wrong. Please tell me if there's anything else you think of that I should know. Don't worry, I actually likes these super descriptive requests where I don't have an exact picture... it's so rare that I get them. ^^ They're really fun. I just hope I don't screw it up.

Um.. anyway.. better get off to work. ^^;

Kari and Mewtwo
14th May 2003, 10:05 PM
Originally posted by Nuriko

Kari & Mewtwo: *blinks* Um.. okay.. but it sounded like you weren't talking to me, when you said 'can someone do...' ^^; Are you sure it's me you want to draw that, or did you accidently post it here instead of the ORT? xx; Just wanna make sure, first...

sorry bout that.. i cut/pasted it from a previous request topic that never got filled out (i forgot which one it was)

Pokemaster Ash
14th May 2003, 10:07 PM
I don't mean to give you any more work, but I'm in no hurry to have these done. Just PM me or something when they're done.

Request 1: A group pic (sorta) of a pair of characters from one of my fics. The guy is tall, green-eyed, has short brown hair styled kinda like Duo Maxwell's (http://www.gundamw.net/duo.jpg) from Gundam Wing except without the ponytail. He's wearing white sneakers, blue jeans, a black shirt, a blue jacket, and a silver bracelet on his right wrist. The girl (who is the Gym Leader Sabrina, just so you know) is slightly shorter than the guy, has long blue hair, is dark-eyed (any dark color will do here), and is wearing a yellow jacket, a red shirt, white pants, and a golden bracelet on her right wrist. Rings (as in wedding rings) are optional. The two have their arms around each other. (How cute)

Request 2: I need a pic of the girl in the picture in the attachment of her older. Late teens to early adulthood, pretty much. She's tall, beautiful, and wearing blue jeans, a black leather jacket, and a blue crystal bracelet in addition to the white shirt. Also she's developed rather nicely in the right places ;) (On a side note, she's the daughter of the two in the first request)

Again, take your time on these. I've had enough of waiting for them to be done on the Official Request topic, but I still have enough patience left to wait for them here.

[attachment deleted by admin]

15th May 2003, 02:00 AM
That's perfectly okay, Chika! I don't mind if it's a "boring" pose, I'm sure I'll love it. Really, I'm just grateful that you were willing to draw him for me. Don't worry, there's no need to go to all the trouble of another picture. ^^

15th May 2003, 02:23 AM
i would like to request a gligar wearing a suit of armor... :D and without its tongue sticking out please, that would make my day whenever you get around to it

God of Fire
15th May 2003, 11:07 AM
Oh, sorry I forgot to reply sooner^_^ If you want to change the pose then could it be possible for the Absol to have the same expression however he would be lying down on the floor with his paws buried underneath his head if you have problems with the paws, heh paws trouble me too:)

15th May 2003, 03:22 PM
Originally posted by Nuriko
GymLeaderYoshi: I had your request done but I lost it. Oh well, it wasn't that good anyway... I think I'll redo it. I'll be starting on your's next, as soon as I finish colouring the ones I've already got sketched. Sorry for making you wait so long.

Oh, that's quite alright. Be glad I was born a patient person. ;) Just PM me when you finish mine at last, k?

Darien Shields
15th May 2003, 05:02 PM
Sorry, I couldn't find any bigger Chaarem off hand, but I found this (http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/celebi_4.gif) which is pretty mouch the colour scheme I'm looking for (maybe a little greener.)

The Sphere's (They're a rubbery red colour on Chaaremu. This includes the helmet.) are darker than the rest of the body. The hair I pictured going from light to dark from top to bottom, but it's really up to you. Again, thanks.

Reptilius Pyrus
18th May 2003, 06:08 PM
Um... are you still taking requests? If not, it's all right, but.... yeah.

A tiger. He has large leathery wings resting under his shoulder blades. They are grey, but sparkle like silver and have black and white flecks all over them. His paws are a dark crimson and his ears are tipped with dark blue, almost black in colour. His tail is a dark grey, almost black again and the rest of his fur is black while his stripes are white. He has a crescent moon shaped diamond on his forehead and another, larger crescent moon shaped diamond on his right foreleg.

Hope that's not too hard... Thanks in advance if you do decide to do it!

18th May 2003, 11:00 PM
Oh boy...

Kari & Mewtwo: Okay. I understand. ^_^ I'll do your's too then...

Pokemaster Ash: Um, okay. I'll try. Don't say I didn't warn you though, if it turns out bad. ^^; And also that it'll take many, many years. ~.~; Well, at the rate I'm going now, anyway.. xx;

AshsbabyLapras: Done! (http://groups.msn.com/ChikasPics/shoebox.msnw?action=ShowPhoto&PhotoID=18) ^_^ It's a miracle! A kinda bad one, though... hey, I did offer to make you another one, so if you still want me to, please say so. ^^; I think I got his clothing and colours and stuff wrong though, because I looked all over and couldn't find a decent pic of him to look off of, so I kinda had to go from memory.. ><; Sorry if it is wrong.

Gligar_Man: Um, okay, I'll try. I will warn you though, I'm defenitly no good at armor... um, if I can't do it, can I just do a regular Gligar instead? In whatever pose you want.

God of Fire: Sure. ^^ Hopefully I should be able to do that, lol.

Reptilius Pyrus: Okay, that sounds fine. I'm just a bit confused about the wings, though... I don't understand what you mean by the colouring and texture, completely... is there any kind of example you can give me? ^^; or something else that'll help me understand? If not, I'll have to guess, but then it'll probobly not turn out right...

Okay. I'm going to get to work with the rest of the requests now. I'm going to try and do them in the order they were requested. ^^;

Oh, and please, No More Requests. Sorry, but if you want a request from me and havn't requested yet you'll have to wait, I have too many as it is, it's gonna be weeks before I get them all done... and any more will make me really lose track of them. Once I get a few more completed, then you can request again... I'll say when that is. Thanks.

And thanks everyone, for your patience. ^^;

Darien Shields
19th May 2003, 05:42 AM
I hate to be a bother but... y'ar' still doing mine, right? You didn't mention it and... if not I'm sure you have your reasons and all...

19th May 2003, 11:24 AM
Yeah, I'm still doing yours. ^_^ I just didn't mention it because there was nothing else i had to ask or say about it, that's all.

Reptilius Pyrus
19th May 2003, 08:24 PM
Well, actually I didn't make up that description. It's in an RPG, and that's the exact words they gave me, so I can't really help there. Sorry ^_^'

20th May 2003, 02:09 AM
Eeeee!! *glomp* I WUV YOU, CHIKA! ^__^

This is sooo cute! Eee, he makes me wanna glomp him to bits! I adore his big gorgeous puppy eyes!! ^-^ Actually, I don't think it's boring at all - with the background you did, it makes it look like someone whipped out a camera and took him by surprise. *giggle* He's such a cutie pie, thank you so much, Chika-chan! You're the best! *big hugs* ^__^