View Full Version : --* The RPG Winter Awards *-- Results ARE in!

Weasel Overlord
10th January 2007, 10:59 AM
--* The RPG Winter Awards! *--

Place your Votes now!

Once again, I'm sure you all know the drill. Simply post in this topic with your choice of winners in each category. Only vote for one person in each category please!
Since some only had one nomination, they achieved an instant auto-win in that particular category.
No voting for yourself, but if you're in a couple that's fine.
Voting shall end on the 24th of January, which is a Wednesday in exactly two weeks, so get to it!

The RP’ers.

Best All Around RP’er
~Weasel Overlord

Best Character Creator

Best RPG Creator
~Crystal Tears
~Mew Master

Best Plotter
~Crystal Tears

Most Creative

Most Detailed
~Crystal Tears
~Weasel Overlord

Most Dedicated
~Roy Karrde

Best Writer
~Emotional Faun Chiko-sai
~Weasel Overlord

Most Enjoyable Writing Style
~Emotional Faun Chiko-sai
~Mew Master
~Weasel Overlord

Nicest RP’er
~Mew Trainer Rose
~Weasel Overlord

Funniest RP’er
~Mew Master

Most Improved RP’er
~Shadow Djinn

The RPGs!

Best RPG of Winter '06
~The Scourge (Mew Master)
~It Sucks To Be Us! (Mystic_Clown)

Most Original
~It Sucks To Be Us! (Mystic_Clown)
~The Scourge (Mew Master)
~Down in a Rabbit Hole (fireguardian)

Best Pokémon RPG
~Werepokemon: Piercing the Veil (Kalad1)

Best Non-Pokémon RPG
~The Scourge (Mew Master)
~Tales of Aselic (Crystal Tears)
~Down in a Rabbit Hole (fireguardian)

Most Persistent
~It Sucks To Be Us! (Mystic_Clown)
~Fruits Basker (Waves_of_Darkness)

Best Prequel/Sequel
~Blood and Magick II: The Forgotten (Drusilla)
~W.H.O.O.P. Spy Training School: The Sequel (MascaraTears)

Best Remake (Restarting an old RPG)
~Fruits Basket (Waves_of_Darkness) *Auto-win*

Best Book Based RPG
~Fruits Basket (Waves_of_Darkness) *Auto-win*

Best Anime/TV/Movie Inspired RPG
~Sonic Zeroes: Fragments of Time (Fai D. Flowright)
~Fruits Basket (Waves_of_Darkness)

Most Wanted Prequel/Sequel
~W.H.O.O.P: Spy Training School (MascaraTears)
~The Jungle (Plantae)

Most Enjoyable RPG
~The Scourge
~Fruits Basket (Waves_of_Darkness)

Most Wanted RPG Type
~Completely Original
~Medieval Fantasy


Best All Around Character
~Jack Scarecrow, It Sucks To Be Us! (Mystic_Clown)
~Jane Fox, It Sucks To Be Us! (Asilynne)
~Denny Roth, The Scourge (Mew Master)

Coolest Villain
~Nargel, Here Comes the I-Squad! (Waves_of_Darkness/Envoy of Time) *Auto-win*

Best-looking Character
~Tyn the Wyvern, The Scourge (Crystal Tears)
~Cross, Tales of Aselic (Crystal Tears)
~Arělys Tyrnea’rae, ASB/RPG (Weasel Overlord)
~Kiyoshi Sohma, Fruits Basket (Vulpix.ck)

Most Original Character
~Angelo Weiss, The Scourge (Mystic_Clown)
~Henry Marshall, Werepokemon (darktyranitar)

Evillest Character
~Shujoteki, Fruits Basket (Waves_of_Darkness) *Auto-win*

Friendliest Character
~Aliana Hurdan, The Scourge (Mew Trainer Rose)
~Wiggly, Here Comes the I-Squad! (Houndoom_Lover)
~Kiina Prattle, The Scourge (River)

Most Aggressive Character
~Ivan Faust, The Scourge (Blademaster)
~The Hellmonger, Here Comes the I-Squad (Mystic_Clown)
~Enigma, It Sucks To Be Us! (Blademaster)
~Yuri Passel, ASB/RPG (Roy Karrde)

Best History
~Angelo Weiss, The Scourge (Mystic_Clown)
~Marian Loxley/Maiden Mesmeric, It Sucks To Be Us! (Mewtwo-D2)
~Ivan Faust, The Scourge (Blademaster)
~Cross, Tales of Aselic (Crystal Tears)

Most Tortured Character
~Ivan Faust, The Scourge (Blademaster)
~Laura Incarnations (Toxicity)
~Laura Anderson, It Sucks To Be Us! (Toxicity)
~Angelo Weiss, The Scourge (Mystic_Clown)

Most Mysterious Character
~Saisei no Nanashi, The Scourge (Prof. JB Wolf)
~Old Nick, Down in a Rabbit Hole (fireguardian)
~Hyde, Tales of Aselic (Mystic_Clown)
~Cearo Mitsu Gin, ASB/RPG (Hyperness is a Good Thing)

Cutest Couple (can be male/male, female/female, or male/female)
~Leucetius Daithi Iomhar and Kiina Prattle, The Scourge (Weasel Overlord and River)
~Brigh Dangerfield and David Johnson, It Sucks To Be Us! (Master Rudy and Kuro Espeon)
~Kiyoshi Sohma, Rufus Valerius Sohma and Saburo Sohma, Fruits Basket (Vulpix.ck, Weasel Overlord and Emotional Faun Chiko-sai)

Quietest Character
~Amaya Sohma, Fruits Basket (Toxicity) *Auto-win*

Funniest Character
~Andrew Dodger, It Sucks To Be Us! (Blademaster)
~Leucetius Daithi Iomhar, The Scourge (Weasel Overlord)
~Monday Evening, ASB/RPG (Emotional Faun Chiko-sai)
~Ivan Faust, The Scourge (Blademaster)


Most memorable moment

It felt like someone had hit her repeated with a car. The water ripped from her body with such force that her limbs outstretched and looked as if someone was trying to rip them off. A compressed shockwave of air shot out and slammed into everything, crumbling the pillars and blowing over the fence over. The next thing to hit was the water. It had such momentum that the half constructed building toppled, pushed over onto its side. Crushing the fence the construction workers had placed in-between the city and the forest, to keep the animals out. Joey managed to hear the creature scream, but it was replaced by a horrible gurgling noise of the water overwhelming it.

~Blizzard’s betrayal of Nargel, Here Comes the I-Squad (Envoy of Time)
~Mystic_Clown’s opening post in ASB/RPG

Saddest Moment
Kiina heard the hesitation and looked at her curiously. What could make this majestic being take pause?

She sighed, her sides heaving and reached around to touch her muzzle to Kiina's cheek, :I'm sorry I could not be there for you when you surely need it most. I couldn't reach you yet and could only see to it you did not die.:

Kiina felt the tears start to run down her face and hugged her. "You tried, and hey, saved my life. The doctors couldn't understand why I hadn't died from blood loss." *Auto-win*

Funniest Moment
" So," The asian boy said. " That fish..."

He didn't even know his name...

" ...George?" He finally said weakly, after momentary silence. The dark clothed boy's only trace of an answer was the sound of gnashing teeth.

" Jack? Bill? Brandon?" Kyoshiro said to no one in particular -- he'd given up on the sword wielding engima as a conversationalist.

And finally..." Ivan." The boy growled, looking up from the charred remains of his meal.

" Ivan," Kyoshiro muttered. " Like the Hurricane." At this, the darkly clad boy growled again.

" Or not," Kyoshiro quickly reprimanded. " I know Ivans. Nice guys. Successful. Smart. Good looking..."
"Aw-ow. OW!" Blademaster cried out as Mystic Clown grabbed him in a headlock. "That hurts, dude!"

"What the Hell are you doing to my RPG, Blade!?" MC barked, rapping on the older teen's head with his free fist a few times. "Who gave you permission to break the rules of my RPG!? Andrew can't do what he's doing - it makes no sense!"

"Clown, this is a parody RPG." Blademaster wheezed. "There are no rules and nothing makes sense."

MC paused.

"Oh. Yeah." he mumbled, letting go of Blade's head. "Good point."
~Rufus Valerius turning up naked save for a dashing hat on Saburo Sohma’s doorstep, Fruits Basket (Weasel Overlord)

Most Wanted Soundtrack
~The Scourge

Best RPG Inspired Art (Include Artist's name)
~Denny Roth and Kíashkiklah, The Scourge (Mew Master) One (http://geekway.comicgen.com/scourge_001.html)
~Aliana and Avistel, The Scourge (Mew Master) Two (http://geekway.comicgen.com/scourge_003.html)
~Chronicles of the Rift Characters (Emotional Faun Chiko-sai) One (http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y157/jingleweasel/rift2.gif) Two (http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y157/jingleweasel/rift1.gif)

Best Quote
I hate my life.
Oh, fuck you!
“Ju-just who… are you people?” Angelo asked as we neared what looked like a small tent.

“Oh just your average saviors of humanity,” Leu replied with his arms in the air and hands behind his head.
Life is hell sometimes, I think
Dressed unkemptly and unconventionally, an extraordinarily disreputable hat crowning his coppery locks
So you’ll never guess what Rufus told me..

Best RPG in the History of TPM
~The Battle for Twilight Town (o.O) ((Everyone!!))
~Chains of Dragons (Mew Master)
~Dawn of the Blood Moon (Asilynne)
~The River (Plantae)

Mew Master
10th January 2007, 04:23 PM

Best all around RPer

Best Character Creator

Best RPG Creator

Best Plotter
~Crystal Tears

Most Creative

Most Detailed
~Weasle OVerloard

Nicest RPer
~Mew Trainer Rose

Funiest RPer

Most Improved RPer
~Shadow Djinn

Most Enjoyable RPG
~Fruits Basket

Best-looking Character
~Tyn, The Scourge (Crystal Tears)

Most Original Character
~Angelo Weiss, The Scourge (Mystic_Clown)

Friendliest Character
~Aliana Hurdan, The Scourge (Mew Trainer Rose)

Best History
~Angelo Weiss, The Scourge (Mystic_Clown)

Most Tortured Character
~Ivan Faust, The Scourge (Blademaster)

Most Mysterious Character
~Saisei no Nanashi, The Scourge (Prof. JB Wolf)

Cutest Couple (can be male/male, female/female, or male/female)
~Leucetius Daithi Iomhar and Kiina Prattle, The Scourge (Weasel Overlord and River)

Most Memorable Moment

It felt like someone had hit her repeated with a car. The water ripped from her body with such force that her limbs outstretched and looked as if someone was trying to rip them off. A compressed shockwave of air shot out and slammed into everything, crumbling the pillars and blowing over the fence over. The next thing to hit was the water. It had such momentum that the half constructed building toppled, pushed over onto its side. Crushing the fence the construction workers had placed in-between the city and the forest, to keep the animals out. Joey managed to hear the creature scream, but it was replaced by a horrible gurgling noise of the water overwhelming it.

Funniest Moment

" So," The asian boy said. " That fish..."

He didn't even know his name...

" ...George?" He finally said weakly, after momentary silence. The dark clothed boy's only trace of an answer was the sound of gnashing teeth.

" Jack? Bill? Brandon?" Kyoshiro said to no one in particular -- he'd given up on the sword wielding engima as a conversationalist.

And finally..." Ivan." The boy growled, looking up from the charred remains of his meal.

" Ivan," Kyoshiro muttered. " Like the Hurricane." At this, the darkly clad boy growled again.

" Or not," Kyoshiro quickly reprimanded. " I know Ivans. Nice guys. Successful. Smart. Good looking..."

Most wanted Soundtrack
~The Scourge

Best Quote

I hate my life.

10th January 2007, 04:53 PM
Best All Around RP’er
~Weasel Overlord

Best Character Creator

Best RPG Creator
~Mew Master

Best Plotter

Most Creative

Most Detailed
~Weasel Overlord

Most Dedicated

Best Writer

Nicest RP’er

Funniest RP’er

Most Improved RP’er

The RPGs!

Best RPG of Winter '06
~The Scourge (Mew Master)

Most Original
~The Scourge (Mew Master)

Best Non-Pokémon RPG
~The Scourge (Mew Master)

Most Wanted Prequel/Sequel
~The Jungle (Plantae)

Most Enjoyable RPG
~The Scourge

Most Wanted RPG Type
~Medieval Fantasy


Best All Around Character
~Denny Roth, The Scourge (Mew Master)

Best-looking Character
~Tyn the Wyvern, The Scourge (Crystal Tears)

Most Original Character
~Angelo Weiss, The Scourge (Mystic_Clown)

Friendliest Character
~Kiina Prattle, The Scourge (River)

Most Aggressive Character
~Ivan Faust, The Scourge (Blademaster)

Best History
~Ivan Faust, The Scourge (Blademaster)

Most Tortured Character
~Ivan Faust, The Scourge (Blademaster)

Most Mysterious Character
~Saisei no Nanashi, The Scourge (Prof. JB Wolf)

Funniest Character
~Ivan Faust, The Scourge (Blademaster)


Funniest Moment
- Kiyoshiro Watanabi, The Scourge (Shadow Djinn)

" So," The asian boy said. " That fish..."

He didn't even know his name...

" ...George?" He finally said weakly, after momentary silence. The dark clothed boy's only trace of an answer was the sound of gnashing teeth.

" Jack? Bill? Brandon?" Kyoshiro said to no one in particular -- he'd given up on the sword wielding engima as a conversationalist.

And finally..." Ivan." The boy growled, looking up from the charred remains of his meal.

" Ivan," Kyoshiro muttered. " Like the Hurricane." At this, the darkly clad boy growled again.

" Or not," Kyoshiro quickly reprimanded. " I know Ivans. Nice guys. Successful. Smart. Good looking..."

Most Wanted Soundtrack
~The Scourge

Best RPG in the History of TPM
~Dawn of the Blood Moon (Asilynne)

10th January 2007, 04:54 PM
Here's mine:

The RP’ers.

Best All Around RP’er

Best Character Creator

Best RPG Creator
~Crystal Tears

Best Plotter
~Crystal Tears

Most Creative

Most Detailed

Most Dedicated
~Roy Karrde

Most Enjoyable Writing Style
~Emotional Faun Chiko-sai

Nicest RP’er

Funniest RP’er
~Mew Master

Most Improved RP’er

The RPGs:

Best RPG of Winter '06
~The Scourge (Mew Master)

Most Original
~The Scourge (Mew Master)

Best Pokémon RPG
~ASB/RPG (Fai D. Flowright and Crystal Tears)

Best Non-Pokémon RPG
~The Scourge (Mew Master)

Most Persistent
Fruits Basker (Waves_of_Darkness)

Best Prequel/Sequel
~Blood and Magick II: The Forgotten (Drusilla)

Best Anime/TV/Movie Inspired RPG
~Fruits Basket (Waves_of_Darkness)

Most Wanted Prequel/Sequel
~W.H.O.O.P: Spy Training School (MascaraTears)

Most Enjoyable RPG
~Fruits Basket (Waves_of_Darkness)

Most Wanted RPG Type
~Medieval Fantasy


Best All Around Character
~Jane Fox, It Sucks To Be Us! (Asilynne)

Best-looking Character
~Cross, Tales of Aselic (Crystal Tears)

Most Original Character
~Henry Marshall, Werepokemon (darktyranitar)

Friendliest Character
~Kiina Prattle, The Scourge (River)

Most Aggressive Character
~Yuri Passel, ASB/RPG (Roy Karrde)

Best History
~Cross, Tales of Aselic (Crystal Tears)

Most Tortured Character
~Ivan Faust, The Scourge (Blademaster)

Most Mysterious Character
~Old Nick, Down in a Rabbit Hole (fireguardian)

Cutest Couple (can be male/male, female/female, or male/female)
~Kiyoshi Sohma, Rufus Valerius Sohma and Saburo Sohma, Fruits Basket (Vulpix.ck, Weasel Overlord and Emotional Faun Chiko-sai)

Funniest Character
~Leucetius Daithi Iomhar, The Scourge (Weasel Overlord)


Most memorable moment:
Originally Posted by Joy Ip, The Scourge (Crystal Tears)
It felt like someone had hit her repeated with a car. The water ripped from her body with such force that her limbs outstretched and looked as if someone was trying to rip them off. A compressed shockwave of air shot out and slammed into everything, crumbling the pillars and blowing over the fence over. The next thing to hit was the water. It had such momentum that the half constructed building toppled, pushed over onto its side. Crushing the fence the construction workers had placed in-between the city and the forest, to keep the animals out. Joey managed to hear the creature scream, but it was replaced by a horrible gurgling noise of the water overwhelming it.

Most Wanted Soundtrack
~The Scourge

Best RPG Inspired Art (Include Artist's name)
~Chronicles of the Rift Characters (Emotional Faun Chiko-sai) One (http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y157/jingleweasel/rift2.gif) Two (http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y157/jingleweasel/rift1.gif)

Best RPG in the History of TPM
~Dawn of the Blood Moon (Asilynne)

10th January 2007, 05:42 PM
Best all around- Bulba4
BP- Bulba4
MDedicated- Roy Karrde
BW-no pick
MEWS- no pick
FRPer-no pick
MIRPer-no pick

BRPGW06-no pick
MO-No pick
BPoke RPG-no pick
Bnon-poke- No Pick
BP/S-no pick
MWP/S-No pick
MWRPGT- Comp Orig


Most Aggressive Character
Yuri Passel, ASB/RPG (Roy Karrde)

10th January 2007, 06:16 PM
The RP’ers.
Best All Around RP’er
~Weasel Overlord

Best Character Creator

Best RPG Creator
~Crystal Tears

Best Plotter
~Crystal Tears

Most Creative

Most Detailed

Most Dedicated

Best Writer
~Emotional Faun Chiko-sai

Most Enjoyable Writing Style
~Emotional Faun Chiko-sai

Nicest RP’er
~Weasel Overlord

Funniest RP’er

Most Improved RP’er

The RPGs!
Best RPG of Winter '06
~It Sucks To Be Us! (Mystic_Clown)

Most Original
~Down in a Rabbit Hole (fireguardian)

Best Pokémon RPG
~ASB/RPG (Fai D. Flowright and Crystal Tears)

Best Non-Pokémon RPG
~Down in a Rabbit Hole (fireguardian)

Most Persistent
~It Sucks To Be Us! (Mystic_Clown)

Best Prequel/Sequel
~Blood and Magick II: The Forgotten (Drusilla)

Best Anime/TV/Movie Inspired RPG
~Fruits Basket (Waves_of_Darkness)

Most Wanted Prequel/Sequel
~The Jungle (Plantae)

Most Enjoyable RPG
~Fruits Basket (Waves_of_Darkness)

Most Wanted RPG Type
~Completely Original

Best All Around Character
~Jack Scarecrow, It Sucks To Be Us! (Mystic_Clown)

Best-looking Character
~Kiyoshi Sohma, Fruits Basket (Vulpix.ck)

Most Original Character
~Henry Marshall, Werepokemon (darktyranitar)

Friendliest Character
(no contest)

Most Aggressive Character
~Yuri Passel, ASB/RPG (Roy Karrde)

Best History
~Cross, Tales of Aselic (Crystal Tears)

Most Mysterious Character
~Old Nick, Down in a Rabbit Hole (fireguardian)

Cutest Couple (can be male/male, female/female, or male/female)
~Kiyoshi Sohma, Rufus Valerius Sohma and Saburo Sohma, Fruits Basket (Vulpix.ck, Weasel Overlord and Emotional Faun Chiko-sai)

Funniest Character
~Andrew Dodger, It Sucks To Be Us! (Blademaster)

Most memorable moment
~Mystic_Clown’s opening post in ASB/RPG

Funniest Moment
~Rufus Valerius turning up naked save for a dashing hat on Saburo Sohma’s doorstep, Fruits Basket (Weasel Overlord)

Most Wanted Soundtrack

Best RPG Inspired Art (Include Artist's name)
~Chronicles of the Rift Characters (Emotional Faun Chiko-sai) One (http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y157/jingleweasel/rift2.gif) Two (http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y157/jingleweasel/rift1.gif)

Best Quote
"Oh, fuck you!" ~Cross (Crystal Tears), Tales of Aselic

Best RPG in the History of TPM
~Dawn of the Blood Moon (Asilynne)

Roy Karrde
10th January 2007, 07:00 PM
The RP’ers.

Best All Around RP’er

Best Character Creator

Best RPG Creator

Best Plotter

Most Creative

Most Detailed

Best Writer

Most Enjoyable Writing Style
~Emotional Faun Chiko-sai

Nicest RP’er

The RPGs!

Best RPG of Winter '06
~It Sucks To Be Us! (Mystic_Clown)

Most Original
~Down in a Rabbit Hole (fireguardian)

Best Pokémon RPG
~Werepokemon: Piercing the Veil (Kalad1)

Best Non-Pokémon RPG
~Tales of Aselic (Crystal Tears)

Most Persistent
~Fruits Basker (Waves_of_Darkness)

Best Remake (Restarting an old RPG)
~Fruits Basket (Waves_of_Darkness) *Auto-win*

Best Book Based RPG
~Fruits Basket (Waves_of_Darkness) *Auto-win*

Best Anime/TV/Movie Inspired RPG
~Fruits Basket (Waves_of_Darkness)

Most Wanted Prequel/Sequel
~The Jungle (Plantae)

Most Enjoyable RPG
~Fruits Basket (Waves_of_Darkness)

Most Wanted RPG Type
~Completely Original


Best All Around Character
~Jack Scarecrow, It Sucks To Be Us! (Mystic_Clown)
~Jane Fox, It Sucks To Be Us! (Asilynne)
~Denny Roth, The Scourge (Mew Master)

Coolest Villain
~Nargel, Here Comes the I-Squad! (Waves_of_Darkness/Envoy of Time) *Auto-win*

Best-looking Character
~Kiyoshi Sohma, Fruits Basket (Vulpix.ck)

Most Original Character
~Henry Marshall, Werepokemon (darktyranitar)

Evillest Character
~Shujoteki, Fruits Basket (Waves_of_Darkness) *Auto-win*

Best History
~Cross, Tales of Aselic (Crystal Tears)

Most Tortured Character
~Laura Incarnations (Toxicity)

Most Mysterious Character
~Cearo Mitsu Gin, ASB/RPG (Hyperness is a Good Thing)

Cutest Couple (can be male/male, female/female, or male/female)
~Kiyoshi Sohma, Rufus Valerius Sohma and Saburo Sohma, Fruits Basket (Vulpix.ck, Weasel Overlord and Emotional Faun Chiko-sai)

Quietest Character
~Amaya Sohma, Fruits Basket (Toxicity) *Auto-win*

Funniest Character
~Monday Evening, ASB/RPG (Emotional Faun Chiko-sai)

Crystal Tears
11th January 2007, 06:40 PM
Best All Around RP’er
~Weasel Overlord

Best Character Creator

Best RPG Creator
~Mew Master

Best Plotter
Not voting.

Most Creative

Most Detailed

Most Dedicated

Best Writer
~Emotional Faun Chiko-sai

Most Enjoyable Writing Style
~Mew Master

Nicest RP’er

Funniest RP’er

Most Improved RP’er

The RPGs!

Best RPG of Winter '06
~The Scourge (Mew Master)

Most Original
~The Scourge (Mew Master)

Best Pokémon RPG
Not voting

Most Persistent
~It Sucks To Be Us! (Mystic_Clown)

Best Prequel/Sequel
~Blood and Magick II: The Forgotten (Drusilla)

Best Anime/TV/Movie Inspired RPG
~Sonic Zeroes: Fragments of Time (Fai D. Flowright)

Most Wanted Prequel/Sequel
Not voting

Most Enjoyable RPG
~The Scourge (Mew Master)

Most Wanted RPG Type
~Completely Original


Best All Around Character
~Denny Roth, The Scourge (Mew Master)

Best-looking Character
Not voting

Most Original Character
~Angelo Weiss, The Scourge (Mystic_Clown)

Evillest Character
~Shujoteki, Fruits Basket (Waves_of_Darkness) *Auto-win*

Friendliest Character
~Kiina Prattle, The Scourge (River)

Most Aggressive Character
~Ivan Faust, The Scourge (Blademaster)

Best History
Not voting

Most Tortured Character
~Ivan Faust, The Scourge (Blademaster)

Most Mysterious Character
~Saisei no Nanashi, The Scourge (Prof. JB Wolf)

Cutest Couple (can be male/male, female/female, or male/female)
~Leucetius Daithi Iomhar and Kiina Prattle, The Scourge (Weasel Overlord and River)

Funniest Character
~Leucetius Daithi Iomhar, The Scourge (Weasel Overlord)

Funniest Moment
Originally Posted by Kiyoshiro Watanabi, The Scourge (Shadow Djinn)
" So," The asian boy said. " That fish..."

He didn't even know his name...

" ...George?" He finally said weakly, after momentary silence. The dark clothed boy's only trace of an answer was the sound of gnashing teeth.

" Jack? Bill? Brandon?" Kyoshiro said to no one in particular -- he'd given up on the sword wielding engima as a conversationalist.

And finally..." Ivan." The boy growled, looking up from the charred remains of his meal.

" Ivan," Kyoshiro muttered. " Like the Hurricane." At this, the darkly clad boy growled again.

" Or not," Kyoshiro quickly reprimanded. " I know Ivans. Nice guys. Successful. Smart. Good looking..."

Most Wanted Soundtrack
~The Scourge

Best RPG Inspired Art (Include Artist's name)
~Denny Roth and Kíashkiklah, The Scourge (Mew Master) One

Best Quote
Originally Posted by Ivan Faust, The Scourge (Blademaster)
I hate my life.

Best RPG in the History of TPM
~The Battle for Twilight Town (o.O) ((Everyone!!))

Pichu Luver
11th January 2007, 08:18 PM
*nods* First time I've actually done one of these . . .

The RP’ers.

Best All Around RP’er
~Weasel Overlord

Best Character Creator

Best RPG Creator
~Mew Master

Best Plotter
~Crystal Tears

Most Creative

Most Detailed

Most Dedicated

Best Writer
~Emotional Faun Chiko-sai

Most Enjoyable Writing Style
~Weasel Overlord

Nicest RP’er
~Weasel Overlord

Funniest RP’er
~Mew Master

Most Improved RP’er
~Shadow Djinn

The RPGs!

Best RPG of Winter '06
~The Scourge (Mew Master)

Most Original
~It Sucks To Be Us! (Mystic_Clown)
Irony, they all seem to involve 'strange old men' *snicker*

Best Pokémon RPG
~ASB/RPG (Fai D. Flowright and Crystal Tears)

Best Non-Pokémon RPG
~The Scourge (Mew Master)

Most Persistent
~It Sucks To Be Us! (Mystic_Clown)

Best Prequel/Sequel
~W.H.O.O.P. Spy Training School: The Sequel (MascaraTears)

Best Anime/TV/Movie Inspired RPG
~Sonic Zeroes: Fragments of Time (Fai D. Flowright)

Most Wanted Prequel/Sequel
~W.H.O.O.P: Spy Training School (MascaraTears)

Most Enjoyable RPG
~The Scourge

Most Wanted RPG Type
~Medieval Fantasy


Best All Around Character
~Denny Roth, The Scourge (Mew Master)

Best-looking Character
~Tyn the Wyvern, The Scourge (Crystal Tears)

Most Original Character
~Angelo Weiss, The Scourge (Mystic_Clown)

Friendliest Character
~Aliana Hurdan, The Scourge (Mew Trainer Rose)

Most Aggressive Character
~The Hellmonger, Here Comes the I-Squad (Mystic_Clown)

Best History
~Cross, Tales of Aselic (Crystal Tears)

Most Tortured Character
~Ivan Faust, The Scourge (Blademaster)

Most Mysterious Character
~Hyde, Tales of Aselic (Mystic_Clown)

Cutest Couple (can be male/male, female/female, or male/female)
~Kiyoshi Sohma, Rufus Valerius Sohma and Saburo Sohma, Fruits Basket (Vulpix.ck, Weasel Overlord and Emotional Faun Chiko-sai)

Funniest Character
~Leucetius Daithi Iomhar, The Scourge (Weasel Overlord)


Most memorable moment

Originally Posted by Joy Ip, The Scourge (Crystal Tears) It felt like someone had hit her repeated with a car. The water ripped from her body with such force that her limbs outstretched and looked as if someone was trying to rip them off. A compressed shockwave of air shot out and slammed into everything, crumbling the pillars and blowing over the fence over. The next thing to hit was the water. It had such momentum that the half constructed building toppled, pushed over onto its side. Crushing the fence the construction workers had placed in-between the city and the forest, to keep the animals out. Joey managed to hear the creature scream, but it was replaced by a horrible gurgling noise of the water overwhelming it.

Funniest Moment

Originally Posted by Blademaster, It Sucks To Be Us! (Blademaster) "Aw-ow. OW!" Blademaster cried out as Mystic Clown grabbed him in a headlock. "That hurts, dude!""What the Hell are you doing to my RPG, Blade!?" MC barked, rapping on the older teen's head with his free fist a few times. "Who gave you permission to break the rules of my RPG!? Andrew can't do what he's doing - it makes no sense!""Clown, this is a parody RPG." Blademaster wheezed. "There are no rules and nothing makes sense."MC paused."Oh. Yeah." he mumbled, letting go of Blade's head. "Good point."

Most Wanted Soundtrack
~The Scourge

Best RPG Inspired Art (Include Artist's name)
~Denny Roth and Kíashkiklah, The Scourge (Mew Master)

Best Quote
Originally Posted by Denny Roth, The Scourge (Mew Master) “Ju-just who… are you people?” Angelo asked as we neared what looked like a small tent.“Oh just your average saviors of humanity,” Leu replied with his arms in the air and hands behind his head.

Best RPG in the History of TPM
~Chains of Dragons (Mew Master)
When you go and write story on it . . . I mean dude, musta been good.

Mew Trainer Rose
11th January 2007, 09:54 PM
The RP’ers.

Best RPG Creator
~Mew Master

Best Plotter
~Crystal Tears

Most Creative

Best Writer

Most Enjoyable Writing Style
~Mew Master

Funniest RP’er
~Mew Master

The RPGs!

Best RPG of Winter '06
~The Scourge (Mew Master)

Most Original
~The Scourge (Mew Master)

Best Non-Pokémon RPG
~The Scourge (Mew Master)

Most Enjoyable RPG
~The Scourge

Most Wanted RPG Type
~Completely Original


Best All Around Character
~Denny Roth, The Scourge (Mew Master)

Best-looking Character
~Tyn the Wyvern, The Scourge (Crystal Tears)

Most Original Character
~Angelo Weiss, The Scourge (Mystic_Clown)

Most Aggressive Character
~Ivan Faust, The Scourge (Blademaster)

Best History
~Angelo Weiss, The Scourge (Mystic_Clown)

Most Tortured Character
~Angelo Weiss, The Scourge (Mystic_Clown)

Most Mysterious Character
~Saisei no Nanashi, The Scourge (Prof. JB Wolf)

Cutest Couple (can be male/male, female/female, or male/female)
~Leucetius Daithi Iomhar and Kiina Prattle, The Scourge (Weasel Overlord and River)

Funniest Character
~Leucetius Daithi Iomhar, The Scourge (Weasel Overlord)


Most memorable moment
Originally Posted by Joy Ip, The Scourge (Crystal Tears)
It felt like someone had hit her repeated with a car. The water ripped from her body with such force that her limbs outstretched and looked as if someone was trying to rip them off. A compressed shockwave of air shot out and slammed into everything, crumbling the pillars and blowing over the fence over. The next thing to hit was the water. It had such momentum that the half constructed building toppled, pushed over onto its side. Crushing the fence the construction workers had placed in-between the city and the forest, to keep the animals out. Joey managed to hear the creature scream, but it was replaced by a horrible gurgling noise of the water overwhelming it.

Funniest Moment
Originally Posted by Kiyoshiro Watanabi, The Scourge (Shadow Djinn)
" So," The asian boy said. " That fish..."

He didn't even know his name...

" ...George?" He finally said weakly, after momentary silence. The dark clothed boy's only trace of an answer was the sound of gnashing teeth.

" Jack? Bill? Brandon?" Kyoshiro said to no one in particular -- he'd given up on the sword wielding engima as a conversationalist.

And finally..." Ivan." The boy growled, looking up from the charred remains of his meal.

" Ivan," Kyoshiro muttered. " Like the Hurricane." At this, the darkly clad boy growled again.

" Or not," Kyoshiro quickly reprimanded. " I know Ivans. Nice guys. Successful. Smart. Good looking..."

Most Wanted Soundtrack
~The Scourge

Best RPG Inspired Art (Include Artist's name)
~Aliana and Avistel, The Scourge (Mew Master) Two

Best Quote
Originally Posted by Denny Roth, The Scourge (Mew Master)
“Ju-just who… are you people?” Angelo asked as we neared what looked like a small tent.

“Oh just your average saviors of humanity,” Leu replied with his arms in the air and hands behind his head.

Best RPG in the History of TPM
~Chains of Dragons (Mew Master)

Emotional Faun Chiko-sai
14th January 2007, 11:05 PM
Most Useful Function: Copy + Paste

Best All Around RP’er
~Weasel Overlord

Best Character Creator

Best RPG Creator

Best Plotter
~Crystal Tears

Most Creative
No vote :x

Most Detailed

Most Dedicated
~Roy Kaarde

Best Writer

Most Enjoyable Writing Style
~Weasel Overlord

Nicest RP’er
~Hinata [Toxicity]

Funniest RP’er

Most Improved RP’er
~Shadow Djinn

Best RPG of Winter '06
No vote :xx

Most Original
~Down in a Rabbit Hole (fireguardian)

Best Pokémon RPG
No vote either :xxx

Best Non-Pokémon RPG
~Down in a Rabbit Hole (fireguardian)

Most Persistent
~It Sucks To Be Us! (Mystic_Clown)

Best Prequel/Sequel
~Blood and Magick II: The Forgotten (Drusilla)

Best Remake (Restarting an old RPG)
~Fruits Basket (Waves_of_Darkness) *Auto-win*

Best Book Based RPG
~Fruits Basket (Waves_of_Darkness) *Auto-win*

Best Anime/TV/Movie Inspired RPG
~Fruits Basket (Waves_of_Darkness)

Most Wanted Prequel/Sequel
~The Jungle (Plantae)

Most Enjoyable RPG
~Fruits Basket (Waves_of_Darkness)

Most Wanted RPG Type
~Medieval Fantasy

Best All Around Character
*hides* No vote :xxxx

Coolest Villain
~Nargel, Here Comes the I-Squad! (Waves_of_Darkness/Envoy of Time) *Auto-win*

Best-looking Character
~Kiyoshi Sohma, Fruits Basket (Vulpix.ck)

Most Original Character
Nooo voooote :xxxxx

Evillest Character
~Shujoteki, Fruits Basket (Waves_of_Darkness) *Auto-win*

Friendliest Character
No vote? :xxxxxx

Most Aggressive Character
~Ivan Faust, The Scourge (Blademaster)

Best History
~Cross, Tales of Aselic (Crystal Tears)

Most Tortured Character
~Laura Incarnations (Toxicity)

Most Mysterious Character
~Old Nick, Down in a Rabbit Hole (fireguardian)

Cutest Couple (can be male/male, female/female, or male/female)
~Kiyoshi Sohma, Rufus Valerius Sohma and Saburo Sohma, Fruits Basket (Vulpix.ck, Weasel Overlord and Emotional Faun Chiko-sai)

Quietest Character
~Amaya Sohma, Fruits Basket (Toxicity) *Auto-win*

Funniest Character
Nro vrote. :xxxxxxx

Most memorable moment
Nwo vwote :xxxxxxxx

Saddest Moment
~ Quote:
Originally Posted by Kiina Prattle, The Scourge (River)
Kiina heard the hesitation and looked at her curiously. What could make this majestic being take pause?

She sighed, her sides heaving and reached around to touch her muzzle to Kiina's cheek, :I'm sorry I could not be there for you when you surely need it most. I couldn't reach you yet and could only see to it you did not die.:

Kiina felt the tears start to run down her face and hugged her. "You tried, and hey, saved my life. The doctors couldn't understand why I hadn't died from blood loss."


Funniest Moment
~ Quote:
Originally Posted by Kiyoshiro Watanabi, The Scourge (Shadow Djinn)
" So," The asian boy said. " That fish..."

He didn't even know his name...

" ...George?" He finally said weakly, after momentary silence. The dark clothed boy's only trace of an answer was the sound of gnashing teeth.

" Jack? Bill? Brandon?" Kyoshiro said to no one in particular -- he'd given up on the sword wielding engima as a conversationalist.

And finally..." Ivan." The boy growled, looking up from the charred remains of his meal.

" Ivan," Kyoshiro muttered. " Like the Hurricane." At this, the darkly clad boy growled again.

" Or not," Kyoshiro quickly reprimanded. " I know Ivans. Nice guys. Successful. Smart. Good looking..."

(seriously, LOL)

Most Wanted Soundtrack

Best RPG Inspired Art (Include Artist's name)
Nyo vyote :xxxxxxxxx

Best Quote

Originally Posted by Kiyoshi Sohma, Fruits Basket (Vulpix.ck)
So you’ll never guess what Rufus told me..

Best RPG in the History of TPM
~The River (Plantae)

Weasel Overlord
14th January 2007, 11:36 PM

The RP’ers.

Best All Around RP’er

Best Character Creator

Best RPG Creator

Best Plotter
~Crystal Tears

Most Creative
xxx - X)

Most Detailed

Most Dedicated

Best Writer

Most Enjoyable Writing Style
~Emotional Faun Chiko-sai

Nicest RP’er

Funniest RP’er

Most Improved RP’er

The RPGs!

Best RPG of Winter '06
xxx - pleh

Most Original
~Down in a Rabbit Hole (fireguardian)

Best Pokémon RPG
~Werepokemon: Piercing the Veil (Kalad1)

Best Non-Pokémon RPG
~Down in a Rabbit Hole (fireguardian)

Most Persistent
xxx - neh

Best Prequel/Sequel
xxx - nil poi

Best Anime/TV/Movie Inspired RPG
~Fruits Basket (Waves_of_Darkness)

Most Wanted Prequel/Sequel
~The Jungle (Plantae)

Most Enjoyable RPG
~Fruits Basket (Waves_of_Darkness)

Most Wanted RPG Type
~Medieval Fantasy


Best All Around Character
xxx - No votyage

Best-looking Character
~Kiyoshi Sohma, Fruits Basket (Vulpix.ck)

Most Original Character
~Henry Marshall, Werepokemon (darktyranitar)

Friendliest Character
~Kiina Prattle, The Scourge (River)

Most Aggressive Character
~Ivan Faust, The Scourge (Blademaster)

Best History
xxx - *despises histories*

Most Tortured Character
~Laura Incarnations (Toxicity)

Most Mysterious Character
~Old Nick, Down in a Rabbit Hole (fireguardian)

Cutest Couple (can be male/male, female/female, or male/female)
~Kiyoshi Sohma, Rufus Valerius Sohma and Saburo Sohma, Fruits Basket (Vulpix.ck, Weasel Overlord and Emotional Faun Chiko-sai)

Funniest Character
~Monday Evening, ASB/RPG (Emotional Faun Chiko-sai)


Funniest Moment

Most Wanted Soundtrack
~The Scourge

Best RPG Inspired Art (Include Artist's name)
[/URL]~Chronicles of the Rift Characters (Emotional Faun Chiko-sai) [URL="http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y157/jingleweasel/rift2.gif"]One (http://geekway.comicgen.com/scourge_003.html) Two (http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y157/jingleweasel/rift1.gif)

Best Quote
Originally Posted by Saburo Sohma, Fruits Basket (Emotional Faun Chiko-sai)
Dressed unkemptly and unconventionally, an extraordinarily disreputable hat crowning his coppery locks

Best RPG in the History of TPM
~The River (Plantae)

15th January 2007, 10:07 AM
OK, time to vote. ^^

The RP’ers.

Best All Around RP’er
~Weasel Overlord

Best Character Creator

Best RPG Creator
No vote (Can't decide. :-/)

Best Plotter
~Crystal Tears

Most Creative

Most Detailed
~Weasel Overlord

Most Dedicated

Best Writer
~Weasel Overlord

Most Enjoyable Writing Style
~Mew Master

Nicest RP’er

Funniest RP’er
~Mew Master

Most Improved RP’er
~Shadow Djinn

The RPGs!

Best RPG of Winter '06
No vote (Can't decide again. ><;;; )

Most Original
~It Sucks To Be Us! (Mystic_Clown)

Best Pokémon RPG

No vote (Don't play either one. >>;; )

Best Non-Pokémon RPG
~The Scourge (Mew Master)

Most Persistent
~It Sucks To Be Us! (Mystic_Clown)

Best Prequel/Sequel
No vote (Don't play either one again. >>;;;;; )

Best Remake (Restarting an old RPG)
~Fruits Basket (Waves_of_Darkness) *Auto-win*

Best Book Based RPG
~Fruits Basket (Waves_of_Darkness) *Auto-win*

Best Anime/TV/Movie Inspired RPG
~Sonic Zeroes: Fragments of Time (Fai D. Flowright)

Most Wanted Prequel/Sequel

No vote (You guessed it. ><*)

Most Enjoyable RPG
~The Scourge

Most Wanted RPG Type
~Mario (I don't care if you don't want one - I'll make one anyway! :keke:)


Best All Around Character
~Denny Roth, The Scourge (Mew Master)

Coolest Villain
~Nargel, Here Comes the I-Squad! (Waves_of_Darkness/Envoy of Time) *Auto-win*

Best-looking Character
~Cross, Tales of Aselic (Crystal Tears)

Most Original Character
~Angelo Weiss, The Scourge (Mystic_Clown)

Evillest Character
~Shujoteki, Fruits Basket (Waves_of_Darkness) *Auto-win*

Friendliest Character
~Wiggly, Here Comes the I-Squad! (Houndoom_Lover)

Most Aggressive Character
~The Hellmonger, Here Comes the I-Squad (Mystic_Clown)

Best History
~Marian Loxley/Maiden Mesmeric, It Sucks To Be Us! (Mewtwo-D2)

Most Tortured Character
~Laura Anderson, It Sucks To Be Us! (Toxicity)

Most Mysterious Character
~Hyde, Tales of Aselic (Mystic_Clown)

Cutest Couple (can be male/male, female/female, or male/female)
~Brigh Dangerfield and David Johnson, It Sucks To Be Us! (Master Rudy and Kuro Espeon)

Quietest Character
~Amaya Sohma, Fruits Basket (Toxicity) *Auto-win*

Funniest Character
~Leucetius Daithi Iomhar, The Scourge (Weasel Overlord)


Most memorable moment
~Blizzard’s betrayal of Nargel, Here Comes the I-Squad (Envoy of Time)

Saddest Moment
~Kiina meets the Unicorn, The Scourge (River) *Auto-win*

Funniest Moment
~Kyoshiro meets Ivan, The Scourge (Shadow Djinn)

Most Wanted Soundtrack
~The Scourge

Best RPG Inspired Art (Include Artist's name)
~Denny Roth and Kíashkiklah, The Scourge (Mew Master) One (http://geekway.comicgen.com/scourge_001.html)

Best Quote
~ (after falling 50,000 feet) "Oh, fuck you." Cross, Tales of Aselic (Crystal Tears)

Best RPG in the History of TPM
~The Battle for Twilight Town (Everyone)

16th January 2007, 04:46 PM
I apologize in full for the cheese that doth follow. These silly awards...

Best All Around RP’er
Weasel Overlord

Best Character Creator

Best RPG Creator

Most Detailed

Most Dedicated
Roy Karrde

Best Writer
Weasel Overlord

Most Enjoyable Writing Style
Weasel Overlord

Nicest RP’er
Weasel Overlord

Most Improved RP’er

Most Original
Down in a Rabbit Hole (fireguardian)

Best Non-Pokémon RPG
Down in a Rabbit Hole (fireguardian)

Most Wanted RPG Type
Completely Original

Best-looking Character
Arělys Tyrnea’rae, ASB/RPG (Weasel Overlord)

Most Mysterious Character
Old Nick, Down in a Rabbit Hole (fireguardian)

Cutest Couple
Kiyoshi Sohma, Rufus Valerius Sohma, and Saburo Sohma, Fruits Basket (Vulpix.ck, Weasel Overlord and Emotional Faun Chiko-sai)

Funniest Character
Monday Evening, ASB/RPG (Emotional Faun Chiko-sai)

Funniest Moment
Rufus Valerius turning up naked save for a dashing hat on Saburo Sohma’s doorstep, Fruits Basket (Weasel Overlord)

Most Wanted Soundtrack
The Scourge

Best RPG Inspired Art
Chronicles of the Rift Characters (Emotional Faun Chiko-sai) One Two

Best Quote
Saburo Sohma, Fruits Basket (Emotional Faun Chiko-sai)

Best RPG in the History of TPM
Chains of Dragons (Mew Master)

17th January 2007, 12:32 PM
The RP'ers
Best All Around RP'er
~Weasel Overlord
Best Character Creator
Best RPG Creator
Best Plotter
Most Creative
Most Detailed
Most Dedicated
Best Writer
~Weasel Overlord
Most Enjoyable Writing Style
~Weasel Overlord
Nicest RP'er
(D': I wish I could vote for two.)
Funniest RP'er
Most Improved RP'er

The RPGs!
Best RPG of Winter '06
~The Scourge (Mew Master)
Most Original
~It Sucks To Be Us! (Mystic_Clown)
Best Pokémon RPG
~Werepokemon: Piercing the Veil (Kalad1)
Best Non-Pokémon RPG
~The Scourge (Mew Master)
Most Persistent
~It Sucks To Be Us! (Mystic_Clown)
Best Prequel/Sequel
~Blood and Magick II: The Forgotten (Drusilla)
Best Anime/TV/Movie Inspired RPG
~Fruits Basket (Waves_of_Darkness)
Most Wanted Prequel/Sequel
~The Jungle (Plantae)
Most Enjoyable RPG
~The Scourge
Most Wanted RPG Type
~Completely Original

Best All Around Character
~Jane Fox, It Sucks To Be Us! (Asilynne)
Best-looking Character
~Arělys Tyrnea’rae, ASB/RPG (Weasel Overlord)
Most Original Character
~Angelo Weiss, The Scourge (Mystic_Clown)
Friendliest Character
~Aliana Hurdan, The Scourge (Mew Trainer Rose)
Most Aggressive Character
~Ivan Faust, The Scourge (Blademaster)
Best History
~Cross, Tales of Aselic (Crystal Tears)
Most Tortured Character
~Ivan Faust, The Scourge (Blademaster)
Most Mysterious Character
~Old Nick, Down in a Rabbit Hole (fireguardian)
Cutest Couple
~Kiyoshi Sohma, Rufus Valerius Sohma and Saburo Sohma, Fruits Basket (Vulpix.ck, Weasel Overlord and Emotional Faun Chiko-sai)
Funniest Character
~Andrew Dodger, It Sucks To Be Us! (Blademaster)

Most Memorable Moment
~Joy Ip, The Scourge (Crystal Tears)
Funniest Moment
~Kiyoshiro Watanabi, The Scourge (Shadow Djinn)
Most Wanted Soundtrack
~The Scourge
Best RPG Inspired Art
~Chronicles of the Rift Characters (Emotional Faun Chiko-sai)
Best Quote
~Saburo Sohma, Fruits Basket (Emotional Faun Chiko-sai)
Best RPG in the History of TPM
~Chains of Dragons (Mew Master)
(Of course, I'm a bit biased, but that's just me, eh? I loved the others, too, just gotta stick with my.. "roots".. ?)


Weasel Overlord
23rd January 2007, 02:40 PM
Hey hey dudes! One more day of voting fun, so if anyone's got any last minute votes they wanna lob into the fray, please go right ahead!

Weasel Overlord
24th January 2007, 02:18 PM
And the results are finally in, people! Thanks for voting, everyone who did, and congratulations to those who won! ^_^
See you at the Spring Awards!
The RP’ers.

Best All Around RP’er
~Bulbasaur4 [4]
~Vulpix.ck [1]
~Weasel Overlord [8]

Best Character Creator *tie*
~Bulbasaur4 [4]
~Mystic_Clown [3]
~Plantae [2]
~Vulpix.ck [4]

Best RPG Creator *tie*
~Bulbasaur4 [4]
~Crystal Tears [2]
~Mew Master [4]
~Plantae [3]

Best Plotter
~Bulbasaur4 [4]
~Crystal Tears [8]

Most Creative
~Mystic_Clown [3]
~Bulbasaur4 [5]
~River [3]

Most Detailed *tie*
~Bulbasaur4 [5]
~Crystal Tears [0]
~Vulpix.ck [5]
~Weasel Overlord [3]

Most Dedicated
~Blademaster [5]
~Mystic_Clown [1]
~Plantae [1]
~River [0]
~Roy Karrde [4]

Best Writer *tie*
~Emotional Faun Chiko-sai [3]
~Plantae [1]
~Samchu [2]
~Vulpix.ck [2]
~Weasel Overlord [3]

Most Enjoyable Writing Style
~Drusilla [0]
~Emotional Faun Chiko-sai [3]
~Mew Master [3]
~Weasel Overlord [4]

Nicest RP’er
~Asilynne [2]
~Bulbasaur4 [4]
~Hinata [3]
~Mew Trainer Rose [1]
~Weasel Overlord [3]

Funniest RP’er
~Blademaster [7]
~Mew Master [4]

Most Improved RP’er
~Blademaster [7]
~Shadow Djinn [4]

The RPGs!

Best RPG of Winter '06
~The Scourge (Mew Master) [6]
~It Sucks To Be Us! (Mystic_Clown) [2]

Most Original
~It Sucks To Be Us! (Mystic_Clown) [3]
~The Scourge (Mew Master) [4]
~Down in a Rabbit Hole (fireguardian) [5]

Best Pokémon RPG *tie*
~Werepokemon: Piercing the Veil (Kalad1) [3]
~ASB/RPG (Fai D. Flowright and Crystal Tears) [3]

Best Non-Pokémon RPG
~The Scourge (Mew Master) [6]
~Tales of Aselic (Crystal Tears) [1]
~Down in a Rabbit Hole (fireguardian) [4]

Most Persistent
~It Sucks To Be Us! (Mystic_Clown) [6]
~Fruits Basker (Waves_of_Darkness) [3]

Best Prequel/Sequel
~Blood and Magick II: The Forgotten (Drusilla) [5]
~W.H.O.O.P. Spy Training School: The Sequel (MascaraTears) [1]

Best Remake *Auto-win*
~Fruits Basket (Waves_of_Darkness)

Best Book Based RPG *Auto-win*
~Fruits Basket (Waves_of_Darkness)

Best Anime/TV/Movie Inspired RPG
~Sonic Zeroes: Fragments of Time (Fai D. Flowright) [3]
~Fruits Basket (Waves_of_Darkness) [7]

Most Wanted Prequel/Sequel
~W.H.O.O.P: Spy Training School (MascaraTears) [2]
~The Jungle (Plantae) [6]

Most Enjoyable RPG
~The Scourge [6]
~Fruits Basket (Waves_of_Darkness) [7]

Most Wanted RPG Type
~Dragons [0]
~Mario [1]
~Nintendo [0]
~Completely Original [7]
~Medieval Fantasy [5]


Best All Around Character
~Jack Scarecrow, It Sucks To Be Us! (Mystic_Clown) [1]
~Jane Fox, It Sucks To Be Us! (Asilynne) [2]
~Denny Roth, The Scourge (Mew Master) [5]

Coolest Villain *Auto-win*
~Nargel, Here Comes the I-Squad! (Waves_of_Darkness/Envoy of Time)

Best-looking Character *tie*
~Tyn the Wyvern, The Scourge (Crystal Tears) [4]
~Cross, Tales of Aselic (Crystal Tears) [2]
~Arělys Tyrnea’rae, ASB/RPG (Weasel Overlord) [2]
~Kiyoshi Sohma, Fruits Basket (Vulpix.ck) [4]

Most Original Character
~Angelo Weiss, The Scourge (Mystic_Clown) [7]
~Henry Marshall, Werepokemon (darktyranitar) [4]

Evillest Character *Auto-win*
~Shujoteki, Fruits Basket (Waves_of_Darkness)

Friendliest Character
~Aliana Hurdan, The Scourge (Mew Trainer Rose) [3]
~Wiggly, Here Comes the I-Squad! (Houndoom_Lover) [1]
~Kiina Prattle, The Scourge (River) [4]

Most Aggressive Character
~Ivan Faust, The Scourge (Blademaster) [6]
~The Hellmonger, Here Comes the I-Squad (Mystic_Clown) [2]
~Enigma, It Sucks To Be Us! (Blademaster) [0]
~Yuri Passel, ASB/RPG (Roy Karrde) [3]

Best History
~Angelo Weiss, The Scourge (Mystic_Clown) [2]
~Marian Loxley/Maiden Mesmeric, It Sucks To Be Us! (Mewtwo-D2) [1]
~Ivan Faust, The Scourge (Blademaster) [1]
~Cross, Tales of Aselic (Crystal Tears) [6]

Most Tortured Character
~Ivan Faust, The Scourge (Blademaster) [6]
~Laura Incarnations (Toxicity) [3]
~Laura Anderson, It Sucks To Be Us! (Toxicity) [1]
~Angelo Weiss, The Scourge (Mystic_Clown) [1]

Most Mysterious Character
~Saisei no Nanashi, The Scourge (Prof. JB Wolf) [4]
~Old Nick, Down in a Rabbit Hole (fireguardian) [6]
~Hyde, Tales of Aselic (Mystic_Clown) [2]
~Cearo Mitsu Gin, ASB/RPG (Hyperness is a Good Thing) [1]

Cutest Couple
~Leucetius Daithi Iomhar and Kiina Prattle, The Scourge (Weasel Overlord and River) [3]
~Brigh Dangerfield and David Johnson, It Sucks To Be Us! (Master Rudy and Kuro Espeon) [1]
~Kiyoshi Sohma, Rufus Valerius Sohma and Saburo Sohma, Fruits Basket (Vulpix.ck, Weasel Overlord and Emotional Faun Chiko-sai) [8]

Quietest Character *Auto-win*
~Amaya Sohma, Fruits Basket (Toxicity)

Funniest Character
~Andrew Dodger, It Sucks To Be Us! (Blademaster) [2]
~Leucetius Daithi Íomhar, The Scourge (Weasel Overlord) [5]
~Monday Evening, ASB/RPG (Emotional Faun Chiko-sai) [3]
~Ivan Faust, The Scourge (Blademaster) [1]


Most memorable moment

~Joey Ip, The Scourge (Crystal Tears) [5]
~Blizzard’s betrayal of Nargel, Here Comes the I-Squad (Envoy of Time) [1]

~Mystic_Clown’s opening post in ASB/RPG [1]

Saddest Moment *auto-win*
~Kiina Prattle, The Scourge (River)

Funniest Moment
~ Kiyoshiro Watanabi, The Scourge (Shadow Djinn) [7]
" So," The asian boy said. " That fish..."
~ Blademaster, It Sucks To Be Us! (Blademaster) [1]
"Aw-ow. OW!" Blademaster cried out as Mystic Clown grabbed him in a headlock."
~Rufus Valerius turning up naked save for a dashing hat on Saburo Sohma’s doorstep, Fruits Basket (Weasel Overlord) [2]

Most Wanted Soundtrack
~The Scourge [10]
~ASB/RPG [2]

Best RPG Inspired Art (Include Artist's name)
~Denny Roth and Kíashkiklah, The Scourge (Mew Master) [3]
~Aliana and Avistel, The Scourge (Mew Master) [1]
~Chronicles of the Rift Characters (Emotional Faun Chiko-sai) [5]

Best Quote
~ Ivan Faust, The Scourge (Blademaster) [2]
“I hate my life.”
~ Cross, Tales of Aselic (Crystal Tears) [2]
“Oh, fuck you!”
~ Denny Roth, The Scourge (Mew Master) [2]
“Oh just your average saviors of humanity,”
~ Kaze Sohma, Fruits Basket (fireguardian) [0]
“Life is hell sometimes, I think”
~ Saburo Sohma, Fruits Basket (Emotional Faun Chiko-sai) [3]
“Dressed unkemptly and unconventionally, an extraordinarily disreputable hat crowning his coppery locks”
~ Kiyoshi Sohma, Fruits Basket (Vulpix.ck) [1]

“So you’ll never guess what Rufus told me...”

Best RPG in the History of TPM
~The Battle for Twilight Town (o.O) ((Everyone!!)) [2]
~Chains of Dragons (Mew Master) [4]
~Dawn of the Blood Moon (Asilynne) [3]
~The River (Plantae) [2]

24th January 2007, 05:38 PM
I...I can't believe it. I actually one something this time! *sniff* I've never been so happy.

Mew Trainer Rose
25th January 2007, 08:14 PM
And I win nothing! *Does the "I lose!" dance.*

25th January 2007, 08:25 PM
Wooo! A tie! *does a dance then swipes the trophy before the people who he tied with show up* Yoink! *runs off*