View Full Version : Fanfic Trailer: Coming Soon

Dark Sage
1st April 2007, 07:34 AM
When primitive man first became capable of thinking his own thoughts, the first thing he pondered was likely:

“What am I?”

And after a bit of thinking, he likely came up with an answer that satisfied him.

But that may have led to a much deeper question:

“What made me?”

We can only imagine, that primitive man may have looked up into the sky, and wondered who created him… Who put him on this Earth… And if some greater power was still watching him…

One has to wonder…

Have Pokemon ever wondered the same thing?

* * * * * * * * * *

It has been twenty-seven years since Gestalt perished. He is no more than a bad memory to the trainers who were involved in the battle where he met his end. Since that time, the land of Toreen has become darker, the pokemon fiercer, even though more and more species appear with each passing year.

Now, ten years after his father disappeared, a young trainer will travel the land, searching for the clues he needs to uncover the truth…

And he will find it…

Even if he must storm the gates of Heaven itself…


Storming Heaven’s Gates

“I will know the truth…”

Coming this summer to TPM fanfic…

Shuppet Master
3rd April 2007, 12:27 PM
Really nice and short, but then trailers should be short. :D

You told me about this story a month ago, and I really can't wait to read it. I too am working on a Pokemon fic that will be put up on this forum, but I can't reveal anything yet. When Pokemon Diamond are Pearl's guide comes out on the sixth, I'll give a bit of info. ;)

Dark Sage
28th April 2007, 08:23 PM
In Melville’s masterpiece Moby Dick, Starbuck was a strong and steady sailor who acted as the voice of reason. He tried to oppose Ahab’s mad plan, knowing that it was endangering the crew and the mission. Knowing that Ahab was insane, Starbuck once considered shooting the captain to end the madness. But in the end, he did what he was told.

Today, another young man named Starbuck is just as strong and steady, and he’s just as determined to end a madness…

But sure as Heaven, no-one is gonna tell him what to do!


Years after Gestalt’s death, a dark cloud has descended upon the land. The wild is a little wilder, the pokemon are fiercer, and trainers have become tougher to cope. Are the gods angry? Are they displeased?

One young trainer will go to the ends of the earth to find the answers, to lift the curse and cauterize the land…

He will find the answers…

…even if he must storm the gates of Heaven themselves…


Storming Heaven’s Gates

“I will know the truth!”

Coming May 5th to TPM.

29th April 2007, 03:20 AM
You know, I reckon "What am I?" is just as deep as "What made me?". Have yet to find a satisfactory answer to either of those. Anyway, nice tralier you've got going there. I like the first one much more because it makes things sound more mysterious, and the second one's language is a bit more colloquial. Not to mention that I red the first one first, so naturally the second one sounds repetitive.

Is this Ishmael's son?