View Full Version : Wow... freaky

1st April 2007, 07:58 AM
Let's discuss odd things happening to you (while not on drugs preferably :p)

Today, 2 sites that I go to seem to be hacked at the same time.

I find this odd, both even have the same reason, for not letting the hacker in. So they probably banned him from the site ones and now he got back at them.

It probably happens a couple of times but for it to be 2 sites that I daily go to, to be hacked at the same time. Odd.

Then there was last week were I dremt that someone in my class said 'Let's skip french class'. That same day we had French and guess what happened. The teacher himself said that we could leave, he had something to do.

So what odd things have happened to you?

Lady Vulpix
1st April 2007, 08:20 AM
Considering what day it is, I'd wait until tomorrow to see if the sites have really been hacked or not.

1st April 2007, 08:26 AM
I had my share of freakish experience too. There are times when I had undergo situations which I had believed that I had went before. A mere case of deja vu? Well it could be but who knows that we might have underwent the situations in our dreams and it is only just that we are not aware of it after we wake.

1st April 2007, 08:33 AM
Uh, well, too many to mention... weird things are the story of my life. ^_^;;

I guess if you want something recent (actually, it's ongoing), I've been struggling to access any website on the forboards.prophp domain recently. The other forboards domains are fine, but I can't get to anything on forboards.prophp. Even tried a computer in the campus library, and it was a no go. In contrast, every single person to whom I've mentioned this can get to the address without any difficulty. This has been going on for about a week, and I still have no idea why multiple computers are failing for me and no one else.

Another odd thing that happened about two weeks ago involved the bike I rent from my college. See, it's never really worked properly since a crash I was in during the first semester, even though I got the damaged parts replaced. (Thank goodness for the free campus bike shop!) Ever since then, one of the tires has kind of dragged a little on the tire guard, which makes pedalling a veritable workout. But when I tried riding it to class that day, the tire just plain stuck in place at the "dragging point."

After class, I took the bike to get it fixed, and the mechanic had one of the most shocked expressions I've ever seen when he tried spinning the wheel and it ground to a sudden halt. The guy did some work on it for about half an hour with little effect. He eventually replaced the tire and sent me away.

I quickly returned and reported that my pedalling had absolutely no effect on how fast the wheels turned (it was lucky that at least the brakes were effective). Sure, I could get to wherever I needed to go, as long as it was downhill. He grumbled for awhile, replaced the tire, and said that it should work.

Not two minutes later I was back in his office once more, and his head was in his hands upon learning that the gears were slipping off the wheel every couple of seconds. This meant the whole thing was bad. The guy scrounged around for several minutes, trying to find a new tire, before eventually yanking one off another bike that was in there for maintenance work. He adjusted the seat, fixed some minor problems with the lights, tested the bike himself, and told me he hoped to never see me again. (I think he meant that as, "I hope your bike never has problems again.")

By the way, remember that crash I mentioned earlier? Well, this guy was the same mechanic who worked on my bike then. After the crash, my front tire (the one that was replaced) looked like something from Dali's The Persistence of Memory. The girl who crashed into me rode away without a hitch.

1st April 2007, 09:10 AM
Considering what day it is, I'd wait until tomorrow to see if the sites have really been hacked or not.

That might be rights, but taking down your site for an entire day...
Ah well, I'll check tomorrow.

1st April 2007, 09:12 AM
You obviously never saw the epic DigiMasters. Such a timeless scam... ^_^

1st April 2007, 12:01 PM
I think I trump all with this.

These two girls and I used to be best friends our sophomore year of high school. One of them lived in a foster home.

She was moved in 2002, and we never saw her or heard from her again.

A few days ago, I got curious and looked her up on Myspace/Facebook. Couldn't find her.

She was on the front page of the newspaper that day! After not bothering to search for her for five years, the day I searched for her, she was on the front page of the #1 regional newspaper.

I still have no way of contacting her, but I hope all is going well for her <3