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View Full Version : On the Subject of Pokerus...

28th May 2007, 04:39 PM
As you may or may not know, Pokerus is a "disease" that pokemon in certain games can get that allows them to level up faster. The only experience I have ever personally had with it was on a silver version many years ago. I have heard that pokemon can get it on D/P version, but as of yet I have seen no proof. Anybody know for sure? Also, what are its standings in R/S/E
and R/B/Y? From what I hear, the chances of encountering it at all are pretty slim, but I could be wrong? Anybody get it multiple times?

28th May 2007, 05:13 PM
It was introduced in GSC, and has been in every game since. Also, it doesn't make pokemon level up faster, it doubles the amount of Effort Points they get for KOing other pokemon. Not sure exactly what it did in GSC though, but I'd be willing to bet it did the same thing with stat experience.

Edit: And yes, the chances of getting it are really slim, about as slim as encountering a shiny.

28th May 2007, 05:21 PM
My Granbull has it.

So..yeah. It exists.

Weasel Overlord
29th May 2007, 07:46 AM
I have a ton of infected Pokemon on my Ruby game. ^_^ You can kinda, preserve it in the computer and then infect more pokies as you go along. Considering that they get better after a while, alas.

But yes, EV training while infected with Pokerus is brilliant. You get like, double EVs. XD

29th May 2007, 04:36 PM
I didn't mean you level up faster like that, I meant it as in it made it quicker and easier. Not that you need to get less EXP or anything.

30th May 2007, 01:35 AM
Not particularly easier; your stat growth is greater because your EVs are doubled after each battle. Once the PKRS icon is replaced with the strange face icon, you're still infected with Pokerus; however, you are no longer able to spread it. That's why it's best if you keep a few 'mons infected in your PC.


4th June 2007, 08:58 AM
EGADS! One of my pokemon just developed Pokerus just now! I need to know everything! How long does it last, how do I keep it there, how do I give it to other pokemon? Does it go away after a few days, or does it go away by how many steps you've taken? I need to know EVERYTHING!

5th June 2007, 10:49 AM
Pokerus is never cured; it just stops being contagious after about twenty-four hours. The best way to spread it around is to go into battles with the infected in your party. After the battle, the two Pokemon closest to the Pokerus on your team will be infected as well. Just move around your team members and battle until everyone you want is infected.

Keep a few filler Pokemon infected in your PC - they'll remain infected (and contagious) for as long as they're in the box.


6th June 2007, 11:21 PM
I find that if you battle with them on Fire Red or Leaf Green they become more powerful. The bad news is it not contagious. So trade them to there and lvl them up for best results.

8th June 2007, 11:00 AM
Thank you for the info, one more question. I am going away for a long while and can't bring my DS. How long will pokerus stay contagious in the computer box? Up to a week? Two? Or is it just a matter of days?

8th June 2007, 12:07 PM
In the PC? I believe it stays forever.

8th June 2007, 09:45 PM
Are you for sure? (It's a matter of some importance...)

9th June 2007, 08:48 AM
Unless everything on the subject I've ever read is a lie, then yes. ^^;

Mega Horny
9th June 2007, 09:12 AM
I've gotten Pokérus twice in my battling career, which I think is pretty damn good. Once with my ground monotype team in sapphire, and once with my Pearl team in...you guessed it, Pearl.

Weasel Overlord
9th June 2007, 03:07 PM
If you put a Pokie with the virus into your pc, it'll stay forever. I know cos I have it on Ruby, and I hadn't played it almost a year, lol.

If you put a Pokie with the virus in your party, it transfers it onto the rest of the ones in your party. Once they've had it, they can't get it again. And it lasts, actively, for about a week? I'm not sure of the exact amount of time it lasts.

13th June 2007, 10:03 PM
Weasel Overlord is right i last forever(or atleast 3years) in the box.

Mega Horny
13th June 2007, 10:12 PM
Hm...In my sapphire, it lasted about 4-5 days, but in my Pearl, it only lasted about 18 hours in real time.

14th June 2007, 12:32 PM
Bumer but thats good to know. What if you put it in the box?

Dark Sage
16th June 2007, 04:20 PM
Boy, talk about hard work...

I recently got the National Dex. Yesterday, I decided to got to Mt. Coronet and find out what was in the room that you could only access with Waterfall (it was the Stone Plate, by the way), and wouldn't you know it, after a chance encounter, my Pokemon caught Pokerus.

So, I postponed my plans for catching the Pokeradar Pokemon, and started the process of infecting every Pokemon I own. Since I have a "gotta catch 'em all" mentality while playing, it's taken a long time, and good use of the Vs. Seeker. But I've been making tons of cash and experience.

Anyway, I've learned a few things about spreading it. It takes at least one battle for unifected the Pokemon on your team to catch it from the infected ones, and it could take as many as five. It seems to work faster if a Pokemon has an infected Pokemon in front of it in the party lineup. If it has an infected Pokemon in front of it and behind it in the lineup, it works even faster.

Anyway, hope you can put that info to good use.