View Full Version : hello, im new

19th July 2007, 04:20 PM
i am new and have some questions about this forum

1. How do RPGs work? I knw what they stand for but they look like short storys

2. How long will it take for my asb team to be aproved?

3. How do u rank up?

19th July 2007, 06:04 PM
1. Find and RPG you like, fill out a sign-up, and hope you're approved.

2. Pretty quickly - the ASB Mods are typically on top of that sort of thing.

3. Post a lot and your 'Beginning Trainer' rank will go up.

And emo or not, I hope you enjoy your stay. ^_^ We like our members happy here at TPM.

19th July 2007, 08:54 PM
Another Emo? Damnit. (jk)

Whether or not your actually an emo, I hope you enjoy your stay at TPM. Blademaster pretty much gave you all your answers so i see no need to answer them myself.

19th July 2007, 10:35 PM
Another Emo? Damnit. .

lol, putting that in my sig

Lady Vulpix
20th July 2007, 09:00 AM

Welcome back, Unsolved Puzzle. You weren't gone for long.

20th July 2007, 09:13 AM
it's unsolved puzzle again?
ooh goody.
welcome nonetheless.
and me emo smush.

20th July 2007, 09:25 AM
Wait, what...?

20th July 2007, 10:59 AM
When did Unsolved Puzzle leave..?

Roy Karrde
20th July 2007, 11:04 AM
Yes its Unsolved Puzzle, supposily he left a few days ago and endy showed up afterwards.

20th July 2007, 11:41 AM
And... that proves that this new guy is Puzz... how, exactly?

Roy Karrde
20th July 2007, 12:00 PM
There is also a way of verifying it that I do not believe I can actually say. Lets just say that it has been proven that he is Ultimate Puzzle.

20th July 2007, 10:33 PM
this puzzle. If he is a member, u could just look at our IP addresses. Not exactly how i saw my welcome. But i have my own forums, and u can veiw my IP or IP bann Ultimate Puzzle.

22nd July 2007, 01:18 AM
Has Unsolved Puzzle, stricken with the sheer amount of grief the board members have put him through for his annoying, yet unbeknowing, post tactics, conceived an unruly plot to shave off his former existence only to return moments later wearing a top hat and a fake 'stache in hopes to make fools of us all?

I mean, both accounts do have similar posting styles and grammar issues, but c'mon... this is the Internet. There are literally thousands upon thousands of Unsolved Puzzles infesting countless online communities with their subpar fanfiction and their horrific ideas for bettering the foundation they have just joined. Could Endy just be one of those Unsolved Puzzle would-be's, and not the Unsolved Puzzle himself?

Or is it as Lady Vulpix politely, yet bluntly, pointed out - Unsolved Puzzle = Endy? It is strange that Endy's account wasn't created until after Unsolved Puzzle's departure, bringing me to this coincidental, yet appropriate, simile, "Has anyone ever seen Superman and Clark Kent in the same room at the same time?"

Of course, like a wanted criminal with evidence piling against him, Endy says "no way, not me" to the Lady G's claims. He even goes so far as getting Unsolved Puzzle's name incorrect when confronted by the thought. We also know that Unsolved Puzzle, when challenged, is not afraid to lie, even to the point of backing himself into a corner. Take, for instance, his post in Fanart - he posted a link to a slideshow of pictures he claimed were his. When Bulbasaur4 called him on it, stating that the pictures weren't his, he offered to prove his skills by offering to draw a similar picture for anyone who requested. Bulbasaur4 then countered by stating that she knew the person responsible for some of the drawings, someone not Unsolved Puzzle. Before he could post his rebuttal, however, he left the forums altogether.

This, of course, leads me to believe that both Unsolved Puzzle and Endy are, in fact, the same person. However, it's not what you think. Perhaps the two accounts were created not by a thirteen-year old kid curious about the outside world via the Internet, but by a twenty-something college student with a hypothesis eager to experiment. What if he created the Unsolved Puzzle account as a clever and thought-provoking riddle amongst us members, then shafted the account only to create a similar account just to keep said members guessing. It seems apparent - Endy knows about IP banning and even challenges anyone to do it. Both accounts, when first created, asked the typical "newbie" questions; surely, if Unsolved Puzzle was Endy, he'd know the answer to those questions already, and wouldn't need to ask them again, even if he were trying to be someone else. But that tool is, perhaps, too crafty for a thirteen-year old - especially one such as him.

Given all this, my theory is that: Unsolved Puzzle = Endy = Anyone on this Forum.

These obviously shared accounts could be shared by anyone. Hell, I could've created both accounts just to screw with everyone! How can I prove otherwise? Well, I can't, same as everyone else...

We could all very well be Unsolved Puzzle. We could all very well be Endy.


Lady Vulpix
22nd July 2007, 09:42 AM
Yes, Endy knows about IP banning and is not worried about that because he has rotating IPs, as did Unsolved Puzzle. So what if a few IPs match? There are still many others he can grab.

So, Endy, however old you are, this isn't funny. I'm sure even you must have something better to do in life than create multiple accounts to spam a Pokemon message board. Why don't you go and find out?

22nd July 2007, 10:00 AM
It could be that Unsolved Puzzle made a childish mistake and figured the best way to fix it is to create a new account and start over fresh. I mean, I've done it several times, myself.