View Full Version : Discussion: Dreams about something you're writing/reading.

Gavin Luper
12th August 2007, 02:39 AM
Hullo. The idea for this thread just kept coming back to me, so I thought I might as well post it. Basically, I was wondering if any other fanficcers have had dreams about a fic they have written or read.

The stimulus for asking this is an odd dream I had a few months ago. I was in the middle of doing lots of planning for Lisa the Legend, and I must have finished making notes quite late at night. I had a bizarre (and kind of laughable) dream.

From what I recall, I was in a garage or a small hall (can't remember which) hanging out with Lisa, Darius, Marina and a fourth character from the fic. The weirdest thing was, they all seemed to be in a band or something, because some of them had musical instruments ... I think Marina was on drums, and either Darius or Lisa or myself was on bass. Someone was on the keyboard, too, which was this big, magenta (??) 80s-esque synthesizer. There was some kind of discussion happening, too, I think, but I can't remember anything that was said.

It was a completely random dream, and it had absolutely nothing to do with the upcoming plot of my story, but it was a very weird and cool experience nonetheless. It was kind of like watching my characters live before my eyes, which at the time was very unreal.

So yeah, I thought I'd share that weird story and see if other fanficcers have had similar experiences before with something they've been reading or writing, not necessarily just on TPM. So, have you? And if so, did you later use the events in the dream for inspiration?

I know I have. Look out for LTL's next instalment: Chapter 62 - Battle of the Bands.

:keke: :looney:

12th August 2007, 03:05 AM
I know exactly what you mean. I've had plenty of dreams revolving around What Dreams Are Made Of (which I'm still working on, dang it!), which is odd because of how they distinguish themselves from dreams about the Pokemon anime in general. The most common thing that happens is that I'll have been thinking for awhile about how to bridge the gap to a certain point in the plot, and my mind will still be going. (Sometimes it's the night after those thoughts, and sometimes it's several days later.)

The freaky thing is that those dreams have, on occasion, helped me figure out what to do with the plot. There have been several instances where I've had something planned, and then I had a dream stemming from the beginning of my idea. It often goes in a much different direction than what I was going to write, but I invariably wake up and say, "Whoa. I need to write that... it fits so much better! And it gives me so many more possibilities!"

Probably isn't wise to plan plotlines based solely on my dreams, but oh well. Seems to work pretty well most of the time. :sweat2:

12th August 2007, 07:55 AM
An interesting new topic... I just gotta post here simply because of the randomness and weirdness of the dreams inspired by my fics - not giving me ideas, per se, but... Well, just listen to the most recent of such dreams and you'll see what I mean.

I was having another of my drug-induced random dreams, but near the end of it, everything just kinda... stopped. And then, Roy Budokai, the star of Yu-Gi-Oh!: Twilight Princess himself, approached me. And he told me something:

"Dave, why haven't you been writing our story? Twilight Princess has some serious super-potential - don't let it go to waste, dudeling!"

...Something along those lines, anyway, but yes - that goofy voice and odd speech patterns were definitely Roy.

I woke up at about that time, before I could respond... But I had no response.

I still don't, actually...

12th August 2007, 04:51 PM
Aw, my sweet pea has a writter's block! ^_^ I actually had a nightmare about Count Bleck...or the Millienium Earl...or that guy from Orphan Feast. Either way, he was there doing a magic show for kids, so my friend and I could find the demonic girl in the crowd that was eating a cake. I got mauled by a dog in it ^_^

12th August 2007, 05:16 PM
I've twice dreamt about Chris 2.0's fics. My original posts about those dreams are probably still in his threads somewhere...

Then I've had dreams about all sorts of books, movies, video games...

Ironically, though, I don't think I've ever had a dream about my fics.

Goodnight Seadra
12th August 2007, 08:15 PM
One time I dream of two characters, from a fanfiction called AEON at another forum, fighting against each other Kill Bill style and I was there hiding behind a tree. One was named Zeffy and another one I forgot his name O.o.

I think there was one time I dream of a scene that I thought of using for a fanfiction of mine called "Through the Lenses", but now that fic is on hiatus. XD

Charles Legend
13th August 2007, 11:14 PM
Oddly Enough, I had a Dream where I was feeding a bunch of Ducks stale bead, one of them err bit me then I looked at my mom and said "it bit me!" then I looked back and the Duck and it was holding a leek and was looking at me with Emerald green eyes and had light green feathered shaped like the letter "L" then the duck told me his name was Leeks the God of Duck... and then in the same dream I put my hand back in to the bag of stale bread and when I withdrew it it was coated in thick gold metallic pant and had the last slice of bread on it, then a a black furred Smeargle with gold markings and gold metallic pant oozing from its tail, the Smeargle like Leeks also had Emerald green eyes jumped out of the bag, and it started to paint my lab coat, then Leeks told me the Smeargle was named Experiment 26 but he prefers to be known simply as “Smears 26” and that is where I gout the Idea of Ryu/Charles Legend having two Genially engineered Cloned Pokémon on his team… ;)

There was also the time I had a dream of a Phantom Kangaroo destroying the Earth with an orb of doom, then again I guess that would be a better death then getting drooled then eaten by a three head Hell hound or being attacked by an army of Harpies who turned every other men on the planet in to women… :Sweat2:

~Charles Legend

Chris 2.1
14th August 2007, 07:15 AM
Re: Dragonfree

She explained that she had a dream about Monica's Revolution; in an old, crumbling mansion, searching in a deep pool for a thick golden coin. I recall her mentioning a family in a parlour that couldn't see the coin but needed it.

It completely enthralled me that my readers could dream like that!

I did work it into a plotline of Monica's Vendetta; the woman Silva was from a very prestigious background and in order to cure an illness needed to absorb the power from a thick, golden coin. She explored the decaying ruins of her old house and found the coin, and became a fully fledged adept.

I should really work on that again.