View Full Version : Damn you Xbox

18th September 2007, 06:42 PM
Only one week away from the launch of Halo 3 and my Xbox 360 has the 3 red lights of death. Some lovely Indian women did tell me that Microsoft is sending me a box to fix my system though. Anyone think I'll have it back in time for Halo?

Roy Karrde
24th September 2007, 08:13 PM
Those things take a month to go back and forth. Anyway why not buy a fan for your X Box 360 when you get it back. There are fans that you can connect to the back that will cool it down. Becuase the refurbished X Box 360 you get is going to be just as prone to the RRoD as your last one.

24th September 2007, 09:26 PM
I called Microsoft and they ended up canceling my repair order without telling. Yay : ) I am gonna do the towel trick tonight so I can play Halo then once it dies again I am gonna call them and bitch them out.

And I had the Xbox in a well ventilated place with a fan nearby so I don't know what else I can really do to keep it cool. Although the refurbished Xbox's actually have an extra heat sink put in them so hopefully it won't be too bad then.

Roy Karrde
24th September 2007, 11:20 PM
Wait first do not do the towel trick. I have heard that it burns out more areas of your X Box that could F you up later on when you get it back. And really the heat is confined to inside of the actual console. I got a Intercooler which basically puts two extra fans right at the edge of it and blows in. It is supposed to lower the interior of the console down by ten degrees. But please dont do the towel trick becuase if they dont give you a refirbished one and give you the same one back then you are screwed.

22nd December 2007, 06:32 PM
I want to get an X-Box really badly, but I think I will wait untill next year when they redo them and get rid of the part that ruins game discs just by playing them :)