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4th October 2007, 06:25 PM
I own a total of four Pokemon CDs. They're crazy! And here's why.


This is the first CD I ever owned. I've had it for YEARS. And after all that time, you know what? I ONLY JUST NOTICED it has a bonus music video. Go me.


This is the second CD I ever had. The music is a little saccarine and 90s-ish for my taste, and it doesn't help that it was apparently made by these people.


I also have this one. The music from the second movie is much better than the music from the first one's CD. The first movie's CD includes N*SYNC, Brittany Spears, and Arron Carter. (Wait a minute... wasn't he like eight years old when this movie came out?) The second movie had Donna Summer, Weird Al and the B-52s. (Rock Corphish!)


Finally, I also have this lovely album. 1/4 of the songs were in the movie, and 1/8 of the songs have anything at all to do with Pokemon. It says "music for and inspired by this movie" or something like that on it. Yeah, right. Like any of these "artists" actually watched the movie. At least Mewtwo is on the front.

Austrian ViceMaster Alex
12th October 2007, 06:08 AM
When I was totally into Pokémon back in the early 2000s I used to buy almost any Pokémon CD I could get my hands on. Whenever a new Pokémon game is released and I play it a lot (last Pokémon XD on the GameCube) I still listen to them.

I have accompanying CDs for the first two Pokémon movies, the accompanying German CD for the 3rd movie, the soundtrack CDs for the first two movies, the accompanying first CD for the Pokémon anime (Kanto series), the same CD in German and a CD from I think one of the Pikachu mini movies.

Crystalmaster Mike
12th October 2007, 10:27 AM
I only ever got my hands on the first CD (2.B.A. Master), the one for the first and second movie I once rented from the local library.

It's a shame they don't seem to be sold around here anymore, or I would have bought them. 2.B.A. Master has some great songs, but it's tiresome to hear them for the umpteenth time with no (legally available) alternative Pokémon music to listen to.

Oh yeah, so it contains a movie video heh? Lol, I've never noticed. Go me.

27th October 2007, 01:48 AM
I'm PROUD to state that I own 2.B.A. Master, as well as the 'soundtrack' for the movie that you listed last.
I was so pleased with myself when they started playing the former CD's songs at the end of each episode, some time after I had already purchased the CD, making me feel privy to some sort of knowledge that regular show-watchers did not have.

27th October 2007, 03:12 AM
I've got 2.B.A. Master, Pokemon the First Movie soundtrack, Pokemon 2000 soundtrack, Pokemon 3 soundtrack, Totally Pokemon, Pokemon Christmas Bash, and an extremely wide variety of other tracks that were never put on American CDs.

...No further comment about that last part. Yeah.

23rd November 2007, 08:23 AM
I own a lot more Pokemon CDs that that...
I just love the Japanese ones too.

23rd November 2007, 05:20 PM
The only CDs I own are Pokemon X: 10 Years of Pokemon and the Pokemon 3 soundtrack.

23rd November 2007, 07:44 PM
Does it have that song that goes over the credits on it? That was a good song.

Mikachu Yukitatsu
23rd November 2007, 11:37 PM
Does it have that song that goes over the credits on it? That was a good song.

Do you mean 'To Know the Unknown'?


It's right there, if this is the right CD. It's highly probable that credits songs of any movie are in the soundtrack CD, often full-length versions.

4th December 2007, 10:44 PM
I don't actually own any Pokemon CD's but I remember downloading all of 2BA Master when I was younger, which included rocking out to the ENTIRE 151-Pokemon Pokerap lol... and the crappy karaoke guys, OH the memories haha...

However I do own the Sailor Moon albums... dum de dum... one of which I bought a few months ago. XD

12th December 2007, 01:14 PM
I am back after a long absence--I've been moving to an apartment. Less stress all around :P

I have all the English-made CDs: 2 B A Master, Pokemon Johto, Pokemon X, and for the three movies. My sister--the lucky b***h has the first CD in Japanese

I'm not really fond of the Johto CD (too cheesy) or the first movie with the exception of the last two songs "If Only Tears Could Bring You Back" and "Brother My Brother" by Blessid Union Of Souls

12th December 2007, 05:51 PM
Yeah, they just used the first movie CD as a pack animal for unrelated 90's pop.

26th December 2007, 07:35 PM
I am back after a long absence--I've been moving to an apartment. Less stress all around :P
Had me worried you'd ditched us like everyone else 'round these parts, mid.

Anyway, in my mad effort to fill my new iPod with stuff, I've been uploading every single CD I own, and came upon 2.B.A. Master. So before I uploaded anything, I thought I'd give it another listen for the first time in some six years or so, see if there was anything worthwhile to put on, and you know what?
I actually still really like a lot of the stuff on it. It's cheesey as all hell, but tunes like 2B A Master and What Kind of Pokemon Are You seem to have held up really well. Plus, I still remember the first verse of the PokeRap. I don't know why.