View Full Version : Ashford Asylum (SIGN UPS)

5th October 2007, 08:12 PM

In 1996, Ashford Genetics synthesized a protein believed to be able to increase the mental and physical capacity of human beings. This protein was labeled SE, Synthetic Enhancement. In order to test it, we made an agreement with Overdrive Cola which allowed us to insert the protein into their product. However, a few weeks after this was made, a new strain of virus appeared in several nations across the globe. We believed that this outbreak was connected to SE.

To prevent further spreading, call cans containing the protein were withdrawn and destroyed. A story about the drinks being sabotaged was fed to the general public. As soon as it sprung, the virus soon became extinct. Or so we thought.

15 years later, reports of humans displaying unnatural abilities began to make themselves known across the globe. One such human was tested and a link was made between these mutations and the protein SE. In response to this, the Ashford Asylum was established, an offshore facility 5 miles off the coast of Sweden. People displaying any mutation related to the protein have been collected and admitted into the Asylum, and the public has been informed that they are ill and in need of treatment. Research is currently being conducted on these individuals, determining how SE formed these mutations. Connections with senators prevent any government-sanctioned inspections, allowing us to perform our research in peace.


Ashford Asylum is made up of four floors, resembling four discs stacked on top of each other, raised 10 feet above the ocean surface. These floors have been dubbed ‘the discs’ by the staff and patients.

On the top ‘disc’ is the staff living quarters, as well as some dining establishments and recreation rooms.

The second disc contains the laboratories, testing zones, as well as the armory and training areas for the security staff. Research is conducted here.

The third disc is the patients living quarters. 12x12 rooms, each containing a bed and lavatory. Curfew is set at 9 pm and meals are served regularly. Reinforced cells have been installed to isolate dangerous patients.

The fourth disc is where the patients are allowed to roam during the day when they are not required. Here, they are heavily monitored as they interact with fellow patients, most left to their devices. Dangerous patients are kept in isolation in the cells above and security is called immediately if trouble occurs.

[FILE]…[STAFF EQUIPMENT]In order to protect our staff from some of the more dangerous patients, the security staff has been fitted with specially made, insulated, fireproof body armour. Psychic shielding implants have been issued to all employees to protect them from patients with mental abilities. Security is issued with a tranquilizer gun in order to subdue any problem patients, as we would prefer them to remain alive. However, if no other option is available, security are permitted to use more lethal weaponry. Research staff have also been given the tranquilizer gun in case of emergencies.




ASSIGNED WEAPON: (security personal only.)


NAME: Grove Temerhime
AGE: 20
APPEARANCE: Sick is about 6 foot in height, however, for the majority of the time, he is confined to a wheelchair due to his severe condition. His body is almost skeleton thin, however his terribly thin build is often hidden by his bulky coat. His face, while pale and sickly, still holds some of the beauty he must have had when he was younger. His eyes are a dull green, yet have some attractive quality to them His jet black hair hangs messily over his face, barely reaching past his chin.

Sick is often wearing a bulky white coat, most likely for warmth. He wears a pair of black pants and a pair of hospital slippers. He also normally has a red blanket over his lower body when he’s in the wheelchair and a red scarf around his neck.
PERSONALITY: Often quiet, calm and collected. He’s not one for making any rash actions, however, like the rest of the patients, has a deeply rooted hatred for the majority of the staff and is considered dangerous. With the exception of a certain few, he tends to get along with the other patients. He does slip into a morbid state of mind at times, often wishing he would just die. He sometime succumbs to deliria, often hallucinating and saying random stuff.
MATUTATION(S): Sick’s body seems to hold a wide number of illnesses and viruses. However, while his body doesn’t succumb to death or any of the more extreme symptoms (blindness, paralysis, etc.) He does suffer from a majority of their symptoms (coughing, sneezing, pain, nausea, etc.). However, none of these illnesses are contagious, unless he wants them to be. When in physical contact with someone, he can infect the person with any form of disease. However, when in contact with someone with an illness, he can absorb the illness into himself, effectively curing the person.
BASIC HISTORY: Grove grew up in Rhineland, Germany. Around the age of five, Grove became ill and seemingly, was unable to be cured. As the years went by, Grove’s condition got worse, weakening him and forcing him to live a life in quarantine. At the age of 16, his family was approached by a doctor from Ashford Asylum. The man offered to help cure his son, and requested he’d be relocated to the Asylum where they can treat him. Overjoyed at an opportunity to finally be cured, both Grove and his family agreed.

However, this promise of a cure was just a terrible lie. Instead, they experimented on him, studying how he was able to survive with such severe illnesses and doing absolutely nothing to cure him. Their suspicions about him being a mutant were confirmed when, in anger, Grove gave one of the security officers smallpox, killing him. Since then, the staff have been cautious when around the sick man. Due to his condition, he has been nicknamed “Sick” by the other inmates. It was discovered through his interaction with the others that he can take others illnesses into himself, as well as give them.

5th October 2007, 08:34 PM


NAME: Narsco


GENDER: Female


APPEARANCE: Patient Narsco bears a small, anemic stature, and hasn't changed out of her dark blue suit/pants/and general male outfit that looks to be dated around 1600s-1700. Her eyes are either grey or silver. Hair a dark possible blue color. Her head is much too large for her body.

PERSONALITY: Withdrawl. Bookish, and self punishing, Narsco seems to be in her own little world. She's prone to random out bursts of yelling and crying, rage and sorrow. When she does put herself out there, she seems hungy. Almost to the point of demanding, but other than that...

MUTATION(S): Narsco, for simple terms, absorbs negitive energy like a negitive engery sponge. She can summon this energy into a single place, giving it animation. Of course, this has left her mind a bit unbalanced, causing exterme swings, deep depression, and homicidal expressions. As long as negitivty (hate, dispair, suicide, ect) exsists in the world, so will Narsco.

BASIC HISTORY: Narsco was shipped from on mental insistution from another. She claims to be the heir of Dracula, from eons past. But as he isn't real, they justed locketed her up. Moving around from jail, to jail, to jail- She should have died. Shouldn't she have? She also claims to have been close to Springheeled Jack, who she also claims to have been Mephistopheles, and she also claims to have died, been brought back to life. Narsco claims to have a best friend, named Geil. Though he hasn't been seen.

Narsco seems to have no ill effects on the experiments. Shows no damage.

RELATIONSHIPS: Geil? Long lost friend? Look into this.

OTHER: She refuses to eat meals. Force may have to be used.

5th October 2007, 09:38 PM
Reserved spot

6th October 2007, 02:56 AM
Houndoom_Lover: Accepted. Welcome to Ashford Asylum. Please enjoy your stay ^_^

6th October 2007, 12:06 PM
OOoh! I had a hidous feeling that I wasn't going to be Accepted! I had my crying face ready! *glomps you to point of not being able to breath* Thank you, Thank you!! Don't worry, I will!! ^-^

6th October 2007, 04:25 PM
I'm gonna sign up. So missed this RPG! You can bet ZIA and Hunter are rejoining. ^_^

I'll sign up when I have time!!

6th October 2007, 05:00 PM
Yay! Bulbi, you're reserved. I'll get your cells ready.

6th October 2007, 05:11 PM
^-^ I like floral print on mine. (Couldn't resist)

7th October 2007, 12:51 AM
This was approved, like, two months ago or something (lol), but posting for the record, and in case someone wants to add a relation...

NAME: Real name, unknown; simply called 'Poltergeist'
AGE: Unknown; her shifting appearance makes it even harder to determine, but probably early to mid twenties.
GENDER: Female
NATIONALITY: Unknown; probably American or western European.
APPEARANCE: She's tall, about six feet, and very thin with an extreme pale complexion that has an almost greyish cast to it. Her eyes and hair color tend to change sporratically, though it's not known if she can control when and what colors. Currently, she has pure white hair and blue-grey eyes, which emphasize her unnatural skin coloring. She wears denim cut-offs and a black t-shirt with black boots that cover her ankles.
PERSONALITY:Spontanious doesn't even begin to cover it; most label her insane and leave it at that. She hardly ever reveals anything about herself, though it's mostly because she doesn't even know. She'll spend days in her cell silent, then will randomly start screaming wordlessly. When in a calmer state, she can be very polite and civilized, but in the blink of an eye she'll change to someone else entirely.
MUTATION(S): Changeable appearance; limited psychokinesis; can pass through solid objects but it takes a lot of concentration due to constant supervision of staff and mind weakening drugs.
BASIC HISTORY: She can't really remember anything; she knows that she had a semi normal life at some point, but isn't completely sure where she's from or when her abilities began to manifest. She describes her memories as lost in thick mist; she can see shapes and silhouettes, but no details.
RELATIONSHIPS: She doesn't know anyone very well, since she has been deemed one of the most dangerous 'patients' in the asylum. More than anyone else, she knows ZIA best, though even that 'relationship' is a faint one. They all know of her, though, especially the guards. Most of the male guards have been subjected to her more extreme moods; she can either be 'overly friendly', or downright hostile.

13th October 2007, 10:34 PM
I'd love to bring back Arsenal, consider me reserved?

Crazy Elf Boy
15th October 2007, 12:41 AM
Reserve me a spot to please

15th October 2007, 12:44 AM
Alrighty, Dru is accepted, Mcninja is reserved and so is Elf Boy. I will prepare your cells immediately.

16th October 2007, 06:52 PM
NAME: UNKNOWN... called, "ZIA"
AGE: Appears to be between 5-10
GENDER: Female
APPEARANCE: ZIA is short, like most little girls and her body type is leaner than most girls her age. Years in Ashford have most likely caused her to be slightly manurished, but it doesn't show quite so much in ZIA like in others. Her hair is a white-blonde color, cut so that it reaches slightly past her shoulders and has a slight volumned wave to it. Her eyes are an eerie violet- occasionally shifting to look more silver or more purple depending on her moods. She's also quite pale from being kept inside for so long.
PERSONALITY: When ZIA is "normal", she generally is quite sing-songy in her cell. She's known to sing and babble on about seemingly nothing, but a few staff members (and those within Ashford) have noticed that her "babblings" occasionally make sense and have a surprising amount of thought to them. Still, ZIA is prone to emotional rises and falls- but this is typical of most little girls... right? Those emotional rises are what usually makes cell mates and all staffers on edge. She's quite sensitive to those around her and is highly curious as well.
MUTATION(S): ZIA's mutation has yet to be truly identified, but it's been labeled by one of the heads as "Verusmentis". It means, "Real Mind". ZIA's strong emotions manifest themselves in a physical form. For example, when she becomes sad, a gentle mist or dew forms within a large area around her. When she's happy, a strong scent of good-smelling flowers fill the air with a pleasant aroma. Currently four emotions have been determined as "real" emotions by the scientists but they constantly are working to find out if there are more. Happiness, Sadness, Confusion and Fear. Fear is the most deadly and 'undefined' emotion, since it has no clear pattern. They are working to see if Anger is a "real" emotion as well.
BASIC HISTORY: ZIA used to be a happy little girl being raised in Northern Michigan by her considered "normal" family. She was an only child and was a small joy of life. However, as time grew on her father noticed that strange things would happen when ZIA was around. He then brought ZIA into his work and showed her to his co-worker, who conducted a few brief tests and determined that yes, she was "one of them". Her father then contacted the heads of his "work" and she was shipped off and admitted in Ashford. She has been there for two years. (Her father worked in a secret United States division that was created to help find those with the virus.) Already she has forgotten (or made herself forget) her past.
RELATIONSHIPS: ZIA likes to make friends with everyone... but she most fondly looks to Poltergeist.


AGE: Appears to be in early to mid twenties.
GENDER: Female
POSITION: Hunter is basically an 'attack dog' or 'pet' to Ashford Asylum.
APPEARANCE: Hunter is a slender, extremely athletic looking female. Her skin is quite tan and her hair is raven black. She's considered beautiful on a mutation standard. However, her mutation is quite advanced. She has black tattoo-like stripes all over her body that mirror that of a tiger's. Her eyes are even golden and slitted as well. She usually adorns tight black clothing to help with her movement, and she always in hunched and upon the ground but she does it with surprising grace and speed.
PERSONALITY: Hard to find, if anything. Hunter is usually void of emotion and merely carries out the commands of her 'master'. Her key and most dangerous aspect to the staff however, is that she will only listen to those who she deems worthy. If someone who is weak minded is assigned to watch over her or order her around, she very well might kill him.
MUTATION: Hunter has advanced sensory skills. She can hear, see, smell and react on an almost animalistic-level- if not better. Her mind is also strong, which makes her resistant to most things which should be lethal to her.
BASIC HISTORY: Hunter was a special project. As a young girl she was found in a Chinese orphanage as having traits of the virus. But her mutation was subtle at the time and she was then taken in by the government. They gave her another does of a slightly modified SE, and found that it enhanced her powers further and also gave her a slight resistence to the original strain. They then began training her as a weapon for the government. She was raised and trained to be a weapon on all levels. She then was tested on 'secret' assignments for the government and it proved highly beneficial.
However, due to problems in Ashford, the government sent her over to not only help surpress teh subjects, but also do one final test on Hunter's abilities.
RELATIONSHIPS: N/A. She'll view some staff character as her master.

16th October 2007, 06:56 PM
Accepted. Welcome to Ashford! Allow me to escort you to your cells.

I will start this shortly, sign up are still open though.

17th October 2007, 12:57 AM
NAME: Arsenal

AGE: 26



NATIONALITY: American (Middle-European Heritage)

POSITION: Security: Special Response Team Leader

APPEARANCE: Arsenal is of average height, standing approximately 5’9”. His hair is blonde and is worn short in a military style cut. Both eyes are an icy blue, with the left eye having just the slightest of metallic glints setting it apart from the other. He wears a specially tailored outfit consisting of long, tough grey pants, a grey shirt of the same material featuring several decorations unique to the Asylum (rank tags, etc.) all underneath a long silver coat that serves to hide his weapons. He is quite muscular though not exactly bulky because of it, his arms in particular seem somewhat large his movements are not hampered by his muscles however. If one sees his arms bare, one might notice dozens of small silver lines over them that at first glance might seem to be just pieces of metal wrapped around his arm but upon closer inspection are actually seams in the arms that let pieces of them shift and move.

PERSONALITY: Arsenal is all business to his co-workers, those he deems as failing in their duty to the facility and its residents he treats with disdain or impatience, those he sees as following their duty he gives respect. Of course, his idea of duty is somewhat different from many of the people running the facility. To the residents and those few others he cares for he is still a bit subdued and business like but there is a warmth and obvious caring that shines through. Caring that is, as long as they follow what is expected of them, Arsenal is more than willing to dole out punishment to those who deserve it, even if he likes them. Arsenal also has a more vindictive side that only those who truly upset him are less than privileged to see.

ASSIGNED WEAPON: Arsenal actually has a mutation like the inmates of the asylum but his was both inconsequential enough to not warrant containment and interesting enough to inspire a different approach. Arsenal’s mutation manifested itself early in his childhood, likely linked to the fact that his mother came into contact with SE while pregnant with him. She died soon after he was born due to complications not connected to SE but it quickly became apparent that Arsenal was quicker to react and much more adept at analyzing situations than a normal child, to the point where he could solve almost any puzzle with little effort. It was later revealed that the neurons in Arsenal’s brain had arranged themselves in a manner similar to a computer, disdaining the normal growth patterns of the brain and aligning themselves with eerie precision. Later on in life, Arsenal was recruited as a weapons tester by the American government, not knowing that the final test he would perform would be on himself.
The scientists at the facility he worked at removed a large portion of his brain, replacing it with a freakishly advanced computer capable of interfacing with a biological host. Those that had had the operation before had inevitably gone insane as the rigid logic of the computer conflicted with their freewheeling human nature. Arsenal however had the advantage of his mutation and the computer and his brain quickly established something of an equilibrium between each other, neither having complete dominance. In addition to the computer, the scientists replaced Arsenal’s arms with artificial ones brimming with as many weapons as could be packed in with the micro and nano technology avaliable. The arms are made of synthetic skin over a titanium/silver alloy that is both strong and flexible. His left eye was replaced with an advanced sensor that networks with his computer to give visual information and tactical feedback. Finally, subdermal armor was grafted to his remaining organic parts, essentially an extra layer of skin but this one tough enough to stop small-arms fire. Arsenal barely survived the surgery.
He was trained and tested for several years after his surgery until his transfer orders to Ashford came in. How and who had the authority to take what was essentially a top secret weapon and transfer it to an offshore asylum is unknown but Arsenal didn’t ask questions, happy enough to get away from his former home. He arrived at Ashford and has been heading their response force since.

Weapons in Arsenal’s Arms

One machine-pistol in each wrist, fed by nano-constructed ammo.

Several meters of monofillament wire in spools in each finger, extendable with nano-motors through the tips.

Smoke and other aerosol emitter in each palm, Arsenal fills the small resevoir himself with whatever substance he thinks he might need (and has access too).

One grenade of varying type in each shoulder, the shoulder panel slides away to reveal them. They are surrounded by a stabilizing gel when in storage to prevent any accidents .

A small flamethrower in his right forearm, fed by hyper-compressed gel. Limited ammunition makes it more of a tactical weapon than one suited for frequent use.

An extendable nano-blade in his left forearm, essentially a steel-like blade who’s particles vibrate to give it more cutting power.

Titanium wires in his upper arm that essentially act as augmented muscles (they actually extend throughout his arms but in smaller amounts simply for movement). The wires are attached to nano-motors that can rapidly contract and relax them. This gives his arms incredible strength, enough to punch through concrete and even steel given enough time and effort.

Anything requiring ammunition is extremely limited in use due to the limited space and the fact that while components of the ammunition can be scattered through the arms and assembled when needed by nano-machines, the technology is not far enough advanced to keep up production speed for a long period of time. Which results in Arsenal saving his guns and whatnot for times of dire need and then mostly for tactical purposes.

There are empty areas in the arms, most notably in the upper forearms/elbow region and the palm area, that could support extra additions but these additions would have to be already made or access to an advanced laboratory setting would be needed due to the experimental nature of Arsenal’s weapons. Otherwise they could be used as storage space for some small object(s)

Arsenal’s eye can project a light much like a flashlight as well.

BASIC HISTORY: Pretty much described in assigned weapon by neccessity.

RELATIONSHIPS: Hunter is assigned to Arsenal at the moment and the two work well together, their strengths complementing each other. The assignment is due mainly to the fact that Arsenal is probably one of the only people on the staff that Hunter couldn’t kill on a whim. Hunter probably scoffs a bit at Arsenal’s friendly attitude towards the subjects, but that feeling is mitigated somewhat by knowing that he is not squeamish when appropriate action needs to be taken.

OTHER: Arsenal owns a small black cat named Ares that usually is found sitting on his shoulder (even in battle). Think the generic tiny anime cat and you’ll have a good idea of what Ares looks like.

NAME: Dr. Kowalski

AGE: 36



POSITION: Senior Researcher

APPEARANCE: Dr. Kowalski is a relatively plain looking person. From his somewhat dour face with its gunmetal grey eyes and mid-length black hair, to his average height and build, to his simple white labcoat and slacks, Dr. Kowalski looks much like any of the other researchers in the Asylum. A few notable differences are what make people shudder involuntarily when he walks by. First is the fact that he is almost smiling, whether he is reading a paper, screaming at a subordinate, or gleefully injecting some concoction of his into a restrained child. The smile never changes either, small, content, and self-amused. The second difference is the rumor that Kowalski does not only experiment on the subjects. Many a time he has locked himself in his laboratory only to emerge days later, sweaty and drained yet strangely victorious.

PERSONALITY: Kowalski is almost always calm and collected. A screaming inmate does not faze him nor does an angry colleague demanding an explanation. Perhaps the only times he becomes fazed or upset is when one of his own experiments fails to work as he expected it to. He has few, if any morals, and seems to see even those who work for him as expendable in his research. He enjoys humming while working, concocting rather grim poems while speaking to a victim/research subject, and being intentionally freaky as hell to people.

ASSIGNED WEAPON: Dr. Kowalski has no personal weapon

BASIC HISTORY: Kowalski was a promising doctor of genetics in England, specializing in gene treatment before being recruited by Ashford. He is tasked with determining if the effects of SE on the inmates can be reproduced using science, a pursuit with many social, medical, and military applications. He has had some progress so far, isolating the source of some of the SE mutations as well as mapping the chemical changes that cause many of the physical SE effects (such as how a certain mutation changes flesh into glass or whatever). His experiments have become more and more dangerous as his time at Ashford has gone on, mirroring a slow change in his personality from a bright young scientist to a grim, eerie, uncaring researcher.

RELATIONSHIPS: Kowalski has “worked” with several of the inmates who probably don’t like him very much and might fear him. He seems oddly interested in ZIA04 and her abilities, shifting between intense concentration and raging fits when researching her powers.

OTHER: Kowalski has a pair of glasses he likes to put on when doing something particularly creepy. No one knows if he really needs them or not.

17th October 2007, 04:59 AM
Ok, McNinja, your characters are accepted. I will start this soon.

18th October 2007, 08:32 AM
Postage. Is this good? I want comfy rubber room. 'Tis fun to bounce off walls.

NAME: Shan Orden
AGE: 20
APPEARANCE: He's 6'3" when not slouching, a thin build, tanned skin, and reddish brown hair that's fairly long due to a lack of proper haircuts. His eyes are hazel, and his nose is a bit bigger than normal. His clothing is usually jeans and a t-shirt, with a jacket over that if it's chilly, and green shoes.
PERSONALITY: He's usually fairly grounded in common sense and reason, though he has an uncanny ability to accept the abnormal thrust upon him. He can be fairly bitter about things such as his life and family, but he's easy-going and open, overall.
MUTATION(S): Empathy. He is able to sense the emotions and feelings of those around him. He hasn't found a way to shut it off or direct it at others, though he has learned, though the 'training' at Ashford, how to lessen or focus it.
With it at full strength, he is always able to tell where others are around him, the subtle over and undertones in conversation fail to elude him, and he cannot be lied to. He has also learned to use them to tell where an opponent will strike next in a fight, if they are getting tired, or where they are hurt the most, though this gets tricky to balance with multiple people. However, he also feel the collective feelings of the asylum, which are basically hurt, fear, and anger, with other tidbits thrown in. Also the more strongly he feels a certain mood (say, sadness) the more he senses that paticular emotion in others, which makes him sadder, which makes him more sensitive to sadness, etc.
Since the last thing the staff wants is one person who has all the emotional problems of the entire asylum (as well as someone who can see through all their deceptions, despite the anti-psychic implants) he's usually heavily drugged.
BASIC HISTORY: Was raised an only child with his mother and father, the former of which was very verbally abusive to the latter, who put up with it due to his love for his wife. They loved Shan, but he could always sense the other emotions that were in the way and the emotions between them. When Shan was seventeen, his father committed suicide. At eighteen, he left home and ended up as far from his suburban upbringing as he's ever been, the worst end of urban living areas. Here he found work as a bouncer in a bar, where he could sense the troublemakers long before trouble started. He also turned to drugs, becoming an addict to deal with the surges of negative and damaging emotions that he couldn't stop from flowing into him. Shan is uncertain how Ashford found out about him, but there is a story.
He told some friends, who had intervined about his drug use, about his empathy, to try and get them to leave him be. One, it seemed, didn't believe him and went to alert some medical authorities about Shan's delusions so that he could get the proper help. Unfortunately, those people worked with Ashford to pick out those that weren't merely 'delusioned.' Ashford basically kidnapped him in the middle of the night. No neighbors said anything since such raids apparently happened often in Shan's apartment and it was always best to stay out of the way. It was probably for the best, since he was dead drunk but had awaken enough and was drunk enough to take an illicit narcotic which, combined with alcohol, would have killed him by morning.
What's fun was that it took a long time for the asylum to figure out he wasn't a generic psychic.
OTHER: He usually tries to stay on the good side of the guards, since they can easily punish him by not drugging him. Thus, he sometimes worries that he seems too complacent with the situation (he's not).
Also, he stays very, very quiet about his family, since he suspects that his father was an empath as well. The last thing he wants is for the families of the inmates to be dragged into this to look for some hereditary mutation traits.
Also, Here's (http://anjana.deviantart.com/art/Shan-Shayna-s-World-36356181) a pic of him I did for the last time this went around.

Crazy Elf Boy
23rd October 2007, 03:13 AM

NAME: Marin "Kaze" Williams

AGE: around 16



APPEARANCE: Marin stands fairly short at about 5 foot 5 inches, she has long orange hair that comes round about shoulder length. She has light coloured skin with dark deep hazel eyes. She wears a long blue dress with tiny yellow slippers. She also has 2 orange butterfly clips that hold up her hair.

PERSONALITY: Marin is a sweet girl, very out going. At sometimes she seems to act like a little child maybe because she has been at Ashford's for so long. But it she every gets angry you will feel the full wrath of her little power. She is also very curious about the things around her since she hasn't had much experience with the world around her.

MUTATION(S): Marin is able to control the flow and direction of the wind, anything from a nice cooling breeze to the full force of a hurricane. But most of this power is drawn from concentration, but sometimes it happens subconsciously according to the particular mood she is in.

BASIC HISTORY: Marin was only 2 years old when she was discovered by the institution. But her transference was more of a secret to anybody else's in the fact that her parents wouldn't let the government have their little daughter so she was kid napped by the institution. Because of her new surroundings she kept asking where her parents were, the institution always told her, her parents were dead. So she lived out her life thinking that.

RELATIONSHIPS: None but it is very open to anyone who wants to be friends with Marin

OTHER: I like kittens?