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View Full Version : Cutest Pokemon Clip Ever

22nd April 2008, 10:44 PM
Thanks to Shonta for showing me this (http://kotaku.com/382902/no-way-should-pokemon-be-this-cute-like-ever).

Okay, let's face it. Whoever did the art for this rework totally needs to be hired. Preferably by Pokemon, because that was every bit as good as the drawing for Magical Pokemon Journey (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magical_Pok%C3%A9mon_Journey).

(...Actually, this might be better.)

I want to see the Pokemon spinoff for which that video is the theme. Even though there isn't one.

23rd April 2008, 12:30 PM
*eyes turn into hearts* The title is right: there is NO WAY pokemon should be that cute.

Now I want to see them make Onix all cute and cuddly.

23rd April 2008, 06:07 PM

Dango~Dango Dango~Dango

EDIT: for those with nico account, the quality on nico video for the first video posted is much better.

23rd April 2008, 09:05 PM
Oh wow that was beautiful Mr. Pikachu, just breathtaking I would see that within a heart beat. The music too is so gorgeous. Awwww it's so heavenly. If there is in any way a hacked game with those characters in it, well I would download it in a heartbeat, a heartbeat.

24th April 2008, 08:20 AM
Awww, it is indeed heavenly. Thanks for sharing it, Brian; I heart it so much =)

Austrian ViceMaster Alex
24th April 2008, 12:23 PM
If this is really fan made it's an excellent piece of work, it's got nice animation and everything. For my personal taste it was too cute. There are enough huggable Pokémon already out there without having to overdo it and make them even more cute.

Starry Might
24th April 2008, 02:08 PM
That WAS cute! ^_^ Thanks for sharing this, man!

The comments at Kotaku are hilarious, too. :lol: (Go read 'em to see what I mean.)

I also watched the original clip, but I had to do it on YouTube 'cause I had problems at Kotaku.

Anyone else notice that they all seemed to be first-gen Pokemon?

Mikachu Yukitatsu
26th April 2008, 03:33 AM
I "made" a better clip by combining the German band Blind Guardian's 'Valhalla' and the 2nd Pokémon movie The Power of One. Too much violence though. And you can't actually say I made it, I don't have any kind of copyright to it. Now that is not a strange problem with Youtube...

26th April 2008, 09:05 PM
BLAM. Angry thoughts! I'm deeply disturbed, Brian. All too big-eyed and cheery. Not my cup of tea at all, nosirree! ...Sorry, playing Mario Kart online gets me angry. Animation was nice. ^^; (did I actually just use that??)

Crystalmaster Mike
30th April 2008, 11:31 AM
by MBC at 09:13 PM on 04/22/08

Thanks, that was so sweet that now I have diabetes

Okay, didn't there to open my speakers to hear the music, for fear of melting or Giggling My Ass Off.

By EngiMatikul


Okay, I stopped looking after Weedle. Seriously, people who make such movies have too much time AND talent on their hands. There should be a large billboard hovering over their heads that reads "NOE and Game Freak, this is the place to be", with an arrow pointing down. I mean, that "Fan"Art can outmeasure normal game pics.

[EDIT:] Apparently, this type of anthropomorphic pokémon girls are called Moémon (http://gbatemp.net/index.php?showtopic=68557&view=getnewpost), and they exist as a FR/LG patch.

Starry Might
30th April 2008, 02:15 PM
Okay, I stopped looking after Weedle. Seriously, people who make such movies have too much time AND talent on their hands. There should be a large billboard hovering over their heads that reads "NOE and Game Freak, this is the place to be", with an arrow pointing down. I mean, that "Fan"Art can outmeasure normal game pics.

I think Japanese Fan Artists are among the very best in the world! :D

[EDIT:] Apparently, this type of anthropomorphic pokémon girls are called Moémon (http://gbatemp.net/index.php?showtopic=68557&view=getnewpost), and they exist as a FR/LG patch.
Hmm, interesting!

LOL @ the video on Kotaku, BTW. I wound up having to do it on YouTube though, 'cause it pooped out on the other site! (This is the second time I've had trouble there.) Furthermore, I didn't watch the whole thing...I stopped shortly after I realized it was over 9 minutes long! :o

6th May 2008, 08:33 PM
This was gayer than I am. A LOT gayer than I am. I mean designed-for-3-year-olds-if-you're-an-adult-and-like-this-you're-gay gay. And I'm pretty gay.