View Full Version : Telepathic, Beautiful Creature [potential fic: preview]

Chris 2.1
24th April 2008, 10:07 AM
This is an idea I posted a few years ago (around 2005). It's been getting developed over the years and I think I might just go ahead and put it up after I finish TPML. However due to my inactivity I'll probably write it all up and post it in the future.

It is a Pokemon fic which contains elements of fantasy and trainer. It revolves around a girl called Jade, who is, by our standards, a normal girl living in a big city. She wakes up one day in the middle of a secluded forest with no knowledge of where she is. She is further mystified when she encounters a number of disgusting, mysterious creatures.

Upon meeting a boy named Brendan, Jade begins to learn of the 'Pokemon' that inhabit this land. Brendan is confused when it seems Jade has never even HEARD of Pokemon; Jade is freaked out by the land she seems to have subconciously arrived in, and both are baffled with the notion that they exist in entirely different universes.

Any feedback would be great. It's a short fic. I may post it in about 15 parts.

Gavin Luper
24th April 2008, 11:17 AM
Well, Chris, you've got my interest. That whole "they both exist in different universes" thing really sparked some curiosity: I want to see how you pull it off, how you develop the idea.

So, I'd give it a read if you posted it.

Lady Vulpix
24th April 2008, 01:41 PM
That reminds me of a few things, but that doesn't amount to much. It's an interesting concept, and I'd like to see how the story develops.

25th April 2008, 10:48 PM
Ah, I remember hearing about this one. As I told you before, it sounds like an interesting idea, especially if it's even more fleshed out than it was then. Plus, the timeliness factor is a lot better - no recent "Jade" conflicts. ^^;;

I look forward to seeing what you've got planned!

Crystalmaster Mike
26th April 2008, 01:57 PM
Hey, nice idea for a fic! You can toss anything envolving time / space / dimensional travelling my way; you're sure to grab my attention.

Might I ask where the title comes in? It makes me think of Gardevoirs...

Chris 2.1
28th April 2008, 05:18 AM
Thanks for the feedback guys. I think I may work on this in my spare time after all. As for the title, it might not be reffering to a Pokemon..

28th April 2008, 04:36 PM
Mm, my gut instinct was that it was refering to jade. I don't know where I got that notion from. I've seen a few "kid transported to Pokemon world" fics, but the twist that Jade has never even heard of Pokemon is new. I'd love to read more about that.