View Full Version : Your Band Sucks!

16th May 2008, 01:46 PM
This should probably go in the Entertainment forum, but popular opinion suggests no one cares about that forum, so I'll put it here. Ha ha.

Anyway, I saw this at a similar forum and I thought I should get the ball rolling on it here. Basically, post 5-10 bands you love and 5-10 bands you hate. As soon as you have, you can begin critiquing other people's tastes. You could agree on the merits of a band, but that's not fun really. The fun is telling someone else that their favourite band sucks, and why.

I must emphasise that you are critiquing the band, not the person, so attacks on each other are strictly forbidden. Even if someone's favourite bands consist of complete emo, you can't say 'You're an emo, what do you know.". Call all his/her bands emo, shit, pathetic, untalented etc. but there is a certain term people use to describe someone who bases his opinion on someone based on their music tastes: a twat.

Also, if you feel like changing some bands around if you remember you like a band you missed out more than one you listed, feel free.

Anyway, here are mine:


1. Muse
2. Reel Big Fish
3. Iron Maiden
4. Fall Out Boy
5. The Offspring
6. Bon Jovi
7. Catch 22
8. Five For Fighting
9. Franz Ferdinand
10. Lostprophets


1. Amy Winehouse
2. Lily Allen
3. Kate Nash
4. Kanye West
5. Gwen Stefani

To be honest, there are many, many, people who claim to be musicians that piss me off, but these 5 piss me off the most.

Weasel Overlord
16th May 2008, 02:12 PM
URGH Bon Jovi. Such horrific cheese!! And Fall Out Boy... don't get me started. We were waiting for another band who were on after them one Leeds Festival and they were complete pricks. They got all the crowd to split into two halves and start throwing fucking rubbish at each other, the big pile of wankers. So we got hit by manky bottles and all sorts.


1. Radiohead *
2. Muse *
3. Weezer *
4. Nine Inch Nails
5. Placebo
6. Sigur Ros
7. Queens of the Stone Age
8. The Cooper Temple Clause
9. Martin Grech
10. Patrick Wolf

* these three are equal in my liking of them. Radiohead are only first cos I have a gig upcoming. :D


1. My Chemical Romance
2. Britney Spears
3. Elbow
4. Slipknot
5. Nickelback
6. New Found Glory
7. 80s Matchbox Beeline Disaster
8. Kaiser Chiefs

I don't know many new band-esque types that I hate, really. Most rap music, overly poppy pop and R&B are the ones that come to mind. Emo too, but there you go. Oh, and Slipknot-esque ones who scream instead of singing. You know the types.

16th May 2008, 04:06 PM
Bon Jovi's awesome, what're ya talking about?! XP I honestly can't stand Weezer, though... Bleh. Though I totally agree with teh Wurzel about Fall Out Boy.

Drusie could probably spend several days on this list... <_<;; So, in mostly no particular order...


1. Wednesday 13
2. Lordi
3. Ministry
4. Razed in Black
5. Skinny Puppy
6. Cradle of Filth (knows that this will get jumped, but doesn't care... they have beautimous lyrics!)
7. Enya/Clannad
8. Bruce Springsteen
9. LACUNA COIL (zomg....)
10. AntiProduct

Whomever says that Drusie doesn't have varied tastes can shove it, BWAHAHAHAHA!


1. Paramore (My supervisor, the music manager at Hastings, plays them ALL THE TIME... Otherwise, I'd have no idea who they are)
2. Bob Marley
3. Pretty much anyone that falls under the categories of rap, emo, or country...

And shouldn't this be a poll? O_o

16th May 2008, 04:44 PM
Ben Folds
The Decemberists
Foo Fighters
Iron & Wine
The Polyphonic Spree
The Postal Service
Sufjan Stevens
Wolf Parade

Ashlee Simpson
Puddle of Mudd


Weasel Overlord
16th May 2008, 06:52 PM
Why do you hate them, out of interest?

Aah, I have an actual, valid reason! See, me and my boyfriend went to see Queens of the Stone Age, and managed to get to the barrier (which was AWESOME!). 80s Matchbox were the supporting act, which I originally thought "yay", cos I'd heard of them YEARS ago and heard that they were meant to be good. The music actually was something I'd like, if it wasn't for the lead singer. He kept on leaning over the barrier and basically shoving his crotch in everyone's face. Not only that, he swore at the crowd, and expected everyone to be cheering them as if they were the headliners and not just the supporting act. His attitude stank, to be honest, and I know that shouldn't influence my liking of them, but it did. I don't appreciate crotch in my face. Nor is it clever when the singers start being rude to the fans.

And I feel out of touch with the music world when I don't know half of the bands people put as their "love"s...


Why do you hate Radiohead? Just, you know, out of curiosity. *wants to see if everyone who hates them hates them for the same reason* And I can presume that you hate Muse cos you think they sound like Radiohead?
Personally, I can't see that... anyone who would mistake Muse for Radiohead must be deaf, lol.

16th May 2008, 09:29 PM
And I feel out of touch with the music world when I don't know half of the bands people put as their "love"s...

You're not the only one... <_<;;


Devo rules.


How can one hate Metallica? They're a historical MEGALITH in rock music, not to mention that they kick ass anyway...

And Drusie had to add Lacuna Coil, and has berated herself ALL DAY for forgetting them. They're such lovely and nice people...

Ashlee Simpson
Puddle of Mudd

Totally agree. (y)

16th May 2008, 10:14 PM
I hate doing lists I tend to forget so many :( So I'll just do what come to mind.


The Supremes
Bon Jovi
The Eagles
The Beatles
The Mama and the Papas
Dr. Hook
Beach Boys


Amy Winehouse
50 Cent
Ashlee Simpson
Madonna (I hate what her music has become I love her old stuff but shes a joke now)
Mariah Carey
Steps (Stupid british thing my god their pop bands sucked)
S Club 7
True Bliss (A NZ group none of you would have heard of)


I tend to like 60s/70s type music mostly. And I love Girl Groups of the 60s and early 70s. Oh and 80s rock.

Mikachu Yukitatsu
16th May 2008, 11:29 PM
I don't listen to many different actual bands because I enjoy classical music and anime music, too. And videogame music. And I dislike some single pop artists. Do you think I should list them?

Here are three bands anyway. Two of them Finnish, so I don't know if they say anything to you.

I love:

Blind Guardian

I hate:


I found this reply difficult, I have contradictory feelings towards many bands. I'll add more if I can think of.

Weasel Overlord
17th May 2008, 07:55 AM
Metallica are only good with regards to The Black Album and S&M. Outside that, I don't really care... I mean, look at For Whom the Bell Tolls! I can't listen to that song UNLESS it's the S&M version. Violins + heavy metal ftw!!

I don't hate them exactly; I just don't "get" them. I mean, everybody and their mom likes Radiohead on the Internet, they're the most listened to band on last.fm... for me they just have a few bordering-on-good songs, and that's it. I even tried listening to their "seminal" albums and wasn't blown away.
Hey, that's fair enough. Saying a ton of people on the internet like them, that seems to be true, but in real life I barely know anyone who does, barring me and my best friend, who are somewhat obsessed.

Haha, Dracula Mountain! I have that song and I wondered like, forever, what it was meant to be... I can't say I'm that keen, but eh.

HAHAH fp you have our CRAPPY 90s music on your hate list. I love you. Steps and S Club 7 were the bane of my childhood. *shudders* Although I grew up with the odd combination of Oasis, Faithless, The Stone Roses and hardcore dance music, so huh.

ABBA... ugh. I just get so bored by the older music. Saying that though, I DO have a few songs by Mamas and the Papas.

17th May 2008, 08:10 AM
Yeah the British did go crazy in the nineties with the pop bands they produced. Like Bewitched those horrible Irish girls and their crappy "Cest La Vie" song. *shudders*. Though yes excellent bands like Oasis came along too in the nineties. And NZ loves Oasis. I love Abba cause its easy to sing and well who doesn't like gay songs. And 60s and 70s are just my favourites really because the radio station plays them.Sure its probably mostly mainstream stuff but heh I like it

What I find most disturbing about these lists, is half the groups or whatever I have never heard before

From Arbiters list:
Ben Folds
The Decemberists
Iron & Wine
The Polyphonic Spree
The Postal Service
Sufjan Stevens
Wolf Parade

From Lunas:

Trans Am
Big Black
The Sugarcubes
The Birthday Party
Captain Beefheart
Yellow Magic Orchestra
Brian Eno


1. Wednesday 13
2. Lordi
3. Ministry
4. Razed in Black
5. Skinny Puppy
6. Cradle of Filth (knows that this will get jumped, but doesn't care... they have beautimous lyrics!)
9. LACUNA COIL (zomg....)
10. AntiProduct


1. Radiohead *
2. Muse *
3. Weezer *
5. Placebo
6. Sigur Ros
8. The Cooper Temple Clause
9. Martin Grech
10. Patrick Wolf


1. Muse
2. Reel Big Fish
4. Fall Out Boy
7. Catch 22
8. Five For Fighting
9. Franz Ferdinand
10. Lostprophets

I guess its possible I've heard some of their music but if you said whats the name of any of these songs and I wouldn't have a clue.

Weasel Overlord
17th May 2008, 08:41 AM
I've only heard about four bands off everyone else's lists too. It's quite scary isn't it? And to be honest, I didn't expect anyone to know Sigur Rós or Martin Grech OR Patrick Wolf. Even though Martin Grech's been around about 8 years no-one's ever heard of him, heh. Sigur Rós are like, Swedish I think, and their songs are in some sort of obscure, dying out dialect of that, and Patrick Wolf is pretty new, but unknown at the same time.

17th May 2008, 09:08 AM
-Queen (Attack Queen and you will die slowly and painfully.)
-Weird Al Yankovich (Can't ya see I'm white and nerdy?)
-They Might Be Giants (W00t! Particle Man!)
-Europe (The band rocks. The continent doesn't.)
-Crush 40 (Suck on THAT, Sonic fanboys!)
-The Immortals (MORTAL KOMBAAAAT!!!!!!)
-Stratovarius (Destiny > you)
-Twisted Sister (We're not gonna take it!)
-The Beach Boys (I get around... kinda.)
-Will Smith (ZOMFG GIANT MECHANICAL SPIDER!!!!!!!111!!1!!11)

-Britney Spears (DIE, BITCH!!!)
-All boy bands (No... Just no.)
-All metal bands (Metal is NOT music!)


OK, I'm done.

17th May 2008, 09:17 AM
Blademaster I liked your list till you said The Eagles sucked. Is that because of their new album?

And my brother would slap your face to bits for hating Britney. He is seriously obsessed in a scary way.

17th May 2008, 09:25 AM
Blademaster I liked your list till you said The Eagles sucked. Is that because of their new album?

No, my good sir. I don't think that The Eagles suck. I just don't like them because my mom likes their older stuff and listens to it SO DAMN OFTEN THAT I WANNA RIP MY EARS OFF.

And my brother would slap your face to bits for hating Britney. He is seriously obsessed in a scary way.

...I wanna ask something about your brother, but I can't think of a way to not make it sound insulting. Even by just asking it outright.

17th May 2008, 09:31 AM
Tell your mum she has great taste. And I don't get insulted easily.

17th May 2008, 09:40 AM
I'm thinking the question is, is your brother Chris Crocker?

Weasel Overlord
17th May 2008, 10:36 AM
But Bladey, with some metal bands, you can have a good laugh at how bad they are! Dragonforce are a prime example. I can only EVER stand up to 5 minutes of their songs. And only a select few, at that. For the rest of the 20 minutes of stupidly fast guitar it all sounds hilariously samey. PLUS they have lyrics about adventuring and dragons, lol. They're hilarious. Same goes for like, Trivium and their ilk (although I will admit to liking that one Dying in your Arms song...) And Judas Priest, lol. I wanted to go to Download this year just to see Rob Halford ride onto the stage on a gigantic motorbike with razorblade wheels. Pure hilarity.

17th May 2008, 11:28 AM
I'm thinking the question is, is your brother Chris Crocker?


17th May 2008, 12:25 PM
Blink 182
The Offspring
Bad Religion
Say Anything
Michelle Branch
Brand New
Barenaked Ladies
Green Day
Rise Against

Smile Empty Soul
Stone Sour
Also a bunch of rappers and country singers but I dont really know any of their names.

17th May 2008, 01:35 PM

1. Muse - Never heard of Muse? Seriously? They're one of the biggest names at the moment.
2. Reel Big Fish - The most well known American punk ska band.
4. Fall Out Boy - If you've ever been to any bar or club in New Zealand, at least around this time last year, it was impossible not to hear 'THIS AIN'T A SCENE, IT'S A GODDAMN ARM RACE!'
7. Catch 22 - lesser known Punk Ska band.
8. Five For Fighting - little known pop-rock/piano rock band. Scrubs features loads of their music.
9. Franz Ferdinand - one of the biggest names in British music, about 2 years ago.
10. Lostprophets - Again, a huge name. Awesome band. Welsh, yet known all over the world.

Blademaster - your music taste is exactly like mine was when I was 10. Then I began listening to decent, contemporary music.

Also, Weasel, it is a bit weird saying Bon Jovi is cheese, considering they're the originals and the people who came after them and copied them are really considered the cheese.

And Drusie, you hate Bob Marley?! Bob Marley is awesome. It's probably because I'm a rastafarian at heart but I've never met anyone who actually hates him!

Weasel Overlord
17th May 2008, 02:21 PM
@Heald: I know, I know, but their lyrics make me laugh! They're so... cheesy! Plus they remind me of an ex who was a right prick, lol. Just can't bring myself to take them seriously.

And yeah, fp, seriously, Muse are HUGE lately. I am frankly astonished that you don't know who they are.

I AM amused at the amount of people who hate Nickelback though. Chad thingy looks like Jesus.

Ultimate Charizard
17th May 2008, 02:39 PM
Hmm lets see. Ill probably get slated for some of these but im also training as a singer so a few choices are 'cos i like to sing them' rather than listen to them.

Like: (in no particular order)
1. Foo Fighters
2. David Gray (Was put down alot early in his career but a great Songwriter)
3. Take That (the new 'Man-Band' version not the cheesy older stuff)
4. Stereophonics
5. Queen (fcuking Legends!)
6. REM
7. Bryan Adams
8. Reel Big Fish
9. Will Smith (Smoother style in the oversaturated RnB market)
10. Fatboy Slim (One of those that you can name songs for ages and still have missed one)

1. Alphabeat (So Cheesy i can smell it)
2. Mika (Grace Kelly is ok but the guy is trying to be Freddy Mercury)
3. *Jay-Z, 50 Cent etc. Most 'Mainstream Hip-hop.
4. *Any female 'singer' where the looks, outfit and wiggling is more important than the voice. Beyonce, Rhianna etc.
5. Any band that thinks Screaming till you throat bleeds counts as music.

* = Noticable exceptions
- Christina Aguiliera. Ok her mainstream stuff (Dirrty etc) is cheesy crap. But listen to her when shes actually singing and not doing the stereotypical wiggling slapper stuff. She has a very powerfull and talented voice.
- Eminem. He may have ridden the hype train to get where he is but i think his Lyrics, especially in the later stuff are much deeper than ur average rapper talking about how many times theyve been shot or hwo many hoes they have. 'Cleanin out my Closet', 'Way i am' and 'When im gone' are really good examples.

17th May 2008, 06:42 PM

1. Muse - Never heard of Muse? Seriously? They're one of the biggest names at the moment.
2. Reel Big Fish - The most well known American punk ska band.
4. Fall Out Boy - If you've ever been to any bar or club in New Zealand, at least around this time last year, it was impossible not to hear 'THIS AIN'T A SCENE, IT'S A GODDAMN ARM RACE!'
7. Catch 22 - lesser known Punk Ska band.
8. Five For Fighting - little known pop-rock/piano rock band. Scrubs features loads of their music.
9. Franz Ferdinand - one of the biggest names in British music, about 2 years ago.
10. Lostprophets - Again, a huge name. Awesome band. Welsh, yet known all over the world.

I have never heard of Muse seriously nor any of the others. Is Fall Out Boy NZ? Because I never listen to NZ music as far as I'm concerned its all shit. I don't listen to modern music really at all, the radio stations I listen to are Solid Gold 60s and 70s music and The Coast which tends to play mostly older music and one or two cds. And bah I rarely go out, its normally only around Christmas and New Years.

17th May 2008, 11:07 PM
-All metal bands (Metal is NOT music!)

DEMOTED. >:0 I can no longer talk to you...

And fp, if you've never heard of Fall Out Boy... You're VERY LUCKY. Egads, what crap...

Mikachu Yukitatsu
17th May 2008, 11:42 PM
It seems everyone ignored me. I complete my list, ignoring you and the fact that the title includes the word 'band'. Just because noone said no when I mentioned extending this to non-band music. And these are not in a particular order.


Blind Guardian
Strauss II
Nobuo Uematsu
Sailor Moon music
Digimon music
Neon Genesis Evangelion music


Kaija Koo


Don't kill me, I'm sure many of you didn't mention it although you like non-band music as well.

18th May 2008, 02:07 AM
The new Eagles album ruled. "Waiting in the Weeds" especially was jaw dropping.

1. A Perfect Circle
2. Tool
3. Pink Floyd
4. The Beatles
5. The Kinks
6. Opeth
7. Muse
8. Sybreed
9. Sydonia
10. Beethoven

1. Fall Out Boy
2. My Chemical Romance
3. Blink 182
4. Nickleback
5. The Cat Empire

Here is what loves I agree with:

1. Muse
2. Reel Big Fish
3. Iron Maiden

Weasel Overlord
1. Radiohead *
2. Muse *
4. Nine Inch Nails
5. Placebo

1. Wednesday 13
6. Cradle of Filth (knows that this will get jumped, but doesn't care... they have beautimous lyrics!)

Luna Artemis

The Arbiter
Foo Fighters

Bon Jovi
The Eagles
The Beatles
The Mama and the Papas

-Queen (Attack Queen and you will die slowly and painfully.)
-Weird Al Yankovich (Can't ya see I'm white and nerdy?)
-Europe (The band rocks. The continent doesn't.)

However, he loses any credibility by dislking Muse, The Eagles and stating metal is not music.

Rise Against

Ultimate Charizard
1. Foo Fighters
5. Queen (fcuking Legends!)
6. REM
7. Bryan Adams
8. Reel Big Fish

Mikachu Yukitatsu

Mikachu Yukitatsu
18th May 2008, 03:12 AM
Perhaps now I could comment on your loves. Two of those Finnish bands!

3. Iron Maiden

I like some of their pieces too, Ace's High for instance, but somehow I am also tired of them.

2. Lordi

I didn't really like lordi until I heard Hard Rock Hallelujah. Among Him, Yö and Dingo those were Finnish bands I had something personal against. That something was some girls I liked liked the bands more than me. I should say I was just jealous, but I say young people shouldn't run after celebrities so much, they replace the people who are near them. Anyways, now I am tired of lordi, too and dislike it again.

And shouldn't this be a poll? O_o

No, this is a discussion. Seriously, here we discuss why we like or hate bands.

-Stratovarius (Destiny > you)

I like Stratovarius's Black Diamond and Forever Free. Then there are Stratovarius pieces I don't like, like Destiny you mentioned and Visions (Southern Cross). Destiny is tolerable in the beginning but in the end it gets boring and stupid in my opinion. Visions on ther other hand uses some Nostradamus stuff and it's scary in the bad way.

Gavin Luper
18th May 2008, 06:12 AM

-Killing Heidi
-Bon Jovi
-Alanis Morissette
-The Offspring
-Foo Fighters
-Def Leppard
- No Doubt
- The Darkness

(+ shitloads of 70s/80s music that wouldn't fit into that list)


Faker (Sing. Properly. You. Pretentious. Wankers.)
Fergie (does every song need to be reminiscent of a spelling bee?)
Silverchair (Really liked their older stuff, but their newer tracks - especially Young Modern - are awful. And I'm sick of being told I ought to like them.)
Muse (Sorry to the Muse lovers - I don't outright hate them, but they don't do anything for me, and again I don't like it being forced on me from all angles.)

Posting to echo those who love Queen, and also Barenaked Ladies, Green Day and REM. Yay.

I can't stand Fall Out Boy. Why, why attempt to destroy Beat It, alongside the other sonic turds they've inflicted on mankind (just so friggin whiny)? Bands like Slipknot annoy me also (use your words, boys). I also despise the female "artists" who wobble more than they warble, and generally most hip-hop or R&B.

Weasel Overlord
18th May 2008, 07:01 AM
@Mikachu: NOBUO! Hurrah!! I <3 Nobby. He is a genius. Mozart and the like, however, not so much. And I never noticed any music of worth in Neon Genesis (except the opening). You want GOOD anime music, try Cowboy Bebop.

I refrained from putting any Japanese/game/anime music on my list cos I figured no-one would know them... But if I DO put them on, my list is rather different, heh.

18th May 2008, 11:20 AM
Blademaster - your music taste is exactly like mine was when I was 10. Then I began listening to decent, contemporary music.

Like your list? (snicker)

DEMOTED. >:0 I can no longer talk to you...

You can't demote me, biyatch! I quit! D:<

-Queen (Attack Queen and you will die slowly and painfully.)
-Weird Al Yankovich (Can't ya see I'm white and nerdy?)
-Europe (The band rocks. The continent doesn't.)

However, he loses any credibility by dislking Muse, The Eagles and stating metal is not music.


I refrained from putting any Japanese/game/anime music on my list cos I figured no-one would know them... But if I DO put them on, my list is rather different, heh.


18th May 2008, 12:31 PM
I love my video game music; the fact that I had to change my pants after I read the list of included music in Super Smash Bros. Brawl is testament to that. I didn't include any, however, mainly because I never really listen to it casually i.e. if I'm thinking 'Wow, Labyrinth from Sonic the Hedgehog had awesome music, let's listen to that!' then I'll put it on, but I usually wouldn't stick it on my playlist.

There's a lot of Fall Out Boy hate out there, which I don't really have a problem with. Their infamous song 'Sugar We're Going Down' is one of my least favourite songs, and it is usually on this one song that haters draw their opinion on them from (although I did actually like their cover of Beat It, especially when the first time I heard it was when it came on at this club I was at and I instantly knew that it was both Beat It and it was a cover by Fall Out Boy). Infinity on High, their latest album, is actually pretty damned awesome. Their earlier albums were bordering on punk-emo, which I loathe, but they still had some awesome songs on them, but their latest album breaks out of that mould and is a really rocky, fun album with lots of replay value. I'd really recommend it to anyone who like punk-rock or pop-rock because if you only hate FOB for their earlier stuff, their new album is really quite different.

Anyway, Mikachu, I'm a fan of Blind Guardian too. Truth be told, I do enjoy my Finnish metal too (I know Blind Guardian are German) so I noticed you like Tiktak. My other favourite Finnish bands are Turisas, Lordi and Children of Bodom.

My Scottish heritage has also made me a big fan of Celtic Rock bands, so I have big love for the Dropkick Murphys, Flogging Molly, The Pogues and Great Big Sea. I also love Alestorm, not strictly a Celtic Rock band, but are still an awesome Scottish Pirate-Rock band.

Weasel Overlord
18th May 2008, 02:03 PM
Aah, with me, the game music is my perfect working music. Stuff with lyrics I'll sing along to and it distracts me, hehe, so I just shove on all my FF music when I need to work or write or whatever.

[insert shameless rotation plug here] SINCE I've just finished my 40th rotation, which has a random file full of my favourite artists on, I thought I might post here that you can get a rar of songs if you click on the tiny pink button in my signature (go to the Music page). It has Muse, NIN, Radiohead, Patrick Wolf, Martin Grech, a ton of stuff. In case anyone is overwhelmed with curiosity. [/end shameless plug]

18th May 2008, 03:32 PM
I didn't really like lordi until I heard Hard Rock Hallelujah. Among Him, Yö and Dingo those were Finnish bands I had something personal against. That something was some girls I liked liked the bands more than me. I should say I was just jealous, but I say young people shouldn't run after celebrities so much, they replace the people who are near them. Anyways, now I am tired of lordi, too and dislike it again.

I can honestly say that I have NO EARTHLY IDEA where I first heard of Lordi. Seriously, I can't figure this out... But 'Bringing Back The Balls To Rock' and 'Would You Love A Monsterman?' are my two favorite songs by them. I'm currently hunting for the Get Heavy re-release... Without much success. :[

And I understand the pseudo-jealousy of bands... I've had the same problem... *coughX-Japancough* Not that I have anything against them anymore, though.

18th May 2008, 05:58 PM


OH GOD. I HATE Nickelback with a bloody passion.

Amber Pacific
Angels & Airwaves
Army of Freshmen!!!!
Lucky Boys Confusion
Motion City Soundtrack
Phantom Planet
Zolof the Rock and Roll Destroyer

Linkin Park.
Panic at the Disco
Anything squeaky and Japanese... seriously it's quality entertainment if you're... 8 years old and Japanese.

Weasel Overlord
18th May 2008, 06:08 PM
Oh no, not Angels and Airwaves! They were on at Leeds Fest last year and they bored me half to death.

And I didn't mind Panic! until they did a cover of Radiohead's Karma Police *shudders* it was horrible... emo Karma Police... AND they got the words wrong. The big bunch of wankers. It was almost as bad as that horrific jazz version of Just I heard on the radio once. People should get the fuck off Radiohead unless they can do a GOOD cover. Like The Darkness' version of Street Spirit. And I only liked that cos it cracks me up EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

EDIT: Anyone HAS that cover, I would be VERY grateful for sending it to me... *looks hopeful*

18th May 2008, 06:12 PM
That Radiohead cover was not a one time thing and it is one of the reasons I LOATHE Panic! at the disco. Plus they screwed over a band I know so... to hell with them :)

Angels & Airwaves is one of those few bands I can just listen to without jumping around the room like a tard and singing along to, but I also enjoy... and I need music to do my homework... lol

Ultimate Charizard
18th May 2008, 07:14 PM
Drusie, Lordi got big outside of Scandinavia when they did the Eurovision Song Contest. That basically gave them a larger audience aware of their music and they went from there.
Im just scared the same might happen for Dustin the Turkey.

The Darkness could have been on there but after the whole big-headed breakup thing they just didnt stamp any lasting authority on the industry and alot of Hawkins writing was basically him going 'look at me i can sing falsetto in every song!' although some of their songs (especially the guitar work) were awesome and any band capable of holding up a festival with a half hour Guitar Solo has to be legendary!
Oh and 'Growing on me' is about catching pubic lice so thats extra points too :D

18th May 2008, 07:43 PM

Shut up.

Weasel Overlord
19th May 2008, 06:01 AM
The Darkness could have been on there but after the whole big-headed breakup thing they just didnt stamp any lasting authority on the industry and alot of Hawkins writing was basically him going 'look at me i can sing falsetto in every song!' although some of their songs (especially the guitar work) were awesome and any band capable of holding up a festival with a half hour Guitar Solo has to be legendary!
Oh and 'Growing on me' is about catching pubic lice so thats extra points too :D

That pushed them up in my estimation, actually, their festival performance. They had fireworks! It was quite amusing. AND they did Street Spirit. <3

Tell you who DO hold up festivals with half-hour guitar solos. Pearl fucking Jam. Most boring 2 hours and 45 minutes of my ENTIRE life. Red Hot Chilis, too, actually. They were really enjoyable, when they were playing actual songs and NOT just bopping around the stage doing improvs that lasted 15 minutes each in between every other song.

Mikachu Yukitatsu
19th May 2008, 10:56 PM
And I never noticed any music of worth in Neon Genesis (except the opening). You want GOOD anime music, try Cowboy Bebop.

Me too, but I like the opening (named Zankoku na Tenshi no Teze) so much, I love it so much that I always mention it. Perhaps I shouldn't have put it on my list because the other musics are not so special.

Never seen Cowboy Bebop.

20th May 2008, 04:14 PM
anything that sounds good to me.

anything that sounds bad to me.

21st May 2008, 10:59 AM
1. The Smiths
2. Interpol
3. The White Stripes
4. Arctic Monkeys
5. Radiohead
6. Nickelback
7. Daft Punk
8. dEUS
9. Bloc Party
10. The Last Shadow Puppets

Panic!At The Disco
Anything metal
Anything R&B, Rap, Hiphop.

Crystal Mew
21st May 2008, 11:09 AM
1. Breaking Benjamin
2. The All American Rejects
3. Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
4. Anberlin
5. Paramore
6. Fall Out Boy
7. Fine Frenzy
8. Matchbox Romance
9. The Used
10. Bullet For My Valentine

1. My Chemical Romance
3. Jet
4. Rihanna
5. Stone Sour ( I do like their song Through Glass though)
6. Most all rap groups
7. most r&b
8.all people like ashlee simpson, britney spears, amy whinehouse, ect
can't think of anymore off the top of my head

21st May 2008, 11:32 PM
I saw Bullet for my valentine live the other weekend. :)

Crystal Mew
22nd May 2008, 01:20 AM
Wow, were they awesome???

I'm jealous lol

I've seen 10 years, three days grace, fall out boy, plain white t's, and gym class heroes in concert

22nd May 2008, 01:30 AM
I saw Plain White T's in February at a festival they played at, the funny thing is I don't really even like them.

Yeah, it was awesome. They played mostly 'The Poison' fortunately, I'm not the big fan of the second album.

Weasel Overlord
22nd May 2008, 06:58 AM
I saw Bullet for my valentine live the other weekend Urrrgh why!?

Are we going on live band-talking-about sprees now? *looks up happily* I've mostly lost count of all the bands I've seen... festivals do that to you. But here's a vague list with lots of bands missing;

Muse x5
Placebo x3
Yeah Yeah Yeahs x3
Radiohead x2 (soon to be x3 YAAAAY!!)
Jimmy Eat World x2
Queens of the Stone Age x2
The Cooper Temple Clause x2
Weezer x1
Supergrass x1
Nine Inch Nails x1
The Offspring x1
Red Hot Chili Peppers x1
The Foo Fighters x1
Rammstein x1
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club x1
Enter Shikari x1 (I AM NEVER DOING THAT AGAIN!! It was like death :/)
Patrick Wolf x1
Slayer x1 (they were hilarious XD)

22nd May 2008, 07:55 AM
Urrrgh why!?

I presume just like yourself, I went for enjoyment. :)

Weasel Overlord
22nd May 2008, 10:35 AM
Aah, touché! Was the gig full of annoying emos in drainpipe jeans with black-dyed hair and fringes of doom?

22nd May 2008, 11:59 AM
I'd be lying if I said no.

I'd also be lying if I said it didn't anger me. :(

Weasel Overlord
22nd May 2008, 12:51 PM
Emos are like a PLAGUE!! It wouldn't bother me so much if every single clothes shop that I used to like didn't now only stock jeans for people who clearly have shaved away all the fat from their legs. I mean seriously who has such thin stick legs!? It looks disgusting. And plus they've basically ruined my fringe look (I had the over-the-eye thing going on years before emos came into being - I can't see out of one eye, so I generally cover it with hair).

To stay on topic I suppose... does anyone else find that at gigs, the younger/newer fans always act like absolute dicks? They totally ruin it for people who just want to enjoy the music. Like, 2nd time we saw Muse, I totally missed the first three songs cos I was too busy trying to stay alive. :/ Not so fun. It's a trend (not like, a trendy trend, I mean like a mathematical trend), too, cos the first time we saw Radiohead, most of the crowd were much older than us, and they were lovely and mellow. Best crowd I've ever been in. :)

22nd May 2008, 02:10 PM
I'll tell you what, when I went to the Pogues two Christmas' ago at the Brixton Academy, it was chock full of drunk Irishmen and drunk wannabe-Irishmen. The Dropkick Murphys opened and a huge mosh pit swallowed everyone up. You never got hot because everyone had a pint in their hands, so when the moshing got out of control (about 99% of the time), beer would go flying, covering everyone in cold beer. Lovely.

The Pogues came on and played some of their more lively hits, the crowd warmed up, then slowed it down with some of their classics (Dirty Old Town) then kicked it off again, finishing with Fairytale of New York (perfect for Christmas) then played Fiesta as their encore, which was awesome as the crowd was moving like no other.

Great gig.

As for other gigs, I've generally never had problems with other fans. I usually stay away from gigs where even though I like the act, the fanbase is made up of people I detest. For example, I like a lot of punk rock but I know if I turn up, a bunch of skater boys will turn up and I think if I resisted the urge to beat the living daylights out of those poser ponces, blood would probably shoot out of my ears.

22nd May 2008, 06:46 PM
Probably my best concerts have been AFI, and the Bouncing Souls. Another great act is Patent Pending--look them up!

Music highlight of my life: interviewing Red Jumpsuit Apparatus in their tour bus :)

2nd June 2008, 05:03 AM
Hehe, I never come to Misc. How did I miss this awesome thread?

1. Muse
2. Radiohead
3. Evanescence (despite them not being a band)
4. Silverchair (despite them not being a band)
5. Jimi Hendrix (Lol, he's really not a band)
6. The Butterfly Effect
7. Jeff Buckley
8. Nirvana
9. Pink Floyd
10. Porcupine Tree

Hmm, it's interesting seeing what's been left off this list.

I won't even count stuff like Britney Spears and Fall Out boy. Let's do stuff people actually like!
1. Coldplay
2. Powderfinger (funny, I went to a Powderfinger/Silverchair gig just last year. At that stage, I went for Powderfinger and didn't like Silverchair. Now...)
3. Lol, I'm running out of things already. Rufus Wainwright and his cheesy arrangements.
4. The Cure is too happy for me.
5. Surely there must be more... oh yeah, The Eagles.

Comments on other people's stuff:
Muse: Muse love all around :) yeah, Muse is a love-em-or-hate-em band. Who are being overplayed at the moment on Australian footy. It is also true that they strangled Dracula Mountain; that song just wasn't the same after they covered it :P. However, the fusion of classical and rock; the killer riffs; the piano; that voice (yeah the falsetto is another love-it-or-hate-it factor); the live awesomeness...

Radiohead: I get why people don't like Radiohead. Dear mumbly Thom Yorke and Greenwood's experimentation. But I love how their music is so complex and layerred and yet it knows how to rock out. I could go on for a while here.

Lacuna Coil: yay! They wouldn't fit in my top ten, but hopefully I'm going to see them this month. Sadly, my favourite song of theirs is a cover (Enjoy the Silence -- arrangement genius), but I like their arrangements in general. And the vocals are great.

Weird Al: Lol, I love watching Weird Al vids on Youtube.

Gavin (the TPMer, not the muso if there is one): and we thought our tastes were similar. *eyes Muse, Silverchair, The Darkness* Although I do like most of the stuff on your list moderately. Silverchair: I kinda like some stuff off Young Modern. If You Keep Losing Sleep is gold. My favourite era is Neon Ballroom though -- perfect blend of rawness and grunge with epic arrangements. And they're good live.

The Darkness: Funny that, I don't like The Darkness because of the guy's falsetto. *shrinks away from Matt Bellamy and Thom Yorke's glares* I find it more piercing and squealy than the others'.

Gigs: Uh, I've never been in the pit. Largely because I'm little. That'll change soon though (the being-in-the-pit, not the stature, sadly). From the stands, all fans are just too quiet. Stand up and rock out, people! So I've never had a problem with younger fans. They probably have a problem with me.

2nd June 2008, 05:14 AM
3. Evanescence (despite them not being a band)
4. Silverchair (despite them not being a band)
5. Jimi Hendrix (Lol, he's really not a band)

We're just using the term band to describe any 'artist' really. Out of curiosity though, why aren't Evanescence or Silverchair bands? Yes, I know Evanescence is so terrible that they shouldn't be even referred to as anything remotely musical, but, at a very base level, they could be somehow described as 'a band'.

2nd June 2008, 06:42 PM
Drusie, Lordi got big outside of Scandinavia when they did the Eurovision Song Contest. That basically gave them a larger audience aware of their music and they went from there.

I know about that... I'm saying that, since I heard about the ESC through Lordi, not the other way around, that I'm mildly confused as to how they popped up on my radar. But I'm sooo glad they did.

Ultimate Charizard
2nd June 2008, 06:50 PM
I know about that... I'm saying that, since I heard about the ESC through Lordi, not the other way around, that I'm mildly confused as to how they popped up on my radar. But I'm sooo glad they did.

Ah right...well unfortunately nothing to watch out for came out of this years contest. Unless by 'watch out for' you mean 'hunt down with a Shotgun and torture with butter knives'

This (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4t6ZYftbx6o) for example finished in the top 10....

and this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CLI4pl8YU9Y&feature=related) was Finlands entry this year. Attempting the Lordi formula without the masks.

The one song that did make me think 'hmmm not bad' was the Turkish (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0lyxkM0-Oq8) entry. It reminds me of someone but i cant think who. Kinda like a darker Manic Street Preachers. (Deli, the title, means Insane)

7th June 2008, 05:44 PM
We're just using the term band to describe any 'artist' really. Out of curiosity though, why aren't Evanescence or Silverchair bands? Yes, I know Evanescence is so terrible that they shouldn't be even referred to as anything remotely musical, but, at a very base level, they could be somehow described as 'a band'.

Given that I've listed them as #3 and #4 respectively, obviously I don't agree with the statement that they make 'terrible' music. My reason for not describing those two as bands is that they're basically solo artists with hired musicians. Their frontpeople completely dominate the songwriting and decisions in the band. There isn't even a decent pretence of equality. Evanescence has a revolving set of musicians who have left over this, and they've actually had Amy's solo work on the 'band' album. Daniel Johns has reportedly actively stopped other band members from taking part on songwriting; I don't know how true this is. However, I do know that Paul Mac, Johns' partner in his side project, was heavily involved in Silverchair's last album, and Silverchair's new songs bear a resemblance to the Dissociatives' (Johns and Mac's side project) as well. I'm pretty sure Silverchair's other band members have had side projects as well, but I don't see them creeping into Silverchair's work. It just shows how much influence Johns has. /rant

Thanks for the education, Luna Artemis :)

7th June 2008, 05:49 PM
Well I do have many different types and tastes of music, so here is a couple of my Favorites, and hates.

Avenged Sevenfold
Tokio Hotel
Fair to Midland
System of a Down

Gwen Stefani
Lil Wayne
Hannah Montana