View Full Version : extreme camping

6th January 2009, 06:41 PM
I just got back from camping and I consider myself a pretty extreme camper now because I survived a tick!

Ok so maybe I'm not THAT extreme..

But it was a pretty traumatic experience.

Other camping extreme stories include:
- setting up tents in the pouring rain
- surviving the wilderness
- playing capture the flag in sand dunes and bush and ending up with a thousand cuts and scratches
- winning at scumbags (best card game ever)
- tried to surf on a tarpolan but it broke
- played laser zone (ok that wasn't at the campsite but it was still extreme)

So now , to make this thread not utterly pointless and stupid, everybody share your extreme camping stories. Even if you don't go camping, share them anyway.

Or just post a picture of a tent.


Yay glad to be back

6th January 2009, 07:38 PM
I haven't been camping since I was like eight. My last trip was to Mark Twain's hometown of Hannibal, Missouri, a few hours north of where I live. We stayed in this camper that was made of shiny metal and had rounded corners on the top; accordingly, it was affectionately dubbed "the Toaster." The only really pertinent things in the trip were that my brother (Duo_Washu_III; he shows up here every once in a blue moon) got stung by a bee, which is a big deal when you're six; and we went into some really cool caves. Other than that, I've been living in civilized quarters for as long as I can remember.

6th January 2009, 08:17 PM
The last time I went camping was when I was performing at this music festival, and then went back to where all the performers had camped and we drank and sang songs. I was awoken in the morning by someone throwing a beer bottle against my tent. Normally, it would just ping off, however, it was a small tent and so my expensive music equipment was right against the walls, meaning the bottle smashed and ripped a huge gash in my tent.


6th January 2009, 09:31 PM
Last time I went camping was New Years '07/'08, heading up to Lorne to hit the Falls Festival. So yeah, it was kind of civilised camping surrounded by thousands of people and with access to ok-ish facilities, but for a snobbish goon like myself it felt like hardcore roughing it.

Of course, it was hot as all hell, there were mosquitoes everywhere during the night and we had to set up camp on a slope; we'd regularly fall asleep on one side of the tent and wake up on the other side. And then, to get home we hitchhiked. Yeah, we were liable for some Wolf Creek-type crap, but it was a long trip and we really didn't want to catch all that public transport with all of our heavy gear.

Here's a photo of me looking awesome. With tents.

6th January 2009, 10:37 PM
I went to Pyramid Rock Music Festival this year for New Years Eve 08/09 at Phillip Island. My situation was much like DragoKnight's: surrounded by thousands of others and alright facilities. However, it was unusually cold this New Years Eve; somewhat ironic for what is meant to be "summer days".

The wind destroyed our gazebo and nearly our tents. :(


6th January 2009, 10:56 PM
I went camping a couple times when I was little in cub scouts. I don't remember much about the first time except that all the kids and dads in our den were all grouped in one area. The second time was to a nearby state park right off a main road. That was about as "extreme" as I'll get thank you very much. When I moved up to boy scouts, I heard that they also go camping in the winter. I didn't stay in very long.:P

Mikachu Yukitatsu
6th January 2009, 11:31 PM
I used to hate camping. I don't know now because it has been such a long time since I did that. We went to Italy by car and stayed in campsites around the East Europe. Perhaps I didn't like my company, and I didn't have a handheld game console back there. Yes, I'm strange. It's just that I would rather have stayed in a hotel.

Weasel Overlord
7th January 2009, 03:36 PM
Whee camping! Although last time I went was oh, Leeds Festival '07. Couldn't afford it last year, le sigh. I have a whole host of tent photos too. :D

Me and Vulpix.ck generally don't take mallets and such to hammer in the tent pegs, so one year we used a chocolate spread jar. It worked quite well, actually.

V Festival 2006 was our most extreme though. That year it'd rained a ridiculous amount, and we had to put up our tents in that. Our friends tent had one of those inner parts that aren't waterproof, you know, and it got completely flooded inside. Friends' gf went off crying, but me and Vulps, we got to it! Bailed out the entire tent with a pan then dried it with our two towels and a pack of baby wipes. Later that festival, disaster struck again! We managed (I managed) to lose the key to our shitty padlock. Friend sawed the zip open so we could actually get IN to the tent, and we had to punch holes on either side of the door, make laces out of duct tape and thread up the whole thing like a shoe. Resourceful, we are! It worked though, lol. Even if it WAS a bit tedious to do that every time we went into the tent.

I've also had a few bad experiences at fests; the worst being fainting at the front of the crowd during Beck, about 40 minutes before Radiohead were about to come on. We'd saved that spot ALL DAY (with only a pie in me from 1pm til 9pm) and I had to go and faint like a gimp, lol. The medics made me wear a tinfoil blankey and let me go with the order to go buy some chips. I had to watch Radiohead from pretty far away (for us), with a pair of drunk stoners pissing in cups and generally being really annoying right next to me. Gah. It was still amazing though (they played Creep! WTF), I mean it's Radiohead. Can't be anything less than amazing.

I love that all these tenty photos look like they're from the same place. XD Just goes to show that all festivals are the same!

Gorgeous weather! Can't remember which year. Our tent's not in the photo, alas.

Lovely weather again! Ver' strange for England, lol. Once again, not our tent.

12th January 2009, 05:10 PM
Last time I went camping was late May in New Hampshire, and my best friend got arrested for underage drinking. She was barely under 21, and everyone else there was 21+... the whole party of us. It was retarded.

12th January 2009, 05:25 PM
And here I thought we were going to discuss the art of Nipple Clamps and flogging. So disappointing.

15th January 2009, 08:41 PM
Firepokemon lets spoon